CMREX Final Release|Base CM10-Nightly|Smooth and Fast|Goodbye Nexus S
So hier mein letztes CMREX Base CM10 FinalRelease Rom von mir, damit will ich für euer Vertrauen und Unterstützung Danken und Tschüß sagen !!
- Android 4.1.1 JRO03L CM10-Nightly (CM-Team)
- AirKernel (r-data)
- Beats Audio
- Desing JB Sandart, Cobalt (blau)
- Brainmaster Tweaks: Build.prop
- Ram Tweaks Optimierung Get more RAM and faster responses by disabling verify-bytecode!
- Sony Mobile Bravia Post-Processing Engine "Bravia Engine is a post-process engine created by Sony for the Sony Ericsonn phone brand. BRAVIA is an acronym of Best Resolution Audio Visual Integrated Architecture. You can say the enhancement only on-screen because the engine not changes the input of the screen but it operate on the output."
- BeatsAudio Audio Enhancement Engine "is a sound engine that change the output values of your phone. It includes sound libraries and a software equalizer for the best audio experiance! The best quality is produced in cooperation with Beats Audio! This enhancement can work with the standards htc enhancement! So it can work with beats audio for an exclusive music and movie experience!"
- Sony PlayStation Certification "PlayStation Certification will allow you to enjoy the stuff created for exclusive devices have this certification (like Games, etc.)!"
- AwesomeBEATS
- Docking Einstellungen möglich wie beim GNEXUS
- mehr Benachrichtigungstöne
- geänderter Lockscreen Style
- geänderte Grafik fürs Wetter im Lockscreen
- Lockscreen Ton geändert- Sony Mobile Bravia Post-Processing Engine "Bravia Engine is a post-process engine created by Sony for the Sony Ericsonn phone brand. BRAVIA is an acronym of Best Resolution Audio Visual Integrated Architecture. You can say the enhancement only on-screen because the engine not changes the input of the screen but it operate on the output."
- BeatsAudio Audio Enhancement Engine "is a sound engine that change the output values of your phone. It includes sound libraries and a software equalizer for the best audio experiance! The best quality is produced in cooperation with Beats Audio! This enhancement can work with the standards htc enhancement! So it can work with beats audio for an exclusive music and movie experience!"
- Sony PlayStation Certification "PlayStation Certification will allow you to enjoy the stuff created for exclusive devices have this certification (like Games, etc.)!"
- AwesomeBEATS
- Docking Einstellungen möglich wie beim GNEXUS
- mehr Benachrichtigungstöne
- geänderter Lockscreen Style
- geänderte Grafik fürs Wetter im Lockscreen
- ES Datei Explorer app
- Font Installer app
- Spare Parts+ app
- Apex Launcher app
- NSTools app
- Titanium Backup app
- Adobe Flashplayer app
- YouTubeHD + Plugin - Font Installer app
- Spare Parts+ app
- Apex Launcher app
- NSTools app
- Titanium Backup app
- Adobe Flashplayer app
- Recovery: Full Wipe Data und System wenn Ihr von einem anderen Rom kommt, sonst wipe Cache und Dalvik-Cache wipe
- Recovery: CMREX-v.xx-CM10NIGHTLY.zip flashen
- Recovery: Gapps flashen (immer)
- neustart
[B]CMREX Final Release-CM10-Nightly(08.09.2012)[/B]
- update Android 4.1.1 [COLOR=black]JRO03L[/COLOR] CM10-Nightly Build 07.09.2012 (CM-Team)
- CM10 Bootanimation
- Hintergrund im Standart JB Design nochmal geändert
- BigMem_NS_JB -bedalus
- Lag fix for cm10 based roms
Governor: Interaktiv
Scheduler: Deadline
CPU min auf 200MHz
[B]CMREX v.6-CM10-Nightly(03.09.2012)[/B]
- update Android 4.1.1 [COLOR=black]JRO03L[/COLOR] CM10-Nightly Build 02.09.2012 (CM-Team)
- Taschenlampe in Benachrichtigungsleiste
- Hintergrund im Standart JB Design geändert
- init.d Script geändert (Battarie drain sollte behoben sein)
[B]CMREX v.5-CM10-Nightly(29.08.2012)[/B]
- update Android 4.1.1 [COLOR=black]JRO03L[/COLOR] CM10-Nightly Build 28.08.2012 (CM-Team)
- neue Bootanimation (Beats Audio)
- Sony Mobile Bravia Post-Processing Engine [COLOR=royalblue]"Bravia Engine is a post-process engine created by Sony for the Sony Ericsonn phone brand. BRAVIA is an acronym of Best Resolution Audio Visual Integrated Architecture. You can say the enhancement only on-screen because the engine not changes the input of the screen but it operate on the output."[/COLOR]
- [COLOR=red]update files:[/COLOR] BeatsAudio Audio Enhancement Engine [COLOR=royalblue]"[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]is a sound engine that change the output values of your phone. It includes sound libraries and a software equalizer for the best audio experiance! The best quality is produced in cooperation with Beats Audio! This enhancement can work with the standards htc enhancement! So it can work with beats audio for an exclusive music and movie experience!"[/COLOR]
- Sony PlayStation Certification [COLOR=royalblue]"[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]PlayStation Certification will allow you to enjoy the stuff created for exclusive devices have this certification (like Games, etc.)!"[/COLOR]
- SRS Sound Equalizer Einstellungen im Musikplayer
- I/O Scheduler Einstellung in Leistungseinstellungen
- Bildschirmsperre Muster funktioniert
- Equalizer Einstellungen wieder möglich (SRS Panel, AwesomeBEATS)
[B]CMREX v.4-CM10-Nightly[/B]
- update Android 4.1.1 [COLOR=black]JRO03L[/COLOR] CM10-Nightly + Kernel 22.08.2012 (Euroskank)
- Faster ROM
- optional: CMREX-all_Rom-AIR-Kernel#193...pdate.zip)
- neue CM Bootanimation
- [COLOR=red]Bug: [/COLOR]Bildschirmsperre Muster funktioniert mal wieder nicht
[B]#193 Weekly (08-19-2012 KST / GMT +9:00)[/B]
- Revert "Update Linux 3.0.41" (Linux 3.0.40)
- Add Ezekeel's FSync Control (Default: Disable)
- BigMem_NS_JB (Test) -bedalus
[B]CMREX v.3-CM10-Nightly[/B]
- update Android 4.1.1 [COLOR=black]JRO03L[/COLOR] CM10-Nightly + Kernel 19.08.2012 (CM-Team)
- optional: CMREX-all_Rom-AIR-Kernel#193...pdate.zip)
- init.d Tweak hinzugefügt
- Bildschirmsperre Muster funktioniert
- Rotation Lockscreen ("Erscheinungsbild -> Bildschirmausrichtung")
- SRS Panel entfernt
- YouTubeHD + Plugin
[B]#193 Weekly (08-19-2012 KST / GMT +9:00)[/B]
-Revert "Update Linux 3.0.41" (Linux 3.0.40)
-Add Ezekeel's FSync Control (Default: Disable)
-BigMem_NS_JB (Test) -bedalus
[B]CMREX v.2-CM10[/B]
- update Android 4.1.1 [COLOR=black]JRO03L[/COLOR] CM10 16.08.2012 (Euroskank)
- AirKernel #164 vom 04.Aug (Empfehlung: CMREX-v2-AIR-Kernel#186-Update.zip)
- init.d Tweak hinzugefügt
- Smoother Rom
[B]update auf Air Kernel Weekly : JBN-#186[/B]
- More tweaks Interactive governor
- Re-Fix Charge 100%
- Change clock at DeepIdle from 400Mhz to 800Mhz
- Tweak some BFQ parameters to be more flash memory alikes -franciscofranco
- BigMem_NS_JB (Test) -bedalus
[B]CMREX v.1-CM10[/B]
- Android 4.1.1 [COLOR=black]JRO03L[/COLOR] CM10 10.08.2012 (Euroskank)
- AirKernel #164 vom 04.Aug
- Faster Rom
- [SIZE=4][SIZE=2][COLOR=black]Beats Audio (31.07.2012)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE]
- Desing JB Sandart, Cobalt (blau) und Gummetal Cobalt (schwarz)
- Brainmaster Tweaks: Build.prop
[LEFT]- Ram Tweaks Optimierung [B]Get more RAM and faster responses by disabling verify-bytecode![/B]
- SRS Sound Einstellungen im Musikplayer
- AwesomeBEATS (Sound Settings wenn SRS off)
- Docking Einstellungen möglich wie beim GNEXUS
- geänderter Lockscreen Style
- geänderte Grafik fürs Wetter im Lockscreen[/LEFT]
- Lockscreen Ton geändert
[LEFT]- ES Datei Explorer app
- Font Installer app
- Adobe.air app
- Spare Parts+ app
- Apex Launcher app
- NSTools app
- Titanium Backup
- Adobe Flashplayer app
und vieles mehr :thumbup:[/LEFT]
[B]CMREX JellyBean Beta 10[/B]
- Android 4.1.1 [COLOR=black]JRO03H[/COLOR] CM10 + Kernel 02.08.2012 (Euroskank)
- update [SIZE=4][SIZE=2][COLOR=black]Beats Audio (31.07.2012)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE]
- Desing JB Sandart, Cobalt (blau) und Gummetal Cobalt (schwarz)
- Kill app back button
- Face Unlock
- Titan Backup hinzugefügt
- Lockscreen Ton geändert
***** sonst wie Beta9 *****
- Alternativ Kernel
[B][KERNEL][EXP][L4.7][07.31] CyanogenMod+[/B]
Latest release & changelog: 07.31 - [URL]http://bit.ly/NPxw5u[/URL]
Hatte in mit der Beta9 laufen mit enorm guten Akkulaufzeiten
und bringt sogar BLD mit !!!!
[B]CMREX JellyBean Beta 9[/B]
- Android 4.1.1 [COLOR=black]JRO03H[/COLOR] CM10 + Kernel 28.07.2012 (Euroskank)
[COLOR=black]- Faster Rom[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]- Display lässt sich jetzt drehen[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]- update [SIZE=4][SIZE=2][COLOR=black]Beats Audio[/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE][/COLOR]
- Alternativ Kernel flasht bitte Thalamus ( bekomme ich nicht ins Rom )
- Google Chrome läuft
- Supercharger V6 (entfernt)
***** sonst wie Beta8 *****
- Kill app back button (geht immmer noch nicht)
[B]CMREX JellyBean Beta 8[/B]
- Android 4.1.1 [COLOR=black]JRO03H[/COLOR] CM10 + Kernel 26.07.2012
- Brainmaster Tweaks: Build.prop
- Ram Tweaks Optimierung [B]Get more RAM and faster responses by disabling verify-bytecode![/B]
- Desing JB Sandart und Cobalt (Themes gibt es wieder)
- Safe headset vol & audio dock support (WIP)
- Add Power Widget
- Battery Percentage etc
- SRS Sound Einstellungen im Musikplayer vom SGS3
- Docking Einstellungen möglich wie beim GNEXUS
- AwesomeBEATS (Sound Settings wenn SRS off)
- BeatsAudio
- Supercharger V6
- Apex Launcher app
- NSTools app
- geänderter Lockscreen Style
- geänderte Grafik fürs Wetter im Lockscreen (Sprache Deutsch)
- Superuser
- ES Datei Explorer app
- Font Installer app
- Adobe.air app
- Spare Parts+ app
- Dolby Mobile app
und vieles mehr ;) [/LEFT]
[B]CMREX JellyBean Beta 7[/B]
- Android 4.1.1 JRO03C CM10
- Brainmaster Tweaks: Build.prop
- Ram Tweaks Optimierung [B]Get more RAM and faster responses by disabling verify-bytecode![/B]
- Safe headset vol & audio dock support (WIP)
- Add Power Widget
- Battery Percentage etc
- SRS Sound Einstellungen im Musikplayer vom SGS3
- AwesomeBEATS (Sound Settings wenn SRS off)
- BeatsAudio
- Supercharger V6
- Apex Launcher app
- NSTools app
- geänderter Lockscreen Style
- geänderte Grafik fürs Wetter im Lockscreen
- Superuser
- ES Datei Explorer app
- Font Installer app
- Adobe.air app
- Spare Parts+ app[/LEFT]
[B]CMREX JellyBean Beta 6[/B]
- Android 4.1.1 JRO03H Base JellyBelly 0.1.4 by AdamG (Big Thanks)
[LEFT]- Linux kernel v3.0.38
- Google apps
- Superuser
- Busybox
- Deodexed
- Additional dictionaries
- Advanced power menu with reboot and screenshot options
- Battery percentage
- Big HighMem (alternative kernels will kill this feature)
- Download any file type
- Facebook contacts sync
- Receive any file type via Bluetooth
- SIP calling over 3G
- T9 Dialer
- Volume button music controls
- Volume button wake
- Voodoo sound
- Various other tweaks and features
- Brainmaster Tweaks: Build.prop
- SRS Sound Einstellungen im Musikplayer vom SGS3
- AwesomeBEATS (Sound Settings wenn SRS off)
- BeatsAudio
- Apex Launcher app
- NSTools app
- geänderter Lockscreen Style
- ES Datei Explorer app
- Font Installer app
- Spare Parts+ app [/LEFT]
[B]CMREX JellyBean Beta 5[/B]
- Android 4.1.1 JRO03C unofficial CM10
[LEFT]- Brainmaster Tweaks: Build.prop
- Performens Tweaks
- Safe headset vol & audio dock support (WIP)
- Add Power Widget
- JB Kernel
- JB Binaries
- Battery Percentage etc
- SRS Sound Einstellungen im Musikplayer vom SGS3
- AwesomeBEATS (Sound Settings wenn SRS off)
- BeatsAudio
- Supercharger V6
- Docking Einstellungen möglich wie beim GNEXUS
- Apex Launcher app
- NSTools app
[COLOR=red][COLOR=black]-[/COLOR] Root unter Extras: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]Superuser-3.2-RC2-arm-signed.zip[/COLOR]
- geänderter Lockscreen Style
- geänderte Grafik fürs Wetter im Lockscreen
- ES Datei Explorer app
- Font Installer app
- Adobe Flashplayer app (entfernt)
- Adobe.air app (entfernt)
- Spare Parts+ app[/LEFT]
[B]CMREX JellyBean Beta 4[/B]
- Android 4.1.1 JRO03C unofficial CM10
[LEFT]- Brainmaster Tweaks: Build.prop
- Performens Tweaks
- Safe headset vol & audio dock support (WIP)
- Add Power Widget
- SRS Sound Einstellungen im Musikplayer vom SGS3
- AwesomeBEATS (Sound Settings wenn SRS off)
- BeatsAudio
- Supercharger V6
- Docking Einstellungen möglich wie beim GNEXUS
- Apex Launcher app
- NSTools app
[COLOR=red][COLOR=black]-[/COLOR] Root unter Extras: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]Superuser-3.2-RC2-arm-signed.zip[/COLOR]
- geänderter Lockscreen Style
- geänderte Grafik fürs Wetter im Lockscreen
- ES Datei Explorer app
- Font Installer app
- Adobe Flashplayer app
- Adobe.air app
- Spare Parts+ app[/LEFT]
- [COLOR=red]Kernel unter Extras:[/COLOR] Trinity T11-NS-56HZ-CV-ANY-CMREX-JB
[B]CMREX JellyBean Beta 3[/B]
- Android 4.1.1 JRO03C unofficial CM10
[LEFT]- Brainmaster Tweaks: Build.prop
- Performens Tweaks
- AwesomeBEATS
- BeatsAudio
- Supercharger V6
- Apex Launcher app
- NSTools app
[COLOR=red][COLOR=black]-[/COLOR] Root unter Extras: [/COLOR][COLOR=black]Superuser-3.2-RC2-arm-signed.zip[/COLOR]
- [COLOR=red]Circle battery unter Extras:[/COLOR] Circle_Battery_with_Percentage_for_JB_SDK_CMREX.zip
- geänderter Lockscreen Style
- geänderte Grafik fürs Wetter im Lockscreen
- ES Datei Explorer app
- Font Installer app
- Adobe Flashplayer app
- Spare Parts+ app[/LEFT]
- GPS Funktioniert ;)
(Volume Rocker Wake Up seem not to work yet, and "System" Preferences in Settings Crash. Wait for CM to fix it)
Jelly Bean Rom:
Kernel optional:
update Beats Audio Mod (ab Beta 9 enthalten)What this includes
edited some files
and build prop audio tweaks
removed alot of usless files
and updated new files must have init.d support
Download: BeatsAudio07.31.zip
Special THANKS to:
CM-Team Rom
r-data Kernel
RockoDev Beats Audio
KTamas Hosting
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