Bandit schrieb:Bringt nix, schrieb Feeyo auch grade im Forum. Da muss er noch mal nachlegen und wird wohl gleich ne update.zip bauen.
dabei gings nicht darum, sondern um den beitrag:
derjenige soll weiter testen und wenns weiter stabil und schnell rennt baut er daraus ne update.zip..@Feeyo
Look what i'm doing from today morning....
I took the 1.0.0 .zip file you had upload. I changed only some apps to system/app and some files what correct some issues:
1) I took Phone.apk, and PhoneConfig.apk, init.mapphone_umts.rc (system/etc/rootfs) and phone_type_choice.g2g (system/usr/srec/config/en.us/grammars) from 1.2.1. I did this because i think these files fix the issue with phone app stucks after a call.
2)I took Camera.apk, CameraServiceTest (system/bin), cameraCalFileDef.bin (system/etc), libcamera.so, libcamera_client.so, libcameraservice.so, liboemcamera.so (system/lib), android.hardware.camera.flash-autofocus.xml (system/etc/permissions). I did this to have the latest camera zoom fix.
3) I took CMParts.apk, CMPartsHelper.apk and Settings.apk as they are from nadablak's latest ROM without changing a thing at all. I did this cause i have made it before you fix the CM things and Settings.apk and i had no battery problem.
4) I took the latest Launcher2.apk from 1.2.1, just to have the latest Launcher Pro.
5) I installed the AGps fix from first post of this thread, just to have google servers instead of motorola's.
So all other files-mods are exactly as you have made in 1.0.0.
And the results for is:
1)No problem with Phone calls stuck,
2)No AGps problems,
3)Much Much better battery handling,
4)Very Very good performance (with 10overclock file untouched from your 1.0.0 release and as you remember it run on 900 and not on 700 as it runs now on 1.2.1). Only a very little lagging, that doesn't bother me at all.
I will keep testing and i will try to use the phone as usual, so the tests will be reliable...
Tommorow i will give you more infos....
€: und von "gleich" hat er auch nix gesagt
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