- 1.134

Ihre Garantie ist jetzt Weg!
Ich bin nicht verantwortlich für gebrickte Geräte, tote SD Karten ,
thermonuklearer Krieg .
Update auf 6.0.1_r43
"Meine Lieblings Rom"
Basiert auf CM , slim, omni und Original Remix ROM , schafft eine tolle Kombination aus 8Leistung, Anpassung, Leistung und den neuen Features, direkt auf das Gerät.
Besonderer Dank gebührt dem Team AOKP, ParanoidAndroid Team ,AICP Team(User optx) den CM -Team, OMNI -Team und natürlich auch an alle Unterstützer.
"Resurrection Remix Marshmallow"
unterstützt viele Geräte !
Installationsanleitung :
Ladet euch die aktuelle Rom und die Gapps herunter und kopiert diese auf eure SD-Card
1. Ins vorhandene Recovery booten
2. Backup anlegen und Full Wipe und Factory Reset ausführen !
3. Rom flashen
4. Gapps flashen
5. Neustart
6. alles einrichten
7. Fertig
Updateanleitung :
- Download der aktuellsten Resurrection ROM und kopiert diese auf eure SD-Karte
- Reboot ins Recovery (z.B. TWRP)
- Erstellt ein nandroid backup
- Flasht die ROM
- Flasht die Gapps
- Wipe cache
- Wipe dalvik cache
- Reboot
- Fertig
Gapps 6.0.x ( Gapps nach wahl , die am besten passen für sie)
Open Gapps : The Open GApps Project
CyanogenMod 13 Android 6.0 Google Apps
Banks gapps
Slim Gapps
Bitte die neuen Gapps nutzen, sonst kommt es zu Fehler !
Also die Platform : ARM64
und Android : 6.0.x
Die Variante ist jeden selbst überlassen.
Ich nutze selbst die nano,
Open Gapps
Vielen Dank an:
Resurrection Remix Team
CM Team
Kang (AOKP) Team
Omni Team
Slim Rom
Cyberboob [Für Signaturen, Bilder]
BigDenn [Für Bootanimations]
Source Code:
ResurrectionRemix · GitHub
Resurrection Remix 5.6.X Changelog
ROM OS Version: 6.0.1. x Marshmallow ROM
Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Basiert auf: CyanogenMod
Versionsstatus: Stable ?
Erstellt: 10.12.15
Aktualisiert: 18.06.16
Dies sind inoffizielle / Entwickler-Builds von CM-basierte 13,0 für H815 & H811
(GSM) und CDMA-Varianten !
* Erwarten Sie nicht, täglichen Builds. Ich werde builden , wenn ich zeit habe.
* Nicht unhöflich sein.
* Respekt allen Benutzern gegen über .

- Von CM Quelle Eingebaute
- Bedienung
- Text
- Daten
- Anruf
- Audio
- W-lan
- Google Now
- Bluetooth
- Video-Wiedergabe
- Audiowiedergabe
- Interne SDcard Montage
- Externe SDcard Montage
- Kamera
- Videoaufnahme
- IR Blaster

- Einige CM Funktionen sind noch nicht eingetragen worden haben Sie Geduld.
- Es wird mit der zeit alles kommen .
Download Roms :
H811 & H811
Downloads for LG G4 by Blackjubel
TWRP Recovery:
h815: LG G4 International
H815 V20B
H815 V20B
Kernel sources: https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...el_lge_msm8992
G4 common device tree: https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro..._lge_g4-common
H815: GitHub - CyanogenMod/android_device_lge_h815: LG G4 (International)
Proprietary files: GitHub - TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_lge

Source Code: ResurrectionRemix · GitHub
Website: Resurrection Remix - Android in all its Glory
For extended changelog, track github activities
ResurrectionRemix - v5.6.3 - 20160213
Turn back to AOSP setup wizard
Fix OntheGo Mode NPE
SystemUI: handle hiding recents search bar dynamically
QS: Kill App Tile
Keyguard: Show backdrop when sim pin secure screen shown
framework: move device key handler logic, fix gesture camera launch
Fix leftAffordanceView visibility bug
FWB: Add rotation animation to navbar icons
Update API levels and fix errors
SystemUI: add volume tones back
update secure keyguard check
SystemUI: add caffeine qs tile
Recents: Fix Clear All Button Dissappearing Again
SysUI: Don't show LS wallpaper if LLS is available
Add wakelock option for flashlight
Update translations
ResurrectionRemix - v5.6.3 - Marshmallow 6.0.1_r16
Website: Resurrection Remix - Android in all its Glory
For extended changelog, track github activities
ResurrectionRemix - v5.6.3 - 20160213
Turn back to AOSP setup wizard
Fix OntheGo Mode NPE
SystemUI: handle hiding recents search bar dynamically
QS: Kill App Tile
Keyguard: Show backdrop when sim pin secure screen shown
framework: move device key handler logic, fix gesture camera launch
Fix leftAffordanceView visibility bug
FWB: Add rotation animation to navbar icons
Update API levels and fix errors
SystemUI: add volume tones back
update secure keyguard check
SystemUI: add caffeine qs tile
Recents: Fix Clear All Button Dissappearing Again
SysUI: Don't show LS wallpaper if LLS is available
Add wakelock option for flashlight
Update translations
ResurrectionRemix - v5.6.3 - Marshmallow 6.0.1_r16
- Android Marshmallow 6.0.1_r10-> 6.0.1_r16 -FWB: Status bar header font style
- -FWB: Even more fonts to LS clock
- -Hide Lockscreen clock & date
- -FWB: Notification Header Customizations
- -SystemUI : 3G Icon Instead Of H+ Switch
- -Custom header: Add shadow to more TextViews
- -QS: Selinux Switch Tile -QS: App picker Tile
- -RR logo Location -Breathing SMS
- -SystemUI: Double tap to sleep anywhere on the lock screen
- -NavBar: Add Some More Buttons [ camera,Screenshot,Kill Task, Pie,Torch,RR --config,App picker, screenrecord, Immersive Mode]
- -SystemUI: HeadsUp whitelists -SystemUI: HeadsUp blacklists
- -HW keys tweaks -FBW: Add DancingScript / ComingSoon / NotoSerif to Statusbar Temp
- -FBW: Add DancingScript / ComingSoon / NotoSerif to Statusbar Clock
- -Make task manager button themeable
- -Hide arrows in network traffic indicators
- -Qs : Improve Navbar Tile Logic
- SystemUI: handle when brightness slider is hidden
- -SystemUI: don't add already attached qs tile pages
- -SystemUI: smoother tile transitions when moving to 1st row
- -SystemUI: improve tile caching mechanism
- -Lockscreen fonts: set correct default value
- Make lights out mode of navigation bar consistent to normal mode.
- -SettingsProvider : Don't replay aosp defaults every boot
- -Aapt: add check for untranslatable "string-array"s
- -PM: Fix ordering of parameters for sendPackageBroadcast.
- -Allow priveleged phone state permission to be whitelisted
- -SystemUI: disable editing tiles while in lock screen
- -Clean Up QSpanel
- -SystemUI: make sure to expand all the way when flinging
- -SystemUI: initialize drag panel with proper column count
- -IMS: Add Ims reason info codes for supplementary service failures
- -IMS: Fix video call forwarding options issue
- -Add mapping string for call reject cause code 26.
- -SysUI: Listen for changes to LIVE_LOCK_SCREEN_ENABLED
- -SystemUI: Don't update if HeadsUp is disabled
- -Intent: Fix a NPE on readFromParcel
- -SettingsProvider: Add missing INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL permission
- -Taskmanager: Reduce Logging
- -Flip to Mute/Reject Call
- -SystemUI: add better hints when trying to delete edit tile
- -SeekBarVolumizer : Disable notification volume if RINGER_MODE_VIBRATE
- -Partially revert 'SOFTAP: implement SOFTAP new requirement in frameworks
- -ZenMode : Update defaults for CTSVerifier
- -Tethering: Fix number of device connected
- -Am: Don't take down activity process if target intent component is null.
- -Themes: Fix CMSetupWizard package name in ThemeService
- -Themes: def theme package is defined in CMSettings
- -Add keylayout for Xbox One controller
- -SystemUI: Don't update if HeadsUp is disabled
- -SystemUI: make online cpu color green for cpu overlay
- -Don't reuse weather controller before it's changed
- -Wifi tile: don't set items visible from non-ui thread
- -SystemUI: fix contracting qs settings page
- -SystemUI: visually disable EditTile in lock screen
- -Add routing for explicit call transfer
- -Battery: Show battery fully charged notification
- -Fix pattern visibility settings
- -Alarm: add missing closedir after opendir when searching for RTC
- -String update, change wording from "Mobile" to "Cellular"
- -Frameworks: Restart last task if last task is dead
- -SystemUI: Allow clearing recents tasks within recents button
- -Frameworks: Lockscreen blur fix & tweak
- -FW: Make sure to get the actual ringtone uri per subId.
- -nms: Actually allow smsRingtone to work.
- -SystemUI : Show create profile if user doesn't have one setup
- -Tethering: Turn off Wi-Fi Hotspot after inactivity
- -SELinuxTile: use runShellCommand instead of runSuCommand for getenforce
- -am: Handle potential NPE when activity info can't be resolved.
- -SystemUI: nuke broadcast tile from user tile list
- -Base: fix window bounds for left hand navigationbar
- -SystemUI: add flashlight notification reminder
- -Themes: Process applied themes before boot finishes
- -Add FDN enabled related API
- -Themes: Get default theme from CMSettings
- -SysUI: Make sure LLS is enabled after inflation
- -Fix lockscreen disabling for MSIM.
- -SystemUI: update keyguard state when profiles disable keyguard
- -SystemUI: prompt for SIM PIN if lockscreen is disabled
- -SystemUI: notify everyone that lockscreen is not going to be shown
- -Profiles: Disable lock screen after boot
- -The DUT can't screen shot in guest mode
- -DocumentsUI: Expose appbar elevation value.
- -pm: Allow fall through for protected apps validator activity.
- -GlobalActions: Use circular user avatars
- -LiveDisplayTile : Update entries on locale changes
- -Livedisplay: remove user hint notification when clicked
- -GlobalActions: Fix setting ringer mode in global actions
- -Lights: Automatically generate an LED color for notifications
- -Remove leftover power menu profile resources
- -Settings: Add preference for automagic LED colors .
- -Settings: blacklist: update iconography
- -Fingerprint: do not error out when stopping to listen
- -ProtectedApps: add up navigation and fix action bar icons
- -All updates and Fixed From CM -Improved Translations
- -For More Info Track Github Acitivity
# ResurrectionRemix - v5.6.2 - 20160123
- Revert Fix protected apps implementation (Fixes setup wizard fc)
- DisplayMetrics: set noncompat DPI as well
- Dashboard tileview double lines toggle
- FWB: Power/reboot menu transparency
- FWB: Volume dialog transparency
- FWB: QS header transparency
- SysUI: Recreate volume dialog on theme change
- Update adb tile drawable
The Changelog
ResurrectionRemix - v5.6.2 - Marshmallow 6.0.1_r10
- Rework navigation bar layouts (fixes all cm12.1 - 13 themes)
- Notifications: Custom colors
- FWB: QS shade transparency
- Notification Colors Switch
- Hide Multi Window Again ( Causes system UI freezes )(Ist Trotzdem da!)
- Update notification and power navbar drawables
- SysUI: Fix notification panel alignment after theme change
- SysUI: Clean up objects when recreating statusbar
- Themes: Fix applying theme for notifications
- SysUI: Pass themed resources on to NavBarEditor
- SystemUI: Add battery saver tile
- Notification drawer: Custom clear all icon color
- Framework: safe headset volume option
- Remove system ui tuner settings
- Change to 12hr clock
- long press torch tile to open camera
- Longpress power lockscreen torch
- Immersive Recents
- Keyguard: set separator for multi-sim CarrierText
- pm: Add persist property to enable lazy dexopt
- SystemUI: fix qs tile page regressions
- Add left QS quick pulldown
- SystemUI: Screenshot rotation
- Screenrecord: save screenrecord in "Screenrecords" directory
- Add a timer to screen record
- FWB: Battery saver and low battery notification toggles
- Less notifications sound
- SystemUI: fix disappearing tiles
- SystemUI: fix tiles per page when changing top tile type
- SystemUI: fix viewpager page recycling
- Paella: Enable Spanish single shift table
- Configurable dashboard columns
- Breathing missedcall/voicemail
- fix race condition between HWUI cache and renderThread
- SysUI: Guard against NPE in SignalClusterView
- SysUI: Check that backgrounds are RippleDrawables
- Add enabled pre-installed carrier apps
- SystemUI: fix lock screen tile state refresh
- SystemUI: handle custom tile long press PendingIntents
- SystemUI: improve qs tile layout mechanism
- base: correctly save app notification config
- Themes: Call recreateTheme when theme changed
- SysUI: Fix keyguard wallpaper not updating
- Change carrier label default font style condensed
- Reduced carrier label default font size
- Disable Quick Settings on secure lockscreen
- SystemUI: Make lockscreen visualizer battery friendly
- SysUI: Re-add status icons in recreateStatusBar()
- Have Battery bar controller obey Hide value
- Frameworks: Slim Shortcuts
- Fix WallpaperCropper crash when setting wallpaper over 8MB
- base: fix num cpu check for CPU overlay
- Add IME Switcher icon back into the statusbar
- Reduce log verbosity: Don't spam logcat
- Turn advanced devices and file sizes on by default
- SystemUI: Fix NPE
- Animate backlight quickly when display state request to change or power
- FWB: Make all 18 font variants available to Statusbar weather temp
- FWB: Make all 18 font variants available to Statusbar Clock
- SystemUI: Removing padding on mobile signal group.
- Ringtone: Add support for selection of phone ringtone for SIM-2.
- Update translations
- Update Turkish language
- Fix other minor issues
# ResurrectionRemix - v5.6.1 - Marshmallow 6.0.1_r10
- Add Screencast by default
- Theme chooser : Update theme to stock material look
- SystemUI : SystemUI Tuner settings modifications
- QS: Gesture Anywhere Tile
- SystemUI: Add longpress action for TaskManager button
- Base : Update default material popup animations
- FWBase: Add 7 more power menu animations
- [WindowManagerService] fix starting window issue
- Qs:systemUI Restart Tile
- QS:Add App SideBar Tile
- Update private copy of Palette
- Navigationbar: Add just one more button
- QSpanel: few new vector drawables
- SystemUI: Expose Add Tiles DetailedView Title and Icon Color
- fix setting new encryption password
- Base:Add Option to Disable Brightness Icon In Brightness Slider
- base: add CPU info overlay
- base: app notifications hide when locked
- Reset battery stats
- QSBrighnessIcon: Make it show in notification panel
- base: add auto brightness toggle to qs
- Fw_base - Proximity speaker
- Themes tile
- QS: add headsup tile
- SystemUI:Add LTE Tile
- SystemUI : Add RR Configurations Tile
- Themes: Re-enable changing keyguard wallpaper
- QSpanel: Fix FC when adding New Tile
- CamcorderProfile: Add 1440p camcorder profile
- SystemUI: Fix statusbar clock font size at times not updated on boot
- Live Volume Steps
- Max Lockscreen Notification count
- SystemUI: fix flicker when removing tiles
- SystemUI: add tiles detail view
- FWB: Add clock/date in recents while in fullscreen mode
- FEB: Disable/Enable screenshot sound
- Lockscreen Clock Widget Fonts
- Launch app privacy settings when tapping on PG notification
- network tile: Change long click action
- Show 4G intead of LTE switch
- Do not start music app when headset is unplugged
- Themes: Expose hard code for themes
- Dotted circle battery
- IME animations
- NavBar: add power button
- Slim Recent App Sidebar
- Add SlimRecents
- Add Battery Saver QS Tile
- Reboot/Recovery QS Tile
- Add Music QS Tile
- Quick Settings: add some more tiles
- Themes: Expose hard code color for divider sim pin
- Themes: Expose Hard coded colors in Quick Settings Tiles
- Rotation anim to Power and reboot menu
- Power Menu animations
- SlimDim performance boost
- NavigationBar : Switch to display orientation from config orientation
- PowerManagerService: Log when proximity blocks wake
- Add custom camera shutter
- Lockscreen shortcuts improvements
- Make user avatar long clickable
- Frameworks: Slim doze options
- Add Vibrate on long press Header Buttons
- Status bar header long click actions
- SystemUI: use new visualizer from Eleven
- LockscreenToggleTile
- Services: DO NOT send Broadcast On boot
- Frameworks: Remove duplicated audio files
- SystemUI : Fix perf profile tile index calculation
- SystemUI : Add location tile from 12.1
- Navbar on/off and custom dimensions
- SystemUI: fix tile pages not filling up
- FWB: Hold back to kill timeout
- FWB: PIE: Always on the right switch
- Update contextual headers per original from Omni
- New contextual header images
- Fix other minor issues
- Performance improvements
# ResurrectionRemix- v5.6.0 - 20151214
- Fix Bootloop after flashing gapps
- Fix other minor issues
- Performance improvements
# Resurrection Remix- v5.6.0 Marshmallow 6.0.1_r3
Resurrection Remix Marshmallow
Based On Latest Google Android 6.0.1 Release
Based On Cyanogenmod 13 Sources
RR Customizations:-
-Navigation Bar
-Enable/Disable Navbar
-Navbar Button Customization
-Navbar Slim Dim
-Animate Dim
-Dim Timeout Duration
-Dim Alpha
-Double Tap To sleep navbar
-Navigation Bar left/Right handed mode Switch for landscape
-Brightness Slider
-Enable/Disable Show Notification Count
-SuperUser Indicator Switch
-Double Tap To sleep Statusbar
-Carrier Label
-Carrier Label Switch
-Carrier label Colour
-Carrier Label Size
-Clock Customizations
-Time & date
-Clock Colour
-Day & date Toogle
-Center/Right/Left Clock Choice
-Date Format
-Clock Font Styles
-Battery Bar customization
-Battery Icon Customization(circle/landscape/Potrait and more)
-Battery % Text
-Network Traffic Indicator
-Network Traffic Arrows Switch
-Incoming/OutGoing Traffic
-Network traffic Color
-Statusbar RR Logo
-RR logo Color
-StatusBar Weather
-Weather Color
-Weather Position(left/right)
-Weather Style
-Weather Size
-Toast Animations
-ListView Animations
-System Animations
-Gestures Anywhere Feature
-3 Finger Swipe Screenshot Gesture
-App Circle Bar
-Choose apps in AppSidebar
-Trigger Width
-Trigger Hieght
-Trigger Position
-App Sidebar
-Choose apps in App circle
-Trigger Width
-Trigger Hieght
-Trigger Position
-Pie Trigger(left ,Right ,Bottom)
-Pie Targets
-Pie Colors
-More Pie Features
-Recents Panel
-Clear All button Switch
-Clear All Tasks Switch
-Clear All Button Location(Top right,Top Left,Top Center,Bottom Left,Bottom Right,Bottom Center)
-Recents Search Bar
-Full Screen Recents
-Slim Recents
-Clock Widget
-CLock And Alarm Customizations
-Weather Panel Customizations
-Calender Events
-Lockscreen Bottom Shortcuts
-Lockscreen General Shorcuts
-100+ Icons for Shortcuts
-Double Tap to Sleep Lockscreen
-Lockscreen Media Art/Enable Disable
-Quick PIN/Patter Unlock
-LockScreen Blur
-Lockscreen Blur Intensity
-LockScreen Wallpaper
-Lockscreen Weather Widget
-Lockscreen Icons Color
-Quick Settings Draggable Tiles
-Customizable Tiles
-Show Two Main Tiles Per Row
-Dyanamic Tiles Adjustment
-Notification Drawer
-Weather Display Switch
-LongPress Toogles to Enter Settings
-Disable Immersive Mode Messages
-Force Expand Notification
-Task Manager Switch
-Time Contextual Header(HD,Modern,Poly)
-Quick PullDown Switch
-Backlight Timer
-Backlight Strength
-Advanced Reboot Menu
-Power Menu Customizations
-Power Off
-Reboot(Recovery, Bootloader, Hot Reboot)
-Power Menu End Calls Switch
-Restart SystemUI
-Airplane Mode
-On the Go Mode
-Sound Panel
-Home Button(For devices with HW keys Only)
-Home Button answer call
-Long Press Actions
-Double Tap Actions
-Menu Button(For devices with HW keys Only)
-Short Press Actions
-Long Press Actions
-Search Button(If Device Supports)
-Short Press Action
-Long Press Action
-Volume Buttons
-Wake Up Device
-Playback Control
-Ringtone Volume Control
-Keyboard Cursor Control
-Swap Buttons on Landscape mode
-Volume Key Answer
-Selinux Switch (Switch Between Permissive and Enforcing Selinux if Device has Selinux Enabled)
-cLock Shortcut
-Disable Battery Saver Warning Color
-Disable Fc Notifications
-Wakelock Blocker
-Media Scanner On Boot Behaviour
-Cammera Shutter Sound Enable/Disable
-SystemUI Tuner
-Enabled By default
-Removed Demo mode and Tweaked SystemUI Tuner As compared To AOSP
-StatusBar Icons Cuzomizations
-Quick Settings Customizations
Other Features
-Perfomance Profiles
-LCD Density
-Expanded Desktop Mode
-Audio FX
-Heads Up Switch
-Live Display
-Configurable 0,90,180,270 Degree Rotation
-Lock Screen Autorotate Switch
-Native Tap to Wake From Marshmallow
-Double Tap Power Button To enable Camera gesture
-Prevent Accidental Wakeup
-Wake Phone on Charging Plug
-Battery Light Customizations
-Notification Light Customizations
-Font Size
-CM privacy guard
-Performance Tweaks(Kernel Aduitor Inbuilt)
-SuperSU Inbuilt
-Optimized With UBER TC for smoother ,Snappier and Battery Friendly Performance
-CM Theme Chooser
-OverAll Smoothness Improvements
-Optimizations to Improve Battery
-Includes All Android Marhsmallow Features
-Includes ALL CM13 Features
# ResurrectionRemix - v5.6.2 - 20160123
- Revert Fix protected apps implementation (Fixes setup wizard fc)
- DisplayMetrics: set noncompat DPI as well
- Dashboard tileview double lines toggle
- FWB: Power/reboot menu transparency
- FWB: Volume dialog transparency
- FWB: QS header transparency
- SysUI: Recreate volume dialog on theme change
- Update adb tile drawable
The Changelog
ResurrectionRemix - v5.6.2 - Marshmallow 6.0.1_r10
- Rework navigation bar layouts (fixes all cm12.1 - 13 themes)
- Notifications: Custom colors
- FWB: QS shade transparency
- Notification Colors Switch
- Hide Multi Window Again ( Causes system UI freezes )(Ist Trotzdem da!)
- Update notification and power navbar drawables
- SysUI: Fix notification panel alignment after theme change
- SysUI: Clean up objects when recreating statusbar
- Themes: Fix applying theme for notifications
- SysUI: Pass themed resources on to NavBarEditor
- SystemUI: Add battery saver tile
- Notification drawer: Custom clear all icon color
- Framework: safe headset volume option
- Remove system ui tuner settings
- Change to 12hr clock
- long press torch tile to open camera
- Longpress power lockscreen torch
- Immersive Recents
- Keyguard: set separator for multi-sim CarrierText
- pm: Add persist property to enable lazy dexopt
- SystemUI: fix qs tile page regressions
- Add left QS quick pulldown
- SystemUI: Screenshot rotation
- Screenrecord: save screenrecord in "Screenrecords" directory
- Add a timer to screen record
- FWB: Battery saver and low battery notification toggles
- Less notifications sound
- SystemUI: fix disappearing tiles
- SystemUI: fix tiles per page when changing top tile type
- SystemUI: fix viewpager page recycling
- Paella: Enable Spanish single shift table
- Configurable dashboard columns
- Breathing missedcall/voicemail
- fix race condition between HWUI cache and renderThread
- SysUI: Guard against NPE in SignalClusterView
- SysUI: Check that backgrounds are RippleDrawables
- Add enabled pre-installed carrier apps
- SystemUI: fix lock screen tile state refresh
- SystemUI: handle custom tile long press PendingIntents
- SystemUI: improve qs tile layout mechanism
- base: correctly save app notification config
- Themes: Call recreateTheme when theme changed
- SysUI: Fix keyguard wallpaper not updating
- Change carrier label default font style condensed
- Reduced carrier label default font size
- Disable Quick Settings on secure lockscreen
- SystemUI: Make lockscreen visualizer battery friendly
- SysUI: Re-add status icons in recreateStatusBar()
- Have Battery bar controller obey Hide value
- Frameworks: Slim Shortcuts
- Fix WallpaperCropper crash when setting wallpaper over 8MB
- base: fix num cpu check for CPU overlay
- Add IME Switcher icon back into the statusbar
- Reduce log verbosity: Don't spam logcat
- Turn advanced devices and file sizes on by default
- SystemUI: Fix NPE
- Animate backlight quickly when display state request to change or power
- FWB: Make all 18 font variants available to Statusbar weather temp
- FWB: Make all 18 font variants available to Statusbar Clock
- SystemUI: Removing padding on mobile signal group.
- Ringtone: Add support for selection of phone ringtone for SIM-2.
- Update translations
- Update Turkish language
- Fix other minor issues
# ResurrectionRemix - v5.6.1 - Marshmallow 6.0.1_r10
- Add Screencast by default
- Theme chooser : Update theme to stock material look
- SystemUI : SystemUI Tuner settings modifications
- QS: Gesture Anywhere Tile
- SystemUI: Add longpress action for TaskManager button
- Base : Update default material popup animations
- FWBase: Add 7 more power menu animations
- [WindowManagerService] fix starting window issue
- Qs:systemUI Restart Tile
- QS:Add App SideBar Tile
- Update private copy of Palette
- Navigationbar: Add just one more button
- QSpanel: few new vector drawables
- SystemUI: Expose Add Tiles DetailedView Title and Icon Color
- fix setting new encryption password
- Base:Add Option to Disable Brightness Icon In Brightness Slider
- base: add CPU info overlay
- base: app notifications hide when locked
- Reset battery stats
- QSBrighnessIcon: Make it show in notification panel
- base: add auto brightness toggle to qs
- Fw_base - Proximity speaker
- Themes tile
- QS: add headsup tile
- SystemUI:Add LTE Tile
- SystemUI : Add RR Configurations Tile
- Themes: Re-enable changing keyguard wallpaper
- QSpanel: Fix FC when adding New Tile
- CamcorderProfile: Add 1440p camcorder profile
- SystemUI: Fix statusbar clock font size at times not updated on boot
- Live Volume Steps
- Max Lockscreen Notification count
- SystemUI: fix flicker when removing tiles
- SystemUI: add tiles detail view
- FWB: Add clock/date in recents while in fullscreen mode
- FEB: Disable/Enable screenshot sound
- Lockscreen Clock Widget Fonts
- Launch app privacy settings when tapping on PG notification
- network tile: Change long click action
- Show 4G intead of LTE switch
- Do not start music app when headset is unplugged
- Themes: Expose hard code for themes
- Dotted circle battery
- IME animations
- NavBar: add power button
- Slim Recent App Sidebar
- Add SlimRecents
- Add Battery Saver QS Tile
- Reboot/Recovery QS Tile
- Add Music QS Tile
- Quick Settings: add some more tiles
- Themes: Expose hard code color for divider sim pin
- Themes: Expose Hard coded colors in Quick Settings Tiles
- Rotation anim to Power and reboot menu
- Power Menu animations
- SlimDim performance boost
- NavigationBar : Switch to display orientation from config orientation
- PowerManagerService: Log when proximity blocks wake
- Add custom camera shutter
- Lockscreen shortcuts improvements
- Make user avatar long clickable
- Frameworks: Slim doze options
- Add Vibrate on long press Header Buttons
- Status bar header long click actions
- SystemUI: use new visualizer from Eleven
- LockscreenToggleTile
- Services: DO NOT send Broadcast On boot
- Frameworks: Remove duplicated audio files
- SystemUI : Fix perf profile tile index calculation
- SystemUI : Add location tile from 12.1
- Navbar on/off and custom dimensions
- SystemUI: fix tile pages not filling up
- FWB: Hold back to kill timeout
- FWB: PIE: Always on the right switch
- Update contextual headers per original from Omni
- New contextual header images
- Fix other minor issues
- Performance improvements
# ResurrectionRemix- v5.6.0 - 20151214
- Fix Bootloop after flashing gapps
- Fix other minor issues
- Performance improvements
# Resurrection Remix- v5.6.0 Marshmallow 6.0.1_r3
Resurrection Remix Marshmallow
Based On Latest Google Android 6.0.1 Release
Based On Cyanogenmod 13 Sources
RR Customizations:-
-Navigation Bar
-Enable/Disable Navbar
-Navbar Button Customization
-Navbar Slim Dim
-Animate Dim
-Dim Timeout Duration
-Dim Alpha
-Double Tap To sleep navbar
-Navigation Bar left/Right handed mode Switch for landscape
-Brightness Slider
-Enable/Disable Show Notification Count
-SuperUser Indicator Switch
-Double Tap To sleep Statusbar
-Carrier Label
-Carrier Label Switch
-Carrier label Colour
-Carrier Label Size
-Clock Customizations
-Time & date
-Clock Colour
-Day & date Toogle
-Center/Right/Left Clock Choice
-Date Format
-Clock Font Styles
-Battery Bar customization
-Battery Icon Customization(circle/landscape/Potrait and more)
-Battery % Text
-Network Traffic Indicator
-Network Traffic Arrows Switch
-Incoming/OutGoing Traffic
-Network traffic Color
-Statusbar RR Logo
-RR logo Color
-StatusBar Weather
-Weather Color
-Weather Position(left/right)
-Weather Style
-Weather Size
-Toast Animations
-ListView Animations
-System Animations
-Gestures Anywhere Feature
-3 Finger Swipe Screenshot Gesture
-App Circle Bar
-Choose apps in AppSidebar
-Trigger Width
-Trigger Hieght
-Trigger Position
-App Sidebar
-Choose apps in App circle
-Trigger Width
-Trigger Hieght
-Trigger Position
-Pie Trigger(left ,Right ,Bottom)
-Pie Targets
-Pie Colors
-More Pie Features
-Recents Panel
-Clear All button Switch
-Clear All Tasks Switch
-Clear All Button Location(Top right,Top Left,Top Center,Bottom Left,Bottom Right,Bottom Center)
-Recents Search Bar
-Full Screen Recents
-Slim Recents
-Clock Widget
-CLock And Alarm Customizations
-Weather Panel Customizations
-Calender Events
-Lockscreen Bottom Shortcuts
-Lockscreen General Shorcuts
-100+ Icons for Shortcuts
-Double Tap to Sleep Lockscreen
-Lockscreen Media Art/Enable Disable
-Quick PIN/Patter Unlock
-LockScreen Blur
-Lockscreen Blur Intensity
-LockScreen Wallpaper
-Lockscreen Weather Widget
-Lockscreen Icons Color
-Quick Settings Draggable Tiles
-Customizable Tiles
-Show Two Main Tiles Per Row
-Dyanamic Tiles Adjustment
-Notification Drawer
-Weather Display Switch
-LongPress Toogles to Enter Settings
-Disable Immersive Mode Messages
-Force Expand Notification
-Task Manager Switch
-Time Contextual Header(HD,Modern,Poly)
-Quick PullDown Switch
-Backlight Timer
-Backlight Strength
-Advanced Reboot Menu
-Power Menu Customizations
-Power Off
-Reboot(Recovery, Bootloader, Hot Reboot)
-Power Menu End Calls Switch
-Restart SystemUI
-Airplane Mode
-On the Go Mode
-Sound Panel
-Home Button(For devices with HW keys Only)
-Home Button answer call
-Long Press Actions
-Double Tap Actions
-Menu Button(For devices with HW keys Only)
-Short Press Actions
-Long Press Actions
-Search Button(If Device Supports)
-Short Press Action
-Long Press Action
-Volume Buttons
-Wake Up Device
-Playback Control
-Ringtone Volume Control
-Keyboard Cursor Control
-Swap Buttons on Landscape mode
-Volume Key Answer
-Selinux Switch (Switch Between Permissive and Enforcing Selinux if Device has Selinux Enabled)
-cLock Shortcut
-Disable Battery Saver Warning Color
-Disable Fc Notifications
-Wakelock Blocker
-Media Scanner On Boot Behaviour
-Cammera Shutter Sound Enable/Disable
-SystemUI Tuner
-Enabled By default
-Removed Demo mode and Tweaked SystemUI Tuner As compared To AOSP
-StatusBar Icons Cuzomizations
-Quick Settings Customizations
Other Features
-Perfomance Profiles
-LCD Density
-Expanded Desktop Mode
-Audio FX
-Heads Up Switch
-Live Display
-Configurable 0,90,180,270 Degree Rotation
-Lock Screen Autorotate Switch
-Native Tap to Wake From Marshmallow
-Double Tap Power Button To enable Camera gesture
-Prevent Accidental Wakeup
-Wake Phone on Charging Plug
-Battery Light Customizations
-Notification Light Customizations
-Font Size
-CM privacy guard
-Performance Tweaks(Kernel Aduitor Inbuilt)
-SuperSU Inbuilt
-Optimized With UBER TC for smoother ,Snappier and Battery Friendly Performance
-CM Theme Chooser
-OverAll Smoothness Improvements
-Optimizations to Improve Battery
-Includes All Android Marhsmallow Features
-Includes ALL CM13 Features
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