- 1.202
Weder ich noch der Entwickler übernehmen Haftung für Beschädigungen eures Ace!
Grif_07 schrieb:FirstUA-ROM
ROM: FirstUA-Rom-V1.0_without_warez.zip
ClockWorkMod4: CF-Root-S5830-v3.7-b79_recovery.zip
How to install (only for FirstUA-Rom-V1.0):
- Make a backup of all user's settings and programs with Titanium Backup
- Copy FirstUA-Rom-V1.0_without_warez.zip and CF-Root-S5830-v3.7-b79_recovery.zip into your SD card
- Flash stock KPH with Odin (if you allready use KPH or other KPH based ROM, you can skip this step)
- Go to recovery, flash CF-Root-S5830-v3.7-b79_recovery.zip (If you already use ClockWorkMod, you can skip it)
- Reboot into ClockWorkMod, check wipe data/factory reset. (wipe will delete all your data and settings, but it is necessary for stable work of this ROM)
- Flash FirstUA-Rom-V1.0_without_warez.zip from recovery. System partitions will converted into ext4. (dont mount manually anything, all mounting automatically!)
- Reboot your phone(first boot will take some time)
- Restore your data with Titanium Backup.
- That's all... Do not forget to activate your required tweaks in Tweaks program and reboot
How to update (from v.1.1 and higher):
- Copy FirstUA-Rom-V1.*.zip into your SD card
- NO need to do wipe
- Flash FirstUA-Rom-V1.*.zip from recovery or CWM Manager (dont mount manually anything, all mounting automatically!)
- Reboot your phone.
ROM included all system languages which present in KPH
Fill free to do wipe after installation, it shouldn't "kill" the system.
ROM DOESN'T include any warez. All warez app were removed.
What inside:
- Deodexed and rooted KPH ROM
- ClockWorkMod (from ilarrain, with ketut.kumajaya's modifications. I thank them for that!)
- Cernel CF-ROOT 3.7 b78 + update (Juwe's RAM script + CRT animation) (Thanks to ketut.kumajaya)
- Extended PowerMenu (from da_jok3r + my little mod) + custom battery with % (Honeycomb)
- Removed a lot system app, added a few new app (all seen in screens, plus this ROM included a widget Fancy Widgets and the assembly of desktop wallpapers Fresh Summer)
- New Market
- Call app with Cyrillic & Latin search + modified MMS.apk (no MMS auto-convert, no recipient restrictions) + custom system fonts (big thanks to Nesud'ba from 4pda)
- TwLauncher replaced to Go Launcher EX (the best launcher, IMHO)
- Animation Tweak (you will get smooth animations)
- CRT animation when you turn on the full animation in settings
- Bootanimation CyanogenMod6 (I like it more than CM7)
- Added some ringtones, alerts, and alarms
- Some cosmetic changes (look in screens)
- Include DTA2SD support. Now, go to Tweak manager and check DT: Auto start and reboot. (you need ext* partition on your SD card if you want to use it, if you dont want just forget about it
- Add A2SDGUI, Kies Air (you can connect you phone to PC for sync via Wi-Fi like in SGS2), Email apps
If you need to increase battery life try to check CPU: Conservative gov. in Tweak manager and reboot.
- Fixed bug with white text in notification when sd card scanning
- Full zipaligned and optimised system apps (more then 20 mb free space+ in /system partition, more speed, more smooth) strongly recommended wipe dalvik cache from CWM before or after flashing
- New version CF-ROOT included (b80, support BLN and SWAP, more info here)
- Add cifs.ko (windows network sharing) and tun.ko (OpenVPN) modules
- Add CifsManager app for share management
- Updated GoLauncherEx to v 2.50 beta
- Replaced mod. Dialer with stock one. No more Cyrillic char in Dialer!
- Back to OLD Market!
- Add BLNcontrol Free version (working only with missed SMS for me, if you need full BLN support, you need to buy Pro version)
- Updated Gmail client (new version have a bug, more info here)
- If I remember anything else, I will add them here
Flashing Guide & Tutorial from GadgetCheck:
As a result, you get a light, fast and stable ROM.
Special thanks to redmaner and MuayThaiFighter8 for update-script from GingerReal.
Sorry for my bad English. )
I am not responsible for your bricked or not working devices. You're doing it at your own risk!
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