[ROM][5.1.1] SlimSaber [SlimKat][Unofficial Build]

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was sind denn RecentSettings?
Die Einstellungen der Recents Apps.
boeffla Kernel,
4.1 beta 7
wenn ich diesen über die boeffla app lade und flashe komme ich in eine bootschleife.
kann es sein, dass ich immer die angepasste slim saber nutzen muss und NICHT über die App updaten kann?
Ja auf Slimsaber läuft bis jetzt nur der angepasste boeffla Kernel.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Goggle und netguru

* Blob: Latest blob update from CM to fix media and sensor (Based on Steve's comment)
* Blob: Add missing liblisten.so
Based on my search, it should enable the "Hey Snapdragon" voice. See this forum link.
I didn't try it yet. Even if that doesn't work, we should include this lib.
* Toolchain: Update Uber toolchain to 4.9.4 20150705
* Media: Codec refactoring
* Telephony: Latest updates from CM
* Webview: Use google version of webview
The google version of webview is usually more up-to-date than the AOSP one. This is basically the same with the one from play store. You should be able to update it when there is an update.
* LiveDisplay: Display tuning
If you find the white color is greeny. You can adjust it in 'Color calibration' by reducing the green color to 95%.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Jrp Defy und Pharao373

* Settings: Fix issue where LiveDisplay settings weren't applied
* Settings: Lets remove Performance tab tile if no overlays are set
* KernelAdiutor: Sync with upstream
There is a new feature Kernel downloader. Use it with your own risk.
* Device: Update fingerprint
* ART: Improve dalvik cache pruning
* Audio: Latest fixes from CM
* Kernel: Fix locking issues with new LiveDisplay driver
* Kernel: Various fixes related to wakeup
* Frameworks: Speed things up by reducing some timeouts and decreasing animation durations

* WiFi: Update WiFi configuration
* CellularTile: Fix secondary button doesn't work and change single click behavior
* WifiTile: Fix wifi toggle state in detail view
* Settings: SlimDim (Dims NavBar icons after a period of time)
* Settings: StatusBar Ticker (for Heads-Up haters...)
* LiveDisplay: Auto contrast
It is probably still dormant since we don't have the option yet
* Kernel: Charging level
I removed the old fast charging since I don't think it is working. Unfortunately KernelAdiutor cannot display this.
* Kernel: LiveDisplay updates
* KernelAdiutor: Hide app from launcher
* SlimVersion: Show SlimSaber version instead
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Goggle und fred2346

* SecuritySettings: Lockscreen wallpaper
* DeskClock: Add feature to play random song as an alarm
* DeskClock: CM fixes
* SlimDim: Don't dim navbar on lockscreen
* KernelAdiutor: Bump version to
* Kernel: LMK fixes
* Kernel: CM updates
* WiFi: Enable EAP-SIM
* WiFi: Bandaid wifi drops during sleep
* Telephony: CM fixes
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Pharao373 und Dr.No

* Audio/Video: Latest fixes from CM and some patches from AOSP
* KernelAdiutor: Bump version to 0.9.7
* KernelAdiutor: Add tasker support
Currently no idea how to use it
* Mms: Latest CM changes
* Bluetooth: Bluetooth losing HF connection to car-kit after 5 seconds
* APN: APN updates
* Webview: Updated to version 45.0.2454.19
* WiFi: Remove WiFi sockets

* Manifest: Updated to 5.1.1_r9
* SecuritySettings: Double tap to sleep anywhere on the lock screen. Thanks to @DJLamontagneIII for the pull request
* Compass: Fix orientation vector for magnetometer. Thanks to @Sultanxda for the fix
* Audio: Disable streaming AV offload
* Audio: Another fixes from AOSP to avoid possible security vulnerability
* SystemUI: SlimDim performance boost
* Frameworks: AOSP fixes
* MMS: CM fixes
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Pharao373

* AV: More fixes from CM and AOSP
* Kernel: Add Smartmax EPS (extreme power saving) CPU Governor. Thanks to @kantjer
* Kernel: Fixes from CM
* bacon: Increase earphone speaker volume
* SystemUI: more SlimDim performance boosts
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Pharao373
I know it's late, but i still do it [emoji14]


* Security: Patch for "Stagefright 2"
* Security: Another fixes for buffer overflow
* KernelAdiutor: Fix for possible battery drain
* ScreenOffGestures: Obey "Prevent accidental wakeup" option
* ScreenOffGestures: Bring back SlimAction on DoubleTap action
* ROM: Android-5.1.1_r10
  • Danke
Reaktionen: motoroller und Pharao373

* Lockscreen: Weather
Thanks to @DJLamontagneIII for adapting it to SlimSaber
* Lockscreen: Improve wallpaper with crop and reset capabilities
* NavBar: Slimified CM Navigation Ring Targets
* PrivacyGuard: Show app info on single click and enable/disable privacy guard on long click
* Sepolicy: Add policy to SELinux to allow ViPER4Android in enforcing mode
* APN: APN updates
* Toolchain: Updated Uber toolchain to 20150810
* AV: Latest CM updates

For builders:
* bootzip: Create flashable zip for boot.img
With this, you can build kernel only as a flashable zip without building the whole rom.
Choose one of these usage:<ul><li>* mka bootzip
* . build_kernel.sh
  • Danke
Reaktionen: motoroller und Pharao373

* AV: AOSP fixes for buffer overflow and underflow
* ICU: Fix potential overflow issue
* Settings: Lockscreen settings
* Settings: Launch LockClock from settings
* Rom: Integrated CM SDK
* DeskClock: Use CM version to solve multiple timezones and 'Dismiss now' reappearing issues
* Bluetooth: Latest CM fixes
* Kernel: Latest CM changes
* SystemUI: Prevent ClassCastException in navbar for RTL languages
* Layers: Add the ability to color dashboard title independently
  • Danke
Reaktionen: motoroller und Pharao373

* Security: Fix benign unsigned overflow in some areas
* Telephony: Fix the cell standby mobile radio active issue
* Telephony: MSIM data RAT (Google it, no idea what it is [emoji14])
* Kernel: Synaptics changes
* Kernel: An attempt to fix NFC tag reading error
* SystemUI: Use new visualizer from Eleven
* CamcorderProfile: Add 1440p camcorder profile
* APN: Fix Rogers apn
  • Danke
Reaktionen: motoroller

* SoundSettings: Option to show volume panel as expanded mode by default
* QSSettings: Add volume panel tile
* Settings: Display apk path in App info
* NotificationTile: Play notification if ringer mode is set to normal
* NotificationTile: Fix wrong ringer index after reboot
* NotificationTile: Change long press to show zen mode settings
* SystemUI: Show icon of package associated with Toast
I'll try to make this optional.
* NetworkSettings: Don't crash on bad lookup
  • Danke
Reaktionen: motoroller, Pharao373 und tenzin

* FileSystem: Support f2fs for /data and /cache
Try it with your own risk
* Power: Boost improvements
* Kernel: BFQ I/O scheduler
* Kernel: Interactive governor updates
* Bacon: Set default I/O scheduler to BFQ
* Bacon: Update fingerprint to 5.1.1
* SystemUI: fix NPE crash when Visualizer is not initialized
* Audio: New sample rate
* APN: APN updates
  • Danke
Reaktionen: motoroller, Pharao373, Hexxer und eine weitere Person
Guten Morgen,

gestern mal das neuste Update vom 10.9. installiert und es läuft rund. Keine Probleme mit AK-Kernel auch nicht mit Layer. Kannte Layer bisher nicht und muß sagen saubere Sache. MMn besser als Theme.

  • Danke
Reaktionen: motoroller und shamanous

* Lockscreen: Lockscreen lag should be fixed
* System: Improve overall responsiveness
* Framework: DRM related changes
* Settings: Slim Recent App Sidebar
* Telephony: Rebased Telephon stuff and latest CM changes
* SlimLauncher: Latest changes from Slim team. See changelog for more info.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Pharao373 und laborskript

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