[ROM][5.1.1][CM12.1] Temaseks Unofficial CM12 Build

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Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
bin auf 9.1 SM Kamera usw funktioniert bei mir Problemlos! Seir Vormittags drauf, bis jetzt keine Probleme!
V9.1v2 LN ist online ;)
und die Kamera geht wieder...
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
stürzt bei euch unter Einstellungen die Vibrationsstärke auch ab?

Habe das gleiche Problem Einstellungen werden beendet sobald ich die Vibrationseinstellung öffnen will.

Habe AK Kernel 137 am laufen.

Habe jetzt den aktuellen Boeffla Kernel installiert. Und habe kein Problem mehr mit den Vibrationseinstellungen.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: scrbenni
gut, dann liegts am Kernel! habe auch den AK137 laufen. Danke!
V9.3v2 mit uber tc und V9.3 linaro sind online.


* device/oneplus/bacon/
7c9c314 update ub-temasek
1700d5d Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro..._oneplus_bacon into HEAD

* device/oppo/msm8974-common/
1d43134 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...msm8974-common into HEAD

* frameworks/base/
f9042bf Revert "Temp restore permission for HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS"
066e982 pm: Deal with a nuked package that was granted extra permissions
1ed3653 Frameworks: follow charging notification settings also for wireless charging
be4565f Revert "Frameworks: follow charging notification settings also for wireless charging"

* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8226/
9adc065 msm8226: add missing symlink to common.mk in msm8974

* packages/apps/Mms/
6ba0152 MMS: Add feature to auto-enable mobile data for MMS send or receive.

* packages/apps/Settings/
ee31381 Update OTA icon

* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
19ee2fd Protected Apps: fix insets so that views stay above navbar
42427c9 ProtectedApps: Fix protecting shortcuts with no ComponentNames

* packages/services/Telephony/
693743e TelephonyService: Don't change preferred network type on multi RAT capable devices.
50451ca TeleService: Set mode to 2g on other sim(DSDS) prior to change
  • Danke
Reaktionen: sulo1
was ist mit uber tc ???
Uber toolchain. Sowie Linaro und Sabermod ist Uber auch, vereinfacht gesagt, eine toolchain zum Kompilieren. Kombiniert, nach Aussage des Entwicklers, die besten Seiten von Sabermod (schnelles öffnen von Apps und bessere Akkulaufzeit (Aussagen des Entwicklers)) und Linaro (flüssiges Scrollen). Katinatez wird daher, zumindest zur Zeit, nur Uber und Linaro builds erstellen.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Pharao373, sulo1 und scrbenni
Kann ich von sm9.0 auf UB 9.3v2 ?

war auch auf SM jetzt Uber, momentan zickt nichts rum!

edit: backup empfehlenswert!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: sulo1, Zekene und Dodge
was mir erst jetzt auffiel: Whatsapp benachrichtigungen klappt nicht immer! Im Whatsapp Einstellungen Vibration ausgestellt, Gruppe zb komplett abgestellt. Trotzdem kommen solche Benachrichtigung. Ist den sowas bekannt?
Uber V9.4 und linaro V9.4 sind online.

Change log: cm-12.0 v9.4
March. 30 2015

Linaro 4.9 & 4.9
Uber Graphite 4.8 & 4.9
Both Stock kernel
Updated CM source

CM12 Nightlies Changelog - Bacon



* device/qcom/common/
f583378 power-8610: Remove unnecessary hint
8b1a74a power-8610: Increase the boost a bit
a16b583 power-8610: Remove the HMP boost hint
20913b8 power-8610: Add support for POWER_HINT_LOW_POWER
d3b0b55 power-8610: Various updates to Power HAL
54173c7 power-8610: Add support for system performance profiles.

* frameworks/base/
679a39c keyguard: refresh carrier info on subId changes
05a3c8c Revert "Make forward/reverse lookup default overlay"
537668d Fixes large number of thumbnails leads to low memory
f6de3e3 frameworks/base: Fix delay in sending AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY intent
bbd24fc Assign more reasonable width and height of a window surface
4438692 BlurLayer: Remove unnecessary surface transactions
1f7cb4d DimLayer : remove unnecessary surface transaction calls
f79de97 Remove the window whose client process has died or become zombie
155b44f Clear the previous states before setting the new app visibility
4e8c24e bootanimation_main: Disable boot animation when device is triggered by alarm
b354110 frameworks/base : Enable Aggressive trim settings
7591469 SystemUI: Fix no LED indication for missed call when screen off
24eefc1 livedisplay: Don't depend on automatic brightness
fe836db Themes: Don't add android overlay if target is android
ffd08a0 SettingsProvider: fix index out of bounds error
aeec6db framework: add KillSwitch stubs

* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
1d0cf51 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Bluetooth into cm-12.0
5c887b8 Bluetooth-OPP: Check socket congestion status before writing the data
ffabe89 Bluetooth: GAP: Call system.exit in cleanup
1c15738 Bluetooth: Fix BQB AVRCP case AVRCP_PAS_BV_08
68431a7 Bluetooth App: Fixed the HDP disconnection notification failure

* packages/apps/Calculator/
7c1e043 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...pps_Calculator into cm-12.0

* packages/apps/Camera2/
a63021c Revert "Camera2: Samsung 4k Camera workaround."
dcba8be Revert "Camera2: disable 4k snapshot when samsung4k is enabled."

* packages/apps/Mms/
40c92c7 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Mms-caf into cm-12.0

* packages/apps/OmniSwitch/
c3b4f84 OmniSwitch: cleanup
66261e5 OmniSwitch: correct screenshot thumbnail dimens for LP
df2f056 OmniSwitch: icon pack support: rework assigning icon backs

* packages/apps/Settings/
2a8da20 Build V9.4
5e8e0d9 Settings: Change media storage erase strings.
a27d08c Storage Settings: Allow user to trigger a volume rescan
5a8bafa Remove duplicate strings

* vendor/cm/
d8d597b Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm into cm-12.0


* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/
5646b80 hal: Reduce debug verbosity


* build/
6ed8055 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_build into cm-12.0

* frameworks/base/
6f2b2fb Fix ro.telephony.default_network setting parsing - fix build error
72ceb27 Fix ro.telephony.default_network setting parsing
e94e279 can not launch recents app after change time to earlier

* frameworks/opt/telephony/
cb4a71b Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_opt_telephony into cm-12.0
3c019b0 Add dummy SUB record in CDMA NV mode

* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/
cb739e9 hal: Correctly set backend to best available parameters

* packages/apps/Calculator/
02c8123 Calculator: allow for deletion when selector is next to a separator

* packages/apps/DeskClock/
34fcac0 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_DeskClock into cm-12.0

* packages/apps/Mms/
066f6b4 Mms - remove Subject listener first when remove the subject
86c2354 Mms : Dismiss compose activity, if deleting last message and no text

* packages/apps/Settings/
e405c0d Setting: LiveDisplay: fix percentage not showing when the dialog shows up.
23d40da Fix incorrect ManageApplications options menu order value.

* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
6607610 ProtectedApps: map items without componentNames by position

* vendor/cm/
2ca5d39 vendor: add sepolicy entry for killswitch service


* bootable/recovery/
471eb4e update-binary: support reboot_now on older recoveries

* build/
5a5d96a ota_from_target_files: Fix path for SkipNextActionIfTargetExists
c09c72a releasetools: add compatibility for full ota functions with incrementals

* device/oppo/common/
9f3a60a releasetools: Move radio install to a common function

* frameworks/base/
cff9295 Sort Bluetooth devices in quick settings by name
e05f008 hwui : fix memory leak due to duplicate in shadow cache
af9ef86 Fix to crash when clicking text link without view activity
fb569b4 systemui: Handle case when network has been lost
66ef0e3 Make forward/reverse lookup default overlay

* frameworks/opt/telephony/
6758cae Fix initial attach apn bug with OMH profile for LTE
1f567a1 Fix issue that DDS can not get back to primary sub and network mode shows incorrect in settings.

* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8610/
e931f9e msm8610: add missing symlink to common.mk in msm8974

* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
6e03998 Support ambigous file extension mimetypes.

* packages/apps/Calculator/
c7aa11a Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...pps_Calculator into cm-12.0

* packages/apps/Contacts/
01b69c2 Summarize local phone storage in MemoryStatusActivity.

* packages/apps/ContactsCommon/
aa1e734 Store all local contacts in only one account.

* packages/apps/DeskClock/
106cfa2 Hide flip setting if the phone doesn't have the required hardware sensor.
ba1a197 TimerReceiver: Correctly show the remaining time for 100 hours

* packages/apps/Email/
8ee3601 Update strings for crowdin

* packages/apps/Mms/
3fee73b Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...s_apps_Mms-caf into cm-12.0

* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
06ead06 Protect app theme from CM11 themes causing crash

* packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/
1011e62 Improve strings

* packages/services/Telephony/
a94d2bc Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...ices_Telephony into cm-12.0
  • Danke
Reaktionen: sulo1, Cheyenne, Mopp und 3 andere
Wo kann man sich die aktuellen GAPPS runterladen?
Die "alten" Gapps funktionieren doch genausogut. Auf den neusten Stand bringen die sich doch sowieso automatisch. Ich nutze die pa gapps vom 09.11.14 und hab keine Probleme^^
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Meinsein und SaschaKH

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