[Diskussion] MIUI-ROM für das Milestone

  • 11.869 Antworten
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Soxes schrieb:
Ohne Spaß...
Ich hab die MIUI gestern abend nach nem sauberen Full Wipe installiert.
Ich habe mich schon gestern Abend gewundert das ich kein Tearing hatte...
Bis ich dann prompt die Antwort bekam... Ein Reboot!

Daraufhin habe ich den OS Monitor installiert und da fiel es mir wie Schuppen von den Augen.... Jede Sekunde 6 neue DSI Errors... Und das nahm kein Ende mehr...

Kann es sein das die bearbeitete init.mapphone_umts.rc keine 644 Rechte hat, oder in nem falschen Verzeichnis gelandet ist...?

ok, DSI-Fix funzt tatsächlich nicht...habs gecheckt....kein Tag ohne Probleme :sneaky:
Rechte und Verzeichnis stimmen aber, muss nen anderen Grund haben...
eybee1970 schrieb:
ok, DSI-Fix funzt tatsächlich nicht...habs gecheckt....kein Tag ohne Probleme :sneaky:
Rechte und Verzeichnis stimmen aber, muss nen anderen Grund haben...

Und der wäre? :)
Vllt schon ne Idee? ^^
eybee1970 schrieb:
ok, DSI-Fix funzt tatsächlich nicht...habs gecheckt....kein Tag ohne Probleme :sneaky:
Rechte und Verzeichnis stimmen aber, muss nen anderen Grund haben...

Ja, habs auch grad gemerkt, aber bisher kein Reboot oder Ähnliches. Die "Tobenden Vögel" laufer allerdings.

Aber kein Streß, morgen kommt ja wieder was neues, oder?
Denke ich auch mal :D
Bei MIUI geht das echt zügig :D
eybee1970 schrieb:
nach Aufspielen des Hotfixes oder schon vorher? Nochmals das script für Multitasking oder Gaming drüber laufen lassen?
Ich nutze das script ALL Rom Supertest2(6,8,25,30,35,35) Läuft alles ohne Probleme.
[GScript v5] SuperCharge & Bulletproof Your Milestone & Droid ! Now STOCK ROMS Too!! - Page 41 - xda-developers
gscript-SUPERTESTS.zip (2.5 KB, 70 views)
Das wäre nett, wenn du so schnell es geht da was rausbringen kannst ^^ :D
ok, wenn ihr angehängtes zip über die OR 'apply update' aufspielt, habt ihr keine DSI-Errors mehr (die init.mapphone_umts.rc wird getauscht).

Allerdings geht dadurch der ein oder andere tweak zu lasten der performance verloren...also entscheidet selbst, ob ihr lieber mit DSI-errors leben wollt oder eben nicht...läuft trotz allem danach noch sehr gut aber eben mit leichtem tearing...


  • DSI-ErrorsFix_MIUI_1.4.15-update.zip
    157,3 KB · Aufrufe: 142
  • Danke
Reaktionen: miamo und smax
Was verstehst du unter leicht? :D
eybee1970 schrieb:
ok, wenn ihr angehängtes zip über die OR 'apply update' aufspielt, habt ihr keine DSI-Errors mehr (die init.mapphone_umts.rc wird getauscht).

Allerdings geht dadurch der ein oder andere tweak zu lasten der performance verloren...also entscheidet selbst, ob ihr lieber mit DSI-errors leben wollt oder eben nicht...läuft trotz allem danach noch sehr gut aber eben mit leichtem tearing...

mein stein läuft wieder seit deinem Hotfix von heute früh ohne probleme. :thumbsup:
was DSI fehler sind weiss ich garnicht. irgendwas mit screen freez hab ich gelesen, hab ich aber auch nicht.

Hierfür nochmals ein FETTES DANKE
Gregor901 schrieb:
Wenn ich hier so mitlese denke ich, dass die MIUI-Architektur inzwischen so komplex ist, dass ein gelöstes Problem zwei neue entstehen lässt.

Wer also Wert auf tadellosem Lauf ALLER Funktionen legt, der muss wohl nach wie vor mit anderen ROM's liebäugeln.

is doch alles fein jetzt, Du Ketzer (bis auf fehlendes aGPS) :)

EDIT: nette Download-Statistik von MIUI 1.4.15 v2...dafür, dass die noch keine 2 Tage draussen ist:


  • www.multiupload.com.png
    3,5 KB · Aufrufe: 379
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: motoroller und anime
Miui ist ja au einfach geil ^^.

An dieser Stelle : DANKE Eybee, für dein Engagement, deine Energie und deine Versuche, das ganze besser zu machen. Habe diene neue Verison drauf, die läuft echt gut. Möge noch lange Zeit die Macht mit dir sein :)
-.- solangsm bekomme ich echt das kotzen ... gestern full wipe und alles funzt ... heute hotfix drüber gemacht und thema verändert bekomme ich wieder nen fc wen ich auf einstellungen gehe -.- was ist blos mit diesem dummen system los?

Edit: hier der fc text:
longMsg:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: y + height must be <= bitmap.height()
stackTrace:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: y + height must be <= bitmap.height()
	at android.graphics.Bitmap.checkPixelsAccess(Bitmap.java:827)
	at android.graphics.Bitmap.getPixels(Bitmap.java:780)
	at android.widget.SlidingButton.drawSlidingBar(SlidingButton.java:283)
	at android.widget.SlidingButton.onDraw(SlidingButton.java:269)
	at android.view.View.draw(View.java:6892)
	at android.view.View.buildDrawingCache(View.java:6654)
	at android.view.View.getDrawingCache(View.java:6432)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1585)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1658)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1658)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
	at android.view.View.draw(View.java:6895)
	at android.view.View.buildDrawingCache(View.java:6654)
	at android.view.View.getDrawingCache(View.java:6432)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1585)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
	at android.widget.AbsListView.dispatchDraw(AbsListView.java:1495)
	at android.widget.ListView.dispatchDraw(ListView.java:3164)
	at android.view.View.draw(View.java:6895)
	at android.widget.AbsListView.draw(AbsListView.java:2603)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1660)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
	at android.view.View.draw(View.java:6895)
	at android.widget.FrameLayout.draw(FrameLayout.java:357)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1660)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
	at android.view.View.draw(View.java:6895)
	at android.widget.FrameLayout.draw(FrameLayout.java:357)
	at com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$DecorView.draw(PhoneWindow.java:1865)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1660)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1658)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1658)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1658)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
	at android.view.View.draw(View.java:6895)
	at android.widget.FrameLayout.draw(FrameLayout.java:357)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1660)
	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
	at android.view.View.draw(View.java:6895)
	at android.widget.FrameLayout.draw(FrameLayout.java:357)
	at com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$DecorView.draw(PhoneWindow.java:1865)
	at android.view.ViewRoot.draw(ViewRoot.java:1533)
	at android.view.ViewRoot.performTraversals(ViewRoot.java:1260)
	at android.view.ViewRoot.handleMessage(ViewRoot.java:1870)
	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
	at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)
	at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:3691)
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:507)
	at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:841)
	at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:599)
	at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

Detail logs:
--------- beginning of /dev/log/system
--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_CONCURRENT freed 520K, 51% free 3412K/6919K, external 1628K/2124K, paused 3ms+3ms
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_CONCURRENT freed 602K, 47% free 3712K/6983K, external 1628K/2124K, paused 3ms+4ms
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
W/ResourceType( 4526): getEntry failing because entryIndex 64 is beyond type entryCount 1
W/InputManagerService( 1756): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@407a3a30
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_CONCURRENT freed 698K, 47% free 3902K/7303K, external 1630K/2124K, paused 5ms+4ms
I/System.out( 4526): a message serializd into outbox
I/dalvikvm( 4526): Jit: resizing JitTable from 4096 to 8192
W/ResourceType( 4526): Skipping entry 0x1080012 in package table 0 because it is not complex!
W/ResourceType( 4526): Skipping entry 0x1080012 in package table 0 because it is not complex!
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/customavatars/thumbs/avatar11909_1.gif
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/customavatars/thumbs/avatar22170_1.gif
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/customavatars/thumbs/avatar60057_1.gif
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/customavatars/thumbs/avatar11054_1.gif
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/customavatars/thumbs/avatar12800_10.gif
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
W/InputManagerService( 1756): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@40706fe8
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_CONCURRENT freed 832K, 48% free 4031K/7623K, external 1650K/2124K, paused 6ms+8ms
I/System.out( 4526): a message serializd into outbox
W/ResourceType( 4526): Skipping entry 0x1080012 in package table 0 because it is not complex!
W/ResourceType( 4526): Skipping entry 0x1080012 in package table 0 because it is not complex!
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/customavatars/thumbs/avatar12428_2.gif
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/customavatars/thumbs/avatar12754_1.gif
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
W/InputManagerService( 1756): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@407a7b38
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_CONCURRENT freed 882K, 47% free 4146K/7751K, external 1650K/2124K, paused 3ms+9ms
I/System.out( 4526): a message serializd into outbox
W/ResourceType( 4526): Skipping entry 0x1080012 in package table 0 because it is not complex!
W/ResourceType( 4526): Skipping entry 0x1080012 in package table 0 because it is not complex!
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/customavatars/thumbs/avatar16756_24.gif
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/customavatars/thumbs/avatar28967_1.gif
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/customavatars/thumbs/avatar17054_2.gif
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/customavatars/thumbs/avatar19275_2.gif
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/customavatars/thumbs/avatar7789_3.gif
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/customavatars/thumbs/avatar53574_1.gif
W/InputManagerService( 1756): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@40846910
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 794K, 49% free 4014K/7751K, external 2033K/2124K, paused 47ms
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Starting: Intent { cmp=com.quoord.tapatalkahilfe.activity/.ThreadActivity (has extras) } from pid 4526
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
W/ResourceType( 4526): getEntry failing because entryIndex 92 is beyond type entryCount 1
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Displayed com.quoord.tapatalkahilfe.activity/.ThreadActivity: +548ms
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 888K, 47% free 4208K/7879K, external 1742K/2254K, paused 70ms
I/System.out( 4526): a message serializd into outbox
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/customavatars/avatar9667_7.gif
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/customavatars/avatar18905_1.gif
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/customavatars/avatar53463_1.gif
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/customavatars/avatar10387_2.gif
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/customavatars/avatar7789_3.gif
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1058K, 47% free 4325K/8071K, external 1735K/2247K, paused 3ms+9ms
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 230K, 48% free 4226K/8071K, external 1742K/2247K, paused 47ms
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 11K, 48% free 4237K/8071K, external 2699K/2892K, paused 44ms
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 1K, 48% free 4275K/8071K, external 2906K/2913K, paused 48ms
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 53K, 48% free 4262K/8071K, external 3150K/3175K, paused 48ms
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 55K, 48% free 4243K/8071K, external 2010K/2522K, paused 46ms
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock acquire, uid:10059 at elapsed real time: 12076892
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock acquire, uid:1000 at elapsed real time: 12076897
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock acquire, uid:10059 at elapsed real time: 12076902
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock release, uid:10059 at elapsed real time: 12077022
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock release, uid:1000 at elapsed real time: 12077029
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock release, uid:10059 at elapsed real time: 12077103
D/dalvikvm( 4538): GC_EXPLICIT freed 240K, 52% free 2744K/5703K, external 2K/512K, paused 37ms
I/System.out( 4526): a message serializd into outbox
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1079K, 46% free 4436K/8199K, external 1978K/2552K, paused 3ms+5ms
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/customavatars/avatar15177_1.gif
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttp://media.xda-developers.com/images/attach/zip.gif
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
W/InputManagerService( 1756): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@4066ce78
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 687K, 48% free 4281K/8199K, external 2117K/2484K, paused 50ms
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 146K, 48% free 4298K/8199K, external 3227K/3304K, paused 46ms
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 42K, 48% free 4307K/8199K, external 3159K/3228K, paused 44ms
D/MediaScannerService( 4439): IMediaScannerService.scanFile: /mnt/sdcard/tapatalkahilfe_download/DSI-ErrorsFix_MIUI_1.4.15-update.zip mimeType: application/zip
V/MediaProvider( 4439): /mnt/sdcard volume ID: 487011865
D/MediaScannerService( 4439): sendBroadcast: ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_FINISHED:/mnt/sdcard/tapatalkahilfe_download/DSI-ErrorsFix_MIUI_1.4.15-update.zip
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Start proc com.cooliris.media for broadcast com.cooliris.media/com.cooliris.cache.BootReceiver: pid=4592 uid=10015 gids={1015, 3003}
E/dalvikvm( 4592): could not disable core file generation for pid 4592: Operation not permitted
D/szipinf ( 4592): Initializing inflate state
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock acquire, uid:10043 at elapsed real time: 12113679
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock release, uid:10043 at elapsed real time: 12113679
D/LauncherPro( 3092): Starting Facebook update
I/ActivityThread( 4592): Pub com.cooliris.picasa.contentprovider: com.cooliris.picasa.PicasaContentProvider
D/dalvikvm( 4592): GC_CONCURRENT freed 413K, 55% free 2571K/5639K, external 0K/0K, paused 94ms+5ms
I/BootReceiver( 4592): Got intent with action android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_FINISHED
W/InputManagerService( 1756): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@4081a928
D/Facebook-Util( 3092): GET URL: https://graph.facebook.com/me/home?limit=200&access_token=122945941088869%7Ce5af36f3c5d54f37921ff6c0-100000477982371%7C4kOvZ7ONU2D5jNloFsRU1a1ezkA&format=json&since=1303391372
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Start proc com.miui.player for broadcast com.miui.player/.receiver.MediaScanReceiver: pid=4605 uid=10027 gids={3003, 1015}
E/dalvikvm( 4605): could not disable core file generation for pid 4605: Operation not permitted
D/dalvikvm( 4605): GC_CONCURRENT freed 399K, 55% free 2585K/5639K, external 0K/0K, paused 3ms+3ms
D/szipinf ( 4605): Initializing inflate state
I/ActivityThread( 4605): Pub com.miui.player: com.miui.player.provider.PlayerProvider
I/ActivityThread( 4605): Pub com.miui.player.download: com.miui.player.downloader.DownloadProvider
D/common2/downloadmanager( 4605): Initializing AppSettings
D/common2/downloadmanager( 4605): AppSettings should has been Initialized
D/LauncherPro( 3092): FacebookUpdateService: 16 new posts on news feed
D/Facebook-Util( 3092): GET URL: https://graph.facebook.com/me/feed?limit=200&access_token=122945941088869%7Ce5af36f3c5d54f37921ff6c0-100000477982371%7C4kOvZ7ONU2D5jNloFsRU1a1ezkA&format=json&since=1303372689
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1022K, 44% free 4762K/8455K, external 2264K/2827K, paused 3ms+7ms
I/System.out( 4526): a message serializd into outbox
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/attachment.php?attachmentid=33050&d=1303387793
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
I/System.out( 4526): start a threadhttps://www.android-hilfe.de/customavatars/avatar10383_2.gif
I/System.out( 4526): start a thread
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Start proc com.android.gallery for broadcast com.android.gallery/.app.SystemReceiver: pid=4617 uid=10098 gids={1015, 3003}
E/dalvikvm( 4617): could not disable core file generation for pid 4617: Operation not permitted
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 1161K, 48% free 4446K/8455K, external 2112K/2571K, paused 374ms
D/dalvikvm( 4617): GC_CONCURRENT freed 399K, 55% free 2580K/5639K, external 0K/0K, paused 18ms+10ms
W/InputManagerService( 1756): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@409689c0
D/szipinf ( 4617): Initializing inflate state
D/LauncherPro( 3092): FacebookUpdateService: 0 new posts on wall
D/xpicture/SystemReceiver( 4617): Got intent with action:android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_FINISHED
I/xpicture/MediaCache( 4617): MIUI gallery is started
D/xpicture/MediaCache( 4617): media scan is finished
D/LauncherPro( 3092): Stopping Facebook service
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 59K, 48% free 4403K/8455K, external 3401K/3590K, paused 70ms
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Process com.levelup.beautifulwidgets (pid 4538) has died.
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Process android.process.media (pid 4439) has died.
E/CursorWindow( 3092): need to grow: mSize = 1048576, size = 32, freeSpace() = 12, numRows = 3076
E/CursorWindow( 3092): not growing since there are already 3076 row(s), max size 1048576
E/Cursor  ( 3092): Failed allocating 32 bytes for text/blob at 3075,2
D/Cursor  ( 3092): finish_program_and_get_row_count row 1808
D/Cursor  ( 3092): skip_rows row 3075
D/dalvikvm( 3092): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1966K, 49% free 5020K/9671K, external 10659K/11386K, paused 11ms+5ms
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 804K, 47% free 4536K/8455K, external 4469K/4527K, paused 88ms
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 687K, 46% free 4588K/8455K, external 3217K/3987K, paused 76ms
W/InputManagerService( 1756): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@40830ff0
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 139K, 48% free 4471K/8455K, external 3521K/3739K, paused 50ms
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Starting: Intent { cmp=com.quoord.tapatalkahilfe.activity/.CreateTopicActivity (has extras) } from pid 4526
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Displayed com.quoord.tapatalkahilfe.activity/.CreateTopicActivity: +448ms
D/dalvikvm( 2939): GC_CONCURRENT freed 384K, 57% free 2805K/6407K, external 769K/1250K, paused 3ms+3ms
D/dalvikvm( 2939): GC_CONCURRENT freed 531K, 57% free 2783K/6407K, external 810K/1250K, paused 5ms+8ms
D/dalvikvm( 2939): GC_CONCURRENT freed 393K, 56% free 2821K/6407K, external 912K/1250K, paused 2ms+3ms
D/LatinIME( 2939): mLongPressDelay = 400
D/LatinKeyboardBaseView( 2939): mLongPressDelay = 400
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock acquire, uid:10059 at elapsed real time: 12136891
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock acquire, uid:1000 at elapsed real time: 12136907
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Start proc com.levelup.beautifulwidgets for broadcast com.levelup.beautifulwidgets/.HomeWidget14: pid=4632 uid=10059 gids={3003, 3002, 3001, 1015}
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock acquire, uid:10059 at elapsed real time: 12136908
E/dalvikvm( 4632): could not disable core file generation for pid 4632: Operation not permitted
D/Beautiful Widgets( 4632): Creating application object
D/lohan   ( 4632): Invoke Hook: android.app.ContextImpl$SharedPreferencesImpl$EditorImpl.apply()
D/dalvikvm( 4632): GC_CONCURRENT freed 197K, 52% free 2735K/5639K, external 0K/0K, paused 97ms+21ms
D/dalvikvm( 4632): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 39K, 52% free 2722K/5639K, external 0K/0K, paused 27ms
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock release, uid:10059 at elapsed real time: 12139169
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock release, uid:1000 at elapsed real time: 12139224
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock release, uid:10059 at elapsed real time: 12139278
D/dalvikvm( 2939): GC_CONCURRENT freed 487K, 56% free 2835K/6407K, external 926K/1250K, paused 3ms+9ms
D/dalvikvm( 2939): GC_CONCURRENT freed 530K, 57% free 2816K/6407K, external 928K/1250K, paused 3ms+5ms
D/dalvikvm( 2939): GC_CONCURRENT freed 419K, 55% free 2889K/6407K, external 1036K/1250K, paused 3ms+6ms
D/LatinIME( 2939): mLongPressDelay = 400
D/LatinKeyboardBaseView( 2939): mLongPressDelay = 400
D/dalvikvm( 2939): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 319K, 57% free 2809K/6407K, external 1054K/1250K, paused 88ms
D/PointerTracker( 2939): mLongPressKeyTimeout = 400
D/szipinf ( 1756): Initializing inflate state
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Process com.cooliris.media (pid 4592) has died.
E/dalvikvm( 4646): could not disable core file generation for pid 4646: Operation not permitted
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Start proc android.process.acore for content provider com.android.providers.contacts/.ContactsProvider2: pid=4646 uid=10000 gids={3003, 1015}
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Process com.android.gallery (pid 4617) has died.
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Process com.miui.player (pid 4605) has died.
I/ActivityThread( 4646): Pub user_dictionary: com.android.providers.userdictionary.UserDictionaryProvider
I/ActivityThread( 4646): Pub com.android.social: com.android.providers.contacts.SocialProvider
D/dalvikvm( 4646): GC_CONCURRENT freed 404K, 55% free 2560K/5639K, external 0K/0K, paused 3ms+4ms
I/ActivityThread( 4646): Pub applications: com.android.providers.applications.ApplicationsProvider
I/ActivityThread( 4646): Pub contacts;com.android.contacts: com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2
I/ActivityThread( 4646): Pub call_log: com.android.providers.contacts.CallLogProvider
D/szipinf ( 4646): Initializing inflate state
D/dalvikvm( 4646): GC_CONCURRENT freed 166K, 51% free 2822K/5703K, external 0K/0K, paused 3ms+14ms
D/szipinf ( 4646): Initializing inflate state
D/szipinf ( 4646): Initializing inflate state
D/szipinf ( 4646): Initializing inflate state
D/szipinf ( 4646): Initializing inflate state
D/szipinf ( 4646): Initializing inflate state
D/szipinf ( 4646): Initializing inflate state
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Process com.levelup.beautifulwidgets (pid 4632) has died.
I/WindowManager( 1756): Setting rotation to 1, animFlags=1
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=262/2 loc=de_DE touch=3 keys=2/1/1 nav=2/1 orien=2 layout=34 uiMode=17 seq=5}
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Process android.process.acore (pid 4646) has died.
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Low Memory: No more background processes.
D/dalvikvm( 1756): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2033K, 45% free 6432K/11527K, external 6127K/7632K, paused 131ms
D/skia    ( 1812): purging 105K from font cache [13 entries]
D/dalvikvm( 1812): GC_EXPLICIT freed 286K, 55% free 2884K/6343K, external 1500K/1633K, paused 38ms
D/dalvikvm( 2880): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2K, 55% free 2485K/5511K, external 0K/0K, paused 34ms
D/dalvikvm( 2939): GC_CONCURRENT freed 509K, 57% free 2764K/6407K, external 1504K/2005K, paused 20ms+3ms
D/dalvikvm( 3601): GC_EXPLICIT freed 190K, 52% free 3388K/6983K, external 1083K/1595K, paused 75ms
D/skia    ( 3092): purging 723K from font cache [68 entries]
D/dalvikvm( 3092): GC_EXPLICIT freed 170K, 49% free 5007K/9671K, external 10009K/11386K, paused 72ms
D/skia    ( 4526): purging 435K from font cache [41 entries]
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_EXPLICIT freed 845K, 45% free 4651K/8455K, external 3625K/4447K, paused 57ms
D/skia    ( 1756): purging 74K from font cache [7 entries]
D/dalvikvm( 1756): GC_EXPLICIT freed 77K, 45% free 6354K/11527K, external 6112K/7632K, paused 90ms
D/dalvikvm( 2900): GC_EXPLICIT freed 99K, 51% free 3098K/6215K, external 0K/0K, paused 42ms
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock acquire, uid:10059 at elapsed real time: 12196971
E/dalvikvm( 4658): could not disable core file generation for pid 4658: Operation not permitted
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Start proc com.levelup.beautifulwidgets for broadcast com.levelup.beautifulwidgets/.HomeWidget: pid=4658 uid=10059 gids={3003, 3002, 3001, 1015}
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock acquire, uid:1000 at elapsed real time: 12197201
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock acquire, uid:10059 at elapsed real time: 12197201
D/Beautiful Widgets( 4658): Creating application object
D/lohan   ( 4658): Invoke Hook: android.app.ContextImpl$SharedPreferencesImpl$EditorImpl.apply()
D/dalvikvm( 4658): GC_CONCURRENT freed 199K, 52% free 2734K/5639K, external 0K/0K, paused 5ms+19ms
D/dalvikvm( 4658): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 38K, 52% free 2720K/5639K, external 0K/0K, paused 42ms
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock release, uid:10059 at elapsed real time: 12198991
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock release, uid:1000 at elapsed real time: 12199003
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock release, uid:10059 at elapsed real time: 12199082
W/ResourceType( 4526): getEntry failing because entryIndex 64 is beyond type entryCount 1
D/dalvikvm( 1866): GC_EXPLICIT freed 92K, 50% free 3279K/6535K, external 2164K/2702K, paused 58ms
D/skia    ( 2939): purging 120K from font cache [8 entries]
D/dalvikvm( 2939): GC_EXPLICIT freed 34K, 58% free 2749K/6407K, external 897K/1493K, paused 50ms
D/skia    ( 4005): purging 6K from font cache [1 entries]
D/dalvikvm( 4005): GC_EXPLICIT freed 6K, 52% free 3266K/6791K, external 0K/0K, paused 226ms
D/skia    ( 4022): purging 6K from font cache [1 entries]
D/dalvikvm( 4022): GC_EXPLICIT freed 239K, 54% free 2553K/5511K, external 63K/524K, paused 94ms
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock acquire, uid:10059 at elapsed real time: 12256891
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock acquire, uid:1000 at elapsed real time: 12256894
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock acquire, uid:10059 at elapsed real time: 12256901
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock release, uid:10059 at elapsed real time: 12256994
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock release, uid:1000 at elapsed real time: 12257003
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock release, uid:10059 at elapsed real time: 12257074
I/global  ( 4526): Loaded time zone names for en_US in 732ms.
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1646K, 48% free 4882K/9223K, external 3881K/3945K, paused 3ms+4ms
I/System.out( 4526): a message serializd into outbox
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 923K, 49% free 4788K/9223K, external 3724K/3945K, paused 53ms
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 677K, 51% free 4553K/9223K, external 5536K/5669K, paused 51ms
I/TelephonyRegistry( 1756): notifyServiceState: 0 home FYVE FYVE 26202  HSDPA CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false
I/TelephonyRegistry( 1756): notifyDataConnection: state=0 isDataConnectivityPossible=true reason=null interfaceName=null networkType=8
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock acquire, uid:10059 at elapsed real time: 12316895
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock acquire, uid:1000 at elapsed real time: 12316897
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock acquire, uid:10059 at elapsed real time: 12316904
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock release, uid:10059 at elapsed real time: 12316963
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock release, uid:1000 at elapsed real time: 12316973
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock release, uid:10059 at elapsed real time: 12317025
I/TelephonyRegistry( 1756): notifyServiceState: 0 home FYVE FYVE 26202  HSPA CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false
I/TelephonyRegistry( 1756): notifyDataConnection: state=0 isDataConnectivityPossible=true reason=null interfaceName=null networkType=10
D/dalvikvm( 4658): GC_EXPLICIT freed 394K, 53% free 2763K/5831K, external 4K/512K, paused 38ms
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock acquire, uid:1000 at elapsed real time: 12328500
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock release, uid:1000 at elapsed real time: 12328501
D/PerformBackupThread( 1756): starting agent for backup of BackupRequest{app=ApplicationInfo{406651a0 com.android.providers.settings} full=false}
D/BackupManagerService( 1756): awaiting agent for ApplicationInfo{406651a0 com.android.providers.settings}
D/BackupManagerService( 1756): agentConnected pkg=com.android.providers.settings agent=android.app.backup.BackupAgent$BackupServiceBinder@406ea610
D/BackupHelperDispatcher( 1756): handling existing helper 'wallpaper' android.app.backup.AbsoluteFileBackupHelper@408f1d88
D/PerformBackupThread( 1756): starting agent for backup of BackupRequest{app=ApplicationInfo{4060db20 android} full=false}
D/BackupManagerService( 1756): awaiting agent for ApplicationInfo{4060db20 android}
D/BackupManagerService( 1756): agentConnected pkg=android agent=android.app.backup.BackupAgent$BackupServiceBinder@40994b50
D/dalvikvm( 2900): GC_EXPLICIT freed 222K, 51% free 3082K/6215K, external 0K/0K, paused 75ms
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GetFieldID: unable to find field Ljava/util/HashMap;.loadFactor:F
W/ResourceType( 4526): getEntry failing because entryIndex 65 is beyond type entryCount 1
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.fede.launcher/.Launcher } from pid 1756
D/dalvikvm( 3092): GC_EXPLICIT freed 278K, 49% free 4978K/9671K, external 9707K/11386K, paused 116ms
D/dalvikvm( 3092): GC_EXPLICIT freed 58K, 50% free 4919K/9671K, external 9513K/11386K, paused 46ms
D/dalvikvm( 3092): GC_EXPLICIT freed 185K, 52% free 4737K/9671K, external 9348K/11386K, paused 46ms
D/dalvikvm( 3092): GC_EXPLICIT freed 123K, 53% free 4618K/9671K, external 9348K/11386K, paused 62ms
I/WindowManager( 1756): Setting rotation to 0, animFlags=1
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=262/2 loc=de_DE touch=3 keys=2/1/2 nav=2/2 orien=1 layout=34 uiMode=17 seq=6}
D/dalvikvm( 3092): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 383K, 52% free 4651K/9671K, external 9535K/11333K, paused 100ms
D/dalvikvm( 3092): GC_EXPLICIT freed 187K, 53% free 4634K/9671K, external 9652K/11333K, paused 170ms
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Start proc android.process.acore for content provider com.android.providers.contacts/.CallLogProvider: pid=4671 uid=10000 gids={3003, 1015}
E/dalvikvm( 4671): could not disable core file generation for pid 4671: Operation not permitted
D/dalvikvm( 3092): GC_EXPLICIT freed 9K, 53% free 4625K/9671K, external 9485K/11333K, paused 90ms
D/dalvikvm( 1407): GC_EXPLICIT freed 12K, 54% free 2479K/5379K, external 0K/0K, paused 160ms
D/dalvikvm( 3092): GC_EXPLICIT freed 4K, 53% free 4620K/9671K, external 9465K/11333K, paused 93ms
D/dalvikvm( 3092): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 53% free 4622K/9671K, external 9460K/11333K, paused 78ms
D/dalvikvm( 1407): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 54% free 2479K/5379K, external 0K/0K, paused 104ms
I/ActivityThread( 4671): Pub user_dictionary: com.android.providers.userdictionary.UserDictionaryProvider
D/dalvikvm( 1407): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 54% free 2479K/5379K, external 0K/0K, paused 130ms
D/dalvikvm( 3092): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 347K, 52% free 4691K/9671K, external 9709K/11333K, paused 64ms
D/dalvikvm( 4671): GC_CONCURRENT freed 406K, 55% free 2552K/5639K, external 0K/0K, paused 85ms+12ms
D/dalvikvm( 3092): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 225K, 51% free 4756K/9671K, external 10837K/11333K, paused 46ms
I/ActivityThread( 4671): Pub com.android.social: com.android.providers.contacts.SocialProvider
I/ActivityThread( 4671): Pub applications: com.android.providers.applications.ApplicationsProvider
I/ActivityThread( 4671): Pub contacts;com.android.contacts: com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2
D/szipinf ( 4671): Initializing inflate state
D/dalvikvm( 4671): GC_CONCURRENT freed 140K, 51% free 2841K/5703K, external 0K/0K, paused 4ms+4ms
D/szipinf ( 4671): Initializing inflate state
D/szipinf ( 4671): Initializing inflate state
D/szipinf ( 4671): Initializing inflate state
W/WindowManager( 1756): Window freeze timeout expired.
W/WindowManager( 1756): Force clearing orientation change: Window{4086e7d8 com.fede.launcher/com.fede.launcher.Launcher paused=false}
E/dalvikvm( 4684): could not disable core file generation for pid 4684: Operation not permitted
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Start proc com.android.providers.calendar for content provider com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarProvider2: pid=4684 uid=10006 gids={3003}
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock acquire, uid:10043 at elapsed real time: 12342375
I/AlarmManager( 1756): wakelock release, uid:10043 at elapsed real time: 12342375
I/ActivityThread( 4684): Pub com.android.calendar: com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2
D/Facebook-Util( 3092): GET URL: https://graph.facebook.com/me/home?limit=200&access_token=122945941088869%7Ce5af36f3c5d54f37921ff6c0-100000477982371%7C4kOvZ7ONU2D5jNloFsRU1a1ezkA&format=json&since=1303393296
D/LauncherPro( 3092): FacebookUpdateService: 2 new posts on news feed
I/ActivityThread( 4671): Pub call_log: com.android.providers.contacts.CallLogProvider
D/dalvikvm( 4684): GC_CONCURRENT freed 399K, 56% free 2534K/5639K, external 0K/0K, paused 683ms+21ms
D/dalvikvm( 1756): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1352K, 45% free 6403K/11527K, external 6116K/7632K, paused 1172ms
D/LauncherPro( 3092): Starting Facebook update
D/dalvikvm( 4526): GC_EXPLICIT freed 581K, 51% free 4578K/9223K, external 4435K/5523K, paused 276ms
D/Facebook-Util( 3092): GET URL: https://graph.facebook.com/me/feed?limit=200&access_token=122945941088869%7Ce5af36f3c5d54f37921ff6c0-100000477982371%7C4kOvZ7ONU2D5jNloFsRU1a1ezkA&format=json&since=1303372689
D/szipinf ( 4671): Initializing inflate state
D/szipinf ( 4671): Initializing inflate state
D/dalvikvm( 3092): GC_EXPLICIT freed 346K, 48% free 5030K/9671K, external 11568K/13387K, paused 92ms
D/szipinf ( 4671): Initializing inflate state
E/dalvikvm( 4696): could not disable core file generation for pid 4696: Operation not permitted
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Start proc com.google.android.gm for content provider com.google.android.gm/.provider.MailProvider: pid=4696 uid=10016 gids={3003, 1015}
D/LauncherPro( 3092): FacebookUpdateService: 0 new posts on wall
D/LauncherPro( 3092): Stopping Facebook service
D/dalvikvm( 4696): GC_CONCURRENT freed 395K, 55% free 2589K/5639K, external 0K/0K, paused 24ms+4ms
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Process com.levelup.beautifulwidgets (pid 4658) has died.
D/Calendar( 4684): missed alarms found: 0
I/ActivityThread( 4696): Pub gmail-ls: com.google.android.gm.provider.MailProvider
D/dalvikvm( 3092): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 1281K, 59% free 4062K/9671K, external 10278K/10438K, paused 166ms
I/ActivityThread( 4696): Pub com.google.android.gm.attachmentspreviews: com.google.android.gm.AttachmentPreviewProvider
I/ActivityThread( 4696): Pub com.google.android.gmail.SuggestionProvider: com.google.android.gm.SuggestionsProvider
I/ActivityThread( 4696): Pub gmail-downloads: com.google.android.gm.downloadprovider.DownloadProvider
D/dalvikvm( 3092): GC_EXPLICIT freed 204K, 58% free 4131K/9671K, external 9449K/11435K, paused 50ms
I/Gmail   ( 4696): calculateUnknownSyncRationalesAndPurgeInBackground: queueing
D/dalvikvm( 4696): GC_CONCURRENT freed 248K, 53% free 2731K/5703K, external 0K/0K, paused 64ms+17ms
I/Gmail   ( 4696): calculateUnknownSyncRationalesAndPurgeInBackground: running
E/CursorWindow( 3092): need to grow: mSize = 1048576, size = 70, freeSpace() = 42, numRows = 3076
E/CursorWindow( 3092): not growing since there are already 3076 row(s), max size 1048576
E/Cursor  ( 3092): Failed allocating 70 bytes for text/blob at 3075,6
D/Cursor  ( 3092): finish_program_and_get_row_count row 1810
E/CursorWindow( 3092): need to grow: mSize = 1048576, size = 70, freeSpace() = 42, numRows = 3076
E/CursorWindow( 3092): not growing since there are already 3076 row(s), max size 1048576
E/Cursor  ( 3092): Failed allocating 70 bytes for text/blob at 3075,6
D/Cursor  ( 3092): finish_program_and_get_row_count row 1810
D/Cursor  ( 3092): skip_rows row 3075
D/dalvikvm( 4671): GC_CONCURRENT freed 337K, 52% free 2895K/5959K, external 0K/0K, paused 312ms+330ms
D/Cursor  ( 3092): skip_rows row 3075
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings bnds=[365,642][475,772] } from pid 3092
W/ActivityManager( 1756): Activity pause timeout for HistoryRecord{407b3f10 com.fede.launcher/.Launcher}
E/dalvikvm( 4724): could not disable core file generation for pid 4724: Operation not permitted
I/WindowManager( 1756): WIN DEATH: Window{408eb948 com.quoord.tapatalkahilfe.activity/com.quoord.tapatalkahilfe.activity.ForumNavigationActivity paused=false}
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Start proc com.android.settings for activity com.android.settings/.Settings: pid=4724 uid=1000 gids={3003, 3002, 3001}
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Process com.quoord.tapatalkahilfe.activity (pid 4526) has died.
D/dalvikvm( 4724): GC_CONCURRENT freed 396K, 55% free 2588K/5639K, external 0K/0K, paused 21ms+3ms
D/szipinf ( 4724): Initializing inflate state
I/ActivityThread( 4724): Pub com.android.settings.Provider: com.android.settings.Provider
D/dalvikvm( 4724): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 39K, 53% free 2665K/5639K, external 0K/0K, paused 29ms
D/dalvikvm( 4724): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 272K, 54% free 2690K/5767K, external 58K/512K, paused 26ms
D/dalvikvm( 4724): GC_CONCURRENT freed 335K, 54% free 2703K/5767K, external 645K/1071K, paused 3ms+2ms
D/dalvikvm( 4724): GC_CONCURRENT freed 365K, 52% free 2836K/5895K, external 711K/1071K, paused 3ms+9ms
D/AndroidRuntime( 4724): Shutting down VM
W/dalvikvm( 4724): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40018560)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: y + height must be <= bitmap.height()
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.graphics.Bitmap.checkPixelsAccess(Bitmap.java:827)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.graphics.Bitmap.getPixels(Bitmap.java:780)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.widget.SlidingButton.drawSlidingBar(SlidingButton.java:283)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.widget.SlidingButton.onDraw(SlidingButton.java:269)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.View.draw(View.java:6892)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.View.buildDrawingCache(View.java:6654)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.View.getDrawingCache(View.java:6432)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1585)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1658)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1658)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.View.draw(View.java:6895)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.View.buildDrawingCache(View.java:6654)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.View.getDrawingCache(View.java:6432)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1585)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.widget.AbsListView.dispatchDraw(AbsListView.java:1495)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.widget.ListView.dispatchDraw(ListView.java:3164)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.View.draw(View.java:6895)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.widget.AbsListView.draw(AbsListView.java:2603)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1660)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.View.draw(View.java:6895)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.widget.FrameLayout.draw(FrameLayout.java:357)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1660)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.View.draw(View.java:6895)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.widget.FrameLayout.draw(FrameLayout.java:357)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$DecorView.draw(PhoneWindow.java:1865)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1660)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1658)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1658)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1658)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.View.draw(View.java:6895)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.widget.FrameLayout.draw(FrameLayout.java:357)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1660)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1387)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.View.draw(View.java:6895)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.widget.FrameLayout.draw(FrameLayout.java:357)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$DecorView.draw(PhoneWindow.java:1865)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewRoot.draw(ViewRoot.java:1533)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewRoot.performTraversals(ViewRoot.java:1260)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.view.ViewRoot.handleMessage(ViewRoot.java:1870)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:3691)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:507)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:841)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:599)
E/AndroidRuntime( 4724): 	at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
W/ActivityManager( 1756):   Force finishing activity com.android.settings/.Settings
W/ActivityManager( 1756): Activity pause timeout for HistoryRecord{40678810 com.android.settings/.Settings}
I/Process ( 4724): Sending signal. PID: 4724 SIG: 9
E/InputDispatcher( 1756): channel '407715d8 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred.  events=0x8
E/InputDispatcher( 1756): channel '407715d8 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
I/WindowManager( 1756): WINDOW DIED Window{407715d8 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings paused=false}
I/ActivityManager( 1756): Process com.android.settings (pid 4724) has died.
thepolobeast schrieb:
Miui ist ja au einfach geil ^^.

An dieser Stelle : DANKE Eybee, für dein Engagement, deine Energie und deine Versuche, das ganze besser zu machen. Habe diene neue Verison drauf, die läuft echt gut. Möge noch lange Zeit die Macht mit dir sein :)

...die Macht schwindet und ist in ca. 2 Monaten erloschen :)

warlock464 schrieb:
-.- solangsm bekomme ich echt das kotzen ... gestern full wipe und alles funzt ... heute hotfix drüber gemacht und thema verändert bekomme ich wieder nen fc wen ich auf einstellungen gehe -.- was ist blos mit diesem dummen system los?

Edit: hier der fc text:

Du entwickelst dich hier auch langsam zum Härtefall, warlock :winki:
...und Du bist dir auch sicher, dass das theme, welches Du dir ausgewählt hast, auch 1.4.15-kompatibel ist????!!!
Weil (einfache Rechenaufgabe...):

ohne Theme geht's + mit Theme geht's nicht = *2 geschrieben, 1 im Sinn* Das Theme ist schuld :winki:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: db_cooper und BaZZtian
eybee1970 schrieb:
ok, wenn ihr angehängtes zip über die OR 'apply update' aufspielt, habt ihr keine DSI-Errors mehr (die init.mapphone_umts.rc wird getauscht).

Allerdings geht dadurch der ein oder andere tweak zu lasten der performance verloren...also entscheidet selbst, ob ihr lieber mit DSI-errors leben wollt oder eben nicht...läuft trotz allem danach noch sehr gut aber eben mit leichtem tearing...

ach ja, wer den DSI-Fix https://www.android-hilfe.de/forum/...as-milestone.53512-page-388.html#post-1325542 wieder rückgängig machen will, weil ihm das Tearing und die dahingeschwundene Performance auf die Nüsse geht, der kann angehängtes zip über die OR als update einspielen und hat damit alles wieder beim alten (natürlich dann mit DSI-Fehlern...):


  • Undo_DSI-ErrorsFix_MIUI_1.4.15-update.zip
    157,5 KB · Aufrufe: 125
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: motoroller
Hey wie kann ich sehen ob ich jemals einen DSi error hatte?
ich fahre im Moment noch mit CM7 RC3 vom 11 oder so in etwa und ich hatte noch nie einen DSI-Error (glaube ich) oder spontanen Reboot, vieleicht legt die Lösung ja in meinem Stein ich tausche meins sogar gegen ein Neues DHD, wer will tauschen? :D
streetking77 schrieb:
Hey wie kann ich sehen ob ich jemals einen DSi error hatte?
ich fahre im Moment noch mit CM7 RC3 vom 11 oder so in etwa und ich hatte noch nie einen DSI-Error (glaube ich) oder spontanen Reboot, vieleicht legt die Lösung ja in meinem Stein ich tausche meins sogar gegen ein Neues DHD, wer will tauschen? :D

Du hast nicht keine DSI - Errors, alle 2.2 Stockversionen haben die drinnen, sprich alles 2.3 er Customs auch, da sie auf 2.2 stock basieren. Bei einem haben die Auswirkungen, beim anderen nicht, Kannste aber alles nachlesen.
Hmm, ich habe schon gesucht nur finde ich nie Erklärungen was das ist,sondern nur Anfragen für einen Fix.

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