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Hier noch ein ROM vom XDA,

SONIC OPEN KANG PROJECT, A premium quality Android OS from Sonic-Developers

für unser D855

Original Thread:

[D85x/LS990/VS985][L-5.1.1R5][SOKP-L-5.1.1-L… | LG G3 | XDA Forums



Clock & Date with custom definable location and styles along with selectable custom colors
Customizable Status bar Battery icon with percentage .
Status Bar Brightness control
Option to Enable & Disable Network Activity Arrows
Double Tap to sleep option on status bar
Status Bar Task Manager

Quick Settings :

26 user Selectable Quick Setting tiles including Ambient Display,Nav Bar ,Slim Actions, Live Display, Gesture Anywhere ,Battery Saver & App circle bar tile.
Switch to Disable & Enable Enlarge view of first row tiles.
Option to Set four Tiles In a row of quick Settings.
Switch to enable/disable vibration on tile touch.
Switch to enable/disable Brightness Slider.
Options to add max 3 actions in Slim Action tile.
Configurable QS Quick Pull down .
Configurable QS Smart Pull down.

Animation Controls:

IME Animations
Over Scrolling Effects
Toast Animations
List View Animations
AOKP System Animations
Option to Enable/Disable Scrolling Cache
Scrolling Modifiers.

Navigation Bar

Switch to Enable/Disable onscreen navigation bar
Navigation Bar buttons large number of buttons provided including Screenshot, power menu, custom application buttons etc.
Navigation bar dimensions
option to select menu location
Switch to enable/disable landscape view of navigation bar.

Hardware Buttons:

Switch to enable/disable hardware key buttons
Buttons back light option
Option to hide/show/auto detect overflow button
Customizable key actions including normal press,long-press, double-tap actions for back,home and menu key.


More them 10+ user configurable power menu options this includes bellow mentioned buttons
Screen Shot ,Screen recorder, Advanced reboot, Custom Application, users

PIE Control :

Switch to enable/disable pie control
Configurable various number of buttons including button style and button second layer
User configurable button styles with trigger option , custom color,transparency ,and size
Option to configure menu visibility in pie controls

Display Settings :

User configurable brightness settings along with adaptive brightness .
Display sleep settings from 15 sec to 30 min including 45 sec step.
Expanded Desktop with per application configuration
LCD Density Settings
En chased font size slider
Auto Display rotation with all rotations angles including 180 degrees .
Screen Cast
Custom Display options like volume rocker wake ,wake on charger plugged/unplugged .Double tap to wake (supported devices only)
Ambient Display with Advanced Doze options including Doze pulse .

Live Display:

Live Display modes
Color temperature Settings
Switch to enhance colors
Color calibration including RGB sliders

Gesture Anywhere &vApp Circle Bar :

Switch to enable/disable Gesture anywhere & app circle-bar along with tile on QS
Option to set gesture location, trigger width ,height, position

Recents Panel :

Switch to select slim and stock recents panel
Custom background ,text color option in slim recents
option to show/hide topmost task in slim recents
Configurable recents applications size in slim recents

Sounds & Notifications

Enable/disable camera shutter sound
Enable/disable safe headset volume
swap volume buttons when screen is rotated
Volume steps
less frequent notification sounds can be configured from 3sec 5 mins
User configurable per application notifications
Notification lights with custom color options for missed cal ,voice mails etc [only supported devices ]
Battery light with custom color option [only supported devices] for battery low,charging, pulse if battery low, and fully charged lights
Heads Up Notifications with Snooze timer and time out options .

Security & Lockscreen :

Privacy Guard
Smart lock
Double tap to sleep anywhere on lock-screen
Show/hide advanced reboot
Hide quick settings on secured lock-screen
Lock Screen Shortcuts

Other Options :

Dolby Digital and Digital plus as standalone sound controllers.
Layers RRo 2.1 with orion to launch layer manger from Settings
Wake Lock Blocker
Screen Recorder with external audio , video-size, and bit rate options.
Custom application settings menu with privacy guard .Appops settings
Configurable media scanner behavior on boot.
Device partition info on Storage settings.
Option to hide super user indicator.
Disable FC notification
Kill apps back button with configurable time option
Option to show CPU info on Development settings
Custom colors for battery saver and trigger options
Advanced Keyboard options like auto rotation with time out,disable full screen keyboard ,volume key cursor control.

Still list continues .................................


Change-Log - Sonic-Developers


ROM und Gapps aufs G3 laden, Boot in Recovery,

Wipe Data,System,Cache,Dalvik
Flash provide latest SOKP ROM Zip
Again Wipe Cache and Dalvik
Reboot To System
Now again Reboot into Recovery Mode
Flash latest G-Apps
Wipe Cache and Dalvik....and Reboot To System.

Beim Update von einer SOKP

Boot Into Recovery Mode
Flash provided Updates of SOKP ROM(latest weekly)
Again Wipe Cache and Dalvik
Reboot To System.

Der Dev lehnt jede Gewähr ab, das Euer G3 nach dem Flashen noch funktioniert, Flashen auf eigenes Risiko.

Download (auch Gapps)



We would like to thank Google AOSP ,Slim-ROMS ,CyanogenMod for their device trees, hardware repos , frameworks/Settings mods and their code that was incorporated into this project. We also extend our gratitude to the devs whose code that we have incorporated. Proper authorship has been maintained and can be viewed on our repository.
We would also like to credit
My Friends @thereassaad & @worstenbrood
Dolby Developers Team
Zeroinfinity(i love you you are my motivation....)
Koushik Data
Rizal Lovigs
Developers of HWAUIE ACSEND P6 k3v2oem1 Device
Developrs of Acer E1 Device
Sonic-Developers & Members...
Our Dynamic supporters & Beta-testing Team

If we still miss any one by-mistake Please don't start Thermo-Nuclear War or Ward War -3 in with me In thread Just Push a PM to me we will Add your Name to list if you deserve it ...


Screenshot_(Jun_16__2015_7-32-23_PM).jpg Screenshot_(Jun_16__2015_7-34-48_PM).jpg Screenshot_2015-06-16-19-33-00.png Screenshot_2015-06-16-19-33-10.jpg
man man das werden ja immer mehr... :cursing:
Und keine ist wirklich besser als die Andere.
Anstatt neue Themes gleich Neue Rom :biggrin::lol:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: JobbeDeluxe und kingoftf
Update: SOKP-L-5.1.1-LMY48G-R6.0

Updated to Android L5.1.1-R6

Changed Rom & Kernel compilation tool chain to Saber-Mod
Floating Window with Multitasking [ Can be enabled vis appcircle bar,slim recents....]
Chrome floating issue fix
Gesture Lockscreen
Lockscreen weather/icons/text customization
Add Lock Clock,Weather Settings
Fix overflow/underflow problem in comparison logic in alarm
Added keyguard wallpaper functionality to WallpaperManager
Clean up keyguard carrier text handling.
Fix Photosphere/Camera FCs
Added option to disable lock screen shortcuts
Fix ro.telephony.default_network setting parsing
long press lock screen lock icon to sleep
fix device sleeping with lid with incoming call
Added option for lock screen visualizer to be disabled
Disabled visualizers during power save mode
Moved keyguard visualizer behind notifications
Fix for visualizer flash on track change
Added dynamically generate visualizer color
Fix LiveDisplay notification
Added option to Display cursor buttons in navigation bar while typing
Volume Button Long Press Skip Tracks
Allow disabling adjusting volume sounds
launch default music player on headset connect
AudioService: fix crash when no music player found
Fix volume key music controls and wake up
Add Weather display to status bar header
Fix "ghost" weather display in expanded status bar
SmartPullDown to SlimActions.
Add ability to ignore interruptions while active media playback
Chamber of Secrets
Hide secondary icon and divider on expanded panel.
Always show ZenPanel when showing expanded volume panel
Implement linked volumes
fix Notification volume slider linking
Fix notification sounds for wifi only devices
Fixed broken link in UiAutomation
fix heads up snooze button
Battery saver enhancements
Slim action float tile
Materialize Gesture everywhere close button and improve layout
Breathing missedcall/sms/voicemail [ Not tested]
Added Option to re start system ui in development settings
Restart SystemUI tile
Added restart systemui to slim actions
Left clock
Added timeout and instant lock option to slide lock
Fixed non-intrusive incoming call
SlimHeadsUp: Add a global 3-way switch
Non-intrusive InCall UI switch
Screen Security settings
Fix pattern visibility settings
Fix FC when adding shortcut to launcher
Add a 2 sec timeout for heads up notifications
Add toggle for captive portal check
HWKeySettings: Don't enable NavBar when disabling hw keys
Settings: fix BT switch enabling discoverable mode
Fix memory leak issue in application settings
Settings: add setting for default alarm tone
USB Settings: Warn before enabling UMS mode
Settings: fix bad MTP uncheck behavior
Fixed Network activity arrow andd removed option to hide
healthd: allow custom charger
fix Deadlocks
Fixed incoming call handling while heads up off : CM defects.
Fix for InCallUI post app close FC fix.
Show waiting state in call title also for MSIM.
Browser: Power saving mode
Enable USB OTG settings for yureka
Sonic-launcher fix custom icon pack support
Added Backup restore launcher settings option
Sonic Launcher - Oprion to hide statusbar
Sonic-Launcher fix text label color in appdrawer.

Persöhnliche Meinung:

Sehr solide,schnelle Rom auf AOSP Basis mit vielen Einstellmöglichkeiten und Layers!
Chojin schrieb:
man man das werden ja immer mehr... :cursing:
Und keine ist wirklich besser als die Andere.
Anstatt neue Themes gleich Neue Rom :biggrin::lol:

sehe ich ähnlich :D
Aber ein test ist es halt immer mal wert!
Eins der besten Roms, die derzeit für das G3 zu haben sind.

Sehr stabil und zuverlässig mit sehr schönes Bootanimation und Layers. ;)
Bei mir werden die Layers nicht übernommen. Ich installieren und reboote aber habe dann immer noch das Stocklayer
Es funktionieren nicht immer alle Layers habe ich festgestellt.

Wenn alles richtig machst, sollte es aber funktionieren.

Da vom SOKP Staff keine Antwort bezgl. der R8 für das d855 gibt, bin ich jetzt auf der 1.9 Tesla.

Diese kannst Du Dir alternativ mal ansehen. Hat auch Layers Support und noch ein paar Features mehr als SOKP. ;)
SOKP is out of server, we need new server for build..
So, no builds till we get new server..
BustedFly schrieb:
SOKP is out of server, we need new server for build..
So, no builds till we get new server..
Seit 2 Tagen die R6 drauf und läuft außerordentlich gut. Bislang keine Bugs aufgefallen und Qi laden funktioniert auch problemlos :)
Bin gespannt, ob die R8 auch mal irgendwann für das G3 kommt.

Teste gerade mal Xenon HD. Ist auch nicht zu verachten. [emoji6]
passt zwar nicht hierher - Xenon HD fürs d855? wo find ich den die und gibt´s schon erfahrungen?
matzch schrieb:
passt zwar nicht hierher - Xenon HD fürs d855? wo find ich den die und gibt´s schon erfahrungen?
Xda und läuft so smooth wie kein anderes ROM [emoji6]

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