[ROM][5.1.1][CM12.1] Temaseks Unofficial CM12 Build

  • 2.898 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum
neues Update

hoffentlich klappt jetzt WLAN nach dem ersten Neustart.
vor dem ersten Start (Neu-Installation alles Super)
bei den letzten funzte es nicht, egal was ich gemacht habe.
10.1v2 fällt unter Experimental! Also wieder mit Vorsicht genießen!
jede Version ist mit Vorsicht zu genießen :winki:
wieder das gleiche Problem mit WLAN bei mir
werde wieder zur 8.8 zurückspringen.
hast recht. mit 8.8 hast keine probleme? schon mal clean flash versucht?

ich habe mir extra eine USB-OTG Stick zu gelegt, und dann alles auf dem Handy platt gemacht. (ist schon eine geile Sache, warum hatte ich den nicht schon früher gekauft)

egal was ich mache, nach dem ersten Neustart einer neuen Installation ist kein WLAN mehr in meinem Fenster (Netzwerke in meiner Umgebung) das vorher erfolgreiche Anmelden bei der Installation ist auch nicht mehr da :sad:
jetzt installiere ich gerade die neuste CM12.1 von Heute, mal schauen was die sagt.

8.8 läuft Sahne :cool2:

cm-12.1-20150421-NIGHTLY-bacon.zip drauf, läuft Perfekt (WLAN) bisher
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Die Version 10.3 wird nicht mehr unter UBER laufen sondern unter Linaro*und Android 5.1.1 laufen
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Dodge
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Imyourdad
Hm.. ich habe eben mal alle Daten vom OPO gelöscht und die aktuelle CM12 nightly installiert. Nach einem Neustart hat er immer wieder in einem Bootloop die Apps aktualisiert. Dasselbe Problem habe ich nun mit der aktuellen 10.1 Temasek. Er bootet immer wieder neu und aktualisiert die Apps erneut. Kann mir jemand sagen, woher das kommt oder wie ich das System neu aufsetzen kann, damit das nicht mehr passiert? ^^ Danke!

Habe es selbst hinbekommen. Habe dazu einfach Tema ls 2ndary im MultiROM installiert und dann mit der Primary ROM geswappt. Sieht jetzt gut aus :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Bei sowas komplett platt machen incl. cache, dalvik ist egal, der wird sowieso erneuert.

Ich mache es immer in dieser Reihenfolge:
- neueste Firmware (falls nicht geschehen)
- wipe data & system, CM
- GApps
- Neustart. Basics einstellen (Build.prop, Google Account, Apps wiederherstellen usw.)
- Kernel incl. UKM installieren
- Kernel einstellen, neustart.
- Voila!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: neodrei
10.3 ist da!




* android/
3b26e07 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android into cm-12.1
801833b 5.1.0_r5 -> 5.1.1_r1

* bootable/recovery/
04f2109 Merge tag 'android-5.1.1_r1' of https://android.googlesource.com/pla...table/recovery into HEAD

* build/
0a85ce1 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_build into cm-12.1
91544cd build: Add a couple more custom pathmap variables
18e0064 Merge tag 'android-5.1.1_r1' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/build into cm-12.1

* device/oneplus/bacon/
23ef148 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro..._oneplus_bacon into HEAD

* device/oppo/msm8974-common/
41ceed7 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...msm8974-common into HEAD
c0637c9 msm8974: Disable compression

* device/qcom/sepolicy/
1ccdd65 uncrypt needs to write to the BCB

* external/libpng/
20111c2 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_external_libpng into cm-12.1
e1b2e93 Merge tag 'android-5.1.1_r1' of https://android.googlesource.com/pla...xternal/libpng into cm-12.1

* external/libselinux/
2e2f4ae Merge tag 'android-5.1.1_r1' of https://android.googlesource.com/pla...nal/libselinux into cm-12.1

* frameworks/av/
537b14a Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_av into cm-12.1
0ebbb74 Merge tag 'android-5.1.1_r1' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/av into cm-12.1
73b0e26 audiopolicy: Cleanup and fix compilation warnings

* frameworks/base/
59e8689 Frameworks/base: Compile-time optimize SQLiteConnection
0214a63 Hide Volumepanel on incoming call
2626b10 Remove minimal dead zone at navigation bar (fix Nexus 4)
388af20 Make MediaPlayer fail fast on UnknownServiceException.
5bbde1d make lockscreen weather fonts a bit smaller
f6222d8 Fix batteryBar on Navbar * this fixs the dual navbar battery bar when its supposed to be hidden and makes it work as intended * this also breaks statusbar tests need to spend some time solving this in java here https://github.com/PurifiedRom/andro...0789780cf18R86 * proper fix would be to have it look for xmlns:systemui="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/com.android.systemui which is what the statusbar uses and xmlns:systemui="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto which is what navbar uses * we dont run statusbar tests so it isnt a big concern at the moment
2b406d3 Battery Bar [1/2]
38c895a qs: support for all timeout value in case set by user apps
a03fe7e printspooler: Print view crash.
bbd109d SysUI: Invert notification backgrounds
865ecfb DataUsageTile: align carrier to left
3b0b0dd doze: Do not bother checking proximity for the DOZE_ACTION intent
68fc800 Merge tag 'android-5.1.1_r1' of https://android.googlesource.com/pla...rameworks/base into cm-12.1
b97ae9e [ActivityManager] Avoid unnecessary restart provider process
c962e74 PowerProfile: allow overriding default power profile
8a366a1 AudioManager: update references to application context
e6713e6 Sometimes the application context is null
0c92210 Fix context leak
1185042 SystemUI: update power menu profiles drawable
8c61fca SystemUI: update quick settings profiles drawable

* frameworks/native/
a78ead2 Avoid overwriting EGL14.EGL_NO_SURFACE
4c9bf86 libgui: Only allow one return from useFenceSync
302ae10 SurfaceFlinger: Fix null pointer exception

* hardware/invensense/
cd02255 Merge tag 'android-5.1.1_r1' of https://android.googlesource.com/pla...are/invensense into cm-12.1

* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8994/
eb6c28d audio: Use direct * pathmap
bbf9bdc audio: Use * pathmap
2d16306 audio: Only allow non-legacy HAL
9d162b1 hal : add 8992 for msm8992 audio
d44126f hal : add 8992 for msm8992 audio

* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8994/
8f6386e Don't build lights module if vendor supplies it
9c38363 display: Use * pathmap

* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8994/
0e1bc46 vidc: Fix makefiles
4bf9db1 media: Avoid collision with FFMPEG plugin
98bce29 correct use of *-path
b29ac9f media: Use * pathmap
289c448 mm-core: add mpeg2 and vc1 secure component entries

* kernel/oneplus/msm8974/
a456902 Linux 3.4.107
2b9fdee Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...neplus_msm8974 into HEAD

* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
208cef9 Bluetooth: fix StaleDataException when pairing with other device

* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
ebd0462 [CMFileManager] Fix "File Manager isn't responding..." pops up after tapping "Secure storage" in File Manager
411c731 Improve string for crowdin

* packages/apps/Dialer/
4a2764f [2/2] Dialer: SmartMute

* packages/apps/Eleven/
0c5e345 Eleven: minor string tweaks

* packages/apps/InCallUI/
64b21ac [1/2] InCallUI: SmartMute
b4fa9b1 Disable Touch by Proximity Sensor
ba173f7 InCallUI: clean up prox speaker code and improve usability
0a6e713 [3/3] InCallUI: Proximity speaker

* packages/apps/Mms/
f5010c5 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...s_apps_Mms-caf into cm-12.1
a5a3bf6 Mms: add vcalendar as a saveable content type
0053cc1 Mms: The Slideshow time display incomplete on Edit Slideshow

* packages/apps/Settings/
920e296 Battery Bar [2/2]
675fdcc Build V10.3 - Android 5.1.1 r1
3b315d1 Allow launching display rotation & lock screen settings externally
d4d2590 Merge tag 'android-5.1.1_r1' of https://android.googlesource.com/pla.../apps/Settings into cm-12.1
cc6712c Settings: make unaccounted and over-counted battery usage configurable
ddf9f73 Revert "Skip Misc/Overcounted battery stats in builds"
c292d0e Settings: update profiles drawable

* packages/apps/TvSettings/
d72c07f Merge tag 'android-5.1.1_r1' of https://android.googlesource.com/pla...pps/TvSettings into cm-12.1

* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
ae6df13 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_inputmethods_LatinIME into cm-12.1
434b5fd Merge tag 'android-5.1.1_r1' of https://android.googlesource.com/pla...thods/LatinIME into cm-12.1

* packages/services/Telephony/
d0771bc Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...ices_Telephony into cm-12.1
b2245ba [2/3] Telephony: Proximity speaker

* system/core/
3f51506 Reserve space on disk using fallocate


* android/
f177a09 Track own InCallUI

* build/
5cca1fb Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_build into cm-12.1
c599dca Colorize more target file output

* device/oneplus/bacon/
c6b4016 bacon: Clean up audio policy

* device/oppo/msm8974-common/
dc0737a Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...msm8974-common into HEAD
20d663a msm8974: Address a few SELinux denials

* frameworks/av/
46c2417 Merge pull request #2 from Joshndroid/cm-12.1

* frameworks/base/
ee4a57a [1/3] Frameworks: Proximity speaker
13c8609 Fix: In Afrikaans the unit name is not before size but after.
526fa98 ScreenCap : Add jpeg support
215f906 base: ConnectivityServer: Don't reap the new network
de48caf Fix HTC headset handling.
f6fe177 Don't create unnecessary RenderThread's instance when executing 'dumpsys gfxinfo'
dd20ace framework: add KillSwitch stubs
945c77e AudioService: fix crash when no music player found

* frameworks/native/
7bda88a Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_native into cm-12.1
eb22990 Support WAKE flag in keyboard layouts

* kernel/oneplus/msm8974/
58a4915 nfc: pn544: Update from oppo 4.4 source
954e05a power: Cleanup & fix find7 ifdefs
d547a5d input: touchscreen: Cleanup & fix find7 ifdefs

* packages/apps/Browser/
3eb4cbe Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Browser into cm-12.1
97ed99b [BugFix][Browser]Can't download music from music.baidu.com

* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
34f4d1c [CMFileManager] Fix the DrawerLayout don't disapper after press back key.
fac93c1 CMFileManager: when cancel coping, the dest file also exists and is incomplete.
6e0bd51 CMFileManager: After change language, the navigation view item summary doesn't change
226460f [CMFileManager] Fix the filemanager can copy parent folder to child folder

* packages/apps/DeskClock/
8ff1508 TimerReceiver: Correctly show the remaining time for 100 hours

* packages/apps/Dialer/
0cf0837 Merge pull request #8 from muena/cm-12.1
8f45eb7 add Herold (AT) lookup

* packages/apps/Eleven/
4e906d9 Merge "eleven: remove_ACTION_PICK from manifest" into cm-12.1
3de2847 Merge "Eleven: Checkboxes to switches" into cm-12.1
ef800ad Merge "Eleven: Show/Hide album art on lockscreen" into cm-12.1
914b9d7 Eleven: properly send open/close session events

* packages/apps/Email/
7451d26 Fix NPE in getHierarchicalFolder
8dcea56 email: finish the settings activity after delete its account

* packages/apps/Mms/
210d155 Mms: Recipients field is cleared when returning from SelectRecipients
e784620 Backup: close cursor
aeff122 Mms : Only exit after deleting last message
06be6ec Mms-add Calendar event type of loading Calendar draft
243ffee Mms - remove Subject listener first when remove the subject
2cb8dc5 Mms : Dismiss compose activity, if deleting last message and no text
ccc96c4 MMS: Add feature to auto-enable mobile data for MMS send or receive.

* packages/apps/PhoneCommon/
1c225a1 PhoneCommon: Adjust dimens for hdpi

* packages/apps/Settings/
1d19818 Settings: re-index search after setting new lockscreen
9675076 Settings: fix search key not opening search
84e736f settings: fix RTL layouts
7d3c68a Settings: fix 'CyanogenMod legal' link

* packages/apps/TvSettings/
5c4f41e About: Add SELinux status
46cbf36 About: Fix greyed out titles on certain settings
f0e8aec About: Show the kernel version
8659c8d Add build date (ro.build.date from build.prop) to About screen.
2dfcba2 One does not simply become a Developer
2775775 CM PlatLogo: CyanogenMod version preference

* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
85f5d28 email: linkify urls in plain text emails

* packages/services/Telephony/
9632837 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...ices_Telephony into cm-12.1
f39838e Telephony: make call waiting option a switch preference
354092e TeleService: Don't show video calling switch if not supported
5177d69 Set untranslatables
1ba1f5a Telephony: Allow customizing display name for different phone technology
7acd2cc Telephony: check equality when verifying enabled state
75f7122 Telephony: KK upgrade path to re-enable components for MSim
34c3133 TelephonyService: Don't change preferred network type on multi RAT capable devices.
d63de10 TeleService: Set mode to 2g on other sim(DSDS) prior to change

* vendor/cm/
a05f932 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm into cm-12.1
a99128f Updated Free Mobile APN
6ffed42 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm into cm-12.1
b02640c Add hipri to ATT Phone APN
365ed9b vendor:cm: update contributors
785c50a vendor: add sepolicy entry for killswitch service


* android/
302ca44 Track own frameworks/opt/telephony

* device/oneplus/bacon/
335250c Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro..._oneplus_bacon into HEAD

* device/oppo/msm8974-common/
cb0e1d8 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...msm8974-common into HEAD

* frameworks/av/
59dde08 remove the strict overflow errors on building this module

* frameworks/base/
3b64666 Framework: StatusBar Ticker (1/2)
0b7cf21 fix Notification volume slider linking
8f906fe Revert "Base: fix unlinking volume sliders (2/2)"
a64c323 Revert "Base: update volume link option for 5.1"
dc6ce83 Remove opaque check in preparing dirty region
947d7fe [3/3] frameworks/base: National Data Roaming
3269ae5 frameworks/base: Zen mode add 10 and 12 hours downtime

* frameworks/opt/telephony/
bac13b7 Return: National Data Roaming [1/3]

* packages/apps/Browser/
3b63309 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Browser into cm-12.1

* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
5dd21a4 [3/3] ContactsCommon: Smart Dialer

* packages/apps/Dialer/
a2b96b6 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...es_apps_Dialer into cm-12.1
1cd8b6b [2/3] Dialer: Smart Dialer

* packages/apps/Mms/
24ffd16 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...s_apps_Mms-caf into cm-12.1
08aa08e Expose hard coded background colors from layouts for search activity.
cca4f65 [1/3] Mms: Smart Dialer

* packages/apps/OTAUpdates/
1158bf3 Merge branch 'master' into aosp
908ff83 Addons: Add ordering addons by name for RomHut provided addons

* packages/apps/Settings/
5495699 Build V10.2
7e6d888 Fix typo
51708a4 Fix screen timeout exception in Display Settings
1df8ab5 Add a 45 second timeout option for Screen, Dream and Lock timeouts.
1f5cae7 Settings: StatusBar Ticker (2/2)
d768f0d Revert "Sound settings: fix unlinking volume sliders (1/2)"

* packages/providers/MediaProvider/
2c3aa38 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_providers_MediaProvider into cm-12.1

* packages/services/Telephony/
36fe48e Fix National Roaming
3ab59f0 National Data Roaming [2/3]

* vendor/cm/
bb747a3 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm into cm-12.1

* vendor/oppo/
b55a1e6 Merge pull request #12 from mikeNG/cm-12.1
a8b03cb Revert "find7: Update blobs"

Na da freue ich mich ja, dass ich gerade mit dem Einrichten von 10.1 fertig bin. Mal sehen, wie OTA so klappt ;)

Der Download ist mit ~50KB/s ziemlich langsam. War / Ist das bei anderen auch so? An meinem Internet liegt es jedenfalls nicht ;)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Zekene
Mein OTA läuft ganz sauber. Gleich mal flashen :)


  • 1429728061816.jpg
    1,3 KB · Aufrufe: 258
Alles clean geflasht. V10.3 läuft so flüssig wie keine Rom zuvor!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: sulo1 und Dodge
bin ich ja mal gespannt, ob es bei mir jetzt auch klappt :winki:
Läuft der Boeffla beta 8?
  • Danke
Reaktionen: AirRailey
AK227 läuft auch super!

Wie ist das denn jetzt mit 5.1.1 - muss ich zwecks Akkusparen das Aufwecken durch die Google Play Dienste noch unter Datenschutz verhindern, oder ist das behoben? Hatte irgend etwas in der Richtung gelesen!?
Läuft richtig gut mit dem Boeffla Beta 8! Sehr fluffig... Bin mal auf die Akkulaufzeit gespannt
neodrei schrieb:
Google Play Dienste noch unter Datenschutz verhindern, oder ist das behoben?

Ich dachte das wurde mit 5.1 bereits behoben?
Kannst das ja mit dem WakelockDetector checken :)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: neodrei
Ich habe nichts am Handy oder System eingestellt damit ich weniger akke Verbrauche. Gestern um kurz vor 2 nachhause genommen und direkt schlafen gegangen. Um 9Uhr wieder aufgestanden und siehe da. 0% Akku verloren.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: neodrei, sulo1 und Zekene

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