[ROM] HO!NO! CM7-Mod - Entwicklung eingestellt

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Die Entwicklung dieses Mods wurde eingestellt, da HO!NO! auf ein anderes Gerät umgestiegen ist.

Multiuploadlinks sind down! Probiert bitte einen anderen Mod oder fragt im Original Thread auf XDA-Developers nach ob noch einer die Dateien hat und sie für euch hochladen könnte.

[B][FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="Red"]Hier soll ab sofort immer die aktuellste Version des HO!NO! CM7-Mods stehen.
Diskussionen bitte im dazugehörigen [URL="https://www.android-hilfe.de/forum/custom-roms-fuer-motorola-milestone.219/diskussion-ho-no-cm7-mod.92057.html"]Diskussionsthread[/URL].
Wenn ihr Updates in den Thread eintragt haltet euch bitte an diese Vorlage: [URL="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/14262920/HO%21NO%21-Update-Vorlage.txt"]"HO!NO!-Update-Vorlage.txt"[/URL][/COLOR][/FONT][/B]

[B]How to install:
Copy zip file in sd\OpenRecovery\updates\ folder. Reboot in Recovery and apply update!
No more baseband swith or gapps or script to load, everything is there all ready

[B]Battery Calibration:[/B]

After you apply this rom and your phone is rebooted my script will look 2 thing first if your phone show 100% battery and if voltage is over 4190mV. If not it will look back in 5 min until the 2 parameter are correct. If ok then it will deleted batterystats.bin and install .battery-calibrated file in data folder so the script know battery are calibrated and will stop looping every 5 min.

Now the best way to get your battery calibrated is to check if .battery-calibrated is in the data folder if yes delete it then shutdown your phone plug it in the wall charger with battery removed. now wait to see a battery icon with ? in it, then put back your battery and wait until you see the green light showing 100%. Then restart your phone without unplugging it, when your phone is completely restarted, your good to go until the next rom


[B]Change log for 7.1.2-ICS Edition:[/B]

No more need to change baseband (Assuming your phone as all ready the working one)
Automatic battery calibration :)
Many new tweak (try it, believe it)
Add in rom = ChainFire 3d, Toggle 2g, soundback, talkback, kickback, 
Update = Flash player, FriendCaster, Ice Cream Sandwich (theme for launcher), 
Twitter, ICSPhaseBeam live wallpaper.
Fallow Nadlabak change up to 2011/12/13

[B]Download ROM Complete:[/B] [url=http://www.multiupload.com/P6X1LFNHJT]HO!NO! CM7.1.2-ICS Edition.zip[/url]

[B][COLOR="Red"]No more baseband swith or gapps or script to load, everything is there all ready[/COLOR][/B]

[COLOR="Red"]Bitte die Wipes vor einer Neuinstallation nicht vergessen!!![/COLOR]

[B]ICS-Pack (Wallpaper, Icon, App Drawer & Dock icon):[/B]

[B]To turn on or off boot sound:[/B]
In system/build.prop
Change ro.config.play.bootsound=1 (to turn on)
Change ro.config.play.bootsound=0 (to turn off)

[B]For MIUI lovers here are some app for you:[/B]

[B]To go back for original app use this:[/B]

[B]Fonts (Update files):[/B]
[URL="http://www.multiupload.com/Q4B0LGC2TD"]EVO manup456 fonts[/URL]
[URL="http://www.multiupload.com/WEXA49SOVS"]CM7 stock fonts[/URL]
[URL="http://www.multiupload.com/LD9P7O91I6"]Sony Sketch fonts[/URL]

[B]Update files to switch the Launcher:[/B]

[URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=849676"]Original Thread auf XDA-Developers[/URL]

[COLOR="Red"][URL="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=WRAYHY2CN4686"]If you want to donate to HO!NO! for his work - click on the link[/URL][/COLOR]

MfG AddiB
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Reaktionen: mastakilla, Alosha, MOMaTriX und 9 andere
Auf Wunsch des Threaderstellers wurden alle Postings aus diesem Thread ausgelagert, dies dient der Übersicht...

Bei fragen und co bezüglich des HO!NO CM7 Mods nutzt bitte den Diskussionsthread: https://www.android-hilfe.de/forum/...stone.219/diskussion-ho-no-cm7-mod.92057.html

Hier bitte keine Posings erstellen, der Threadersteller möchte diesen Thread neu strukturieren...

Unerwünschte postings werden wieder gelöscht oder ausgelagert...

Also nutz im eigenen Interesse den Diskussionsthread und erspart den Moderatoren arbeit und Euch unnötigen Ärger...
  • Danke
Reaktionen: barani, motoroller, GARSTIG und eine weitere Person
Soo, eine kleine Änderung ;)

Ich zitiere:
Hallo -FuFu-,
da ich mit der Neustrukturierung des HO!NO!-ROM-Threads fertig bin und um die größtmögliche Aktualität zu erreichen möchte ich den Thread wieder "öffentlich" machen, sodass jeder wieder (nach einer von mir eingetragenen Vorlage) die Updates eintragen kann. Deshalb bitte ich dich deinen Post in dem Thread dahingehend zu editieren und den Hinweis keine Postings zu erstellen zu entfernen. Die anderen Hinweise wie der auf den Diskussionsthread dürfen gerne beibehalten werden. Sowas wirkt wenn es ein Mod sagt einfach besser ;).

MfG AddiB

Also ab sofort dürfen hier wieder postings erstellt werden, allerdings NUR updates zum Rom, am besten immer so, wie es im ersten Post gemacht wurde...

Diskussion weiterhin hier: https://www.android-hilfe.de/forum/...stone.219/diskussion-ho-no-cm7-mod.92057.html

Alle postings, die hier nicht reingehören werden von mir gelöscht...

Ich wünsch Euch weiterhin viel spaß ;) und möge die Macht mit Euch sein :D
  • Danke
Reaktionen: motoroller, barani, TheSpiritof69 und eine weitere Person
Change log for 7.1.0-11.09.30:

Change notification text color (again)
Update Facebook, Motomizer, Chainfire 3d, Adobe flash player, Market,
Gmail (that time for real, bad merge on last release)
Fallow Nadlabak change up to 11.10.02

Download ROM Complete: Update-Full_rom-HO!NO!_CM7.1.0-11.09.30-Milestone.zip
  • Danke
Reaktionen: motoroller und wuerfel
Change log for 7.1.0-11.10.03:

Remove green text in notification - change to black
Update Chainfire3D, adobe flash player.
Update to Nadlabak 2011-10-03

Download ROM Update: HO!NO!-CM7.1.0-11.10.03_Update.zip
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Reaktionen: motoroller und wuerfel
  • Danke
Reaktionen: motoroller, wuerfel und GARSTIG
Change log for 7.1.0-11.10.13:

Change boot animation and sound (boot sound is on by default).
Update Motomizer, Facebook, Superuser.
Put back sqlite sync.
Some modification of the tweak file.
Benchmark result on 850 mhz without any other script or tweak:
AnTuTu v2.3.1 = 2106
Quadrant Standard v1.1.7 = 1326
Linpack v1.2.8 (Multi Tread)= 13.188
Fallow Nadlabak change up to 11.10.13 (But did not use odex style,
right now i don't see any advantage to switch to that style of rom)

Download ROM Update: HO!NO!-CM7.1.0-11.10.13_Update.zip
  • Danke
Reaktionen: motoroller, Chronix, barani und 2 andere
Change log for

Update: Book, Flash player, Google Map, Market.
Fallow Nadlabak change up to 11.11.11

Download ROM Update: HO!NO!-CM7.1.0.3-KANG.V1_Update.zip
  • Danke
Reaktionen: motoroller und wuerfel
Change log for Edition:

Add ICS theme, ICS animation, ICS font, ICS audio & boot animation
Theme credit goes to:
qureshali for the ICS Battery Percentage
IntelSoftApps for the Ice Cream Sandwich 2.4 Launcher
ZduneX25 for the ICS Statusbar v1.0
sonnysekhon for the Ice Cream Sandwich theme for CM7: v 1.6
DameonAndMeagan for the Ice Cream Sandwich Ring Lock MOD
capez for the Port ICS transition animations
Overclock to 1000
Unmodified LauncherPro was causing problem with fede unlock code
replace facebook app by friendCaster less memory hungry.
Update: Youtube, street, superuser, Googlevoice, book.
Fallow Nadlabak change up to 2011/11/17

Download ROM Complete: Update-Full_rom-HO!NO!_CM7.1.0.6-ICS_Edition-Milestone.zip

You should full wipe your phone before you try this rom (data,cache,dalvik,sd-ext) for best result

ICS-Pack (Wallpaper, Icon, App Drawer & Dock icon):
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Reaktionen: motoroller
Change log for Edition:

Minor icon change
Add ICS+TN's transition animation from: tony-noob
Re-install balanced settings 3 from zeppelinrox V8 SuperCharger Alpha
Fallow Nadlabak change up to 2011/11/23

Download ROM Update: HO!NO!_CM7.1.0.7-ICS_Edition_Update.zip
  • Danke
Reaktionen: motoroller
Change log for 7.1.1-ICS Edition:

Apply some old settings (phone feel really good, near 2.2 if not as good)
Fallow Nadlabak change up to 2011/11/25

Download ROM Update: HO!NO!_CM7.1.1-ICS_Edition_Update.zip
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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Reaktionen: motoroller und wuerfel
Change log for 7.1.1-ICS Edition V1:

Add near all zeppelinrox KAK settings
Change some audio file for ICS one
Port from ICS aosp, all animation/transition to framework
Themed LauncherPro and remove it from acore process
Add from Vectors & Pixels Indiegames, ICSPhaseBeam live wallpaper
Update = Flash player, FriendCaster, Google map, Market.
Fallow Nadlabak change up to 2011/12/01

Download ROM Update: HO!NO!_CM7.1.1-ICS_Edition_Update-v1.zip
  • Danke
Reaktionen: motoroller
Change log for 7.1.2-ICS Edition:

No more need to change baseband (Assuming your phone as all ready the working one)
Automatic battery calibration :)
Many new tweak (try it, believe it)
Add in rom = ChainFire 3d, Toggle 2g, soundback, talkback, kickback,
Update = Flash player, FriendCaster, Ice Cream Sandwich (theme for launcher),
Twitter, ICSPhaseBeam live wallpaper.
Fallow Nadlabak change up to 2011/12/13

Download ROM Complete: HO!NO! CM7.1.2-ICS Edition.zip

No more baseband swith or gapps or script to load, everything is there all ready

@AddiB bitte mal das how to install im ersten Post editieren! :)

How to install

Copy zip file in sd\OpenRecovery\updates\ folder. Reboot in Recovery and apply update!
No more baseband swith or gapps or script to load, everything is there all ready
Battery Calibration
After you apply this rom and your phone is rebooted my script will look 2 thing first if your phone show 100% battery and if voltage is over 4190mV. If not it will look back in 5 min until the 2 parameter are correct. If ok then it will deleted batterystats.bin and install .battery-calibrated file in data folder so the script know battery are calibrated and will stop looping every 5 min.

Now the best way to get your battery calibrated is to check if .battery-calibrated is in the data folder if yes delete it then shutdown your phone plug it in the wall charger with battery removed. now wait to see a battery icon with ? in it, then put back your battery and wait until you see the green light showing 100%. Then restart your phone without unplugging it, when your phone is completely restarted, your good to go until the next rom
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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Reaktionen: wuerfel, motoroller, extempore und eine weitere Person
[ROM] HO!NO! Mod CM7.1.3*Preview* ICS Edition

Change log for 7.1.3*preview*-ICS Edition
Update = FriendCaster, Ice Cream Sandwich (theme for launcher).
Fallow Nadlabak change up to 2011/12/24


Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

ICS Wallpaper, icon, dock
Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Fonts Update File

-EVO manup456 fonts
-CM7 stock fonts
Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
-Sony Sketch fonts
Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!


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Reaktionen: extempore, pacroy9, wuerfel und eine weitere Person
Neue Version online :)

Gruß Dirk

Link (Fullwipe Rom) : http://www.mirorii.com/fichier/0/49...O!_CM7-2-0-RC0-ICS_Edition-Milestone-zip.html


Finally i got time to do it....Sorry for the very long delay.

Change log for 7.2.0-RC0-ICS Edition

Rom is now odex.
Remove 97oom control file.
Remove baseband script (now you can switch baseband directly from mm settings.
Update hosts file protection.
Replace tiwlan_drv.ko, boot.img and add cust.img with one from froyo realese.
Remove some ringtones (need some space).
wifi.supplicant_scan_interval was 180 now 120.
mot.proximity.delay was 150 now 250.
Apk Removed from data folder = FriendCaster, IntelSoftApps ICS Launcher.
Apk taked from data and relocated to system folder (reason now odex) = AndroidTerm, CMStats, DSPManager, FileManager, GenieWidget,
LiveWallpapers, MagicSmokeWallpapers, PersonalPortal, Protips, SoundRecorder, Torch, VoiceDialer.
Apk added in data folder = Facebook, Google Maps, Google plus, kickback, Soundback, Talkback.
Apk updated = Google Voice, Google Quick Search Box, Ice Cream Sandwich (theme for launcher).
Fallow Nadlabak change up to 2012/02/08
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Die Entwicklung dieses Mods wurde eingestellt, da HO!NO! auf ein anderes Gerät umgestiegen ist.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Diamond-X
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.

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