[ROM][MAR.16]HyperNonSense-v1.5 (ICS)|base 3.32.401.5 - Small, fast (only 103Mb!)

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[ROM][JAN.19]HyperSensationICS-v0.1 |base 4.0.3 - Small, fast (only 92Mb!)
I believe that our Sensation can do a lot more / be a lot faster / and therefore we can be more productive than with the Sense ROMs.
I also like to customize my own apps in a given ROM, so any simple/minimalistic ROM is a plus for me.

I therefore present to all who like this approach my very own HyperSensation ROM release.

HyperSensation is now also on Facebook! HERE

Screenshots (HyperSensation ICS):


- Download links, changelog and addons and extras in post #2
- Extras and other links (ie. kernel, addons, etc) in post#3
- FAQ and themes in post #4

What you get:
- Simple, minimalistic ROM to be a good base for your everyday needs (those who like every app to be in there "out-of-the-box" should steer clear)
- Speed tweaks to make the base to make it even faster and more responsive
- Tweaks to make battery life even better
- Tweaks to included apps (camera, mail, etc) to make the experince even more whole
- 720p video recording used instead of 1080p so that the camera does not FC
- GApps included so you do not have to install afterwards (Maps and Talk removed, but you can install Maps through the Market, and Talk from post #3)
- Custom minimalistic theme - partly from HyperDroid for HD2 and partly my own
- Double the volume steps vs original AOSP base (ie 15 steps for ringer volume vs 7)
- Smooth scrolling in all apps (disabled scrolling cache globally trhoughout the ROM)
- Increased volume in media playback and voicecalls
- Always updated base to keep your flashing appetite full

All other addons/tweaks are exactly the same in the two branches, its just a matter of personal taste

Battery usage with my ROM:
- Standby: 1% per hour
- Light use (some calls, internet, BT): 2% per hour!

My current setup:
- Google sync enabled, K9 Mail running with push settings
- Auto backlight, 30 second screen timeout
- 2G only + Wifi enabled at home

- thanks to droidyou for the FTP to host my files
- thanks to persiansown for the Sensation CM builds!
- thanks to Pongster for the whole idea of creating a minimalistic yet usable build, I used to run his HyperDroidGBX when I still had my HD2...

- thanks to nitr8 and insanity ROM (SGS2) for the ideas and a couple of icons/theme images
- thanks to ljankok for the friendship in cooking
- thanks to vladnosferatu for the tweaks
- thanks to crypted for the AGPS patch
- thanks to septix for the excellent banners
- thanks to splder for the volume adjustments and the bootanimation
- thanks to AndroidON for the smooth scrolling fix and the volume steps mod HERE

Thanks to the following for donating:
BorisZX6R, joakim.riiki, mickael.guerin91, mils69, -Punisher- (2x), woundtrauma

ROM Releases

1. When you are finished setting up the device, do a normal reboot and then you will have normal operations!
2. I have deleted a number of apps so that the ROM can be as lean and minimalistic as possible. If you find you need any apps that I have deleted, go to post #3 (Addons and Extras) and you will most likely find the app you need there!

HyperSensationICS v0.1 beta changelog, released 2012.01.19.

- based on Virtuous Quattro v2 (thanks to the Virtuous team!!!)
- Nova Launcher b12 included
- DSP Manager (might be buggy, but works for me!)
- CM9 Music app (beta testing phase)
- K9 Mail included
- HyperSensation theme (white instead of blue) partly implemented (framework-res.apk and SystemUI.apk)
- Cleaned unneeded apps/libs, etc (only 92Mb!!!)
- Camera tweaked for nearly 0% compression
- GPS tweak for faster lock
- Hosts file updated for ad-free experience
- init.d tweaked for better performance
- framework.jar tweaked for smooth scrolling

Download HERE
MD5 checksum: 34C2101E9A31C4BC5AA112609FC4666C

Addons / extras

For ICS only (HyperSensation ICS versions):

Exchange and Email (stock ICS) apps found HERE (thanks to calvin150)
Talk app found HERE (thanks to calvin150)
Addon patch (misc stuff) HERE (thanks to splder for the compilation)

For Gingerbread base only (HyperSensation up until 1.8):

You can flash the following via CWM:

CM7 Stock Email - download HERE
Google Talk (with video chat) - download HERE
FM Radio - download HERE
LatinIME (with predictive texting) - download HERE
News and Weather widget - download HERE
Search Button addon - download HERE
SIM Tool Kit - download HERE
Stock CM7 theme - download HERE
Stock CM7 wallpapers - download HERE
Theme Chooser - download HERE
TTS Patch - download HERE
Wifi Calling - download HERE

Adb push the following files to /system/app

Google Talk (without video chat) - download HERE
Live Wallpapers Picker - download HERE
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Habe es gestern mal kurz drauf gehabt, konnte es aber nicht viel testen.
Ich wollte Navigon starten, hängen geblieben, dann hab ich neu gestartet, Navigon gestartet, wieder hängen geblieben. runtergeschmissen
Genau. Zwar hat es mir gefallen, aber hier funktionieren wesentlich weniger Apps. Mal schauen, was die nächste Version bringt.

Gesendet mit der Android-Hilfe.de-App
[ROM][MAR.16]HyperNonSense-v1.5 (ICS)|base 3.32.401.5 - Small, fast (only 103Mb!)
I believe that our Sensation can do a lot more / be a lot faster / and therefore we can be more productive than with the Sense ROMs.

CM7 for the Sensation is not there yet, so without further ado, I present a ROM with Sense, but with everything working that is needed (excellent Camera, SD card speeds just fine, etc)

I also like to customize my own apps in a given ROM, so any simple/minimalistic ROM is a plus for me.

I therefore present to all who like this approach my very own HyperNonSense ROM release, built from scratch by me.


- Download links, changelog and addons and extras in post #2
- Extras and other links (ie. kernel, addons, etc) in post#3
- FAQ and themes in post #4

What you get:
- Simple, minimalistic ROM to be a good base for your everyday needs (those who like every app to be in there "out-of-the-box" should steer clear)
- Tweaks to make battery life even better
- Tweaks for the camera to take pictures without compression
- Always updated base to keep your flashing appetite full

- thanks to kevin here at XDA for Nova Launcher
- thanks to capychimp for the APM
- thanks to Schnizlon for the ICS AOSP theme and tweaks
- thanks to nitr8 and insanity ROM (SGS2) for the ideas and a couple of icons/theme images
- thanks to ljankok for the friendship in cooking
- thanks to crypted for the AGPS patch
- thanks to Splder for the theme!!!

original : [ROM][MAR.16]HyperNonSense-v1.5 (ICS)|base 3.32.401.5 - Small, fast (only 103Mb!) - xda-developers

nun mal gucken, habs drauf und läuft soweit ganz gut, jetzt mal testeln

Edit: hab jetzt mal Navigon und ein paar andere Apps drauf, bisher läuft alles sehr schön
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich hatte das Rom ca. 1 Woche am laufen und war auch sehr zufrieden. Nur die Akkulaufzeit ist unter aller S**.

Zur Zeit bin ich bei dem Rom names Prime 2 (unter extremeSensation-Thread) und da ist die Laufzeit einiges besser und es hat BEATS!!!
Rallyharry schrieb:
Ich hatte das Rom ca. 1 Woche am laufen und war auch sehr zufrieden. Nur die Akkulaufzeit ist unter aller S**.

Zur Zeit bin ich bei dem Rom names Prime 2 (unter extremeSensation-Thread) und da ist die Laufzeit einiges besser und es hat BEATS!!!

Also übern Akku kann ich mich nicht beschweren, und Beats brauch ich nicht, höre darüber keine Musik. Nur das Wörterbuch pisst mich etwas an, kann man da eines reinflashen, das drin ist kennt ja garkein wort
die rom wurde leider vom entwickler auf


gesetzt. schade​



Addons - This will install 4ext touch recovery if you don't already have it
Addons v1.5
--Google Gallery
--Wifi Router
--Wifi Calling
--Google Talk
--HTC Default Camera (will remove HQ-Camera)
--Keyboard Dictionary's
--DSP Manager
Volume Key Wake & Lockscreen Mod
4EXT Theme (based on internauta2000 sense theme)
Beats MOD Made by pekaka (not tested by me i use dsp) Pekaka's thread
More addons (Could be out of date flash at your own risk)

Other Downloads
Wallpaper in rom
User Made Wallpaper
Faux Kernel (What i'm useing)
CyanogenMod 9 Music (Beta)
Apex Launcher (1.0.5 already in rom)
AOSP ICS Theme By Shnizlon (v41 already in rom)
HQ Camera (20mbps v1.5 already in rom)

original: [ROM][APR.12][ICS][3.32.401.5_R][127Mb]HyperNonSense-v2.2 - xda-developers

Habs drauf, und es läuft super

Nen Mod könnte mal den Titel ändern
Bin gerade mit der derzeit (Splder haut die Updates in kurzen Intervallen raus) aktuellen 2.3 (mit Addons 1.9) unterwegs: Kommt mittlerweile endlich an die "alte" HyperNonSense 1.5 heran. Smooth, schnell und - wie es scheint (und im XDA Thread von einigen Usern bestätigt) - sehr gute Akkulaufzeit
Wegelagerer schrieb:
Bin gerade mit der derzeit (Splder haut die Updates in kurzen Intervallen raus) aktuellen 2.3 (mit Addons 1.9) unterwegs: Kommt mittlerweile endlich an die "alte" HyperNonSense 1.5 heran. Smooth, schnell und - wie es scheint (und im XDA Thread von einigen Usern bestätigt) - sehr gute Akkulaufzeit

Ich kann nur zustimmen ! Hatte es heute drauf und war echt überzeugt , auch das mit den addons finde ich gut ,.so kann man persohnlich aussuchen welche Apps man möchte.

Grüße Marcel

Gesendet von meinem Sensation mit Tapatalk
Ich hol den Thread mal wieder hoch.
Nach OpenSensation (mit dem ich nicht zufrieden war und es nach 2 Std. wieder gekickt hab) bin ich nun auf HyperNonSensation gelandet. War schon auf der ersten, ursprünglichen Version schonmal dabei.
Jetzt hat es Sp1der ja auf AOKP-Basis neu aufgebaut wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe. Diese Version hat die Nr. 2.7 (Update 11.05.).
Link: [ROM][MAY.11][ICS][3.32.401.5_R][98Mb]HyperNonSense-v2.7 - xda-developers

Aber es gibt von Sp1der noch eine HyperNonSense-Version mit Nr. 1.5
[ROM][MAY.1][ICS][AOKPmilestone5][72Mb]HyperSensation-v1.5 - xda-developers

Ist das jetzt so, das die Version 2.7 nur ein gethemete Version der offiziellen HTC-Version ist und die Version 1.5 die "richtige" AOKP-Version?

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