[ROM][5.1.1][CM12.1] Temaseks Unofficial CM12 Build

  • 2.898 Antworten
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Morgen! cm12.1 ist verfügbar!
Habs einfach dirty geflasht, erstes mal gestartet, gleich vor/nach der Pin eingabe stürzten mehrere Apps ab. Dachte ich mir, starte wohl neu. Fehlanzeige, bei mir bleibts dann hängen in der die Apps beim flash immer optimiert werden. Dannach wiederholt das ganze x-fach. Also musste ich wieder Backup erstellen. Entweder ich warte auf ein neueres Version ab oder am Abend werde ich wohl Full Wipe machen müssen... (Ak140 übrigens mitgeflasht!)
Läuft bei mir soweit ohne Probleme.
Bis auf ein paar minimale optische Änderungen ist mir bis jetzt nichts weiter aufgefallen.
Kurze frage, bin noch auf 9.1 und hab immer dirty geflasht. Will jetzt mit full wipe die 12.1 flashen, welche gapps nehme ich da noch mal? Bei beiden Links im opener gibts keine gapps mehr?!

bei mir ging weder von 9.3 noch mit 9.4 auf 5.1.

Das Handy fährt hoch zählt die Apps (keine Ahnung wie man das genau nett)und wenn es fertig ist kommt permanent das selbe.

Also bei mir kein Start möglich.
Full Wipe oder Dirty, habe dasselbe Problem mit Dirty Flash.
Hatte das auch schon beim Dirty flash.
Wipe system mit neu flashen von Rom + Gapps lief und hat das Daten sichern möglich gemacht, das hatte ich nämlich vorher ausgelassen.

Komplett Dirty flashen lasse ich mittlerweile, mit der Methode Wipe System, dann Install Rom + Gapps + SU wenn notwendig bin ich die letzten Monate besser gefahren.

Und die Daten bleiben auch erhalten.
Bei mir ging auch ein Dirty Flash nicht. Hab von 9.4 aus drüber geflasht und das endete mit konstantem System-Ui fc. Keine Chance damit zu arbeiten. Backup konnte ich auch nicht mehr sinnvoll nutzen, weil meine entsperren Geste falsch gesichert wurde. Echt dumm gelaufen.... Aber 12.1 läuft bei mir mit clean flash nicht rund. Man merkt, dass es eben nur eine Preview ist. Dafür läuft sie aber schon recht ordentlich.

Falls jemand noch am Changelog interessiert ist.

cm-12.1 v.Preview
April. 6 2015
GCC-UBER 4.8.5 & 4.9.3
Stock Kernel
Updated CM source


* android/
b19fab9 temasek cm-12.1 ready for building
779cefe Track own bluedroid
b88b94b Track own external/libpng
460fe1b Remove SetupWizard & CMAccount

* build/
3ac1c35 Fix build
5083f29 Merge pull request #6 from Team-UB/tema
3f63137 Disable building recovery by deafult
981b0ab ota_from_target_files: Remove recovery patch condition for block ota

* device/oppo/msm8974-common/
9202b23 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...msm8974-common into cm-12.1
4d3d5b5 Enable hardware keys enable/disable through overlay

* external/bluetooth/bluedroid/
b255986 Enable -Os back to bluedroid

* external/libpng/
4708328 Kill more spam
3f519b2 Remove the most annoying error ever

* frameworks/base/
86df450 Fix FC after starting screen recording
800d4d77 SystemUI: add back date style option (1/2)
a74af78 SystemUI: add back status bar date options (1/2)
7f0c5c5 policy: don't allow app switch/recents key to be pressed on lockscreen
562fd6b Frameworks: Enable Advanced Reboot by default [2/2]
c0dc0d8 Carrier Label: Fix util name
c7f4755 HotspotTile: Update secondaryclick intent
2c29343 NavigationBarView: Restore missing import
768f7e3 BaseStatusBar: Heads up fixes
a72c67a HeadsUpNotificationView: Remove mExpandHelper
93477c9 ProfilesTile: Remove duplicate longclick

* kernel/oneplus/msm8974/
ff542af Add arter97 optimizations

* packages/apps/Settings/
ea4f07d Remove duplicate weather on notification drawer
8c9b9e7 Settings: add back status bar date & style options (2/2)
51c784a PREVIEW - Android 5.1
098f833 Gesture: Comment out unused variable for now
986a07d Heads Up: Clean up code after ScreenType FWB commit
733a0a6 Status Bar: Update imports & cleanup
2a157b0 Revert "QS: add Ambient display tile"
77e0752 AndroidMainfest: Update location
98c0970 Fix Settings FC in non-Advanced mode (Buttons Setting)
a1aa869 Lock screen: Weather panel improvements, (2/2)
8fdb423 Settings: Dotted circle battery (2/2)
4761398 QSColors: No more SystemUI restart on switch
a2e6ab4 Settings: QS colors master switch (2/2)
85d173d Force Expanded Notifications (2/2)
c95ec87 Settings: Add 1 second to Volume Panel Timeout
8d54798 QS: add Ambient display tile
1709a2e Add option to hide Bluetooth Icon when disconnected in Status Bar (2/2)
6271862 QSColor: Improvements - transparent shade (2/2)
d68ecaa Quick settings customizations, (2/2):
258a992 Remove carrier label if Msim
fdd10f1 Settings: Hide network activity arrows (2/2)
482ed09 Show carrier label / custom & change color [2/2]
19d3b2e QSTile: Reboot/Recovery tile (2/2)
5d1f292 captive portal: remove extra whitespace
e8b7ea0 Double tap to sleep on navigation bar [2/2]
8c8e56b Change expanded desktop options based on our navbar switch implementation
0dcbda5 [Settings] Volume panel timeout
bdedd10 QS: add newly added tiles
fdef0ba Settings: Add Volume Key Answer (2/2)
f945a4a Settings - Add PowerMenu QS Tile (Reboot on longpress) [2/2]
4eda9c1 [Heads up] Touch to hide (2/2)
12b0540 Settings: option to disable search panel (navrings) (2/2) Change-Id: I573fd6fab4c24866f58b4062c5eb516719c0855b
91c4726 Add toggle for captive portal check
ff9def5 [Heads up Swipe] A more user friendly summary
98cd777 Navigation bar button color (2/2)
19ffaff HeadsUp: add timeout option (2/2)
b1fc1de Settings: HeadsUp options [2/2]
11f12ea Fix SeekbarPreference padding
388efb1 QS: Option to show four tiles per row (2/2)
b980c1f QS: add Screenshot & Sync tile (2/2)
d0b1de8 Update navigation bar dependencies
40546ff Settings: add snapchat lockscreen icons [1/2]
f38ce42 Settings: add more drawables to Slim LockScreen Shortcuts (1/2)
7a3b02e Quick Settings: Auto collapse panel (2/2)
50d8bf4 DeviceInfo: correctly grab the processor info from /proc/cpuinfo
eb8a5d1 DeviceInfo: remove unused variable in getMemInfo()
b82a55a Wifi: add option to show quick settings detail view (2/2)
0a565d5 Privacy guard: option to disable notification (2/2)
0bb68c3 Settings: Tint Black drawables
6a2fda7 QS: Squashed from EuphoriaOS (2/2)
d7ade77 [Settings] Add the ability to hide superuser status bar icon
35aa533 [2/2] Settings: Add Haptic Feedback to quicktiles
db8cd9b AOKP Animations: Use SlimSeekBarPreference
93f0165 Match AOKP changes for system animations
68daf93 AOKP system animations: add Animation controls exit only and Animations controls reverse exit [2/2]
59a2fdd Settings: tint ic_drawer image
6f5c115 AOKP system animations: remove no app override
0fc50c6 Launch LockClock from settings
174ee7f AOKP animations: Add and entry for TRANSIT_TASK_OPEN_BEHIND [2/2]
f14632d AOKP custom system animations (2/2)
980fdda Fix volume steps not showing chosen options in their respective settings - Also follow a better coding style
199ba95 Live Volume Steps [2/2]
ff1f81c Add fastscroll to the Manage applications screen
e53c94d Add AbstractAsyncSuCMDProcessor util
e6baecf App Circle Sidebar: Support for Configurable Trigger Region[2/2]
ea4cb7b [2/2] Settings: Implement App circle sidebar
d0b175f Fix memory leak issue in application settings
8123e44 Capitalized it!
8049809 Gesture Anywhere: Fix typo
3864034 Settings: Enable Advanced Reboot by default [1/2]
a837cd6 Settings: Wi-Fi WPS Materialized icon
6825489 Settings: Rework 'add ability to change the color in battery saver mode'
8844553 Settings: Gesture Anywhere - bring it back [2/2]
048a996 Rename navigation bar category
953bd95 Merge pull request #315 from Team-UB/tema
22bb547 Fix ups.
0582430 Fix color picker
321cc60 Return: Smart Pulldown [2/2] Change-Id: Iba759e421b8cbb02fadaa6540aae7b7a74764293
1b8a9ce Settings: its not an icon anymore...its an option
7e09cdc [Lockscreen shortcuts] centralize all option in our custom settings

* packages/services/Telecomm/
f94f958 Merge "CallsManager: fix starting call from Contacts app with MSim" into cm-12.1


* android/
f1e516d Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android into cm-12.1
6390c93 Track own Mms
b6ab04b Track own frameworks/webview
a6aed85 Track own PackageInstaller

* build/
40d3cf0 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_build into cm-12.1

* device/oppo/msm8974-common/
6ab2105 msm8974: Update GPS HAL for MR1
57c7eaf msm8974: clear up inherrited package.

* device/qcom/common/
2027205 power: Updates for 8916/8939

* external/libnfc-nci/
25190cb nfc-nci: Unbreak NFC for the planet
f1c4f2f libnfc-nci: Change to LOCAL_MODULE_RELATIVE_PATH

* frameworks/av/
9d7e9cc Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_av into cm-12.1

* frameworks/base/
2a7e9e9 DatabaseHelper: Remove unused definition
3891b29 Update cute arter97 drawable
2ef125f Revert "Framework: Add Fade in and Fade out effect to Recents FAB"
683d37c Revert "SystemUI: we need to use fadein/fadeout anim on FAB"
ab76e63 Lockscreen weather: Remove duplicates & update import
f6645e2 SystemUI: remove redundant ic_qs_signal_hp.PNG
af4245f Revert "SystemUI: fix nav button ripple getting stuck"
8a14a92 bootanimation: Set CPU boost hint
be3094d Remove duplicate definitions
82dd94b Status bar layout: Fix bad parsing xml
fb36cc5 SystemUI: option to ignore the last app when clearing recents (1/2)
5373b9f SystemUi: Nuke secondaryIcon.
08456fb Themes: Remove unnecessary query in updateWallpaper
30dcea7 VolumeUI: Call mContext.recreateTheme() on theme change
17779fd Themes: Create data/cm/ for CM specific test data
3d8db00 Remove unnecessary sleep in ActivityThread.
8c09d3c [ActivityManager] Improve multi-thread access the same provider
1f205ec If a wake key is disabled by the user, do not wake from doze.
5361f33 Add brightness settings to Profiles (2/2)
019d532 Revert "Allow no applications in navring, like in cm11"
9f08f13 Revert "keyguard: dont show enter key when quick unlock is enabled"
e7b3e6c SystemUI: Hide secondary icon and divider on expanded panel.
d77327e Themes: Don't add android overlay if target is android
1442c1f Frameworks/base: Change String == to equals in Preference
137b9d5 Frameworks/base: Fix request removal in VoiceInteractionSession
445035b Catch errors for unknown object types.
3b3cdb9 Fix potential npe
b887274 Revert "Make forward/reverse lookup default overlay"
69d7fae Sort Bluetooth devices in quick settings by name
96387f3 Fix to crash when clicking text link without view activity
843172d systemui: Handle case when network has been lost
5cad547 Frameworks/base: Don't allocate another identity matrix
9b31527 Prevent unexpected rotation while going back to keyguard
0ac258d SystemUI needs the SET_WALLPAPER permission
7e82c56 third part apps can unlock the phone without password even if the phone has setted the password
86cd86a Frameworks/base: Fix potential NPE in InputMethod
efe6758 Frameworks/base: Remove duplicate check in Mesh
07e3aec Frameworks/base: Fix visibility flag in Editor
16f7f63 Avoid duplicate surface creation.
f3c64e3 Frameworks/base: Fix format string in Geofence
7208951 Frameworks/base: Make IDENTITY_MATRIX final
a046d52 Frameworks/base: Fix format string in Camera
cb23777 Frameworks/base: Fix precedence bug
8ea246f Frameworks/base: Use || instead of |
c8664df Frameworks/base: Fix trivial equals implementation
af96cd6 Frameworks/base: Fix a comparison
05a6f51 Frameworks/base: Force long computation
e6fd9fe keep mDefaultDisplayMetrics from concurrent modification.
9be78dd Frameworks/base: Check before foreach in Script
7c44d08 Frameworks/base: Use equals for Integer comparison
5c426fa Frameworks/base: Fix null-pointer check
ae80f15 Frameworks/base: Fix a hashCode implementation
79af82d Frameworks/base: Fix always-false equals
a2f1b93 Frameworks/base: Fix missing cast
7f7d7eb To call TypedArray.recycle() when we are done with the array.
a039c37 Preference: allow to get list of preferences from preference group

* frameworks/native/
dd08138 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_native into cm-12.1

* frameworks/webview/
316ab42 frameworks/webview: Use prebuilt java library for building if using prebuilt Chromium

* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
785152b Merge branch 'LA.BF64.1.2.1_rb2.6' of git://codeaurora.org/platform/packages/apps/Bluetooth into cm-12.1

* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
38c39f9 ContactsCommon: fix NPE on importing contact with multiple accounts

* packages/apps/Email/
8a84700 email: add an option for delete the account
1833e2b email: don't block extras database

* packages/apps/Mms/
ae29161 Mms: switch to green
de717d8 Mms: Add native heads up support

* packages/apps/PackageInstaller/
bae9eb5 PackageInstaller: Show current & new version

* packages/apps/Settings/
71d0bdc Settings: add user configurable lockscreen shortcuts (2/2)
0d8a1d4 Add SystemSettingListPreference
5bf4bb5 Battery saver: Add 10% and expand options up to 30%
5f7dd9b Show wifi tab by default in Data Usage
1879700 Remove all bug report options Credits to SlimROM: https://gerrit.slimroms.net/#/c/18971/
601fd01 Add option to Restart SystemUI to DevSettings
1252893 Settings: Screen Recorder [2/2]
fadbf9d Return: Listanimation Views and Interpolator [2/2]
4e10a58 XuiMod: Toast Animations [2/2]
f3251ee [LCD density] be nice and show a dialog for user confirmation
b4c60ee Add custom option for DPI selection
494d919 Add LCD density setting
3ed9e9c [SQUASHED]: recents panel clear all button tweaks
37c51a4 Temasek Spare Parts
e235dc2 Settings: make empty profile views fit on hdpi
872c4d6 Add brightness settings to Profiles (1/2)

* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
04c9f51 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_inputmethods_LatinIME into cm-12.1

* packages/services/Telecomm/
b8fcaec Revert "Subscription selection when dialing USSD"
e611ca7 CallsManager: fix starting call from Contacts app with MSim

* vendor/cm/
23aa5d6 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm into cm-12.1

* vendor/oppo/
7154af1 msm8974: Update blobs


* android/
44be2ec Track own packages/services/Telephony
f42db4d Track own Dialer
50e981e Track own ScreenRecorder

* device/qcom/common/
b0eb8ec power: introduce 8992-specific handling
87416cf init: Add MSM-specific init extension library for 8992
49446fd init: qcom: Set LCD density for Dragonboard APQ8094
08c7e80 init: Add MSM-specific init extension library for 8994

* external/bluetooth/bluedroid/
1f50231 Merge branch 'LA.BF64.1.2.1_rb2.6' of git://codeaurora.org/platform/external/bluetooth/bluedroid into cm-12.1

* external/wpa_supplicant_8/
491fbeb Merge branch 'LA.BF64.1.2.1_rb2.6' of git://codeaurora.org/platform/external/wpa_supplicant_8 into cm-12.1

* frameworks/av/
7e1c0f2 audiopolicy: Fix call recording for legacy qcom HAL

* frameworks/base/
9033b98 QSColors: Fix empty notification alert after switch color option
4209cef Theme fix for statusbar - future proof
04b82c7 [ActivityManager] Fix index OOB when resetting removed task
483732d Lock screen: Weather panel improvements, (1/2):
586a44f FWB: Proper LS weather switch from XXMrHyde
b7daaf4 FWB: Dotted circle battery (1/2)
166adf8 Frameworks/base: Remove unnecessary Pattern instance
a410ab8 Frameworks/base: Remove unnecessary Pattern instance
1842ba8 [ActivityManager] Skip receiver precisely.
7077a22 Frameworks/base: Use ArraySet more explicitly
d1b1754 Frameworks/base: Add removeAll for ArraySet
daa869c Fix Carrier label from appearing at random when applying a theme
42d6f0e QS: hide Ambient display tile if not supported
593f411 Force Expanded Notifications (1/2)
6fc0484 FWB: QS colors master switch (1/2) - VERY DIRTY
be37588 QSColors: Use stock color adress
57cc663 Themes: Fix bootloop when applying theme fonts
68ff33d QS: add Ambient display tile
d8ad0a1 QS: update battery saver off and sync drawables
f7b4c8b QS: add a little delay when toggling expanded desktop
c76cd80 SystemUI: long press lock screen lock icon to sleep (1/2)
6a91108 Add symbols necessary for PowerMenu on Nav Ring
9327b98 Themes: Making DocumentsUI fully themeable
7dde556 Call recording encoder/format choice 3/3
264596f SystemUI: fix recents ignore last app option
ea07a14 Small update to qs colors from @XXMrHyde
c35fc0f Power menu into navring targets
15625ab Add option to hide Bluetooth Icon when disconnected in Status Bar (1/2)
521dbc2 Pack mAlarmIconVisible and mSuIndicatorVisible in one single observer
4654cb0 QSPanel: Use getIntForUser
5bcd34a QSColor: Improvements (1/2)
ab95367 Quick settings customizations, (1/2):
03b2df7 BatteryStats: Adds an additional condition to avoid ArrayIndexOutOfBounds.
d58e38f NullPointerException in UsbStorageActivity
991a2e1 Bad month value in DatePicker in Calendar Mode
c7df827 Carrier label: Update for msim
2f0b5d7 Detect status bar carrier state when theme change.
de70d4d Clean up Javadocs for UEventObserver
cd4b33e Materialize toast frames
b3a7dc7 Avoid duplicate call to onLoadFinished()
e79d23e FWB: Hide network activity arrows (1/2)
c101bb8 ScreenRecorder: Fix typo on max screen recording
b0ce757 Util housekeeping
7df43a8 Show carrier label / custom & change color [1/2]
fcf0ca3 Avoid possible memory leaks by ensuring stream closures
6b49660 frameworks/base: Fix various aliasing violations
685fc73 AndroidRuntime: reduce logcat debug spam
609b918 Memorize memory class lookup methods
e020b19 Remove some crufty "core" tests.
ccd19d0 Reduce log verbosity: Don't spam logcat
57a5195 frameworks: squash of leak & race fixes
fe68e43 NotificationTile: Simple mode ring/vibrate/priority/silent
ca76169 QSTile: Reboot/Reboot recovery images
f1ba877 QSTile: Reboot/Recovery tile (1/2)
d1d60fa0 Implement finalizer for RS contexts.
a6bb568 DocumentsUI: Turn advanced devices and file sizes on by default
cdb04f7 Fix 'fuchsia' typo.
8e9b89e Quick Collapse: Multi-user support
b37906a QuickSettings: Disable auto collapse panel by default
f178c58 [Base] Volume panel timeout
bcecef0 SystemUI: Update 'Materialize volume panel in/out animation'
727fc68 ExpandedVolumePanel: Fix SystemUI FC when expands volume panel from Notifications tile
84e96a3 SystemUI: Materialize volume panel in/out animation
c1617c8 Fix: Battery saver mode
2d91bcf Prevent leaking surfaces from exiting windows
8266d3e EdgeGesture service: add more sensitivity steps
bb72666 Double tap to sleep on navigation bar [1/2]
7752dd8 Navbar: Fixed NAVBAR_POWER behavior
e7427ab Navbar: add power button
9a4e408 NavBar: Fix little BackLand drawable
1b963f6 Revert "SystemUI: change back button to hide ime buttom with rotate animation."
1e6e357 QsTiles : Brightness point to ic_qs_brightness_auto_on_alpha
2072c17 SystemUI: fix lock screen phone shortcut showing when target is set to none
cbf6894 Removing some more FloatMath references
a91aff7 Switch from FloatMath -> Math and Math.hypot where possible
a8bb955 FWB: Add Volume Key Answer (1/2)
036d817 Call startInput on return from sleep mode
7074f3c Store compiled code in Context.getCodeCacheDir()
54191ac Remove usages of FloatMath
ddbfbc6 DeviceUtils: Clean up code after ScreenType FWB commit
a83fd64 QS: clean up tiles
2c48d44 QS: add Expanded desktop tile
7a0390f QS: add Screen off tile
fc143f4 QS: add Battery saver tile
00dcaae QS: add Brightness tile
f7d9c3d QS: move all options into a SettingsObserver in QSPanel
6f8f032 Fix make updateapi for custom density setting
f6789da Theming Immersive mode confirmation dialog
6e43856 Make proper power menu qs icon
4d199a1 SystemUI: Add permissions for reboot/recovery
7f42224 FWB - Add PowerMenu QS Tile (Reboot on longpress) [1/2]
99c0ffb Fix heads up dismiss not working
f2ac9fa HeadsUp: Don't reset Y coordinate and improve edge swipe readability
19309c7 [Heads up] Don't show heads up while IME is showing
e009a5f [Heads up] Touch outside to hide (1/2)
7b1dd48 [Heads up] Add touch outside event
b4ef11c Remove fall through for KEYCODE_VOICE_ASSIST
428b8f7 Fix ANR caused by hwuiTask thread
aff3412 SystemUI: option to disable search panel (navrings) (1/2)
2a9615c Navigation bar button color (1/2)
11f2419 [Heads up swipe] Disable by default
da46b37 QS: don't resize dual tiles when using 4 per row
13481d2 SlimSeekBarPreference: Fix broken link
0577ba8 Update API
4afb547 Revert "PhoneWindowManager: Honoring home wake option"
e33845a Remove unused definition
960c8cb SyncTile: Add quick collapse
070f8e0 Fix possible NPE in SyncHandler.onBootCompleted()
4fa5018 HeadsUp: check if headsup is attached and not null when adding view
c3c627b HeadsUp: fix headsup for incoming calls
e1fd236 HeadsUp: do not show if notification drawer is visible
b15f1af HeadsUp: add timeout option (1/2)
97136ba Frameworks: Actually start to use HEADS_UP_REQUESTED extra
97deac9 Remove duplicate - t9 search input locale already defined
64c2c6f Base: HeadsUp options [1/2]
56bca8f core: Materialize text select handle
90396e9 QS: reduce TILE_ASPECT when using 4 tiles per row
5d29998 QS: Option to show four tiles per row (1/2)
d0a45ef QS: add Sync tile (1/2)
b1a546e QS: add Screenshot tile (1/2)
8024930 base: add snapchat icon [2/2]
0978e68 Base: add more drawables to Slim LockScreen Shortcuts (2/2)
7b90fab LocationTile: Fix build after cm updates
e6ec977 Quick Settings: Auto collapse panel (1/2)
244ae3e Wifi: add option to show quick settings detail view (1/2)
8392a48 Allow disabling of FC dialogs [1/2]
6863164 SlimSeekBarPreference: clean up a wee bit
8bff785 Privacy guard: option to disable notification (1/2)
d9e5d6d core/jni: remove spacer at end of LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES
bf3222e QS: Squashed from EuphoriaOS (1/2)
75389ef SystemUI: Remove redundant and broken setText on temperture view.
cdbbe4c Keyguard: Create lockscreen weather, move weatherimpl to utils.
c57b635 Allow custom density setting
64f4e9a base: DocumentsUI: catch NPE
e7ec40c CommandQueue: showCustomIntentAfterKeyguard ensure that it gets syncronized
6ee5603 Fix Smart Pulldown
62c0485 Return: Smart Pulldown [1/2]
64e3862 DocumentsUI: Fix build and API changes for lollipop
0cbe193 DocumentsUI: fix recursive delete
a51082c DocumentsUI: catch berserk apps on building recents
3812e3d base: DocumentUI: fix a few issues handling remote content
9986f10 DocumentsUI: Remove catch-all statements
5ddec56 Replaced custom strings with Android defaults
cf6d02d DocumentsUI: Allow open files instead of URIs
2e33569 Fix Icon size in DocumentsUI
6614123 DocumentsUI: Add a standalone File Manager
ae12ad9 FWB: omniswitch as default recents (squash) (1/2)
8ea90eb bindService can't start up service process
2e7c8bd Revert "Prevent AudioService dead lock issue."
1882a60 Policy: Fixed key action for launching camera
0ffd533 Status bar: Update notification count icons:
eaf2c60 SystemUI: Underp AndroidManifest indenting
fe0c785 Add system setting for t9 search input locale
33f537e Telephony: Initialize GsmCellLocation class members properly
3dbb345 QS: fix tiles not being refreshed on overscrolling
8ef235d Activity: Add an helper to get its handler instance
5aec9f1 [Base] Add the ability to hide superuser status bar icon
63d4cf1 SystemUI: add materialized navring drawables
93fef98 Status bar notification: Use Material icons for missed calls
97aeac4 SystemUI: extend qs haptic feedback option to Status Bar Header
12524b2 [1/2] Quick settings: Add Haptic Feedback to tiles
7524235 Frameworks: port SlimSeekBarPreference to temasek
a34095d Match AOKP changes for system animations
06a4673 AOKP system animations: add Animation controls exit only and Animations controls reverse exit [1/2]
6678df5 AOKP system animations: remove no app override
fcffeb9 base: fix battery stats wakelock crazyness
4094955 ScreenRecorder: Update icons
23a84e7 Screen Recorder: Catch NullPointerException
e0ad723 [1/2] Screen Recorder

* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
dc67a4a Merge branch 'LA.BF64.1.2.1_rb2.6' of git://codeaurora.org/platform/frameworks/opt/net/wifi into cm-12.1

* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8960/
c37af8f audio: add Fast profile for USB playback
5ec16a1 audio: Retained VOIP Mute State during device switch

* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
ef33462 post_proc: add support for virtualizer capability query
5889d7d hal: Fix alignement of of buffer sent to DSP

* hardware/qcom/bt/
46b0924 Merge branch 'LA.BF64.1.2.1_rb2.6' of git://codeaurora.org/platform/hardware/qcom/bt into cm-12.1

* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8974/
7260568 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.17' of git://codeaurora.org/platform/hardware/qcom/display into cm-12.1

* hardware/qcom/wlan/
37402d4 Merge branch 'LA.BF64.1.2.1_rb2.6' of git://codeaurora.org/platform/hardware/qcom/wlan into cm-12.1

* kernel/oneplus/msm8974/
7322e25 msm: memutils: memcpy, memmove optimization

* packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
5a6b606 Merge branch 'LA.BF64.1.2.1_rb2.6' of git://codeaurora.org/platform/vendor/qcom-opensource/bluetooth into cm-12.1

* packages/apps/Calculator/
147b8fd Expose hard coded background and text colors from layouts for display background and floating history text entry.

* packages/apps/Dialer/
f043cc8 Enable Call Recording
aff1ebc Call recording encoder/format choice 1/3

* packages/apps/Settings/
90a7cc6 Settings: materialize grabber icon
2d8fe8a Fix build - Remove duplicate min

* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
6d1c8e9 Rearrange Slavic & Greek morekeys
ad70be9 Rearrange morekeys

* packages/services/Telephony/
30327a4 Call recording encoder/format choice 2/3

* vendor/cm/
d8f73b1 Add screen recorder


* android/
1c24ec3 Track own MediaProvider
e8aafec Track own frameworks/av

* bionic/
8a96ea6 libc: Filter stpcpy and bcopy by architecture.

* build/
2e6c7c4 qcom_utils: Add msm8992 and msm8994

* device/qcom/common/
89b5fbd power: modify return value for display off hint in 8994
4204b3b power: update powerhal to remove deprecated calls
625568b power: Introduce specific handling for encode use case
f9cefe7 power: introduce 8994-specific handling

* frameworks/av/
d345820 Revert "soundpool: reuse channel for same sample if available"
8f3922e Forward Port: Add Camera sound toggle [3/3]
1565996 audio: Initialized mAttributes in AudioTrack

* frameworks/base/
6922f22 Prevent duplicated registration of OnComputeInternalInsetsListener
f36319c Fixed grammar in the comment that introduces the Debug.MemoryInfo class.
30f8ce5 Correct a mistyped word "MSG_SET_CLEINT" to "MSG_SET_CLIENT"
7dbeeb4 AOKP animations: Add an entry for TRANSIT_TASK_OPEN_BEHIND [1/2]
037633b AOKP custom system animations (1/2)
1a664d5 providers/Settings: getBoolean and putBoolean methods
57c7d7b Live Volume Steps [1/2]
1916ac4 Return: Listanimation Views and Interpolator [1/2]
3abd8b6 Add more toast animations
f26d3af App Circle Sidebar: Support for Configurable Trigger Region[1/2]
707f194 [1/2] Base: implement App circle sidebar
60b55b2 SystemUI: This TODO can be solved actually
2753c88 SystemUI: Tiny expanding improvement
fb446fc Prevent AudioService dead lock issue.
f9308c2 Remove a bitrotted test.
12cdcde Frameworks: add shortcut action icons
baa7ab2 Prevent wrong system ui visibility callback after the user swipe
cf82f21 Enable Dessert Cake dream
e6cc034 Disable Lots of Debugging
ca52258 Speed Up Long Press Timeout
8b7c7c84 Speed Up Recents Menu
316e411 Speed up Statusbar
9cd16c5 FWB: Gesture Anywhere - bring it back [1/2]
1dfea08 bless python versions newer than 2.6
2109f61 Enable Non Market Apps/Disable Package Verifier
b57147e core:jni: Disable Strict Aliasing
456e058 frameworks/base: Fix build in ISO C++11 mode
e0f0661 frameworks/base: Fix aliasing violations
f6ea9dd Fix ANDROID_LOOP=true for ArgoNavis and Perseus ringtones
ebbecc2 SystemUI: redraw navbar icons, add custom navbar icons back
4a2d6bd SystemUI: rework battery saver bar color feature
e3511c2 Frameworks: add ability to change the color in battery saver mode (1/2)
ab9cab8 Add turn off action to WiFi Tether notification
a6a9020 Frameworks: rest of shortcut icons by Sven R.
66ab2dd Frameworks: Keyguard - Add user configurable shortcuts
85f7ce1 Frameworks: moar shortcut icons by Sven R.
53d3cd1 Frameworks: icon materialization
22320ef Frameworks: add all slim shortcut image resources
170fe7b InputMethodService: We are using CM's "Volume key cursor control"
dbce74f DeviceUtils: We are using CM's IME switcher
8520ac2 HW keys tweak: Fix build
63624da Only go HOME if screen is fully awake
1a196fe Keyguard: don't refresh ui when screen off
c24da06 Forward Port: Smoother Upload and Download Animation
058b2de Fix lockscreen selection view in landscape mode.
c04de48 use a solid black not a gradient as background
0a0a27f Speed Up Windows Orientation
248e8f5 Frameworks: Speed up orientation rotation
5863313 Revert "Speed up a few animations"
fa1f688 Systemui: Recents - do not add search widget on recents if widget is lost.
8389cee MediaScanner behavior on boot (1/3)
89ed8d9 Change SQL to improve performance.
fce1ec7 Forward Port: Add Camera sound toggle [1/3]
c1ab6af CPU temp (if available) for every core governor + online + freq
34ba7cd Show package names during dexopt
facf0e3 Remove unnecessary videos
5fb8c57 SystemUI: hide floating clear all only if were removing all tasks
7382b5c SystemUI: we need to use fadein/fadeout anim on FAB
463a9cb Framework: Add Fade in and Fade out effect to Recents FAB
ff799fa Recents: Update & add top center
7b2054f add floating button center option & change clear all button
de12377 SystemUI: replace recents clear all button with a fab button
8c57ce4 [Base]: recents panel clear all button tweaks
2d7b1fc Revert "systemui: animate clear recents button on exit animation"
d4d2b23 Remove Carrier Provision Conflicts: packages/SettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml
5e0617f8 Remove unnecessary updateSurfaceScreenOn call.
482c4f9 XuiMod: Toast Animations [1/2]
e0c84d8 Lockscreen: Add timeout and instant lock option to slide lock (2/2)
6ce9032 FWB: Network traffic supercharged (1/2)
db259ea TrafficMeter: fix auto hiding when Bytes is set as the unit
8b1447b [1/2] TrafficMeter: added option for auto-hiding on inactivity
f22771f Network traffic meter: Update for msim
0eea4e0 Make Network traffic metter smaller
17882ec [1/2] Base: Upgrade network traffic meter
1208d81 [1/2] SystemUI: Update network traffic indicator
b857989 [1/2] SystemUI: Network speed indicator

* frameworks/native/
96bfb46 SurfaceFlinger: Featurize libuiblur module for OSS build

* hardware/libhardware_legacy/
3ca7733 audio: Make getPresentationPosition pure virtual

* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8960/
4f05e07 alsa_sound: Fix compilation for 5.1

* packages/apps/Browser/
de58083 Browser: fix fixing default bookmarks urls

* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
b20d670 Add character limit for name input dialog.
374fe77 Fix support for USB OTG.

* packages/apps/Calculator/
e4f2d34 Calculator: Add cap to the number of chars in text editor

* packages/apps/Settings/
f0ba6de Settings: Storage house-keeping
005c311 Fix ADB Notify Reset on USB Debugging Toggle
5cab582 Settings: Media Scanner on boot behaviour (2/3)
6319f44 Forward Port: Add Camera sound toggle [2/3]
35ac859 [2/2] settings: add CPU info overlay
29802d7 Partition information menu
bfea6a3 Google bug report on a custom rom? Bye bye...
6004bbb Add settings reset icons
daf82c7 Lockscreen: Add timeout and instant lock option to slide lock (1/2)
58834ba Settings: Added choice of 45 seconds for screen timeout, lock screen and dream.
409a522 Settings: do not crash if development app is not installed
d8b18c3 Network traffic: Change checkbox to switchpreference
1649650 Settings: Add colors to Network Traffic [2/2]
8e29c9c Settings: Network traffic indicator
7b3849b Add margaritov colors
d7fbfe5 Settings: Disable/Enable screenshot sound [2/2]

* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
80e5153 Fix suggestions text padding (AOSP Keyboard)

* packages/providers/MediaProvider/
30e963a MediaProvider: MediaScanner behavior on boot (2/3)

* vendor/cm/
08297ed cm: Update notify_on_migrate path


* android/
7d99b40 Add temasek vendor

* bootable/recovery/
e2b1ef2 recovery: Update header logo with new branding

* development/
6ddd064 classpath: updated Calculator and ContactsCommon lib versions

* frameworks/av/
c16c177 camera1: Add a missing include

* frameworks/base/
7009bc8 Disable/Enable screenshot sound [1/2]
88479e7 Speed things up!!
8bccd6d Fix an overflow found by ASAN.
845ee08 Fix for CharSequenceCreator test case
cbe5a0c Frameworks/base: Wall Werror in native/android
bfcf931 Frameworks/base: Fix FingerprintManager JNI
050dbeb Frameworks/base: Fix AssetManager JNI
9bbf9f4 Skip receiver if failed linkToDeath to ILocationListener
1267f22 Prevent resource leak in YuvToJpegEncoder
15490b9 Use standard initializers
caf3150 Use fabsf() rather than abs()
504fb94 Fix check for PROC_QUOTES mode
023e8e0 Fix incorrect usage of bool
7ffd143 Speed up a few animations
8914d67 Disable debug music transport control
a82b12d Fix Google backup/restore
60a25b5 Consistency in default wallpaper
32080df Fix error overwriting when restoring error
9af678b Use parseColor instead of getHTMLColor
637f100 Memory leak: parseObbFile.footer
d3af7cd base: add some iml files for easy opening in android studio
f601c1f MTU should be 1358 as per 3GPP standards, especially for LTE radio interfaces.
bde8286 Frameworks: smart pulldown we do not support anymore
78ec1f3 Dispatch keys to a device specific key handler
91d1e53 SystemUI: Add missing recycle calls
d5f95ca Restore pre-KitKat permissions to external sd for all apps
f05033d base: fix external sdcard mountpoint
d00badb extend PreferenceActivity for title text on a single pane mode
304f955 Frameworks: apple can do...we can do as well
08cba67 aapt: introduce SHOW_EXTENDED_WARNINGS
9adba76 aapt: we dont care about uncommented public symbols
4b5cc19 aapt: i hate if (true) statements
b532642 aapt: silence these warnings
0391af6 aapt: suppress string resources build warnings
780a47a change default wallpaper to lollipop version
ac8624b PhoneWindowManager: Honoring home wake option
b7722e1 [Base] HW keys tweaks
fc867bd [Base] Nav bar tweaks
85b126d Frameworks: add ability to send a custom intent after keyguard is finished
ff052c7 fb: add back all keyboard IME features back (1/2)
3b95043 Frameworks: Add several Slim helper classes and constants back
dc04114 [base] long press back to kill configurable timeout (1/2)

* frameworks/opt/net/ims/
a2bec20 ims: Reflection is only needed for get/setVideoQuality now

* hardware/ti/omap4/
afb64fc camera: fix build when TI_CAMERAHAL_DONT_USE_RAW_IMAGE_SAVING is set

* kernel/oneplus/msm8974/
5631802 ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Fix timestamp query during gapless transition
933c89c ASoC: msm: qdp6v2: handle proxy read failure
a2f99da cm: Update defconfigs
06e9f5a Merge branch 'android-3.4' of https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/common into cm-12.1

* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
007c561 CMFileManager: show hamburger icon for the navigation drawer
839ffc3 Catch RuntimeException when opening 3gp files for inspection.

* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
579a7f0 Expose colors from array

* packages/apps/Settings/
86d68f4 Settings: add development animation transition mode 0.75 and 0.25
67ff68e Settings: apple can do...we can do as well
9b18afe settings: add back all keyboard IME features back (2/2) this commit adds:
2ffc81f Settings: add default slim actions for screen off gestures
06fe6bd Settings: add a default slim actions array
f7010e6 [Settings] Nav bar tweaks + HW keys tweaks
ac0f82c Settings: Materialize DSLV
9c80086 Settings: add central slim ActionListViewSettings class back...
792b905 add dslv controller
a1d81dc Privacy icons: correct size and colors to match lollipop
7122e7c [settings] long press back to kill configurable timeout (2/2)
a432b77 Integrate OTA update into Settings
dcd03d2 Launch SuperSU from Settings
ea32a4f Viper4Android: Rename drawable name and add xxhdpi drawable
5e21b8e Intergrate Viper4Android into settings

* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
c8bed89 App drawer: add animations and letters to make things pretty
3357153 Revert "Trebuchet : Clean windows during bootup."

* packages/wallpapers/Basic/
5fd9af2 New Material icon

* packages/wallpapers/Galaxy4/
94ebb97 New Material icon

* packages/wallpapers/HoloSpiral/
0ce1859 New Material icon

* packages/wallpapers/LivePicker/
f1f5c75 New Material icon

* packages/wallpapers/MagicSmoke/
007e5eb New Material icon

* packages/wallpapers/MusicVisualization/
3a54f47 New Material icon

* packages/wallpapers/NoiseField/
7064363 New Material icon

* packages/wallpapers/PhaseBeam/
27f0da4 New Material icon

* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/
d2d48c1 4-1-15

* vendor/cm/
976954d Remove recovery

* vendor/oppo/
361c5f5 msm8974: Update blobs
  • Danke
Reaktionen: sulo1
Also ich kann bisher noch keine echten Fehler in 5.1 finden, bei mir läuft die Preview super... (Full Wipe)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Meinsein
bei mir auch gerade! Top zurzeit. Mit AK Kernel + Synapse :thumbsup: kann man sogar alle 4 cpu´s einzelne governors einteilen :thumbup:
Nach Factory Reset, von ICE552 kommend, V 5.1 und GAPPS installiert. Danach neusten Boeffla Kernel drauf und freuen. Läuft wie Schmidt´s Katze.

Habe es nun nach fullwipe mit ak 200 am laufen und auch keine Probleme.
Ein paar Merkwürdigkeiten konnte ich schon feststellen. Mal geht das Handy nicht in den Standby und eben ging die Power Taste nicht. Jeweils ein Neustart behob das Problem.
Und auf einmal ein paar mal reboot :(
  • Danke
Reaktionen: blend800, KingJames23 und scrbenni
V9.5 ist online. Wieder nur uber tc, wird auch erstmal so bleiben. Läuft bei mir seit erscheinen problemlos mit dem neuen Boeffla.

cm-12.1 v9.5
April 8 2015

GCC/Uber 4.8 & 4.9
Both Stock kernel
Updated CM source

CM12 Nightlies Changelog - Bacon



* android/
d0da68e Remove Screen Recorder by 0xD34D
f927f8d Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android into cm-12.1
db73009 Track own bionic
6fd3aed manifest: Track our own chromium/v8

* bionic/
c5a0afc Re-export libgcc's __aeabi_fcmplt
4d51ab5 linker: convert 'mov pc' instruction to 'bx'

* bootable/recovery/
75496c1 Don't disable including TARGET_RECOVERY_UI_LIB if exists

* device/oneplus/bacon/
70793ae Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro..._oneplus_bacon into HEAD
997b5b0 update ub-temasek

* device/oppo/msm8974-common/
81b0e6b Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...msm8974-common into HEAD

* external/chromium_org/v8/
eba9304 Fix build for MacOSX 10.10.X and CLI Tools 6.1.1

* external/sepolicy/
d2a9e97 Add security policy for ProcessInfoService.

* frameworks/av/
282d043 Enable -Os back to ID3
8962d10 Enable -Os back to audioflinger

* frameworks/base/
a6da3b3 systemui: Boost when expanding the notification shade
2366f22 [ActivityManager] Fix index out of bounds when updating next pss time.
995e4c1 Add ProcessInfoService to activity manager.
6a04df3 [ActivityManager] Improve task order of getRunningTasks.
669ee14 [ActivityManager] Do not add service to reschedule after removing users.
3840e35 [ActivityManager] Fix ServiceRecord leakage
c5e2a33 [ActivityManager] Examine bad process before clean up application record
8125432 Prevent infinite layout and wallpaper flashing
4d8c955 [ActivityManager] Avoid improper resume top activity.
47fd488 SystemUI: Fix Screenrecord tile
bae0497 QS: add Screenrecord tile drawables
7835786 QS: add Screenrecord tile (1/2)
cf78828 screenrecord: fix key combo trigger
907e13b Add Screen Record to the Power Menu [1/2]
a5469c5 base: screenrecord: forward port from 4.4 Squashed commit of the following:
a1502cf Revert "[1/2] Screen Recorder"
f6bce10 SystemUI: Fix QS tiles icons
fd5f149 base: fix BluetoothControllerImpl formatting issues
5816473 Merge pull request #73 from arter97/cm-12.1
6e0fa02 bootanimation: remove memory saving tricks
e9c53c5 bootanimation: fix exhaustive memory leaks
42a06e2 aapt: Implement --compress option
950d4e6 aapt: Default to 0 compression ratio
1af42aa aapt: Don't compress qmg, wbp and arsc assets
fae56c2 fwb: membar change position bar from 7dp to 10 dp
2d60c54 [1/2] base: storage notification enhancement
5bf2029 Add membar to recents options [1/2]
529c6da Early return in RemoteViewsAdapter is too late
dfd0a1a Cleanse HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP URLs in Uri.toSafeString.
2a578b1 [ActivityManager] Reduce report wrong anr activity
80586b4 Revert "[ActivityManager] Reduce report wrong anr activity"
755e13e IMS: add the api to get IMS registration information
0826327 Handle NPE in TelephonyManager
92c1608 Bluetooth: Handling Null profile references before connect
39b298d QS: change live display off color to grey
9e4bcc0 Revert "QS: hide Ambient display tile if not supported"

* frameworks/opt/chips/
d9ebf23 Chips: Add a view attribute for maximum number of chips parsed

* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8226/
d309069 msm8226: add libhdmi symlink

* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8610/
fa1ec5d msm8610: add libhdmi symlink

* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8974/
2d44d68 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.18' of git://codeaurora.org/platform/hardware/qcom/display into cm-12.1

* kernel/oneplus/msm8974/
740cc47 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...neplus_msm8974 into HEAD

* packages/apps/Browser/
5807fcf Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Browser into cm-12.1

* packages/apps/KeyChain/
fc3b9e4 Revert "KeyChain: Fix certificate dialog needs twice Cancel to disappear."

* packages/apps/LockClock/
97a3670 New Material icon

* packages/apps/Mms/
dfd81a6 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...s_apps_Mms-caf into cm-12.1
b0cb171 Replace some home-grown summary management logic by a simpler version.
06e2220 Replace slot spinner by subscription spinner.
c8319d3 Use subscription ID instead of phone ID.
3608041 Mms: Fix for adding too many recipients to the Message

* packages/apps/Settings/
0af678b Build V9.5
7124953 Settings: improve empty Profile trigger icons
32e5451 Move strings from cm to own
ee0e833 QS: add Screenrecord tile (2/2)
21ad9c7 Add Screen Record to the Power Menu [2/2]
8593e86 Revert "Settings: Screen Recorder [2/2]"

* packages/services/Telephony/
e516319 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...ices_Telephony into cm-12.1

* vendor/cm/
2950f3c Remove Screen Recorder by 0xD34D
e29fadc Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm into cm-12.1
700484d Fix generate-half-res-anims.sh and halfres bootanimation.zips


* android/
0ab3d4e Track own Browser

* build/
4bc0d37 Merge pull request #7 from arter97/cm-12.1
bcdf310 Create 0 compression ratio jar files

* device/oneplus/bacon/
bf90432 bacon: Set TARGET_VENDOR correctly

* device/oppo/msm8974-common/
e00b299 msm8974: Fix timerfd denial

* frameworks/base/
38f0837 Revert "QS: add Ambient display tile"

* kernel/oneplus/msm8974/
a90dfa6 prima: Update to LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.17
ff542af Add arter97 optimizations

* packages/apps/Browser/
6a0c9d7 Browser: fix sizes
3656f78 Browser: fix incognito icons and preview thumbnail color
7896dda Browser: and moooore material girls in blue
b81574d Browser: switch from green to blue
59bf415 browser: allow to load browser internal assets

* packages/apps/Calculator/
16ee73f calculator: Fix the build
847d666 Expose hard coded background and text colors for graph
e849cd1 Stop ', NaN' from showing up; instead syntaxexception should be thrown.

* packages/apps/Dialer/
d5cc337 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...es_apps_Dialer into cm-12.1

* packages/apps/InCallUI/
3e5d3f0 Properly unregister supp service failure receiver.

* packages/apps/Settings/
a8db917 PREVIEW 2
133d3f1 Revert "development: Add setting for updating recovery"
042c23e Settings: long press lock screen lock icon to sleep (2/2)
c87f1cd [2/2] Settings: storage notification enhancement
9118e15 Add membar to recents options [2/2]
d36fc02 Move search in recents to temasek spare parts
2cbc4a4 SoundSettings: Fix NPE in sound settings

* packages/providers/TelephonyProvider/
553933c Add proper DB upgrade path.

* packages/services/Telecomm/
283b4ce Fix merge failures.

* packages/services/Telephony/
85ca7b7 Fix CAF merge issue.

* vendor/cm/
4b4e472 Merge branch 'cm-12.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm into cm-12.1
ffe07b8 cm: CM-specific build macros
da87a7d userinit: kill userinit.d
  • Danke
Reaktionen: sulo1 und Meinsein
Läuft ebenfalls pipifein mit AK. Noch bin ich auf cm12 unterwegs, cm12.1 läuft unter Multirom top, werde ersr gänzlich benützen wenn ich alles eingerichtet habe.
dirty oder neu?

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