Erfahrenes Mitglied
- 208
ROM OS Version: 5.1.x Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
ROM Firmware Required: LP Bootstack
Based On: CM12.1 + CAF G2 Sources
1. Neustes TWRP flashen
2. wipen (alles außer Internal Storage).
3. LP Bootstack flashen
4. Reboot in Recovery
5. ROM flashen, GApp flashen
4. Reboot and enjoy!
LP Bootstack: D800 / D801 / D802 / F320 / LS980 / VS980
ROM: Alle Versionen
GApps choice is up to you, however either TK GApps or Open GApps are recommended.
Current Bugs/Issues (As of 6/16):
-All variants: Video recording is borked
Meine Meinung:
Sehr bemühter Dev, der Bugs sehr schnell ausmerzt.
Ich nutze noch die 10/06, die noch ein paar mehr Bugs hat, heute Nacht kommt ein neuer Build, der bugfrei sein sollte. Empfehle bis dahin zu warten.
Ich habe bisher mit meinen Umwelteinflüssen eine bessere Laufzeit als mit der 4.4.4 Mahdi. Stock kann ich nicht sagen, da noch nie genutzt.
XDA Thread
Your warranty is now void. I am not responsible for anything that happens to your device, whether you miss your work alarm, or your phone catches fire! These are CAF sources, so they are not guaranteed to always work 100% of the time! Permanent screen damage may always occur!
ROM Features:
-ROM uses CAF sources, which are much less hacky than our old JB sources and kernel is LP based
-ROM compiled with -O3 and UBERTC 4.8
-JustArchi's ArchiDroid Optimizations V4
-Built-in SuperSU v2.46
-Prebuilt Google WebView v43.0.2357.121
-DHCP Accelerator
-F2FS Support
-Everything Euphoria-OS already supports!
Kernel Features:
-Based on CAF Kernel
-CPU Governors: Bacon, Conservative, Impulse, Interactive, Nightmare, Ondemand, Performance, Smartmax (More to come soon!)
-I/O Schedulers: BFQ, CFQ, Deadline, Fiops, Row, Sio, Tripndroid, Vr, and Zen
-Kernel compiled with Hyper-Linaro 5.1 and graphite flags
-Kernel compressed with lz4 for insanely fast boot times
-Kernel support for Sound Control, and more!
-CPU overclocking to 2.6 GHz
-Bricked thermal driver
-Latest KCAL support
Current Bugs/Issues (As of 6/16):
-All variants: Video recording is borked
-f320: SD card not mounting
How to Install:
1. Download blastagator's latest TWRP
2. Do a complete wipe (/system, /cache, etc).
3. Flash LP Bootstack, then ROM, then GApps!
4. Reboot and enjoy!
LP Bootstack: D800 / D801 / D802 / F320 / LS980 / VS980
ROM: D800 / D801 / D802 / F320 / LS980 / VS980
GApps choice is up to you, however either TK GApps or Open GApps are recommended.
Special Thanks to:
-Euphoria-OS team
-lg-devs team for bases for the device trees
-Rashed97 for his work on the G2 CAF trees
-DJLaMontagneIII, RenderBroken, REV3NT3CH, dorimanx, and savoca for their work on kernels
Thanks to all the other ROMs/teams out there!
Euphoria-OS, ROM for the LG G2
Source Code: Euphoria-OS-Legacy · GitHub
ROM OS Version: 5.1.x Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
ROM Firmware Required: LP Bootstack
Based On: CM12.1 + CAF G2 Sources
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Beta Version: 1.1
Beta Release Date: 2015-06-16
Created 2015-05-22
Last Updated 2015-06-16
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