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Chenge Log
Chenge Log
LeeDrOiD SuperSensational V6.0.0 - ICS - 25th January
LeeDrOiD SuperSensational V5.0.1 ICS - 31st December
LeeDrOiD SuperSensational V5.0.0 ICS - 30th Dec - FULL WIPE REQUIRED
1. Boot to recovery
2. Nandroid
3. Flash the below mentioned firmware package
4. Boot back to recovery
5. Wipe data/factory reset (Optional if coming from another ICS build)
6. Flash the ROM.zip
7.Reboot & enjoy your Ice Cream Sandwich
Original hier :http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1419278
Presenting LeeDrOiDs SuperSensational ICS Edition
S-Off & a Custom recovery required
Huge thanks to Alpharevx+unrevoked for acheving S-Off
Huge thanks to Alpharevx+unrevoked for acheving S-Off
Android 4.0.3 - Ice Cream Sandwich & Sense 3.6... No gimmick's, no bullshit..
Just a Sensational Android experience from a very experienced developer
Pun intended!
Just a Sensational Android experience from a very experienced developer
With thanks to: ChainsDD l snq- l Scar45 | Baadnwz | damo | Team RC | m-deejay | klquicksall | Alpharevx & Unrevoked | rmk40 | show-p1984 | hamdir
Official Support Links:
Chenge Log
LeeDrOiD SuperSensational V6.0.0 - ICS - 25th January
- Rebased on RUU_PYRAMID_ICS_HTC_Europe_3.24.401.1 - 4.0.3 ICS
- Sense 3.6!
- Stock HTC ICS Kernel 3.0.16-g9788208
- Added nls_utf8 support (New kernel module thanks to me)
- Added CIFS Support (New kernel module thanks to me)
- Added CIFS Manager
- Lots of bugfixes!
- Several script updates
- All previous mods included
- All preinstalled applications updated
LeeDrOiD SuperSensational V5.0.1 ICS - 31st December
- Fixed missing fonts
- Removed DRM_omz & Dice
- Reworked framework-res (Cleaner build with no errors)
- Updated AdFree hosts
- Updated superuser binary
- Updated - Adobe FlashPlayer Reader, ES Explorer, FaceBook & Titanium Backup
- Added Android Market V3.4.4
- Updated YouTube
- Trimmed bootanimation audio
- New High-Res LeeDrOiD Wallpaper
LeeDrOiD SuperSensational V5.0.0 ICS - 30th Dec - FULL WIPE REQUIRED
- Based ON - RUU PYRAMID LE (XE) 3.06.401.101 (test) Thanks to RC Team!
- Rooted with the latest Superuser & Binary
- unsecured boot.img
- Init.d run parts support
- Deodexed, Recompressed & Zipaligned
- The ususal - sysrw/sysro, bash, busybox, nano
- All user apps zipaligned on boot
- Permissions fixed on boot
- SQlite3 DB Vacum on boot
- Caches cleaned on boot
- Fixed Market identifacation
- Added OpenVPN
- EXT4 Tuneups
- Battery calibration script (seo)
- Huge XML Cleanups
- NEW LeeDrOiD Custom Boot Animation & Welcome
- Lots of default configuration cleanups
- Allow non market apps, disable "pocket mode", "flip to speaker" & "be polite"
- Disable "fastboot" (auto hibernate on shutdown)
- Enabled 3D Home screen support in display settings
- Enabled "Display processor info"
- Removed CIQ services from framework
- Removed HTC & Google loggers
- Added Overscroll (Green)
- Added Stock % Battery
- Added Fancy keyboard Enter/Exit animation
- Added Spare parts, The lates Market, Dice, Voice Dialer & Launcher2
- Added RomManager, Titanium Backup, ES Explorer, AdFree
- All pre-installed apps updated
- Removed some Bloat
1. Boot to recovery
2. Nandroid
3. Flash the below mentioned firmware package
4. Boot back to recovery
5. Wipe data/factory reset (Optional if coming from another ICS build)
6. Flash the ROM.zip
7.Reboot & enjoy your Ice Cream Sandwich
Optional FULL WIPE to EXT4 patch (FTP)
This is an optional patch that can be applied prior to flashing the ROM, please note, this zip will wipe your device and format all partitions to EXT4 (Highly recommended)
3.24.401.1 Revolutionary patched firmware package(FTP)
The above firmware package is as per THIS THREAD by Mike and patched for S-Off by the awsome ieftm
This is an optional patch that can be applied prior to flashing the ROM, please note, this zip will wipe your device and format all partitions to EXT4 (Highly recommended)
3.24.401.1 Revolutionary patched firmware package(FTP)
The above firmware package is as per THIS THREAD by Mike and patched for S-Off by the awsome ieftm
Original hier :http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1419278
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