[ROM][5.1.1][CM12.1][CAF] Inoffizielle CyanogenMod 12.1 [10/04/16]

  • 198 Antworten
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# Die folgend vorgestellte ROM entsprang nicht meinem Geist.
# Urheber ist der Entwickler Sultanxda im XDA Forum.
# Ich hab den Thread quasi nur übersetzt (soweit sinnvoll).
# Die Einleitung hab ich selbst verfasst.
# Weder ich noch er sind für von euch zerstörte OPO verantwortlich.
# Macht vorher ein Backup!
# Im Zweifel nichts installieren!

Diese ROM ist eine inoffizielle Version von der CyanogenMod 12.1 welche vom Entwickler Sultanxda aus dem XDA Forum stammt. Sie sieht genauso aus wie die originale CM12.1 und hat die selben Einstellungsmöglichkeiten. Die Optimierungen fanden unter der Haube statt. Wer also eine optimierte, weitestgehend fehlerbereinigte Version von CM12.1 haben will, sollte sich diese ROM genauer ansehen.

Die Basis dieser ROM sind Quellcodes aus dem Code Aurora Forum, kurz CAF genannt. Das CAF ist ein Zusammenschluss von Unternehmen, welche in der Mobilfunkindustrie tätig sind. Die wohl zwei bekanntesten Vertreter sind Qualcomm und Motorola. Den Projekten innerhalb des CAF entspringt getesteter, optimierter Code für Open-Source-basierte Produkte. So gibt es auch optimierten Code von Qualcomm für bspw. unser OPO. Dieser Code wurde nun in CM12.1 integriert (Kernel+ROM) und es entstand diese ROM.

ROM Features:
  • basiert auf den letzten stabilen CM12.1 Quellcode (standardmäßig kein Root, SuperSU für Root nötig)
  • OTA (over-the-air) Updates via intgriertem CMUpdater
  • vanilla (zu deutsch: einfach, ohne Schickschnack) CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.26 Display HAL (hardware abstraction layer) (verbesserte Display Performance)
  • vanilla CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.26 media HAL (verbesserte Video Performance)
  • vanilla CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.26 audio HAL (verbesserte Audio Performance)
  • OxygenOS Kamera Code (keine Kamera-Bugs & verbesserte Kamera Performance)
  • Snapdragon Kamera App von Qualcomm (bietet einige einzigartige Funktionen z. B. high-speed Aufnahmen mit Audio)
  • eigene Kamera HAL, modifiziert von Sultanxda:
    • Slow-motion Video Aufnahmen mit 60 FPS, 90 FPS & 120 FPS für 720p und 60 FPS für 1080p
    • High-speed Video Aufnahmen MIT Audio mit 60 FPS, 90 FPS & 120 FPS bei 720p und 60 FPS bei 1080p (nur in Verbindung mit Snapdragon Kamera)
    • 1080p Video-Aufnahmen mit Front-Kamera
    • 2.5k 1440p Video-Aufnahmen mit Front- & Hauptkamera (nur in Verbindung mit Snapdragon Kamera)
    • 4k Aufnahmen in UHD und DCI Auflösungen
    • manueller Fokus
    • langsame Blende von 1/5000 Sekunde bis 2 Sekunden)
    • mehr Bildgrößen als normale OxygenOS Kamera, z. B. 9.7MP 16:9
    • viele weitere Optimierungen
Kernel Features:
  • basiert auf den letzten CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.26 Kernel Quellcode von Qualcomm
  • nahezu 100 % reines CAF (sehr sauber, es sollten keine Instabilitäten oder Performance-Probleme geben)
  • exzessives Debugging entfernt
  • aktuellste LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.26 prima (WiFi) Treiber
  • halber Treiber von Synaptics (Touchscreen) neu geschrieben (über 2500 Codezeilen modifiziert; Touchscreen sollte besser arbeiten)
  • neuste verfügbare Synaptics firmware (kein Battery-Drain)
  • selbst geschriebener dynamischer CPU input boost Treiber
  • CPU standardmäßig auf 1958 MHz heruntergetaktet (kann deaktiviert werden, ZIP-Datei dazu weiter unten)
  • verbesserte Benachrichtigungs LED (Weiß hat keinen Blaustich)
  • Vibrationsalarm ist bei Video-Aufnahmen deaktiviert
  • selbst geschriebener Thermal-Treiber (hält das OPO kühl)
  • LCD KCAL von Savoca
  • Westwood TCP congestion Algorithmus (standardmäig ein)
  • NTFS Unterstützung
  • keine unnötigen Patches, Features oder Kompiler-"Optimierungen"
  • viele weitere Optimierungen
  • CyanogenMod and its contributors
  • CAF (aka Qualcomm)
  • OnePlus and Oppo for their clean kernel base
  • myfluxi (awesome friend with lots of amazing contributions)
  • 69gm (loyal guinea pig)
  • If your name should be here and it isn't, then make me use an iPhone 4 running iOS 8
Installationsanleitung - Erstinstallation:

Dirty Flash führt zu Bootloop. Also macht euch keine Hoffnungen auf eine einfache Installation. ;)
TWRP v2.8.6.0 erforderlich, da v2.8.7.0 das Modem nicht korrekt mitinstalliert. Im passenden TWRP einen full wipe durchführen (/data & /system). Danach ROM flashen. Wenn dies ohne Probleme klappt GApps flashen und dann einen Neustart durchführen.
Falls es Probleme bei der Installation gibt (z.B. TZ version error), müsst ihr die neuste CM12.1 Nigthly runterladen. Diese flashen, dann OHNE irgendeinen Neustart die CAF Version flashen. Danach können die GApps geflashed und der Neustart durchgeführt werden.

Installationsanleitung - Update:

Entweder den integrierten OTA CMUpdater nutzen, oder einfach via Recovery ein dirty-flash durchführen.
Hinweis: Wer den "Patch" für die normale CPU Frequenz installiert hatte, muss dies nach einem Update wieder machen. SuperSU bleibt erhalten.


GApps: [GAPPS][5.1.x] Up-to-Date GOOGLE APPS (TK GA… | Android Development and Hacking | XDA Forums
SuperSU (falls ihr Root Zugriff haben wollt): [STABLE][2015.02.13] SuperSU v2.46 - XDA Forums
normaler CPU Takt: CM12.1 with clean CAF 3.4.0 kernel - xda-developers DevDB

Versions Informationen:

ROM OS Version: Android 5.1.x (Lollipop)
Kernel Version: Linux 3.4.x
Basiert auf: CyanogenMod
Status: stabil

erstellt: 28.05.2015
letztes Update: 10.04.2016

Funktionierende Custom-Kernel:

bisher habe ich nur den AK Kernel getestet. Aber es gibt wohl auch CAF Versionen von Tyr und vom Render-Kernel.

AK-Kernel: [KERNEL][07/10][CAF][3.4][UBER5.2] ☆ A… | OnePlus One | XDA Forums

unter Vorbehalt:

Render-Kernel: [Kernel] Render Kernel [CM12.x - R21][CAF - … | OnePlus One | XDA Forums
Tyr-Kernel: [KERNEL] [CAF] [UBERTC] Tyr-CAF 3.4 V20 (10-… | OnePlus One | XDA Forums
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: shamanous, ralf2670, docadams und 7 andere

April 10, 2016:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG7D) CyanogenMod changes
*Android Security Patch Level: April 1, 2016
*Camera: Reduced default JPEG quality to 95% (image files are smaller with no visible impact to quality)
*Camera: Made anti-shake algorithm less aggressive (images are better quality now)
*Camera: Improved image clarity
*Camera: Added ability to control JPEG quality in camera apps
*Snapdragon Camera: Added JPEG quality setting
*Fixed weather not displaying in cLock widget

*Android Security Patch Level: April 1, 2016
*Added F2FS support
*Camera: Fixed severe overexposure when using flash
*Flashlight is 2.5x brighter
*Fixed msm_cci_wakelock never disappearing in rare cases
*Updated display backlight driver from upstream cm-13.0
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: docadams, tenzin, shamanous und 2 andere
Alte Changelogs:
March 12, 2016:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG7D) CyanogenMod changes
*Android Security Patch Level: March 1, 2016
*Camera: Implemented intelligent anti-shake algorithm (significantly reduces motion blur when capturing photos)
*Camera: Faster autofocus in low lighting conditions
*Camera: No stuttering/frame drops in camera viewfinder (viewfinder frame rate won't go below 30 FPS)
*Removed LockClock weather hack (Yahoo! weather provider is back)
*Reverted WiFi configuration update from OxygenOS 2.1.4 (caused issues with 5 GHz networks for some users)
*Added upstream fix for Contacts force close
*Reduced earphone speaker volume

*Android Security Patch Level: March 1, 2016 (CVE-2016-0821)

February 7, 2016:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG7D) CyanogenMod changes
*Android Security Patch Level: February 1, 2016
*Fixed weather not displaying in cLock widget

January 31, 2016:

*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG7D) CyanogenMod changes
*Updated WiFi configuration from OxygenOS 2.1.4

*Rewrote battery driver (for the BQ27541 fuel gauge chip):
-Battery % readings are more accurate
-Added various safety mechanisms
-You may get slightly better battery life

January 7, 2016:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG7D) CyanogenMod changes
*Added upstream fix for black screen bug when using system profiles (NIGHTLIES-1721)
*Snapdragon Camera: Fixed user-set preferences getting reset when changing scene mode

*Added NFS support

January 5, 2016:

*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG7D) CyanogenMod changes
*Android Security Patch Level: January 1, 2016
*Updated WiFi firmware (WCNSS version: CNSS-PR-1-4-1-c5-00086)

*Actually fixed double-tap-to-wake/gestures not working sometimes
*Fixed USB OTG not working when plugging the OTG cable in while the device is asleep
*Android Security Patch Level: January 1, 2016 (CVE-2015-6640)

December 20, 2015:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG7D) CyanogenMod changes
*Snapdragon Camera: Fixed UI glitches when on-screen nav bar is enabled
*Fixed video calling in Skype and Viber
*Fixed poor video quality in WeChat

*Fixed double-tap-to-wake/gestures not working sometimes
*Added support for various human-interface devices (such as PlayStation and Wii controllers)
*Added support for CIFS

December 13, 2015:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG7D) CyanogenMod changes
*Fixed force close when switching to camcorder mode in Snapdragon Camera
*Added updated proprietary libraries from CM's stable/cm-12.1-YOG7D branch

*Fixed slow charging

December 12, 2015:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG7D) CyanogenMod changes
*Camera: Fixed rare split-exposure bug
*Camera: Fixed poor video quality during video calls (e.g. wrong aspect ratio in Hangouts)
*Added camera sensor calibration from CM (picture quality may be slightly better)
*Snapdragon Camera: Added option for zero-second tap-to-focus duration (especially useful while recording videos)

*Fixed screen backlight never turning off when ambient display is enabled (credit: myfluxi)
*Disabled MMC deferred resume (might've been causing rare reboots)

December 1, 2015:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG7D) CyanogenMod changes
*Reverted GPS changes from previous build
*Added OxygenOS WiFi configuration
*Added HydrogenOS WiFi firmware
*Snapdragon Camera: Removed panorama mode

*Disabled CPU boosting on thread migration (fixes occasional high battery drain and overheating, especially when streaming videos)
*Rewrote core logic of CPU boost driver (better efficiency, better battery life, and phone heats less now)

November 16, 2015:

*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG7D) CyanogenMod changes
*Renamed "Snapdragon Camera" to "Camera"
*Snapdragon Camera: Fixed exposure and white balance not changing after taking a picture
*Snapdragon Camera: Fixed some minor annoyances
*Camera: Antibanding is always enabled
*Updated WiFi configuration
*Updated GPS configuration

*Screen turns on faster

November 1, 2015:
*Reverted battery driver change (to fix random reboots... again)

October 31, 2015:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG7D) CyanogenMod changes
*Updated WiFi configuration yet again
*Fixed WiFi hotspot getting disabled when mobile signal is lost
*Removed 'Prevent accidental wake-up' feature (it is very broken)

*Added battery driver from official CM12.1 kernel (should fix shut down at 20% battery for some users)

October 27, 2015:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG7D) CyanogenMod changes
*Reverted back to original WiFi firmware images
*Tweaked WiFi configuration slightly
*Camera: Potentially fixed split-exposure bug when taking photos with flash in sunny conditions
*Snapdragon Camera: Added option to control anti-banding in camcorder mode

*Fixed headset buttons
*Fixed volume going up to the maximum or minimum when plugging in a headset
*Removed pink tint from notification LED
*Added support for JDI video-mode display (this could be the reason why some people couldn't boot CAF ROMs)

October 25, 2015:
*Reverted battery driver change (to fix random reboots)

October 24, 2015:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG7D) CyanogenMod changes
*Fixed T-Mobile Visual Voicemail
*Added back WiFi firmware from the LG G3
*Snapdragon Camera: Enabled antibanding (auto antibanding mode) for camcorder

*Fixed very loud static noise when using headset microphones
*Fixed graphical artifacts when waking device from sleep for some users (it should definitely be fixed this time)
*Fixed device requiring multiple power-button presses to wake from sleep for some users
*Added battery driver from official CM12.1 kernel

October 17, 2015:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG7D) CyanogenMod changes
*Reduced CPU boost frequencies (better battery and less heating)
*Increased earpiece speaker volume
*Permitted installation with HydrogenOS firmware
*Fixed WiFi-related random reboots affecting a small group of users
*Potentially fixed mobile network not reconnecting after signal is lost for a long period of time
*Camera: Removed ISO HJR option (it wasn't working)
*Fixed GSM signal strength hack (you will no longer see 103% signal strength)

*Fixed static background noise heard when using a headset
*Re-enabled ULPS for users with a Sharp panel
*Added fix for graphical artifacts when waking device from sleep for some users
*Fixed slow charging speed with some cables (charging speed should be the same as the CM kernel now)

October 11, 2015:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG7D) CyanogenMod changes
*Increased mobile signal strength
*Fixed camera crashing in Bank of America app
*Fixed manual ISO control for camera
*Snapdragon Camera: Added option to control ISO
*Snapdragon Camera: Added option to control shutter speed
*Snapdragon Camera: Fixed aggressive auto rotation
*Disabled Fluence (dual-microphone mode; this should fix the distortion insanity)

*Fixed graphical glitches for users with a Sharp panel
*Fixed battery not charging with car chargers

October 4, 2015:

*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG7D) CyanogenMod changes
*Fixed call recording
*Added upstream camcorder audio distortion fix (Gerrit Code Review)
*Fixed inverted audio channels in camcorder
*Fixed microphone distortion in phone calls from previous build
*Snapdragon Camera: Exposure and white balance are now locked when using tap-to-focus
*Snapdragon Camera: Added option to change the tap-to-focus duration
*Switched back to CM's WiFi firmware and configuration

*Fixed headset buttons
*Fixed Google Now getting automatically triggered when plugging in some headsets very quickly
*Relaxed thermal thresholds for the battery (again)

September 27, 2015:
*Switched to new stable branch (YOG7D; this is equivalent to the nightlies as of September 22nd)
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG7D) CyanogenMod changes

*Relaxed thermal thresholds for the battery
*Fixed slow-charge issue
*Fixed long delay for audio to transfer when plugging in certain headphones (such as Apple EarPods)
*Fixed music getting automatically paused when plugging in certain headphones (such as Apple EarPods)

September 25, 2015:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG4P) CyanogenMod changes
*Switched back to original microphone configuration for phone calls (it's the same as it was with the Sep. 14th build, but now the microphone is slightly louder to fix the low-volume issues)
*Fixed broken volume control during phone calls

September 23, 2015:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG4P) CyanogenMod changes
*Reduced microphone sensitivity
*Reduced earphone speaker volume
*Reduced audible background noise when using microphone

September 22, 2015:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG4P) CyanogenMod changes
*Changed build keys to "release-keys" (maybe Android Pay will work?)
*Reduced earpiece-speaker volume
*Fixed low-volume microphone issues and distortion while Fluence is enabled (a.k.a. dual-microphone mode)
*Increased microphone volume
*Enabled Fluence for regular audio recordings
*Reverted camcorder microphone changes from CM in July
*Camera: Fixed incorrect exposure time reported in image details when slow-shutter is used
*Snapdragon Camera: Fixed Zero Shutter Lag option randomly getting enabled
*Reduced input-boost frequencies

*Reduced input-boost durations

September 14, 2015:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG4P) CyanogenMod changes
*Re-enabled fluence (dual-mic)

*Fixed device not entering deep sleep after unplugging from charger (this fixes the high Android OS battery drain from the previous build)
*Added some fixes to the Interactive governor from the Nexus 5 CAF kernel

September 13, 2015:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG4P) CyanogenMod changes
*Removed built-in root (use SuperSU instead)
*Changed build type from userdebug to user
*Fixed flashlight not turning off and camera completely breaking when using the flashlight while Trusted Face is enabled
*Removed modem "protection" (you can flash any modem you want now)
*Fixed @dcoulombe's major crash
*Updated part of the WiFi configuration from official CM12.1
*Increased input-boost frequency for primary CPU core (improves performance)
*Made Interactive governor scale up more aggressively (improves performance)
*Snapdragon Camera: Fixed reversed flash icons for camcorder flash option

*Fixed slow charging speed
*Removed ROW I/O scheduler
*Reduced long delay for a headset to start working after plugging it in (headsets are detected 2x faster now)

September 11, 2015:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG4P) CyanogenMod changes
*Switched back to Lollipop modem (DI.3.0.c6-00241-M8974AAAAANAZM-1)
*Reduced input boost frequencies slightly

*Fixed long delay in audio transfer when plugging in a regular pair of headphones (this only applies to regular headphones, not headsets)

September 10, 2015:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG4P) CyanogenMod changes
*Fixed flashing red borders
*Completely disabled strict mode (this is what fixed the flashing red borders)
*Switched to KitKat 44S modem (MPSS.DI.2.0.1.c7-00020-M8974AAAAANPZM-1)
*Increased input boost frequencies
*Updated GPS configuration from CM
*Video HDR is always disabled for 4k DCI (our ISP can't handle this)
*Switched back to WiFi (WCNSS) firmware from the LG G3
*Switched back to full WiFi configuration from the LG G3
*Snapdragon Camera: Added touch-to-focus for camcorder
*Snapdragon Camera: Added option to change focus mode for camcorder
*Snapdragon Camera: Disabled video HDR for 4k DCI (as stated above, our ISP can't handle this)

*Increased eMMC performance (via scheduling the MMC queue thread on idle CPUs)
*Increased bus bandwidth for the ISP (image signal processor)
*Increased clock rate of the ISP from 267MHz to 465MHz
*Fixed camera crashes while using video HDR with 4k UHD

September 6, 2015:
*Latest upstream (stable/cm-12.1-YOG4P) CyanogenMod changes
*Enabled low-latency audio output
*Fixed camera crash while using video HDR
*Tweaked CPU governor for better battery life and lower heat output
*Snapdragon Camera: added updates from mikeNG (and a new icon from jrizzoli)
*Snapdragon Camera: fixed high-speed recording with 480p
*Snapdragon Camera: renamed many options for clarity
*Fixed poor quality with front-facing camera

*Added many updates to the audio subsystem from he official CM12.1 kernel and Nexus 5 CAF
*Added speaker and headphone configuration from official CM12.1 kernel (low speaker volume is fixed)
*Fixed most audio jack detection issues (aka fixed volume going down to zero or going up to max when plugging in headphones)

August 28, 2015:
*Stable build based off of cm-12.1-YOG4P (you must perform a clean install to switch to stable builds; see the updated FAQ in the 3rd post and updated installation instructions in the OP for more details)

August 24, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Fixed exposure time getting set to 1/5000th of a second when trying to disable slow-shutter
*Cleared ccache before building the ROM (maybe this will fix soft reboots?)

August 23, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Added support for slow shutter (ranging from 1/5000th of a second up to 2 seconds)
*Removed encoder options from Snapdragon Camera

*Fixed CPU getting stuck at 1958MHz while device is asleep

August 22, 2015:ROM:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Changed CPU governor to Interactive
*Tweaked Interactive for better efficiency

*Removed Smartmax governor

August 21, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Fixed WiFi not automatically reconnecting for some users
*Fixed camera stability issues caused by undefined behavior (this should fix the flashlight reboots)
*Snapdragon Camera: fixed timelapse recording in 2.5k 1440p
*Snapdragon Camera: fixed incorrect viewfinder size for 13.1MP resolution
*Snapdragon Camera: fixed UI disappearing when trying to record video with invalid options (ex. trying to record HFR 120 video at 4k UHD resolution)

August 17, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Added back recent GPS change
*Fixed overheating (thermal settings are more aggressive now)

*Fixed glitches when the display turns on

August 16, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Added 2.5k 1440p video recording for the front-facing camera (you must use Snapdragon Camera)
*Added 2.5k 1440p video recording for the back camera (you must use Snapdragon Camera)
*Added flashlight fixes from CAF
*Updated part of the WiFi configuration from official CM12.1
*Reverted recent GPS change

*Possibly fixed glitches when the display turns on

August 14, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes

*Fixed overly-excessive and inconsistent thermal throttling
*Thermal driver now polls temperature sensor located on the PMIC instead of from TSENS
(thermal throttling is very accurate now, and it will throttle when the device actually feels hot)
*Fixed display backlight staying on (credit: myfluxi)
*Fixed unbalanced SPS IRQ enable (credit: myfluxi)

August 12, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes

*Fixed random reboots caused by Smartmax

August 11, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Disabled a/v streaming offload again (it was still breaking videos in browser)
*Switched back to old WCNSS (WiFi) firmware images
*Synced Snapdragon Camera with CAF
*Fixed incorrect video duration for HFR (slow-motion) videos
*Fixed touch-to-focus in HDR mode
*Fixed low framerate when recording 720p video with the front-facing camera
*Fixed manual focus
*Removed power HAL (it wasn't really doing anything)
*Fixed CPU max freq not sticking to 729MHz in low-power mode

*Reverted vidc drivers to CAF LA.BF.1.1.1.c3 (fixes random reboots)
*Display turns on faster now
*Fixed bugs in CPU input boost driver (CPU was not being boosted enough)
*CPU is boosted on thread migration
*CPU is boosted when waking the display and putting it to sleep
*Fixed touchscreen not working in doze (and hopefully fixed gestures/DT2W not working sometimes)

August 6, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Fixed sensor calibration being reset on each boot
*Forced triple framebuffering (UI feels smoother)

August 5, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Fixed compass (for real this time)
*Fixed some bugs in Snapdragon Camera

*Updated WiFi drivers back to CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.26
*Enabled regulatory feature for WiFi

August 4, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Fixed 720p HFR (slow-motion) and HSR (high-speed) video recording at 90FPS and 120FPS with all camera apps

*Updated WiFi drivers to CAF LA.BF.1.1.1.c3-04100-8x74.0

August 3, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Fixed 720p HFR (slow-motion) recording at 90FPS and 120FPS
*Added support for HSR (high-speed with audio) recording up to 120FPS for 720p and 60FPS for 1080p
*Added Snapdragon Camera app (only app that lets you record HSR videos)
*Removed option to record 1080p at 90/120FPS (making this work would require modification of the proprietary camera libraries)
*Fixed focus not working in HDR mode
*Reverted WiFi config changes from previous build
*Increased earpiece speaker volume
*Removed FWVGA camcorder resolution
*Re-enabled audio offload for a/v streaming
*Relaxed thermal thresholds

*Fixed display not turning on for users with a Truly panel
*Downgraded WiFi drivers to v3.8.20.5 (as these are what's used for the LG G3)

July 28, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Added 1080p video recording at 120 FPS
*Added ability to record video at 90 FPS (for both 720p and 1080p as well)
*Fixed broken video streaming in browsers (credit: myfluxi)
*Updated WiFi configuration (attempting to fix low WiFi speeds)
*Enabled audio offload for 12k and 24k sampling rates (credit: myfluxi)
*Disabled thermal-engine (we will use my kernel-based thermal solution instead)
*Enabled new kernel-based thermal mitigation

*Added homemade thermal driver (uses 3 throttling steps)
*Added various I/O scheduler tweaks for CFQ and Deadline (thanks to myfluxi)
*Fixed display not coming on for some users
*Fixed DT2W not working sometimes

July 25, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Added support for 1080P video recording with the front-facing camera
*Fixed framerate drop when taking picture while recording 4K video
*Updated complete WiFi configuration from LG G3 (better WiFi performance and stability)
*Updated WCNSS WiFi firmware from LG G3
*Fixed 30-degree error in compass (derp)

*Added and changed default TCP congestion algorithm to Westwood
*Added CD-ROM emulation support (FrozenCow)
*Added NTFS support

July 23, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Fixed 4K video recording in all camera apps (such as Google Camera)
*Fixed several bugs with Google Camera (such as broken photosphere and panorama functionality)
*All firmware on the modem partition is now shipped with the ROM (so everyone will have the correct firmware and baseband no matter what)
*Disabled fluence in phone calls (may have caused reduced mic volume during calls)
*Synced GPS HAL with CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.26
*Reverted WiFi config update from CM that broke all the things

*Added a bunch of sched patches (thanks to myfluxi for finding and testing these)

July 19, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Added support for 4K video recording at UHD and DCI resolutions (only works with CameraNext and ColorOS camera)

July 17, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes

*Fixed encryption (TWRP can now mount encrypted /data partitions)

July 15, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Changed default I/O scheduler to Deadline

*Added upstream Linux patch to reduce Deadline's latency
*Updated touchscreen suspend/resume routines to fix SoDs (again...)

July 14, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Fixed camcorder in some camera apps (e.g. CameraNext)

July 13, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Fixed WiFi hotspot (derp)
*Added custom camera HAL made from CAF LA.BF.1.1.1.c3 with the following features:
-More picture sizes (such as 9.7MP 16:9)
-JPEG quality is always set to 100% (so pictures are not super compressed, and they are clear)

*Removed kexec hardboot support (breaks encryption)

July 12, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Significant upstream change: compass is fixed
*Reduced input boost frequencies
*ROM is now compressed with LZMA (ROM zip is 50MB smaller as a result, and takes much less time to upload/download)
*Updated Adreno graphics libraries from LG V400 (Adreno version tag: LA.BF.1.1.2_RB1-AU017-20150203)

*Synced with CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.26
*Added kexec hardboot support
*Added LCD KCAL by Savoca

July 9, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Updated sensor configuration from OxygenOS
*Added face unlock drawable fix (Gerrit Code Review)

*Fixed touchscreen not working sometimes when waking device from sleep (again)

July 7, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Updated WPA supplicant overlay for Lollipop from Nexus 5
*Added "Enable AIG and MBDRC for stereo recording path"
*Fixed governor resetting to Interactive when changing perf mode back to balanced
*Changed default devfreq governor from cpubw_hwmon to msm_cpufreq (fixes random reboots)

*Increased audit rate limit and backlog limit (fixes random reboots)

July 4, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Synced audio HAL with CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.25
*Synced display HAL with CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.25
*Reduced time needed to optimize apps at boot
*Enabled WiFi host NS offload
*Added back vsync phase offsets
*Changed default CPU governor to Smartmax

*Synced with CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.25
*Synced prima (WiFi) drivers with CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.25
*Added Smartmax governor by maxwen
*Added LCD notify driver from LGE
*Updated touchscreen power routines to be more stable and use LCD notifier
*Fixed touchscreen not working sometimes when waking device from sleep
*Fixed occasional SoD caused by derpy touchscreen resume/suspend routines (happened most often when on low-power mode)
*Vibrator is automatically disabled when recording videos (so sound from the vibrator doesn't get into the videos)
*Reconfigured JDI cmd-mode panel settings for 62Hz (as this is the true refresh rate of the panel)

June 13, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Updated WiFi NVRAM config from LG G3
*Fixed low speeds when connected to 5GHz WiFi networks

*Synced with CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.24

June 9, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Battery percentage is shown during off-mode charging
*Removed vsync phase offsets
*Added back a RIL patch from CM

*Fixed front-facing camera (derp)
*Fixed support for Sharp panels
*Added CFQ I/O scheduler

June 6, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Fixed audio not playing out of speaker in some cases

*Added Qualcomm H/W crypto support (thanks to myfluxi for researching this and fixing issues with it)
*Fixed touchscreen not working when waking device from sleep
*Added back support for various different displays
*Added Motorola memory-routine optimizations

June 4, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Significant upstream change: DHCP WiFi issue has been fixed

*Fixed occasional long delay of the screen turning on when waking the device from sleep
*Moved touchscreen suspend/resume functions into high-priority workqueue

June 3, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Enabled OTA updates via built-in CMUpdater
*You can update to this build from June 2 via OTA

June 2, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Fixed force close when sending MMS

*Added back underclock down to 1958MHz by default (you can disable the underclock by flashing a zip available in the OP)
*Added more protection to CPU input boost driver
*Tweaked notification LED color a bit more

May 30, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes

*Fixed pink tint in notification LED
*Updated Synaptics touchscreen firmware from CM gerrit (new per-panel firmware, doesn't have battery drain)

May 29, 2015:
*Latest upstream CyanogenMod changes
*Synced media HAL with CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.23
*Synced display HAL with CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.23
*Updated WCNSS (WiFi) configuration from CM
*Removed Qualcomm power HAL (does nothing without the performance daemon)
*Added custom power HAL to handle low-power mode (CPU max frequency is lowered to 729MHz for low-power mode)
*Fixed performance profiles

*Synced with CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.23
*Added back CPU frequencies up to 2457MHz
*Removed CPU underclock (CPU maxfreq is left at the default 2457MHz)
*Synced prima (WiFi) drivers with CAF LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.23

May 28, 2015:
*Initial release

*Initial release

1. What is the difference between the stable and nightly builds?
Answer: My ROM builds are based off of the stable CM12.1 code branches, whereas the official CM12.1 nightly builds are based off of the nightly CM12.1 code branch. Stable builds provide much better stability than nightly builds, but they don't receive updates as often as the nightly builds. Stable builds are separate from the nightly builds; you cannot install a stable build on top of a nightly build. The stable builds are the same as the SNAPSHOT builds on CM's website.

2. Why did you use OxygenOS camera libraries? They don't have 4K camcorder support!
Answer: My custom camera HAL enables 4K camcorder support with Oxygen's camera libraries, so this isn't an issue. Cyanogen's camera libraries have had some issues with the camcorder since day 1. The big issue that I have been able to reproduce on all OnePlus One devices I've come across is graphical artifacts in recorded videos (look towards the right @25 seconds):
(issue report on JIRA: [BACON-3582] Distortion Line while capturing video - CyanogenMod JIRA)
OxygenOS' camera libraries do not have this issue, and thanks to my modifications, we now have 4K camcorder support with the OxygenOS libraries, so not much is lost by using them. The OxygenOS libraries can also take pictures faster/better than Cyanogen's libraries.

3. Why did you underclock the CPU to 1958MHz? Yer crazy, bro.
Answer: At 1958MHz, the amount of heat generated by the CPU is quite a bit less than at 2457MHz, so the CPU is throttled less often (leading to better user experience), and battery life is better as well. The performance difference between 1958MHz and 2457MHz is also not really noticeable unless you use a benchmark application. If you want to remove the CPU underclock then flash the zip from the first post that disables the underclock. You must flash this zip every time you install a new ROM update.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Pharao373
Vielen Dank für deine Mühen. Das klingt sehr interessant. Vor allem, weil ich bisher überhaupt nicht wusste was dieses CAF ist.
Von meiner Lieblings-Rom gibt es nämlich auch schon eine CAF-Version. Diese werde ich jetzt, dank deines ausführlichen Threads, am Wochenende direkt testen :smile:.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: prototyp01
Super die Rom nun auch auf AH zu sehen, hatte es auf XDA schon eine Zeit verfolgt.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: prototyp01
Danke @prototyp01 :) So einen Startpost sieht man gerne :thumbup: auch die Erläuterungen zb. CAF, sind super. :thumbsup:

Das macht Lust zu testen, werde mir diese ROM wohl am WE mal flashen ...
  • Danke
Reaktionen: prototyp01
Hat die Rom eigentlich inzwischen F2FS support ?
OK danke wenn ich das richtig verstehe hat der Romtester den Kernel von Sultans Rom auf F2FS angepasst.
Ich teste es jetzt erstmal so. Ich hatte die die offiziell CM 12.1 schon in als F2FS am laufen, ehrlich gesagt ist mir da kein unterschied aufgefallen. Daher teste ich nun mal die Rom.
CAF hört sich sehr interessant an.
So, die Beiträge bezüglich aktuelle/alte Changelogs müssten jetzt getrennt sein. Schaut aber nochmal drüber, ggf. muss es der TE nochmal anpassen.
Rechte kommen auch bald, dann kann hier alles angepasst/aktuell gehalten werden. ;)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Denowa, Pharao373 und prototyp01
Startpost aktualisiert:
Funktionierende Custom-Kernel:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: shamanous und Denowa
Update ist verfügbar !!!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Pharao373 und prototyp01
Die Updates erscheinen zwar eher unregelmässig aber doch normal mindest einmal die Woche. Direkte Links zu den Downloads, sind zwar nicht unbedingt nötig aber OK, am besten auch noch mit kurzem Erfahrungsbericht.

Da man die aber alle auf CM12.1 with clean CAF 3.4.0 kernel - xda-developers DevDB findet oder wie im OP verlinkt, braucht man auch nicht nur darauf hinweisen.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Pharao373
Updates kann man auch über das interne Softwareupdate downloaden, daher habe ich darauf hingewiesen.... Wenn man die Updatehäufigkeit auf manuell gestellt hat ist es ganz nett wenn man darauf hingewiesen wird, gerade Sonntags wo doch die meisten Zeit haben zu flashen ...
Kurzer Erfahrungsbericht finde ich auch schwierig wenn man es erst fünf Minuten drauf hat.
Mal was anderes, ist den der Stagefight Bug gefixt ?
Die Rom läuft richtig gut bisher, kann natürlich nichts über den Akku sagen, dafür ist sie zu frisch installiert.
Stagefright 2.0 ist seit dem 5.10. gestopft.

Google und CyanogenMod stopfen Stagefright-2.0-Lücke | heise Open Source

Ich habe ja den AK-Kernel installiert und das Kernel Profil von Stylo King angewendet (siehe Signatur). Allerdings habe ich die CPU Geschwindigkeit wieder auf ihren Normalwert gesetzt. Das System läuft super fluffig. Folgende Screenshots geben einen Einblick in das Potential der Kombination.


  • Screenshot_2015-10-11-16-07-25.png
    48,1 KB · Aufrufe: 416
  • Screenshot_2015-10-11-16-07-34.png
    74,3 KB · Aufrufe: 424
  • Screenshot_2015-10-11-16-14-15.png
    17,7 KB · Aufrufe: 404
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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Reaktionen: tenzin, Pharao373, Denowa und eine weitere Person
ich bin neugierig diese Rom mal zu testen. Kann mir jemand sagen was es für Unterschiede bzw Vorteile gegenüber CM12s (Stock 5.0.2) gibt?

Läuft Xposed flüssig?
  • Danke
Reaktionen: tenzin, Pharao373 und densh
Ich hab gelesen das man nach dem man den AK Kernel geflasht hat auch eine App Namens "Synapse" installieren soll. Die soll wohl irgendwelche Farbkorrekturen vornehmen. Ist das pflicht?
Mit Synapse kann man ziemlich viel einstellen. Unter anderem die Farbe. Pflicht ist das allerdings nicht. Aber das Deep Natural Style Gamma-Profil sieht schon nett aus ;)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Denowa und densh

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