[ROM] CyanogenMod 7 für das Milestone (CM7) - Gingerbread

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7.1.1 (2.3.7) 24.11.2011 KANG

  • fixed issue of some Gameloft games (and possibly other apps) hanging during sound engine initialization
  • fixed lockscreen calendar view to be able to display also the event description
  • the most specific Milestone options (keyboard, logger etc.) moved to Device settings (from CyanogenMod settings)

Download: update-cm-7.1.1-Milestone-KANG-signed.zip

Google Apps: gapps-gb-20111122
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Reaktionen: Nikolas22, etet, Cela und 9 andere
7.1.2 (2.3.7) 13.12.2011

- fixed recurring events in lockscreen calendar widget
- fixed possible egl surface creation failure (in PewPew game and possibly other apps); reworked egl config selection
- added optional revamped ring lockscreen style
- fixed bugreport service (left shift + del), report files are stored in /sdcard/bugreports/
- added /etc/powervr.ini for some PowerVR SGX tweaks
- internal storage changes:
-- dalvik.vm.dexopt-cache-only disabled by default
-- return back to 07app2ext moving also dalvik-cache to sd-ext
-- lib2ext script (and support for it in installd) newly included. It is not active by default. It can free huge amount of space in /data by transfer of applications' native libraries to sd-ext. Make sure you have enough free space (at least 100MB-200MB) in /sd-ext before you enable it. To activate it, run "su" and then "lib2ext 1" in terminal on phone. The libs will be moved during the next boot.
- etc
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Reaktionen: powercon, Regy, mango und 10 andere
Ist die gleiche Version bzw sogar Datei.
7.1.4 (2.3.7) 19.01.2012
- native wifi tethering finally works (proprietary 3G Mobile Hotspot removed, no dun apn dependency anymore)
- new 'Holo' ring lockscreen style
- internal: switched to init built from source, wifi: switched from system/wlan/ti to hardware/ti/wlan
- other things I can't remember now ;)
- note: 7.1.3 skipped to distinguish from the intermediate version used as base for the last HO!NO! Mod

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Reaktionen: Enkidu, diggi, wembley und 17 andere
[ROM] CyanogenMod 7.1.5 (Android 2.3.7)

7.1.5 (2.3.7) 21.01.2012
- ics animations (including rotation) backported to gingerbread
- renderer updated with rotation support - proper playback of videos with orientation hint
- adhoc disabled in tiwlan.ini (may help few people with wifi issues)

update-cm-7.1.5-Milestone-KANG-signed.zip — CM 7.1.5 (2.3.7) odexed; md5: 9830a9e48c4873300e4d9d33d03509c7
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Reaktionen: Aretho, WillowVine, Monzta1988 und 10 andere
update-cm-7.2.0-RC0-Milestone-KANG-signed.zip — CM 7.2.0 RC0 (2.3.7) odexed; md5: 57ab27a78129aff0204d0631348c0c46

7.2.0 RC0 (2.3.7) 17.02.2012
- wide screen video recording now captures in 848x480 resolution (was 720x400)
- two way call recording is now possible (recording has to start after the lines have been connected, not sooner)
- UMTS baseband (2100/900 vs. 2100/1900/850) can be selected in Device settings, the selection will persist even after future system updates (please do not use the baseband switching via Open Recovery anymore)
- fixed in-call and SIM PIN unlock screen layouts for landscape orientation, e.g. for phone in CarDock or DeskDock
- additional information about call can be indicated (e.g. that an incoming call has been forwarded, that the call is on hold on the remote side...)
- workaround for broken proximity sensors - camera button can be used to generate fake 'proximity far' event
- many other important fixes and improvements
note: CMWalpapers and Androidian and Cyanbread themes are not included anymore as more space in /system was needed for the libraries that enable the higher quality video recording. Themes and wallpapers can be installed e.g. from market separately.
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Reaktionen: wuerfel, schrimpi, Boogie und 15 andere
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Reaktionen: motoroller, wuerfel, Aretho und eine weitere Person
CM7 Testversion mit custom kernel (Infos: xda-developers - View Single Post - [ROM] CyanogenMod 7.2.1 (Android 2.3.7) [20120901])

- Kernel Samepage Merging enabled
- ZRAM (compcache) can be enabled under CyanogenMod>Performance settings (will be active after reboot)

bekannte bugs:
- because of yet unknown reason, the device performance is limited until the phone first enters a deep sleep after 2ndboot,
so you should let the phone sleep first while the usb/power is not connected, after every boot.
Since the first successful suspend, the device performance is restored to normal till next reboot.

Please note that the kernel and other files are stored in /data/2ndboot, so you will need to reinstall the ROM if you do data wipe or it won't be able to boot.

Download: Dev-Host - cm-7-20121007-UNOFFICIAL-umts_sholes.zip - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service
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Reaktionen: motoroller, wuerfel, -FuFu- und eine weitere Person
Eine weitere Testversion mit Custom Kernel



- charge_only_mode now works
- BP panic is now handled correctly
- 2ndboot files are now stored in /system/etc/2ndboot
- kernel and modules updated
- upstream updates merged
- DSS tearing elimination turned off toincrease fps rate
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Reaktionen: motoroller, hellfire, thisismespam und 4 andere
CM 7.2.3 mit Custom Kernel (



- 2ndboot: update prebuilts with L2 cache fix by Skrilax_CZ (=> Das System läuft auch nach dem Booten flüssig und nicht erst, nachdem es vorher im Suspend Mode gewesen ist)
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Reaktionen: 4711, gromicx, wuerfel und 6 andere

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