- 5.255
16 Mar 2011 | Cronos Ginger 1.1.0
-Updated to latest source updates
-Updated kernel, libs, prop. files to latest leak (14 Mar)
-Changed some compile optimizations.
-Faster GUI responsive
-Bug fixes of DRM framework
-Removed dead code with no other effect than consuming battery life.
-float values equality checks : core/java/android/webkit/WebView.java.
-Patched freetype for nicer Font rendering.
-Updated to latest CM Extra.
-Removed dead store : core/java/android/os/BatteryStats.java
-frameworks/base: Fix for force close during rapid FF of cetain midi clips
-Runtime inclusion of services in the SystemServer with overlays
-Fixed memory leak in PreferenceScreen.
-Removed strict lowmemorykiller configuration.
-Changed default speed to 700Mhz.
download links: http://cronos.bertol.de/CGMM-1.1.0_.zip
Google Apps (for CM7): http://android.d3xt3r01.tk/cyanogen/...307-signed.zip
Source: Cronos Android, Android on Steroids! • View topic - Milestone Cronos Ginger 1.1.0
16 Mar 2011 | Cronos Ginger 1.1.0
-Updated to latest source updates
-Updated kernel, libs, prop. files to latest leak (14 Mar)
-Changed some compile optimizations.
-Faster GUI responsive
-Bug fixes of DRM framework
-Removed dead code with no other effect than consuming battery life.
-float values equality checks : core/java/android/webkit/WebView.java.
-Patched freetype for nicer Font rendering.
-Updated to latest CM Extra.
-Removed dead store : core/java/android/os/BatteryStats.java
-frameworks/base: Fix for force close during rapid FF of cetain midi clips
-Runtime inclusion of services in the SystemServer with overlays
-Fixed memory leak in PreferenceScreen.
-Removed strict lowmemorykiller configuration.
-Changed default speed to 700Mhz.
download links: http://cronos.bertol.de/CGMM-1.1.0_.zip
Google Apps (for CM7): http://android.d3xt3r01.tk/cyanogen/...307-signed.zip
Source: Cronos Android, Android on Steroids! • View topic - Milestone Cronos Ginger 1.1.0