[ROM][5.1.1][CM12.1] Temaseks Unofficial CM12 Build

  • 2.898 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum
Danke hat jetzt geklappt :)
Habe unter den Einstellungen bei "Bildschirmfarbe" es auf "Standard" gestellt und jetzt sind die Farben wieder normal :thumbup:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: scrbenni
Habe auch nach wie vor Probleme mit WLan.
Kann das sein das es mit den Systemprofilen zu tun hat?
Schalte ich diese ein, habe ich keine Verbindung. Schalte ich aus stellt das Telefon die Verbindung zu Wlan her.
(Fbf 7490 mit aktivem 5Ghz)
Meine Fragen sind untergegangen, darum hier nochmal bitte:

(bin auf v10.5v2)

1. Kann man hier bedenkenlos dirty flashen, also läuft es dann weiterhin smooth, da ja auf einmal linaro 5.1(oder gcc, ka wie das genau heißt, kenn mich da noch ned so gut aus) oben is, oder?

2. Was bringt der 5.1 gegenüber von 4.9 mehr? Hat der wär eine kurze Erklärung bitte?

3. Vorm dirty flashen dalvic&cache wipen, danach genauso?

4. Funktioniert es das ganze per OTA machen? Kann da was schief gehen, z.b. weniger smooth danach?
Bedenkenlos dirty gibt es nicht, clean ist immer sicherer.
Stock Android-, Linaro-, Sabermod- und Uber-Toolchain werden beim Compilieren verwendet und sind austausch- und mischbar. Stock Android ist das Sicherste aber liefert meist nicht gerade die schnellsten Ergebnisse, wir reden hier aber meist von recht geringen bis praktisch unbemerkbaren Unterschieden.
Kann ich die Firmware auch nachträglich flashen?
Ja! Wenn wieder neues Firmware kommt, müssen wir das alle "nachflashen". Am besten ist immer vorher CM Nightly flashen..
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Killerking32 und Dr-Kimble
Bin mit der CustomROM sehr zufrieden. Habe über OTA das neue upDate geladen und eingespielt. Allerdings zeigt die ROM mir gelegentlich das es ein neues upDate gibt, dieses aber das gleiche ist, wie zuvor?

Bin auf V 10.7 (2), aber zeigt mir unter Telefon lediglich V 10.7 an.

Bei Euch auch?
Funktioniert bei der v2 schon TRDS?

bei mir auch. habe gestern abend 10.7vol2 installiert, er zeígt mir aber die gleiche version noch als update an.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Dr-Kimble
Bezüglich TRDS: TRDS ist aktuell "work in progress", d.h. konkret, dass es aktuell nur die Einstellungen schwarz weiß einfärbt(Schwarzer Hintergrund, weiße Schrift und Symbole). Dies allerdings auch nur, wenn man die "Standard Theme" benutzt. Zumindest war das bei mir so als ich es getestet habe. Mit z.B. Deep Darkness aus dem Playtore tut sich nichts.

@thloe: Ja, "funktioniert". Genau das Funktionstüchtig machen von TRDS war der ganze Changelog der V10.7v2. Was aktuell funktioniert, siehe oben.

@Dr-Kimble, das liegt/lag am Datum, welches Katinatez setzen musst, damit OTA funktioniert. Er kann wohl nicht kurz nacheinander Updates anbieten, die das selbe Datum haben. Deswegen gabs diesmal ein wenig "Kuddelmuddel" mit der OTA Funktion.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: sulo1
Changelog von katinatez zu 10.9:

10.9 ist via OTA verfügbar. Bei AFH bei mir aber noch nicht.

Download eines builds mit Linaro 5.1 für Kernel und ROM im Experimental-Ordner, die Kamera funktioniert dabei nicht. Alles weitere s.u...


Hello everyone, as promised a stable build but not 5.1 & 5.1
This is Rom 4.9 & Kernel 5.1 Linaro which is stable with working camera, as I'm typing I have another build going. I added the all 5.1 build in experimental folder for testing and users providing logs to help find a solution as we had done with the WiFi issue a week ago as a whole community. And yes all camera apps do not work in the experimental version. So please do not report "Camera is broken".
I like a challenge so I will continue trying to find a fix for camera & then continue working on the stock kernel.
For now enjoy

* android/
3770f5a Update CREDITS and add chromium pre-built info

* build/
68cbb4f Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/temasek/android_build into HEAD
b9b9c03 Generate extra userdata partition if needed

* frameworks/av/
173f546 Don't use the bitrate of the xing header

* frameworks/base/
4d9e9e9 Revert "MMS (change 1 of 2): Add DATA_PROFILE_MMS constant = 5 to RILConstants."
d867d14 Overhaul of the RenderScript reference documentation.
b2ce28b iBotPeaches aapt changes for lollipop
0d9cd4b Add missing line to update NavBar upon theme change.
3b3744a Add back TRDS Tile now 1/2
c7c5ba2 Add missing/needed lines for TRDS
aa82846 Adjust display inversion matrix to account for luminance
18cf93e Fix no vibration during shutdown.
db08088 Fix GPS for old GPS HALs
490e6ac WindowManager: remove freezing window to fix UI freezing issue
07c9fb8 Do not play the default ringtone if it cannot be retrieved.
9523a76 MMS: Fix the edit options menu disappear after click edit button
3163083 RP: Notification and ringtone can't be overlaid by carrier
a4948ad AppOps: allow MEDIA_RW uid to start activity
b0e9db7 WindowManager: Disable rotation for BootAnimation screen
2c93224 Widget: Catch null point exception in AbsListViewAutoScroller
98ac310 Tethering: Set sys.usb.tethering to true on Tethering
0b4285c audio: Playback over USB DAC connected before boot
9b29795 SystemUI: bluetooth tile: fix disconnect action
2b6fa98 optimize wallpaper load,avoid show black wallpaper.

* frameworks/native/
51672b6 Avoid closing invalid FD in Surface and GraphicBufferMapper
9f792ab Switch dumpstate to "ip link list".

* frameworks/opt/telephony/
6515f82 ril: Fix Tombstone on Rild

* packages/apps/Contacts/
4bca6fa Pop-up "couldn't save contact changes" while switch ap during change the contact photo.

* packages/apps/Settings/
ef2b9fa Add back TRDS Tile 2/2
fd28e07 Build V10.9 - Now using GCC 5.1
6851b78 Fix NPE in slim shortcut if no icon was found
95a4d3a CryptKeeper: pattern unlock displays incorrect pw when correct

* packages/apps/TvSettings/
43008a4 Developer Settings: Only show ADB Over network when debugging is enabled


* android/
4f92419 Add new guide for GCC 5.1 kernel
b8cb0eb Remove "Kernel build" instructions
82c0cfe Get ready for GCC 5.1
31e3002 Track own Bluetooth

* bionic/
8d4fafe Define char16_t and char32_t to make gcc 5.1 happy

* bootable/recovery/
46f6097 updater: workaround segfault with GCC 5.1

* build/
8f4162a Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/temasek/android_build into HEAD
108bc0b Fix "arter97 optimizations"
568d152 Use GCC 5.1

* external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/
3f9eb63 Fix build with gcc 5.1

* frameworks/av/
16d6486 Fix potential double close in IMediaMetadataRetriever::setDataSource
dfc74e9 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_av into cm-12.1
bb45953 C++11 compatibility.
ec8cc54 nuplayer: Fix bitrate propagation
d851d89 Revert "nuplayer: Modify seek and resume latency calculation"
fbe18e6 audiopolicy: fix crash in camcorder during voice call
4828d45 Audioflinger: fix for hardware accelerated effects memory leak issue
4f68435 mpeg2ts: Clean up HEVC format checks
9fe3b80 mpeg2ts: Enable timestamp reordering for HEVC TS content
f519217 audio policy: validate stream type received from binder calls.
e578700 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_av into cm-12.1

* frameworks/base/
94cdce8 Themes: include new icon features in shouldComposeIcon()
3638f3a slimseekbarpreference: set monitorbox text as string
b1dd8d8 Clean up keyguard carrier text handling.
802e745 MMS (change 1 of 2): Add DATA_PROFILE_MMS constant = 5 to RILConstants.
972d450 Fix ro.telephony.default_network setting parsing
e4a30ee Context leaks in EditText causes out of memory
cd99145 Base: Add a controller for in-call proximity sensor (1/3)

* frameworks/opt/telephony/
85a86eb telephony: kill IccSmsInterfaceManager log spam
b493639 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_opt_telephony into cm-12.1

* kernel/oneplus/msm8974/
60b8f1e Optimize copy_page for modern ARM platforms
6c6fe85 Optimize copy_page for modern ARM platforms
a3f10c1 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...neplus_msm8974 into HEAD

* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
0b6ef87 Enable -Os back to Bluetooth jni

* packages/apps/InCallUI/
2733209 Don't hide end call button until call is disconnected
7b24b0a InCallUI: Add a controller for in-call proximity sensor (2/3)

* packages/apps/Settings/
b03c5f0 Open app when clicking on icon in App Info screen
a169da9 Lets use Dark Material colors - TRDS will switch to use these colors. - We have permission from @nicholaschum to use these colors for our TRDS. - Add more white icons and remove the ones that we do not use.
6e1a2aa Build V10.8
61926f0 Settings: revert some custom doze options (2/2)

* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
51ccfff SoundRecord: when responding to GET_CONTENT, assume exit after record

* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
9887c0b AppDrawer: Calculate numColumns by using available screen space

* packages/apps/TvSettings/
bd65ad8 Developer Settings: Enable Local Terminal (2/2)

* packages/services/Telephony/
340882a TeleService: pass phone ID to APN setting
53f91d3 TeleService: Add a controller for in-call proximity sensor (3/3)
260b6b0 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...ices_Telephony into cm-12.1

* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-5.1/
b38d924 Merge android-toolchain-eabi-5.1.0-x86.tar #3

* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-5.1/
b38d924 Merge android-toolchain-eabi-5.1.0-x86.tar #3

* prebuilts/ndk/
eab7fa2 Add symlink for GCC 5.1

* system/core/
fde032f logd: enable -Os and GNU C89 back
9062362 libcutils: fix compilation errors
87d7d67 Add a pre-C++11 constexpr compatibility macro.

* vendor/cm/
fbcfba3 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm into cm-12.1

* vendor/oneplus/
e567371 Merge pull request #1 from mikeNG/cm-12.1


* bionic/
1bd09a9 Update to tzdata 2015d
93ee71a Update to tzdata 2015c

* build/
254f577 Squashed custom kernel toolchain

* device/oneplus/bacon/
a3875aa define custom toolchain

* frameworks/av/
bd4881c stagefright: Configure codecs correctly in the mediatek platform
952d2e2 Ensure there is no two same storages showing on the computer.
9c0b2b7 The preview frame data is broken when sending via Binder

* frameworks/base/
b5e55fb Base: revert some custom doze options (1/2)
5b4caeb Doze: make brightness level and auto brightness configurable (1/2)
5174c8d Base: enable/disable doze through Profiles (1/2)
a185091 Revert "doze: Do not bother checking proximity for the DOZE_ACTION intent"
910c4c6 Frameworks: Add ability to control default value of DOZE_ENABLED
f4b16a5 SystemUI: Fix PIE control not sticking on reboot
d8d394a Fix fetching application context for ThemedUiContext.
ebd25b8 [1/2] Battery light: 100% charged level
5cf7fc3 Base: Do not allow to access quick settings on secure lockscreen [1/2]
a612e84 [1/2] Base: Hide power menu on lockscreen
0799cb2 Fix for infinite loop in RemoteViewsAdapter
0e0c766 Fix NPE in Bundle#hasFileDescriptor on null-valued SparseArray
955bf2e Fix NullPointerException in Bundle#hasFileDescriptors
b2d5557 Torch: remind user flashlight is still on
6b8923a Unset frame listener before tearing down GLThreadManager.
449e70a Apply sounds on theme update

* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8994/
9ab0526 vidc: add dependency on kernel headers

* kernel/oneplus/msm8974/
1ef4507 Revert "ASoC: es325: Import Oppo Audience ES325 driver"

* libcore/
712b56d Remove unnecessary code from InputStreamReader/OutputStreamWriter.init.
97e640f java/io/RandomAccessFile: do not nullify FileChannel when closing the RAF
b8c7b49 Date.toString must always use Locale.US.

* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
bd68f57 [CMFileManager]Fix click two times when check the 'Skip media scan' in Secure storage

* packages/apps/CMWallpapers/
b8672b7 Add back no wallpaper option

* packages/apps/Calculator/
d3c9ae2 Calculator: allow for negative numbers after operation characters

* packages/apps/Email/
a348e9a email: custom notification lights

* packages/apps/Settings/
e41f36e Doze: make brightness level and auto brightness configurable (2/2)
22a5843 Settings: enable/disable doze through Profiles (2/2)
96f740e Display settings: remove ambient display screen when advanced mode is disabled
e0050fc Display settings: show enabled/disabled summary for ambient display Change-Id: I97aee7aafd69f3e60d2c518aa514a7cd1dff9ecf
dcbbf0b Update PIE Control
344ceac Re-enable CPU governor & min/max freq settings
c35ad89 Allow restricted profiles on phones
20efecd [2/2] Battery light: 100% charged level
3d56649 Settings: Do not allow to access quick settings on secure lockscreen [2/2]
cd0a7f2 Settings: Hide power menu on lockscreen [2/2]
b792288 Fix breathing sms/misscall/voicemail + add mobile check

* packages/apps/TvSettings/
cd739aa TvSettings: Create HomeActivity
b428879 Developer Settings: ADB over network
fa2e190 Developer Settings: Add warning to request root access

* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
97762e5 unified-email: custom notification lights

* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
75f306c Added smiles without noise to AOSP keyboard

* packages/services/Telephony/
c3c5585 msim: Fix FC on opening "calling accounts" in Dialer settings
d59b892 TeleService: Remove HomeAsUp arrow for nested pref screens

* vendor/cm/
b2c60c1 Bump CyanogenMod version in CONTRIBUTORS.mkdn

* vendor/oneplus/
f6da24f bacon: Remove unused ES325 firmware

* vendor/oppo/
1b1d17e Merge pull request #14 from mikeNG/cm-12.1
f4f2f7c find7: Remove deprecated audience firmware
b6ed2d5 find7: Update camera blobs
95ce04f find7: Remove unused camera blobs
3eace4e find7: Remove unused ES325 firmware
Kann man Xposed bei Temasek verwenden?
Wie bei allen 5.1 Roms nur die Super Alpha und auch hier funktioniert nur wenig.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: thloe
Getreu dem Motto: zu viele Optimierungen verderben die Rom, hat Katinatez einige davon rückgängig gemacht (GCC 5.1 betreffend). Dadurch soll das System wieder schneller laufen. Zudem soll der Kamera Bug bei tc GCC 5.1 mit Hilfe von jgcaap innerhalb der nächsten 24 Stunden behoben sein, sodass er dann auf die neue Tool Chain wechselt.

V11 ist online.



* build/
a24b807 Revert "Use GCC 5.1"

* frameworks/av/
2dd1153 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_av into cm-12.1

* frameworks/base/
df20b0c AudioManager: update references to application context
6a06d26 Look at map extensions before /dev/ + ashmem.
71c7c47 Sometimes the application context is null
559f587 Revert "Sometimes the application context is null"
9c01293 Revert "AudioManager: update references to application context"
f67c54d framework:Thread synchronization for UI update
9920666 SystemUI: Use smaller battery padding
8996a48 Revert "Fix fetching application context for ThemedUiContext."
056e067 Fix NPE in JobServiceContext when closing job.
a0d28e0 Fix showing heads up if IME is showing
c02a035 ambient display: Fix volume key music control
a6c7dea Properly describe exception
f4e74c8 Revert "SystemUI: small optimization for notification icon numbers"
d73c299 Automatic translation import
febdb30 SystemUI: Disable QS by default on secure lock screen (1/2)
337eed1 Partial revert "Dark Material themed Advanced Power Menu"

* frameworks/opt/telephony/
499c35d Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_opt_telephony into cm-12.1

* kernel/oneplus/msm8974/
a40ce82 kernel: use the gnu89 standard explicitly

* packages/apps/Settings/
dcc78fb Settings: Disable QS by default on secure lock screen (2/2)

* packages/apps/TvSettings/
102a41d TvSettings: Create Display category and add overscan option
2914b48 About: Add advanced reboot options (2/2)

* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-5.1/
f990446 Use bfd linker for arm-eabi

* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-5.1/
f990446 Use bfd linker for arm-eabi


* android/
4301fe0 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android into cm-12.1

* device/oppo/common/
afb5372 Automatic translation import

* external/tinycompress/
dcc9b99 tinycompress: Fix build on msm899x

* external/whispersystems/WhisperPush/
519b113 Automatic translation import

* frameworks/av/
e48b311 Revert "nuplayer: do not use cached source for wvm content -- DO NOT MERGE"

* frameworks/base/
1c8f836 Remove TRDS drawables - not in use for now
3f39e37 (1/2) Base: instant reboot action trigger
177abf9 SystemUI: small optimization for notification icon numbers
855e1b1 Updating TRDS Colors to go Dark Material. - We have permission from @NicolasChum to use these values
5da475a Dark Material themed Advanced Power Menu
4d9e9e9 Revert "MMS (change 1 of 2): Add DATA_PROFILE_MMS constant = 5 to RILConstants."

* frameworks/native/
3f8c213 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_native into cm-12.1

* frameworks/opt/telephony/
44e3b07 RIL: Make some methods protected
6515f82 ril: Fix Tombstone on Rild

* packages/apps/AudioFX/
b2e8ba3 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
482f16f Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Bluetooth into cm-12.1
55b636c Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
499ae4e Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/CMBugReport/
212a272 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
4a6769c Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/CMWallpapers/
40367a7 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Calculator/
df90b7b Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Calendar/
113041a Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Camera2/
6403559 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
0bcdeed Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Contacts/
f1268bb Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Contacts into cm-12.1
9032693 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
a942c97 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/DeskClock/
be06b1a Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Dialer/
f284146 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Eleven/
a02bc80 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Email/
8ca2f36 Automatic translation import
0f4610b email: fix Account table creation

* packages/apps/Gallery2/
e8e6a11 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/InCallUI/
302c3d4 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro..._apps_InCallUI into cm-12.1
c3362b5 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/LockClock/
fafa209 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Mms/
30c5544 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...s_apps_Mms-caf into cm-12.1
183af12 Automatic translation import
7177662 MMS: Add support for TRDS, Color from nicholaschum Dark Material

* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
c703c7c Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Settings/
9a06adb Automatic translation import
3e9a1b4 Settings: fix non lock pattern CryptKeeper crash
e938288 Build V11
aa09077 Fix QS on secure lock screen
a33bea7 (2/2) Settings: instant reboot action trigger
dcec2b4 Settings: disable mobile network switch when SIM isn't ready

* packages/apps/SoundRecorder/
6157560 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Stk/
656cd27 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Terminal/
aa252f1 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
6951d60 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
bf48aeb Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/TvSettings/
8e8c883 Developer Settings: Add Advanced reboot (1/2)
43008a4 Developer Settings: Only show ADB Over network when debugging is enabled

* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
3cdd22d Automatic translation import

* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
858a005 Automatic translation import

* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
5c81d89 Automatic translation import

* packages/services/Mms/
c02c415 Automatic translation import

* packages/services/Telecomm/
7b79c37 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_services_Telecomm into cm-12.1
ccf6031 Automatic translation import

* packages/services/Telephony/
bd5a49e Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...ices_Telephony into cm-12.1
a6e104d Automatic translation import

* packages/wallpapers/Galaxy4/
2da4de9 Automatic translation import

* packages/wallpapers/PhaseBeam/
10e4dbe Automatic translation import

* packages/wallpapers/PhotoPhase/
6caa429 Automatic translation import

* vendor/cm/
d1b9f79 Rename backup script
a83226b Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm into cm-12.1
8688a95 vendor: cm: yet more updates to contributors
  • Danke
Reaktionen: sulo1, Dodge, Cheyenne und 3 andere
Lauft gut, gerade mit Kernel Tyr geflasht. Mal schauen was morgen so im Altags so tut ;)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Dr-Kimble
Ich habe leider immer noch das Problem das ich sehr oft die Meldung bekommen das die AOSP Tastatur angehalten wurde.

Bringt das eventuell etwas wenn ich die Tastatur irgendwie drüber nachflashe? Könnte das Jemand eventuell zur Verfügung stellen?
Wegen dem Aosp Tastatur FC, das hängt mit irgendwelchen Libs zusammen, die mit den gapps kommen. Ich weiß leider nicht welche gapps diese libs enthalten haben
Sorry ich habe mich glaube etwas falsch ausgedrückt. Als Tastatur nutze ich nur Swiftkey aber trotzdem poppt sehr oft die Meldung AOSP Tastatur angehalten
Wenn du Titanium BackUp hast, kannst du die Android Tastatur nicht einfrieren?

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