[ROM][JB-CM10-Hybrid] Paranoid Android [Tablet UI]

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Homepage: PARANOID ANDROID inkl. Changelog
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Changelog - v1.95
  • Finally hardware accelerated recents in TabUI, as fluid as ever. The ugly gradient is gone aswell
  • Paranoid got its own dir in /system/etc/paranoid - pad.prop is not properties.conf
  • A clean backup properties file is shipped, you can make a full reset in the panel in case you lost it with all the settings you made
  • Force option can be activated in the panel, good for widget scaling
  • The DPI sliders in the panel read min/max props from properties.conf, define them as you like
  • TabUI Recents are back to a bigger size, this is temporary, we'll look for ways to port the phone implementation as project butter skipped the tabUI code
  • CM fixed alot of features again, we included them all
Kann man mit der neuen Version endlich die dpi der sachen individuell verändern, oder kann man immer noch nur unter den vorgegebenen Einstellungen auswählen?
Changelog - v1.97
New option: "large" to trick an app thinking the device has a real big screen. some need it, like amazon kindle to jump into tabUI. some even react on it, gdrive will slightly adapt its layout - makes only sense if you give it a small dpi though.
The algorithm to extract the actual layout containers from apk files works more precise and can reveal more than before. there will still be a few apps left who do that layout stuff in java - we will add an override button for that, but in the meantime you can edit /system/etc/paranoid/properties.conf .layout=360 for phone-like UI, 600 for phablet, 720 = tablet, 1280 = super huge tablet
Several bugfixes from us and cm

Changelog - v1.96
Breakthrough: We can finally target the actual layout containers inside the apk. If an app brings only phoneUI, you see it right away as you only have one UI option. If it brings ten, you will be able to pick each one of em. We're finally away from this Phone/Phab/Tab nonsense.
Total Hybrid engine revamp, alot less clutter, many bugfixes, apps wont make jumps when you load them up because their actual size is calculated by the engine.
Panel is still growing. It brings new options and new preferences that can even change android system settings.
All recent cm10 patches and fixes
Changelog - v1.99

  • Officially build from sources
  • OTA Updates are back via goomanager (incorporated on the ROM)
  • PA version in Settings > About
  • Fixes and CM merges

Changelog - v1.98

  • Project butter recents in tabUI (2/2)
  • Quick access hybrid properties by longpressing a recent app
  • More refined hybrid algorithm to reveal more layout containers
  • TabletUI toggles
  • All recent cm merges (Trebuchet, googles 4.1.1 r4 with a whole bunch of fixes for memory leaks, etc)
Kann mir vllt jemand nen mirror von der aktuellen Version hochladen.(aber bitte auch nich mediafire-spinnt bei mir immer rum).wäre sehr sehr nett :)

Gesendet von meinem Nexus S mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Sorry is vllt nich so aus meinem Satz hervorgekommen., aber goo.im funzt bei mir auch nicht

Gesendet von meinem Nexus S mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
das ding ist buggy und nicht benutz bar! Die Tastatur funktioniert nicht
Hast du dir auch die neuste Version runter geladen? Der Thread hier ist schon lange veraltet.

Gesendet von meinem Nexus S mit Tapatalk 2

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