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Orginal Post & Download: [071111] [ROM] Thanatos2X v4.1 EXT4 - Based on Official V20l. - xda-developers
- Based on Official V20l
- HorsePower 2x eXtreme RC8-R + Performance Ramdisk (EXT4): (Thanks to spica1234)
EXT4 Filesystem
Overclock/Undevolt upto 1400MHz with Pimp My CPU 2.8 (Preinstalled)
Mega-smooth UI Fluidity/smoothness and higher benchmarks
Efficient multi-tasking
Fixed group scheduler"s cpu memory leak, no need to restart phone every 100 hours
RAM Tweaks
Battery Consumption Tweaks
"Anticipatory" I/O scheduler
Touchscreen Tweak
Voodoo Sound (For other features check HorsePower 2x eXtreme Kernel Thread)
- Optimized for v20l Baseband 0725
MD5: 7FFEA57F5EBC1072C21ABB79BB58870E
- Added various Init.d script including optimized "999Switch" by spica1234
- LG Launcher
- ADS Filter
- Optimized Gps.conf
- New Framework
- Galaxy Nexus Bootanimation
- Veggie Burger Med Font
- Removed Unnecessary Apps
- Pre-installed Useful Apps:
New Market 3.3.11
Flash Player
Facebook 1.7.2
Twitter 2.1.2
Astro 3.0-218
AppWidgetPicker 1.2.3
Google Music 4.0.1
LG O2X Reboot 1.4
Battery Calibration 1.2
QRDroid 4.1
Busybox 1.19.3
Superuser 3.0.6 + su 3.0.3
Spare Parts
Orginal Post & Download: [071111] [ROM] Thanatos2X v4.1 EXT4 - Based on Official V20l. - xda-developers