- 104

* Disclaimer
* We're not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war,
* or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please do some research
* if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you blame me in any way for what happens to your device, I will laugh at you.
* BOOM! goes the dynamite

*** Ohh Really we need to introduce!

OnePlus Devices
Awesome Slider
Oneplus Gesture
Vibrator Strength
Display Calibration (Kcal)
Panel Modes
High Brightness Mode
Redesigned Battery Meter View
Reset battery stats
Screenshot sound toggle
Sim 1 & 2 Ringtone
Quick Unlock
===> Xtended Options (Xtensions of Xtended) Includes <===
System Wide Animations (15 Options + Random)
Animation Duration
Disable Transition animations
Scrolling Cache
Screen Off animation
Power menu animation
Toast Animation
Listview & Interpolator Animations
Volume Key Customization (Call Answer, Cursor Control, Reorient & Music Control)
Disable Keys
Swap Back n Recent Keys
Backlight + Customizations
Single Press + Long Press + Double Tap Customizations
Accidental Touch
Decoration Menu
Clock Settings
Carrier Label (Font Style, Size & Color Options)
AOSP Gesture
Swipe to screenshot
Screen off Power Button Torch & TimeOut
Lock screen
Lockscreen shortcuts (Left & Right)
Lockscreen Weather Temp & City
Lockscreen Weather Condition Image
Lockscreen charging info
Navbar Customization (Layout, extra button)
Heads Up
Notification Light Customization
Battery & Charging Light Customization
Vibrate on connect, answer & hangup toggle
Toast app icon toggle
Toast app icon color
Toast app text color
Disable power menu on lockscreen
On-The-Go Toggle (worth mentioning)
Advance Reboot
Several Toggles, can't write so many
[*]Power Menu Animations[/list]
Quick Settings
Brightness Slider toggle
Bightness icon toggle
Brightness buttons toggle
Brightness slider on bottom toggle
Status bar
Statusbar items
Network Traffic
4G icon
Show notification icon
Breathing Notifications (SMS, Call & Voicemail)
Sensor block per-package
Xtra Option
Screenshot type
Allow Signature spoofing
Wake up on charge
Vibrate on plug/unplug
Dashboard conditions
Dashboard suggestions

@mukesh22584 (Project Owner Saviour/Developer)
@SuperDroidBond : The Ego Man
@mady51(Project Owner / Kernel Developer & Maintainer)
@mcdachpappe (Developer & Codes Fixer)
@svandasek(Graphics Designer / Devloper & Feature Integrator)
@Jay_B (Maintainer & Boot Maker)
@Ded_Boi (Developer & Feature Integrator)
@anishpratheepan (Web Developer & Feature Integrator)
@awlw (Blog & Bot Dev & Device Maintainer)

* mukesh22584
* mady51
* SuperDroidBond
If you love our work, please donate to us. It will motivate us and help us in keeping the project alive.

Telegram Group - MSM-X Telegram Public Group

ROM: MSM-Xtended ROM
Gapps Package: Open Gapps
It's recommended to flash Nano Gapps only for better user experience.

Clean Flash
1) Backup Everything (Most Important)
2) Download ROM, Gapps, Magisk, etc.
3) Reboot to Recovery (TWRP)
4) Wipe System, Data, Cache, Dalvik Cache.
5) Flash - ROM, Gapps, Magisk
6) Once done, wipe cache.
7) Reboot to System.
Dirty Flash
1) Backup Everything (Most Important)
2) Download ROM
3) Reboot to Recovery (TWRP)
4) Wipe Cache & Dalvik Cache.
5) Flash - ROM.
6) Once done, wipe cache.
7) Reboot to System.
**If you fail to follow these instructions, please don't bother reporting any bugs**
**If you use Xposed, please don't bother reporting any bugs**
**If you use another kernel, please don't bother reporting any bugs**

ROM Source - Project-Xtended ROM Sources
Kernel & Device Source - HERE

We would like to give thanks to everyone in the Android community, big or small.
That said, we would like to Thank all These Teams for their contribution to the OpenSource Community.
**If we have left someone or some team, we apologize and please PM us. We would be very happy to include your name as well.**
Special Thanks to These Testers
@rishi2603 (Tester & Motivator)
@DrUnknownEMC (Tester & Motivator)
@sushobith (Tester & Motivator)
@Dhairya (Tester & Motivator)
@Babloo289 (Tester & Motivator)
@ps_minky16 (Tester & Motivator)
Chris Kendall (Tester)
Everyone Else from the Testing Team & Users using & sharing feedback for improvements
Special Thanks & Credits
@Rakesh.Batra - Our Teacher. Learned a lot from you Dada
@Roger.T for the Excellent & Electrifying Boot Animation
[ROM] [Stable] MSM Xtended [ Android-10 | r25 ][20 Jan], ROM for the OnePlus 5T
mukesh22584, SuperDroidBond , mady51
ROM OS Version: Android 10
ROM Kernel: Linux 4.x
ROM Firmware Required: 9.0.10
Based On: AOSP
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: V4.0
Created 2019-10-21
Last Updated 2020-01-20
Quelle: [ROM] [Stable] MSM Xtended [ Android-10 | r25 ][20 Jan]
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