[ROM] Miui v4 Perfect CM9 BETA 3.1 Themed [4.0.4]

  • 62 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum


ROM von Team Lunar U8650. Die ROM ist zwar fürs Huawei Sonic, dürfte aber wie andere ROMs fürs U8650 auch auf dem X3 laufen.

Quelle: TEAM LUNAR U8650: Miui v4 Perfect CM9 BETA 3.1 Themed [4.0.4]

Download: MiuiV4_Themed_Cm9.zip

Was funktioniert:

-Ril <- keine Ahnung was damit gemeint ist... :|
-Alle Sensoren
-Lesen/Schreiben SD
-3g/Gprs Works

Was nicht funktioniert:

-ADB (USB-Debugging)
-Video-Wiedergabe (teilweise)

Hinweis: Damit die ROM lauffähig wird, müsst ihr euch diesen Kernel hier per fastboot nachflashen: https://www.android-hilfe.de/forum/...-themed-4-0-4.274350-page-2.html#post-3702171



Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Time_Bandit
Coolio! Kann man telefonieren, oder geht das noch nicht?
Aha. Klingt verständlich.

Zwecks hängen beim Splash bestimmt die gleiche Problematik bei der alten MIUI oder wollte die sich erst gar nicht installieren lassen. Partitionslayout abgeändert?

Evtl. per Fastboot den CM Kernel drüber flashen? Keine Ahnung obs da Unterschiede zu Android 2.3 und 4 gibt. Evtl. funzt ja der Kernel aus der alten Miui: https://www.android-hilfe.de/forum/...deos-x3.695/rom-miui-2-3-7-beta-2.233608.html

Edit: Ein "adb logcat" kannst du nicht mitlaufen lassen, da ADB angeblich nicht funktioniert, oder?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
die ics cm9 beta fürs sonic von lunar lief auch nicht auf dem x3! :(
Installieren geht. Partitionen nicht geändert. Beim Boot dann nur Splashscreen -> Akku raus.

Versuche mal den Kernel aus dem 7.2 zu flashen.

//Außer "lustigem" Bildschirmblinken passiert nüscht..

Ich geb´s auf ;)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
und ne dumme frage :)
Is dess jetzt ne miui oder nur miui themed?

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 13:46 Uhr wurde um 13:58 Uhr ergänzt:

ach ja wür was ist die phonesky apk
hört sich irgendwie polnisch an :)
So heisst die .apk des Play Store ab ICS, vorher Vending.apk.
kann es vielleicht an dem selben problem liegen wie bei der russischen?
Für die Installation muss die Datei "update-script" abgeändert werden. Der Assert-Befehl prüft, welches Gerät vorhanden ist.
Der Befehl prüft auf den Wert "C8650/U8650". Daher muss der Assert-Befehl rausgenommen werden (Pfad: "META-INF/com/google/android/")
Siehe Post #4 u. #6
Sturmhsvhsv schrieb:
kann es vielleicht an dem selben problem liegen wie bei der russischen?

Nein. Weil installieren lässt es sich ja.
andere gründe warum die nicht laufen finde ich jetzt auch nicht

tja, wär schon toll cm9 mit linaro auf dem x3 !:)
Die Boot.img hab ich spaßeshalber auch getauscht.
und läufts?
Ist nur ein Wechsel zwischen Hintergrundbeleuchtung an und aus (also wohl Bootschleife?).

Das mit dem Logcat hab ich noch nicht ganz raus :unsure: Da bist du evtl. etwas gewiefter drin :cool2:
Heute Abend dann. Mein erster Flashversuch unter Ubuntu. :razz:
Also anscheinend unterscheiden sich U8510 und das U8650 minimal von der Hardware. Möglich, dass durch das andere Display des U8650 andere Treiber verwendet werden. Beim Booten kackts ab wie du schon gemerkt hast, Backlight geht an und aus usw.

Wollte zuerst logcat mitlaufen lassen. Ging nicht da die "liblog.so" fehlte. Hab die dann aus CM genommen. Danach fehlte noch die "sh". Die dann auch rüber kopiert. Boot.img hab ich mal entfernt und das aus der CM genommen.

Hier der Auszug aus logcat wo er danach abkackt. Wenn das Backlight blinkt ist er in einer Endlosschleife, da sich der Log immer wiederholt.

--------- beginning of /dev/log/main

I/cm ( 90): Welcome to Android 4.0.4 / Miui_v4_Themed

I/cm ( 91): _

I/cm ( 92): __ __ _ ___ _ _ __ ___ __ _ _ _ _ __ __))

I/cm ( 93): ((_ \(/'((_( ((\( ((_)((_( (('((\( ((`1( ((_)((_(

I/cm ( 94): )) _))

I/cm ( 95):

I/run-parts( 85): 0

I/run-parts( 85): 0

I/run-parts( 85): 0

I/run-parts( 85): 0

I/run-parts( 85): 0

I/run-parts( 85): 0

I/run-parts( 85): 0

I/run-parts( 85): 0

I/run-parts( 85): 0

I/run-parts( 85): 0

I/run-parts( 85): 0

I/run-parts( 85): 0

I/run-parts( 85): 0

I/run-parts( 85): 0

I/run-parts( 85): 0

I/run-parts( 85): 0

I/run-parts( 85): /system/etc/init.d/04journalism[3]: tune2fs: not found

I/run-parts( 85): /system/etc/init.d/04journalism[4]: tune2fs: not found

I/run-parts( 85): /system/etc/init.d/04journalism[5]: tune2fs: not found

I/run-parts( 85): /system/etc/init.d/04journalism[6]: tune2fs: not found

I/run-parts( 85): /system/etc/init.d/04journalism[7]: tune2fs: not found

I/run-parts( 85): /system/etc/init.d/04journalism[9]: tune2fs: not found

I/run-parts( 85): run-parts: /system/etc/init.d/04journalism exited with code 127

I/run-parts( 85): /system/etc/init.d/04modules[7]: uname: not found

I/run-parts( 85): run-parts: /system/etc/init.d/05netspeed exited with code 1

I/run-parts( 85): LST Debug: Done

I/run-parts( 85): run-parts: /system/etc/init.d/07tweaks exited with code 111

I/run-parts( 85): run-parts: /system/etc/init.d/09setrenice exited with code 111

I/run-parts( 85): /system/etc/init.d/10lwp[2]: no closing quote

I/run-parts( 85): run-parts: /system/etc/init.d/10lwp exited with code 1

I/run-parts( 85): /system/etc/init.d/11CFSK[2]: sync: not found

I/run-parts( 85): /system/etc/init.d/11CFSK[3]: sysctl: not found

I/run-parts( 85): /system/etc/init.d/11CFSK[6]: sysctl: not found

I/run-parts( 85): Caches are dropped!

I/run-parts( 85): /system/etc/init.d/11CFSK[9]: sysctl: not found

I/run-parts( 85): /system/etc/init.d/11CFSK[10]: sysctl: not found

I/run-parts( 85): /system/etc/init.d/11CFSK[11]: sysctl: not found

I/run-parts( 85): run-parts: /system/etc/init.d/11CFSK exited with code 127

I/run-parts( 85): run-parts: /system/etc/init.d/14enable_touchscreen_1 exited with code 111

I/run-parts( 85): run-parts: /system/etc/init.d/15cleanup_init_ram exited with code 111

I/run-parts( 85): *********************************************

I/run-parts( 85): Optimizing and defragging your database files (*.db)

I/run-parts( 85): Ignore the 'database disk image is malformed' error

I/run-parts( 85): Ignore the 'no such collation sequence' error

I/run-parts( 85): *********************************************

I/run-parts( 85): /system/etc/init.d/18complete[3]: sync: not found

I/run-parts( 85): /system/etc/init.d/18complete[4]: setprop: not found

I/logwrapper( 85): /system/xbin/run-parts terminated by exit(1)

I/DEBUG ( 233): debuggerd: Jun 4 2012 22:41:53

D/DHCP ( 241): failed to set ip addr for eth0 to No such device

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): modem is not present in configuration

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): rstate == DUN_RMNETSTATE_ERROR in dun_monitor_kevents

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

--------- beginning of /dev/log/system

I/Vold ( 231): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up

I/Netd ( 232): Netd 1.0 starting

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

D/Vold ( 231): Volume sdcard2 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)

D/Vold ( 231): Volume sdcard1 state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

D/ ( 240): m00146432 oem_rapi found

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

D/ ( 240): server waiting 1

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

D/Vold ( 231): Volume sdcard2 state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)

D/DirectVolume( 231): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 1, PARTN 1

D/Vold ( 231): Volume sdcard2 state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1

I/dun_service( 242): Post event 1

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG

I/dun_service( 242): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

I/dun_service( 242): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE

I/dun_service( 242): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)

E/Netd ( 232): Unable to create netlink socket: Protocol not supported

E/Netd ( 232): Unable to open quota2 logging socket

D/ ( 234): m00146432 client input addr = 0xbedd0eac

D/ ( 234): m00146432 create socket OK!

D/ ( 234):

D/ ( 234): m00146432 socket connect OK!

D/ ( 234):

D/ ( 240): You wrote event = 104

D/ ( 240): You wrote input len = 4

D/ ( 240): You wrote input addr = 

D/ ( 240): m00146432 password OK!

D/ ( 240): m00146432 before rpc streaming

D/ ( 240): m00146432 after rpc streaming

D/ ( 240): Server response OK, 1

D/ ( 240): server waiting 2

D/ ( 234): m00146432 DATA FROM Server recv len = 1

D/ ( 234): m00146432 DATA FROM Server recv str = 

D/ ( 234): m00146432 client read OK!

D/ ( 234):

D/ ( 234): m00146432 DATA FROM Server recv len = 1

D/ ( 234): m00146432 DATA FROM Server recv addr = bedd0cf0

D/ ( 234): m00146432 client return

D/AndroidRuntime( 235):

D/AndroidRuntime( 235): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<<

D/AndroidRuntime( 235): 0 ================noModify ==========

D/AndroidRuntime( 235):

D/AndroidRuntime( 235):

E/AndroidRuntime( 235):

E/AndroidRuntime( 235):

E/AndroidRuntime( 235):

E/AndroidRuntime( 235):

E/AndroidRuntime( 235):

E/AndroidRuntime( 235):

E/AndroidRuntime( 235):

E/AndroidRuntime( 235): LiGuxMod=Miui_v4_Themed

E/AndroidRuntime( 235): LiGuxTmp=Miui_ != LiGuxVer=LiGux

E/AndroidRuntime( 235):

D/AndroidRuntime( 235): CheckJNI is OFF

I/ ( 236): ServiceManager: 0xf958

I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 236): get_audpp_filter

I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 236): open /system/etc/AudioFilter.csv success.

I/AudioFlinger( 236): Loaded primary audio interface from LEGACY Audio HW HAL (audio)

I/AudioFlinger( 236): Using 'LEGACY Audio HW HAL' (audio.primary) as the primary audio interface

I/AudioFlinger( 236): Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio)

D/AudioHardwareInterface( 236): setMode(NORMAL)

I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 236): Set master volume to 7.

I/CameraService( 236): CameraService started (pid=236)

E/CameraService( 236): Could not load camera HAL module

I/AudioFlinger( 236): AudioFlinger's thread 0x10950 ready to run

W/AudioFlinger( 236): Thread AudioOut_1 cannot connect to the power manager service

I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 236): Routing audio to Speakerphone

D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 236): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 6, mMode 0, mMicMute 1, mBuiltinMicSelected 0, muted

I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 236): Routing audio to Speakerphone

D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 236): setVoiceVolume(1.000000)

I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 236): Setting in-call volume to 7 (available range is 0 to 7)

I/AudioPolicyService( 236): Loaded audio policy from LEGACY Audio Policy HAL (audio_policy)

I/SamplingProfilerIntegration( 235): Profiling disabled.

I/Zygote ( 235): Preloading classes...

D/dalvikvm( 235): GC_EXPLICIT freed 37K, 80% free 412K/2048K, paused 2ms+3ms

D/TextLayoutCache( 235): Using debug level: 0 - Debug Enabled: 0

I/dalvikvm( 235): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so)

D/MtpDeviceJNI( 235): register_android_mtp_MtpDevice

I/dalvikvm( 235): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so)

I/dalvikvm( 235): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so)

E/MediaProfilesJNI( 235): native_init

E/MediaProfilesJNI( 235): After native_init lock

E/MediaProfilesJNI( 235): Guru : native_init profiles

E/MediaProfiles( 235): getInstance

E/MediaProfiles( 235): Guru :Else 1

E/MediaProfiles( 235): Guru : quality = 0, index = 1

E/MediaProfiles( 235): Guru : quality = 1, index = 0

E/MediaProfiles( 235): Guru : quality = 0, index = 1

E/MediaProfiles( 235): Guru : quality = 1, index = 0

E/MediaProfiles( 235): Guru : quality = 0, index = 3

E/MediaProfiles( 235): Guru : quality = 1, index = 2

E/MediaProfiles( 235): Guru : quality = 0, index = 3

E/MediaProfiles( 235): Guru : quality = 1, index = 2

E/MediaProfiles( 235): getInstance c3c00

E/MediaProfilesJNI( 235): retun sProfiles

E/MediaProfilesJNI( 235): native_init

E/MediaProfilesJNI( 235): After native_init lock

E/MediaProfilesJNI( 235): retun sProfiles

W/Zygote ( 235): Class not found for preloading: android.media.IRemoteControlClientDispatcher

W/Zygote ( 235): Class not found for preloading: android.media.IRemoteControlClientDispatcher$Stub

V/MediaProfilesJNI( 235): native_get_num_audio_decoders

V/MediaProfilesJNI( 235): native_get_audio_decoder_type: 0

V/MediaProfilesJNI( 235): native_get_num_video_decoders

V/MediaProfilesJNI( 235): native_get_video_decoder_type: 0

W/Zygote ( 235): Class not found for preloading: android.text.TextDirectionHeuristics$CharCount

W/Zygote ( 235): Class not found for preloading: android.text.method.WordIterator$1

I/dalvikvm( 235): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libwebcore.so)

D/dalvikvm( 235): No JNI_OnLoad found in /system/lib/libchromium_net.so 0x0, skipping init

W/Zygote ( 235): Class not found for preloading: android.widget.EdgeGlow

D/dalvikvm( 235): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 622K, 28% free 1621K/2243K, paused 32ms

E/PhonePolicy( 235): Could not preload class for phone policy: com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$ContextMenuCallback

I/System ( 235): Loaded time zone names for in 959ms (948ms in ICU)

I/System ( 235): Loaded time zone names for en_US in 670ms (658ms in ICU)

I/System ( 235): Loaded time zone names for it_IT in 724ms (714ms in ICU)

I/Zygote ( 235): ...preloaded 2298 classes in 6491ms.

D/dalvikvm( 235): GC_EXPLICIT freed 985K, 32% free 2186K/3203K, paused 3ms+4ms

I/Zygote ( 235): Preload resources disabled, skipped.

D/dalvikvm( 235): GC_EXPLICIT freed 9K, 33% free 2177K/3203K, paused 4ms+4ms

D/dalvikvm( 235): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 33% free 2177K/3203K, paused 4ms+4ms

D/dalvikvm( 235): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 33% free 2177K/3203K, paused 4ms+3ms

I/dalvikvm( 235): System server process 312 has been created

I/Zygote ( 235): Accepting command socket connections

I/sysproc ( 312): Entered system_init()

I/sysproc ( 312): ServiceManager: 0x1445d8

I/SurfaceFlinger( 312): SurfaceFlinger is starting

I/SurfaceFlinger( 312): use dithering

I/SurfaceFlinger( 312): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...

E/msm7x27.gralloc( 312): We support 2 buffers

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 312): using (fd=34)

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 312): id = msmfb30_30001

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 312): xres = 320 px

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 312): yres = 480 px

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 312): xres_virtual = 320 px

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 312): yres_virtual = 960 px

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 312): bpp = 16

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 312): r = 11:5

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 312): g = 5:6

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 312): b = 0:5

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 312): width = 51 mm (159.372543 dpi)

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 312): height = 76 mm (160.421051 dpi)

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 312): refresh rate = 0.00 Hz


D/CALCFPS ( 312): period: 10

D/CALCFPS ( 312): ignorethresh_us: 500000


D/CALCFPS ( 312): period: 10

D/CALCFPS ( 312): ignorethresh_us: 500000

D/FramebufferNativeWindow( 312): mNumBuffers = 2

E/libgenlock( 312): genlock_create_lock: open genlock device failed (err=No such file or directory)

E/msm7x27.gralloc( 312): alloc_impl: genlock_create_lock failed

E/memalloc( 312): getAllocator: Invalid flags passed: 0x36ee80

F/libc ( 312): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1)

I/DEBUG ( 233): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

I/DEBUG ( 233): Build fingerprint: 'google/passion/passion:2.3.3/GRI40/102588:user/release-keys'

I/DEBUG ( 233): pid: 312, tid: 327 >>> system_server <<<

I/DEBUG ( 233): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): r0 00000000 r1 00000000 r2 023433f0 r3 407731c3

I/DEBUG ( 233): r4 000fcdb0 r5 001c3cc4 r6 497dbc94 r7 00000001

I/DEBUG ( 233): r8 496dc000 r9 400b1f3d 10 00100000 fp 00144628

I/DEBUG ( 233): ip afa03108 sp 497dbc88 lr afa011eb pc 498de85a cpsr 00000030

I/DEBUG ( 233): d0 3fe8000000000000 d1 3ff0000000000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): d2 bebbbc6c1a570a20 d3 3f1155e54e7e8408

I/DEBUG ( 233): d4 bfb1be5a93a83e1d d5 4000000000000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): d6 4a08130000000000 d7 000000434d549db0

I/DEBUG ( 233): d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): scr 80000010

I/DEBUG ( 233):

I/DEBUG ( 233): #00 pc 0000285a /system/lib/hw/gralloc.msm7x27.so (_ZN7gralloc13gpu_context_t9free_implEPK16private_handle_t)

I/DEBUG ( 233): #01 pc 00002ca8 /system/lib/hw/gralloc.msm7x27.so (_ZN7gralloc13gpu_context_t10alloc_implEiiiiPPK13native_handlePij)

I/DEBUG ( 233): #02 pc 00002d0e /system/lib/hw/gralloc.msm7x27.so (_ZN7gralloc13gpu_context_t13gralloc_allocEP14alloc_device_tiiiiPPK13native_handlePi)

I/DEBUG ( 233): #03 pc 0000fc88 /system/lib/libui.so (_ZN7android23FramebufferNativeWindowC2Ev)

I/DEBUG ( 233): #04 pc 00019956 /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so (_ZN7android15DisplayHardware4initEj)

I/DEBUG ( 233): #05 pc 00019fdc /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so (_ZN7android15DisplayHardwareC1ERKNS_2spINS_14SurfaceFlingerEEEj)

I/DEBUG ( 233): #06 pc 0001fdec /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so (_ZN7android14SurfaceFlinger10readyToRunEv)

I/DEBUG ( 233): #07 pc 00022974 /system/lib/libutils.so (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv)

I/DEBUG ( 233): #08 pc 00022fce /system/lib/libutils.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): #09 pc 00012e98 /system/lib/libc.so (__thread_entry)

I/DEBUG ( 233): #10 pc 000129bc /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_create)

I/DEBUG ( 233):

I/DEBUG ( 233): code around pc:

I/DEBUG ( 233): 498de838 43866826 e0216026 f0001c18 6ea1fdbd &h.C&`!........n

I/DEBUG ( 233): 498de848 69aaae03 69c36808 47981c30 68ef9803 ...i.h.i0..G...h

I/DEBUG ( 233): 498de858 68046aa9 970069ea 69e46a2b 1c0447a0 .j.h.i..+j.i.G..

I/DEBUG ( 233): 498de868 2c009803 2800d005 1c31d01c efe2f7fe ...,...(..1.....

I/DEBUG ( 233): 498de878 2800e018 1c31d002 efdcf7fe f7fe1c28 ...(..1.....(...

I/DEBUG ( 233):

I/DEBUG ( 233): code around lr:

I/DEBUG ( 233): afa011c8 00002012 1c0eb5f8 24091c15 dc0f2803 . .........$.(..

I/DEBUG ( 233): afa011d8 00804b08 58c7447b 1c311c38 f7ff1c2a .K..{D.X8.1.*...

I/DEBUG ( 233): afa011e8 1e04ee7a f7ffda04 6801ee7c d0f32904 z.......|..h.)..

I/DEBUG ( 233): afa011f8 bdf81c20 00001fa8 b089b5f0 91011c07 ...............

I/DEBUG ( 233): afa01208 1c1e1c14 d1012a00 447c4c4a 1c20494a .....*..JL|DJI .

I/DEBUG ( 233):

I/DEBUG ( 233): stack:

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc48 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc4c 497dbc94

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc50 40773bb2 /system/lib/libmemalloc.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc54 497dbc94

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc58 00000004

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc5c 407731c3 /system/lib/libmemalloc.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc60 40773bb2 /system/lib/libmemalloc.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc64 40773c80 /system/lib/libmemalloc.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc68 0036ee80

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc6c 000fcdb0 [heap]

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc70 00000004

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc74 45769953 /system/lib/libgenlock.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc78 000fcdb0 [heap]

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc7c 000fcdb0 [heap]

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc80 df0027ad

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc84 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): #00 497dbc88 00100000 [heap]

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc8c 023433f0

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc90 00100000 [heap]

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc94 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc98 001c3cc4 [heap]

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc9c 00000002

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbca0 001c3cc4 [heap]

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbca4 000fcdb0 [heap]

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbca8 00000004

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcac 498decad /system/lib/hw/gralloc.msm7x27.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): #01 497dbcb0 497dbcd0

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcb4 40014b77 /system/lib/libc.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcb8 497dbcec

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcbc 400aa5fd /system/lib/libutils.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcc0 00000140

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcc4 000001e0

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcc8 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbccc 00000004

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcd0 000001e0

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcd4 00000140

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcd8 40562d56 /system/lib/libui.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcdc 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbce0 00168d88 [heap]

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbce4 40565e5c /system/lib/libui.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbce8 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcec 498ded13 /system/lib/hw/gralloc.msm7x27.so

D/Zygote ( 235): Process 312 terminated by signal (11)

I/Zygote ( 235): Exit zygote because system server (312) has terminated

I/ServiceManager( 230): service 'media.audio_flinger' died

I/ServiceManager( 230): service 'media.player' died

I/ServiceManager( 230): service 'media.camera' died

I/ServiceManager( 230): service 'media.audio_policy' died

I/Netd ( 331): Netd 1.0 starting

E/Netd ( 331): Unable to create netlink socket: Protocol not supported

E/Netd ( 331): Unable to open quota2 logging socket

D/AndroidRuntime( 332):

D/AndroidRuntime( 332): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<<

D/AndroidRuntime( 332): 0 ================noModify ==========

D/AndroidRuntime( 332):

D/AndroidRuntime( 332):

E/AndroidRuntime( 332):

E/AndroidRuntime( 332):

E/AndroidRuntime( 332):

E/AndroidRuntime( 332):

E/AndroidRuntime( 332):

E/AndroidRuntime( 332):

E/AndroidRuntime( 332):

E/AndroidRuntime( 332): LiGuxMod=Miui_v4_Themed

E/AndroidRuntime( 332): LiGuxTmp=Miui_ != LiGuxVer=LiGux

E/AndroidRuntime( 332):

D/AndroidRuntime( 332): CheckJNI is OFF

I/ ( 330): ServiceManager: 0xf958

I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 330): get_audpp_filter

I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 330): open /system/etc/AudioFilter.csv success.

I/AudioFlinger( 330): Loaded primary audio interface from LEGACY Audio HW HAL (audio)

I/AudioFlinger( 330): Using 'LEGACY Audio HW HAL' (audio.primary) as the primary audio interface

I/AudioFlinger( 330): Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio)

D/AudioHardwareInterface( 330): setMode(NORMAL)

I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 330): Set master volume to 7.

I/CameraService( 330): CameraService started (pid=330)

E/CameraService( 330): Could not load camera HAL module

I/AudioFlinger( 330): AudioFlinger's thread 0x109a8 ready to run

W/AudioFlinger( 330): Thread AudioOut_1 cannot connect to the power manager service

I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 330): Routing audio to Speakerphone

D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 330): doAudioRouteOrMute() device 6, mMode 0, mMicMute 1, mBuiltinMicSelected 0, muted

I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 330): Routing audio to Speakerphone

D/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 330): setVoiceVolume(1.000000)

I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX( 330): Setting in-call volume to 7 (available range is 0 to 7)

I/AudioPolicyService( 330): Loaded audio policy from LEGACY Audio Policy HAL (audio_policy)

I/SamplingProfilerIntegration( 332): Profiling disabled.

I/Zygote ( 332): Preloading classes...

D/dalvikvm( 332): GC_EXPLICIT freed 37K, 80% free 412K/2048K, paused 1ms+1ms

D/TextLayoutCache( 332): Using debug level: 0 - Debug Enabled: 0

I/dalvikvm( 332): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so)

D/MtpDeviceJNI( 332): register_android_mtp_MtpDevice

I/dalvikvm( 332): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so)

I/dalvikvm( 332): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so)

E/MediaProfilesJNI( 332): native_init

E/MediaProfilesJNI( 332): After native_init lock

E/MediaProfilesJNI( 332): Guru : native_init profiles

E/MediaProfiles( 332): getInstance

E/MediaProfiles( 332): Guru :Else 1

E/MediaProfiles( 332): Guru : quality = 0, index = 1

E/MediaProfiles( 332): Guru : quality = 1, index = 0

E/MediaProfiles( 332): Guru : quality = 0, index = 1

E/MediaProfiles( 332): Guru : quality = 1, index = 0

E/MediaProfiles( 332): Guru : quality = 0, index = 3

E/MediaProfiles( 332): Guru : quality = 1, index = 2

E/MediaProfiles( 332): Guru : quality = 0, index = 3

E/MediaProfiles( 332): Guru : quality = 1, index = 2

E/MediaProfiles( 332): getInstance c3c30

E/MediaProfilesJNI( 332): retun sProfiles

E/MediaProfilesJNI( 332): native_init

E/MediaProfilesJNI( 332): After native_init lock

E/MediaProfilesJNI( 332): retun sProfiles

W/Zygote ( 332): Class not found for preloading: android.media.IRemoteControlClientDispatcher

W/Zygote ( 332): Class not found for preloading: android.media.IRemoteControlClientDispatcher$Stub

V/MediaProfilesJNI( 332): native_get_num_audio_decoders

V/MediaProfilesJNI( 332): native_get_audio_decoder_type: 0

V/MediaProfilesJNI( 332): native_get_num_video_decoders

V/MediaProfilesJNI( 332): native_get_video_decoder_type: 0

W/Zygote ( 332): Class not found for preloading: android.text.TextDirectionHeuristics$CharCount

W/Zygote ( 332): Class not found for preloading: android.text.method.WordIterator$1

I/dalvikvm( 332): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libwebcore.so)

D/dalvikvm( 332): No JNI_OnLoad found in /system/lib/libchromium_net.so 0x0, skipping init

W/Zygote ( 332): Class not found for preloading: android.widget.EdgeGlow

D/dalvikvm( 332): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 622K, 28% free 1621K/2243K, paused 32ms

E/PhonePolicy( 332): Could not preload class for phone policy: com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$ContextMenuCallback

I/System ( 332): Loaded time zone names for in 881ms (870ms in ICU)

I/System ( 332): Loaded time zone names for en_US in 666ms (655ms in ICU)

I/System ( 332): Loaded time zone names for it_IT in 720ms (711ms in ICU)

I/Zygote ( 332): ...preloaded 2298 classes in 4186ms.

D/dalvikvm( 332): GC_EXPLICIT freed 985K, 32% free 2186K/3203K, paused 4ms+4ms

I/Zygote ( 332): Preload resources disabled, skipped.

D/dalvikvm( 332): GC_EXPLICIT freed 9K, 33% free 2177K/3203K, paused 4ms+4ms

D/dalvikvm( 332): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 33% free 2177K/3203K, paused 4ms+4ms

D/dalvikvm( 332): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 33% free 2177K/3203K, paused 4ms+4ms

I/dalvikvm( 332): System server process 359 has been created

I/Zygote ( 332): Accepting command socket connections

I/sysproc ( 359): Entered system_init()

I/sysproc ( 359): ServiceManager: 0x144648

I/SurfaceFlinger( 359): SurfaceFlinger is starting

I/SurfaceFlinger( 359): use dithering

I/SurfaceFlinger( 359): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...

E/msm7x27.gralloc( 359): We support 2 buffers

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 359): using (fd=33)

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 359): id = msmfb30_30001

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 359): xres = 320 px

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 359): yres = 480 px

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 359): xres_virtual = 320 px

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 359): yres_virtual = 960 px

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 359): bpp = 16

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 359): r = 11:5

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 359): g = 5:6

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 359): b = 0:5

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 359): width = 51 mm (159.372543 dpi)

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 359): height = 76 mm (160.421051 dpi)

I/msm7x27.gralloc( 359): refresh rate = 0.00 Hz


D/CALCFPS ( 359): period: 10

D/CALCFPS ( 359): ignorethresh_us: 500000


D/CALCFPS ( 359): period: 10

D/CALCFPS ( 359): ignorethresh_us: 500000

D/FramebufferNativeWindow( 359): mNumBuffers = 2

E/libgenlock( 359): genlock_create_lock: open genlock device failed (err=No such file or directory)

E/msm7x27.gralloc( 359): alloc_impl: genlock_create_lock failed

E/memalloc( 359): getAllocator: Invalid flags passed: 0x36ee80

F/libc ( 359): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1)

I/DEBUG ( 233): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

I/DEBUG ( 233): Build fingerprint: 'google/passion/passion:2.3.3/GRI40/102588:user/release-keys'

I/DEBUG ( 233): pid: 359, tid: 374 >>> system_server <<<

I/DEBUG ( 233): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): r0 00000000 r1 00000000 r2 4e7b13f2 r3 407731c3

I/DEBUG ( 233): r4 000fcde0 r5 001ca5cc r6 497dbc94 r7 00000001

I/DEBUG ( 233): r8 496dc000 r9 400b1f3d 10 00100000 fp 00170338

I/DEBUG ( 233): ip afa03108 sp 497dbc88 lr afa011eb pc 498de85a cpsr 00000030

I/DEBUG ( 233): d0 3fe99999a0000000 d1 3ff0000000000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): d2 bebbbc6c1a570a20 d3 3f1155e54e7e8408

I/DEBUG ( 233): d4 bfb1be5a93a83e1d d5 4000000000000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): d6 4a08130000000000 d7 000000434d549db0

I/DEBUG ( 233): d8 0000000000000000 d9 0000000000000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): scr 80000010

I/DEBUG ( 233):

I/DEBUG ( 233): #00 pc 0000285a /system/lib/hw/gralloc.msm7x27.so (_ZN7gralloc13gpu_context_t9free_implEPK16private_handle_t)

I/DEBUG ( 233): #01 pc 00002ca8 /system/lib/hw/gralloc.msm7x27.so (_ZN7gralloc13gpu_context_t10alloc_implEiiiiPPK13native_handlePij)

I/DEBUG ( 233): #02 pc 00002d0e /system/lib/hw/gralloc.msm7x27.so (_ZN7gralloc13gpu_context_t13gralloc_allocEP14alloc_device_tiiiiPPK13native_handlePi)

I/DEBUG ( 233): #03 pc 0000fc88 /system/lib/libui.so (_ZN7android23FramebufferNativeWindowC2Ev)

I/DEBUG ( 233): #04 pc 00019956 /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so (_ZN7android15DisplayHardware4initEj)

I/DEBUG ( 233): #05 pc 00019fdc /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so (_ZN7android15DisplayHardwareC1ERKNS_2spINS_14SurfaceFlingerEEEj)

I/DEBUG ( 233): #06 pc 0001fdec /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so (_ZN7android14SurfaceFlinger10readyToRunEv)

I/DEBUG ( 233): #07 pc 00022974 /system/lib/libutils.so (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv)

I/DEBUG ( 233): #08 pc 00022fce /system/lib/libutils.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): #09 pc 00012e98 /system/lib/libc.so (__thread_entry)

I/DEBUG ( 233): #10 pc 000129bc /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_create)

I/DEBUG ( 233):

I/DEBUG ( 233): code around pc:

I/DEBUG ( 233): 498de838 43866826 e0216026 f0001c18 6ea1fdbd &h.C&`!........n

I/DEBUG ( 233): 498de848 69aaae03 69c36808 47981c30 68ef9803 ...i.h.i0..G...h

I/DEBUG ( 233): 498de858 68046aa9 970069ea 69e46a2b 1c0447a0 .j.h.i..+j.i.G..

I/DEBUG ( 233): 498de868 2c009803 2800d005 1c31d01c efe2f7fe ...,...(..1.....

I/DEBUG ( 233): 498de878 2800e018 1c31d002 efdcf7fe f7fe1c28 ...(..1.....(...

I/DEBUG ( 233):

I/DEBUG ( 233): code around lr:

I/DEBUG ( 233): afa011c8 00002012 1c0eb5f8 24091c15 dc0f2803 . .........$.(..

I/DEBUG ( 233): afa011d8 00804b08 58c7447b 1c311c38 f7ff1c2a .K..{D.X8.1.*...

I/DEBUG ( 233): afa011e8 1e04ee7a f7ffda04 6801ee7c d0f32904 z.......|..h.)..

I/DEBUG ( 233): afa011f8 bdf81c20 00001fa8 b089b5f0 91011c07 ...............

I/DEBUG ( 233): afa01208 1c1e1c14 d1012a00 447c4c4a 1c20494a .....*..JL|DJI .

I/DEBUG ( 233):

I/DEBUG ( 233): stack:

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc48 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc4c 497dbc94

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc50 40773bb2 /system/lib/libmemalloc.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc54 497dbc94

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc58 00000004

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc5c 407731c3 /system/lib/libmemalloc.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc60 40773bb2 /system/lib/libmemalloc.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc64 40773c80 /system/lib/libmemalloc.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc68 0036ee80

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc6c 000fcde0 [heap]

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc70 00000004

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc74 45769953 /system/lib/libgenlock.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc78 000fcde0 [heap]

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc7c 000fcde0 [heap]

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc80 df0027ad

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc84 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): #00 497dbc88 00100000 [heap]

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc8c 4e7b13f2

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc90 00100000 [heap]

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc94 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc98 001ca5cc [heap]

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbc9c 00000002

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbca0 001ca5cc [heap]

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbca4 000fcde0 [heap]

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbca8 00000004

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcac 498decad /system/lib/hw/gralloc.msm7x27.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): #01 497dbcb0 497dbcd0

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcb4 40014b77 /system/lib/libc.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcb8 497dbcec

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcbc 400aa5fd /system/lib/libutils.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcc0 00000140

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcc4 000001e0

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcc8 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbccc 00000004

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcd0 000001e0

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcd4 00000140

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcd8 40562d56 /system/lib/libui.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcdc 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbce0 00168db8 [heap]

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbce4 40565e5c /system/lib/libui.so

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbce8 00000000

I/DEBUG ( 233): 497dbcec 498ded13 /system/lib/hw/gralloc.msm7x27.so
  • Danke
Reaktionen: ElTonno
hab auch schon im xda forum danach gefragt wieso es nicht funktioniert und ob die developer die möglichkeit hätten es zuportieren

bisher hab ich aber leider keine antwort erhalten!! :(:(:(

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 21:18 Uhr wurde um 21:22 Uhr ergänzt:

ach ja es gibt nur einen hardwareunterschied!
das ist der touchscreen
der vom u8650 ist 3,5zoll groß der vom u8500 ist 3.2zoll groß

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