- 1.241
Jetzt wurde endlich das GPS Problem von CM7.2 endgültig gelöst.
Lagloose hat auf xda einen Fix gepostet, der die libs von CM7 ersetzt.
Habe es bereits erfolgreich getestet, Fix kam innerhalb 10 Sekunden, Genauigkeit hat sich nach weiteren 10 Sekunden auf 4m eingependelt.
Die dortige Zip Datei wird auf die übliche Weise per CWM geflasht.
Sicherheitshalber vorher ein Backup machen.
Wie immer auf eigene Gefahr etc.
Vielleicht meldet sich noch Lagloose selbst zu Wort
Lagloose hat auf xda einen Fix gepostet, der die libs von CM7 ersetzt.
Habe es bereits erfolgreich getestet, Fix kam innerhalb 10 Sekunden, Genauigkeit hat sich nach weiteren 10 Sekunden auf 4m eingependelt.
Die dortige Zip Datei wird auf die übliche Weise per CWM geflasht.
Sicherheitshalber vorher ein Backup machen.
Wie immer auf eigene Gefahr etc.
Vielleicht meldet sich noch Lagloose selbst zu Wort
Quelle: [CM7.x][Patch] improve GPS and Sensors - xda-developersHere's a patch for CM7.X to improve GPS and Sensors.
The 'new' CM7.2 from vo-1 is IMHO the best CM7 we have. Only thing which disturbed me was the slow GPS. The PFGPS Tweaks by PFittech didn't really work for me. So i took a look at the GPS functions of Stock Samsung ROM to see what i can do. CM7 and Samsung use different ways to provide GPS funtions. While CM7 'directly' accesses the hardware, Samsung does it via a running daemon (/system/bin/gpsd'). Obviously this works much better than GPS functions provided by CM7. So i decided to try the Samsung GPS functions in CM7 which worked very well out of the box. I always have a GPS-Fix now in less than a minute. This required a complete replacement of HW libs provided by CM7. This worked without any problems. All Sensors (at least for me) are working. More than that, i personally have the feeling that everything is a little bit smoother and faster. But that maybe a 'Placebo'...
Anyway, here's the patch for those who want to try. What does it do ?
- it completely replaces the libs in /system/lib/hw with libs from Samsung STOCK ROM
- it installs 'gpsd' in /system/bin
- it installs a stock gps.conf in /etc
- it wipes your /data/gps directory to remove old xtra.bin files
Note: PFGPS doesn't work with this patch So if you've already flashed PFIttech's PFGPS tweaks, they will be uninstalled by my patch.
All necessary entries to start the daemon and prepare directories were already found in 'init.gt-s5830.rc' (..which is very strange because there isn't any /system/bin/gpsd in a standard CM7.X installation). I've tested my patch on a clean CM7.2 (vo-1) installation. But it should work on all CM7 variants.
Before flashing don't forget to create a CWM backup.
No need to wipe anything. Just flash via CWM
DOWNLOAD: http://www.4shared.com/zip/G6mCEPDh/cm7X_gpspatch.html
Please report here if it worked for you or if you find any problems...
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