[ROM]OrDroidX 15.0 | JB | Fast & Stable | Battery Friendly | SenseUI4+

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- Based on OTA 3.14.401.600 release-keys.
- Android 4.1.1 with Sense UI 4+.
- Multi-language.
- Deodexed & Zipaligned using SDK r20.0.3.
- SuperSU, Busybox.
- Init.d support.
- Memory optimizations.
- Ramdisk tweaks.
- Option to remove apps (AROMA installer).
- Option to install additional mods (AROMA installer).
- Excellent battery life.
- Ultra fast, super clean and rock stable.



- Added fully working flash player - Thx wsleone.
- Added sysro/sysrw commands support.
- Removed more unnecessary files.
- Updated Nova launcher (desense).
- Updated Twitter.


- Updated gapps to V4.1.2.
- Cleaned updater-script and aroma-config.
- Readded option to disable exchange security (Full ROM only).
- Removed the option to install wakeup by volume keys mod (Full ROM only).
- Fixed bug with not properly oriented icons in camera.
- Removed more unnecessary files.


- Fixed permissions and toolbox symlinks.
- Redisabled fast reboot by default.
- Added missing WPS binary.
- Improved full wipe part in updater-script.


- Reoptimized all apks and framework files.
- More free RAM, less battery usage.
- Faster loading of apps, and overall improved performance.
- Fixed and cleaned remove part in AROMA.
- Fixed reboot binary.
- Updated Nova launcher.
- Removed PDF viewer.
- Added option to remove AdAway.
- Aligned numbers in calculator app.


- Fixed battery percent mod.


- Rebased on 3.14.401.600 OTA.
- Complete rebuild from scratch.
- Improved WiFi quality.
- Updated Gmail.
- Updated Nova launcher (desense).


- Fixed lags caused by modified OOM groupings.


- Changed /system mount to RW.
- Updated Google Play Store.
- Updated Dropbox.
- Improved battery life.
- Cleaned build.prop from all placebo effect tweaks.


- Added missing Nova and Apex icons to AROMA installer.
- Changed full wipe so it won't remove games data.
- Readded option to disable exchange security.
- Updated AdAway hosts file.
- Updated Apex launcher (desense).
- Updated Google Street.
- Updated Google Plus.
- Cleaned build.prop.
- Cleaned ramdisk.
- Improved performance.


- Reoptimized all apks and framework files using new png optimization tools.
- More free RAM, less battery usage.
- Faster loading of apps, and overall improved performance.
- ROM is about 30MB lighter.
- Fixed lower benchmark score - please reflash boot.img.
- Removed 'Protected' from software information.
- Cleaned build.prop.


- Added missing WPS binary.
- Fixed battery percent mod.
- Removed more unnecessary files.
- Reoptimized all apks and framework files using latest SDK.
- Cleaned ramdisk.
- Improved battery life.


- Readded option to install battery percent mod.


- Changed gps.conf’s ntp_server from north-america to europe.
- Redisabled fast reboot by default.
- Updated AdAway hosts file.
- Increased MMS size limit.
- Cleaned ramdisk.


- Themed HTC Dialer call button.
- Fixed bootloop problem.


- Fixed reboot binary.
- Added option to disable 3-dot menu - Choose it only if you are using recent button as menu.
- Readded option to install battery percent mod.
- Aligned numbers in calculator app.
- Disabled fast reboot by default.


- Added more language support.
- Readded option to install camera plus mod.
- Readded option to added call recording support.
- Readded option to install lower autobrighntess mod.
- Readded option to install wakeup by volume key mod.
- Cleaned build.prop.


- Added missing device management app.
- Added missing drm plugin binary.
- Updated Google Movies.
- Moved Google Play services to /data and updated it.
- Moved Google Now to /data and updated it.
- Improved performance - should be even smoother now.
- Cleaned build.prop.


- Fixed installation error.


- Removed more debugged files - Clean as release-keys.
- Updated AROMA installer.
- Readded update only option.
- Readded Desense option.
- Readded option to improve multitasking.
- Readded option to force GPU rendering.
- Readded option to disable fast dormancy.
- Readded option to enable OpenVPN support.
- Readded option to enable SQLite support.
- Improved performance and battery life.


- Rebased on 3.09.401.100 OTA.
- Updated AROMA installer to V2.55.
- Updated Google Street.

Changes from Beta 1:

- Readded the option to remove apps in AROMA.
- Removed more debugged files.
- Cleaned more parts in ramdisk - Thanks mike1986.
- Disabled scrolling cache.
- Improved memory management.
- Improved performance and battery life.


- Updated AdAway hosts file.
- Fixed USSD security issue.
- Added more language support.
- Improved APM icons.
- Fixed and cleaned ramdisk.
- Improved performance and battery life.


- Fixed updater script.
- Fixed and cleaned ramdisk.
- Updated camera plus mod.
- Updated musicbox mod.
- Updated YouTube.


- Fixed version number.
- Updated Nova launcher (desense only).
- Updated Apex launcher (desense only).
- Updated Google Books.


- Added missing powerhal - fixed & compiled from source - Thanks show-p1984.
- Fixed and cleaned aroma config and updater-script.
- Removed more unnecessary files.
- Improved battery life.


- Completely disabled HTC bug reports.
- Cleaned Ramdisk.
- Fixed personalize rotate.
- Updated Facebook.
- Updated Google Maps.
- Updated Adobe Reader.
- Improved performance and battery life.


- Added DeSense option in aroma.
- Added option to install lower autobrighntess mod.
- Enabled landscape mode in personalize. 
- Updated AdAway hosts file.
- Updated camera plus mod.
- Updated Twitter.


- Updated camera plus mod.
- Cleaned AROMA installer.
- Fixed updater-script.
- Other minor changes, updates and fixes.


- Updated Camera Plus mod.
- Improved performance.
- Fixed Israeli APNs.


- Improved project butter hacks.
- Added option to install lyapota camera mod.
- Updated busybox.
- Updated Google Books.
- Updated Google Maps.
- Fixed reboot binary.
- Fixed updater-script.
- Cleaned build.prop.


- Added project butter hacks for better performance.
- Improved battery percent icons.
- Updated SoundHound.


- Updated SuperSU.
- Updated Facebook.
- Updated Tunein Radio.
- Fixed and cleaned updater-script and AROMA config.


- Updated Google Maps.
- Fixed and cleaned updater-script and AROMA config.


- Fixed update only option.
- Removed more unnecessary files.


- Added 'Update Only' option to AROMA installer - saves and restores all your selections.
- Added option to enable call recording support.
- Fixed and cleaned updater-script.
- Updated MusicBox Mod.


- Added option to install MusicBox - Thx lyapota.
- Added option to enable NFC also on screenoff and lockscreen.
- Removed more unnecessary files.
- Other minor changes and fixes.


- Added option to force GPU rendering.
- Added option to tweak minfree values for better multitasking.
- Updated Adobe Flash Player.
- Updated TalkBack.
- Updated Google Maps.


- Reoptimized all apks and framework files.
- Fixed updater-script - now you can install keyborard w/o arrows and wakeup by volume keys mod.
- Added landscape Rosie.
- Updated Facebook.


- Fixed HTC keyborard w/o arrows.
- Fixed HTC keyboard auto completion. 
- Updated Dropbox.


- Fixed and cleaned updater-script.
- Updated Google Play Store.
- Updated TuneIn Radio.


- Removed the option to install rosie w/ 6X5&7X3 app drawer.
- Updated SuperSU to version 0.95.
- Fixed boot and down animations.
- Fixed local timezone.


- Added option to install semi-transparent statusbar.
- Added option to install rosie w/ 6X5&7X3 app drawer.
- Added option to install keyborard w/o arrows.
- Added option to install wakeup by volume keys mod.
- Updated Dropbox.


- Fixed Gallery Dropbox FC.
- Updated Google Play Store to V3.8.16.


- Initial Release.
Download V4.2.1 - Full ROM
Mirror - Android File Host
[Full wipe is not mandatory, but highly recommended!]


Download boot.img


  • Installation Instructions:

    1. Laden Sie die ROM und legen Sie auf Ihre virtuellen SD-Karte.
    2. Relock Ihren Bootloader über HTCDev.
    3. Gehen Sie in den fastboot-Modus und geben Sie "fastboot oem rebootRUU '.
    4. Flash neue Firmware mit diesem Command: "fastboot Flash zip PJ46IMG.zip 'oder mit Y-Kabel.
    5. Reunlock Ihren Bootloader über HTCDev.
    6. Flash Custom Recovery mit nur loben: "fastboot Flash Recovery recovery.img '.
    7. Laden boot.img und flash es mit dem commend: "fastboot Flash Boot boot.img '.
    8. Use 'fastboot erase cache', um Boot-Probleme zu vermeiden.
    9. Gehen Sie in die recovery und installieren Sie das ROM.
    10. Starten Sie Ihr Gerät an und genießen von JB!

  • Firmware Supported CIDs:

    cidnum: HTC__001
    cidnum: HTC__E11
    cidnum: HTC__203
    cidnum: HTC__102
    cidnum: HTC__405
    cidnum: HTC__Y13
    cidnum: HTC__A07
    cidnum: HTC__304
    cidnum: HTC__M27
    cidnum: HTC__032
    cidnum: HTC__016
    cidnum: HTC__J15

    Überprüfen Sie Ihre CID mit dem Command: "fastboot oem readcid '.
    Wenn Sie ihre CID nicht in der Liste erwähnt ist, können Sie leider die JB-Rom nicht Flashen und müssen erstmal auf ICS bleiben.

If you appreciate my work, you can buy me a beer:

Donations list:

  • bippolinno X2, jeryx X2, ShyamSasi, amirage, levelone, wsleone, tmotard X2, audaxrandonneur, Dranz, dani_nec, tanwg, salman saso, sirbilbo, sesan, 1immortal, audaxrandonneur, Laurentius26, sphuyal, Champman, scela7.

HTC One X+ piggy bank supporters:

  • bippolinno X3, goldragon, martinfs.

I'm grateful for every donation you make.
Thank you very much!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Werde es heute oder morgen sicher mal flashen :)

Update auf 1.0.1 releast

Download V1.0.1 - Full ROM
(Full wipe is mandatory!)




- Fixed Gallery Dropbox FC.
- Updated Google Play Store to V3.8.16.


- Initial Release.

Also das Rom ist genail. Läuft Super. Nur Mods usw fehlen noch wie 3dot-menu. Aber das kann man ja manuell flashen.

tapatalked with my Ordroided HTC One X
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich habs installiert...alles sauber gelaufen...nur jetzt habe ich ständige reboots (ich komme nur immer bis startbildschirm, dann startet es neu)...

Jemand nen Tipp was ich machen kann?

Hardresets und Neuinstallation haben auch nix gebracht...

thawo schrieb:
Ich habs installiert...alles sauber gelaufen...nur jetzt habe ich ständige reboots .

Schreib wie du es installiert hast, damit man einen eventuellen Fehler finden kann - so bringt dein Beitrag gar nichts.

Je GENAUER du es beschreibst, umso schneller kann man einen Fehler finden, und du dürftest auch wieder froh sein ein funkt. Handy zu haben..
Schon Boot.img neu geflasht?

Getippt per ARHD v.9.2.0 mit Tapatalk 2

[ROM][Sep.1] OrDroidX 1.3.3 | Fast & Stable | Sense UI 4.1


1.3.3 - Updated SuperSU.
- Updated Facebook.
- Updated Tunein Radio.
- Fixed and cleaned updater-script and AROMA config.

Download V1.3.3 - Full ROM
(Full wipe isn`t mandatory, but highly recommended)


Download boot.img

Seine Updates haben nicht viel Sinn im Moment. Apps Updaten kann man auch selber.

Getippt per Smart RevolutionX by Slassh mit Tapatalk 2


1.5.0 - Added DeSense option in aroma. - Added option to install lower autobrighntess mod. - Enabled landscape mode in personalize. - Updated AdAway hosts file. - Updated camera plus mod. - Updated Twitter.
Seit heute, wenn ich das richtig mitbekommen habe, gibt es das
[ROM][Oct.4] OrDroidX 2.5.1 | JB | Fast & Stable | Battery Friendly | Sense UI 4+. In der Anleitung steht:
1. Relock your bootloader via HTCDev.
2. Boot your phone and from command prompt type 'adb reboot oem-78'.
2a. If the device reboots to bootlader mode then flash a stock RUU and reboot the phone again.
3. Flash new firmware using this commend: 'fastboot flash zip PJ46IMG.zip' or using Y cable.
4. Reunlock your bootloader via HTCDev.
5. Flash custom recovery using this commend: 'fastboot flash recovery recovery.img'
6. Download the ROM and place it on your virtual SD card.
7. Download boot.img and flash it using this commend: ‘fastboot flash boot boot.img’.
8. Use 'fastboot erase cache' to avoid boot issues.
9. Go into recovery and install the ROM.
10. Reboot your device and enjoy from JB!

Ich denke, ich brauch Hilfe auf Deutsch :D
So hab mal den Kompletten Post überarbeitet und auf 4.2.1 geupdatet

[ROM][Oct.21] OrDroidX 4.2.2 | JB | Fast & Stable | Battery Friendly | Sense UI 4+

4.2.2 - Updated Facebook. - Enabled HTCs screenshot feature by default. - Added missing HTC function test app. - Added option to disable HTCs screenshot feature. - Other minor changes and fixes.



- Rebased on 3.14.401.16 OTA - One X JB final release.
- Updated Apex launcher (desense).
- Updated AdAway hosts file.
- Added more language support.
- Improved performance and battery life.
Update aud 11.1.2

11.1.2 - Fixed Rosie FC - Only for those who flashed ROM after a full wipe.

11.1.1 - Added Rosie with menu support.
- Updated Facebook.
- Updated SoundHound.
- Updated Dropbox gallery fix
- Thanks lyapota. 11.1.0
- Added back button options to settings. 11.0.1
- Fixed remaped buttons tweaks. 11.0.0
- Rebased on 3.14.401.27.
- Removed 3-dot menu.
- Remapped recent apps button to menu button.
- Updated Google Play Services.
- Updated Google Now. - Updated Gmail.
- Updated SuperSU.
- Updated Dropbox.
- Updated Facebook.
- Updated ES File Explorer.
- All previous mods, tweaks and fixed included.
- Other minor changes and fixes.


- Improved APM icons.
- Updated Google Play Store.
- Updated Google Plus.
- Updated Facebook.
- Updated AdAway hosts file.
- Other minor changes and fixes.


- Fixed sound set bug.
- Updated Google Now.
- Updated Nova launcher.

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 20:12 Uhr wurde um 20:13 Uhr ergänzt:

Es wundert mich, dass es so wenige nutzen ist echt ein tolles ROM mit einem tollen Dev!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: quercus
2WildFire schrieb:

Es wundert mich, dass es so wenige nutzen ist echt ein tolles ROM mit einem tollen Dev!

Stimmt - irgendwie ist ein kleiner Herdentrieb zu beobachten.

Oder wir schreiben zu wenig adäquate Testberichte?

Zu jeder Rom einen objektiven Testbericht mit Besonderheiten der Rom usw. wäre vielleicht interessant.

2-3 Tester je Rom die Ihre Erfahrungen berichten, wäre ein Plus für jeden Thread.
Die JB ROMs geben sich alle nicht viel, aber shnizlon holt immer das Beste raus..
  • Danke
Reaktionen: 2WF
torxx schrieb:
Die JB ROMs geben sich alle nicht viel, aber shnizlon holt immer das Beste raus..
Stimmt, das bleibt auch der kleinste Fehler nicht lange! Sofern er zu lösen ist.

Btw könnte mal wer den Thread anpassen? die Vers. 4.22 ist ja schon etwas älter :biggrin:
So kurze Info zur ROM, einfach genial.
Fast, smooth bin begeistert.

von meinem Quadcore Monster via Finger......
Hab es auch seid gestern drauf, und es bleibt erstmal

Gesendet von meinem HTC One X mit der Android-Hilfe.de App

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