- 1.233
Hier will ich Euch die CM9-Version von KalimochoAz aus dem CM-Team vorstellen.
Der Link zum Original-Thread:
[ROM] CyanogenMod 9 + CM Night builds - xda-developers
Downloads aktualisiert am 21.04.:
GappsICS vom 17.03.2012
Die beiden Zips müssen direkt hintereinander geflasht werden,
ohne einen Reboot dazwischen.
Der Link zum Original-Thread:
[ROM] CyanogenMod 9 + CM Night builds - xda-developers
Downloads aktualisiert am 21.04.:
GappsICS vom 17.03.2012
Die beiden Zips müssen direkt hintereinander geflasht werden,
ohne einen Reboot dazwischen.
NEW ON v7.0:
- Deep idle is now tested and stable.
- Ne preset screen with gama/multipliers combinations (thanks to ale.landra91 cpaixao and malycomix.
- More battery time.
- Freq issues solved on deepidle
- ...
NEW ON v6.0:
- Deep idle is now stable, at least on our tests.
- Gamma hack is new, a new idea with great colors Check the CM preset button on gamma hack and on multipliers.
- More battery time.
- Code updated
- ...
NEW ON v5.0:
NEW ON v4.0:
- New kernel 3.0.27
- Updated code to 05.04.2012
- Kernel and code based on 4.0.4
- New kernel 3.0.25
- Updated code to 22.03.2012
NEW ON v3.0:
- Added Torch, now with widget
- Added option to camera to take photos by pressing power button
- Updated Code to 20.02.2012
- Added code to display %battery
- Removed Lulzactive
- Solved the caller app issue ( after some calls you received and FC on number pressing on old releases )
- Updated kernel 3.0.21 & new kernel speeds
- Changed various settings
NEW ON v2.0:
- More kernel upgrades
- code updated
- Added some overclock patches for stability
- New music app
- Added New settings
- Added new governor lulzactive. I suggest you to use this one for depending the use of your phone.
- New Settings icons
- No more flickering on turn on/off the screen
- Modified kernel for kms
- lulzactive as default governor with some tweaks.
- Added setting to control kms ( settings/ performance / memory ) You will win memory on your devices
- Default values for ksm set to reduce cpu usage
- more system updates
- New option to control lulzactive governor. Look on Settings/advanced
- Reapaired error at multiplier colors
- Cleaned the code at device options
- Added Torch app working ( https://github.com/KalimochoAz/IcsTorch )
- Voodoo wm8994 DSP corrected into DSPManager to avoid sporadic FCs
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