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Habe gerade die NB1 pre-rooted mal selbst getestet und es funktioniert alles einwandfrei !!!

Der Fehler war also das ich erstmal vergessen hatte die Tastatur und Eigene Dateien von Preload zu löschen !! - Ich habe keine einzige .xml Datei editiert !!

Kleine Anmerkung: (zumindest war es bei mir so..)

Ob folgendes auch für euch zutrifft, weiss ich nicht.. da ich das NFC Modell habe...

Ihr müsst zuerst die originale NB1 flashen.. dann die pre-rooted.

Trotzdem kann nichts passieren wenn z.b. von der MG2 auf die NB1 pre-rooted geht... sollte es dann nicht richtig laufen... (launcher öffnet sich nicht) dann einmal wipe data und die originale drauf.. danach die pre-rooted.. damit geht#s 100% !

Viel Spass damit !!

I have try to install this rom, but no success.:sad:
Can tell me how i must install it, wich odin version, witch checkbox must be check, and witch rom version i must have in my phone before install this rom?

Now i have 2.3.6 in my phone.

You have to flash this version like any other version for this device too; so nothing special.

I have try with version of odin, and on 2.3.6 or 4.2.1, after factory reset, and when the phone restart it stay on samsung logo.

Perhaps i must flash with deutch stock rom before?

Must i check repartion checkbox in odin?

Can you help me please?

Use this Odin: - 443.08 KB

U need to to: wipe data, then reboot, and after the Display is dark ---> boot directly in Download-Mode.. start Odin and connect the Phone with PC / Notebook.
And check: AutoReboot, F. Reset Time, and flash the xxxxxxx.tar.md5 as PDA.

I Remember u: This ROM is for the I8160.. and not for I8160P.

If u have anyway problems.. just post it here.
No, the branding (aka CSC) of the OS version is not never the reason for a bootloop. But it seems that some series of Ace 2 don't "like" 4.1. Mine for example got bricked each time I tried to flash 4.1. So it went back to the support several times and one day it came back with a new mainboard (without any official comment about the exchange).
thank you for reponses,

My is that the powerswitch is HS (brake) and i can't use recovery mode, and i can't send the phone to support.

I will try as soon as possible by doing factory reset.

But u can !

Turn off the Phone.
Then just Hold Volume_up + Home and Connect at the same Time the Phone via USB Cable to your PC.... u will see, the Phone will boot into recovery mode :D

Yes i can go in recovery, but i can't use power switch to select or validate.
Perhaps there is solution to modify that, by use home switch to validate, but i know how.

I have tried to flash your rom, but with no success :confused2:, i have boot the phone but there was some errors, i have do factory reset, the phone reboot but there was always some errors and the phone have reboot an stay on samsung logo.

But there is something strange when i flash your rom:
the progressbar in odin and on the phone are not synchronised, the progressbar in odin is synchronised with the fash process, but the progressbar on the phone stop near 75%.
When i flash other rom the 2 progressbar are synchronised.

I have flash the I8160XXAN1 stock rom with success in the phone.

Perhaps i must redowload the zip files, but the extraction is ok and odin says md5 are ok.

Thank for your help.

I have tried recovery mode, but home button don't work.:confused2:

I will download the org firmware and try install in my phone.
Is it possible to download it with free account on

Thank you
Yes... just look at the bottom right and press: Regular.

And when appear a Box then click to the "X".. then Type the right Captcha ....
It's ok, i have downloaded it in install with success.:smile:

I download your rom for second time, and will try to install it.

Okay.. i think is should work.. if u flash this pre-rooted rom u have root acces.
but u can root it usually with over recovery mode..

I've made this pre-rooted rom for users they have problems with non-working sdcards etc...

It's work!!! :thumbsup:

I have install your rom (rooted) with success!!!!

Thanks very much.

Do you have an "how to" to make pre-rooted ace 2 rom?

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