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HTC ONE X nicotine tint on display – HTC Romania denies to fix my phone
July 10, 2012 by baadnwz | 8 Comments
So here it is my phone’s dispay
I tried contacting the online shop from where i bought my phone from but they said that their service doesn’t work until 29th July, and also because i unlocked my bootloader via htcdev I have lost all my warranty. as a side note. user Adrian commented on my post in romanian saying that the same Puzzle Electronics or Vanzari-gsm.ro denied to fix his Galaxy Note because his device broke while updating it with an OTA from Samsung. IT seemsVanzari-gsm.ro DENIES your warranty even if you just update your smartphone with software from the manufacturer. So basically even if i didn’t unlocked my phone on HTCDEV, even if they weren’t in vacation, they would have denied my warranty because my phone came with 1.26.401.1 and at this time I would have had 1.29.401.11
That being said i tried contacting HTC Romania. See below the story
HTC Romania does NOT have any services here, has just some offices for paper pushers and some limited support like call 0800 and they’ll tell you how to reset your phone to factory settings.
They rely on 3rd party firm for service which they have a contract with, a 3rd party service which is autonomous and as i said is the goto service for all major brands imported here in romania (strange right? – one service for all major manufacturers ).
This being the situation HTC Romania asked me to contact their partner and tell them my problem . Their partner which is Cordon Group denied to fix my phone because I bought it from an online store and I don’t have a Cordon Group Warranty.
Then I emailed HTC RO and HTC UK about the problems, proving with links that the issues is a general one that affects numerous devices.
See here:
[Q] HTC one X yellow spot (tint) display issue, any one find? - xda-developers
and also see here HTC International press release:
And while HTC UK said sure we’ll fix it, HTC RO said “we will offer support if you choose to take legal action against the service that is in your warranty contract”.
Then i replied to HTC RO that is not the service were i have warranty problem nor the service that they have partnership with problem, it’s HTC’s because they have build those malfunctioning devices. And even if they don’t own a repair shop here they should at least force their only partner in Romania to fix my phone and forward the bill to HTC . this was happening yday afternoon. still no answer from them. Funny is that on chat everytime i talked (2 times) i talked to the same person and also when they replied to my mail was again the same person who kept telling the same bullshit.
Now with the HTC UK which said they will fix my phone, they said that
1. i will have to support the shipping charges, funny is that if you want to send a phone from romania to uk with DHL costs 70 eurs, if you want to send it from uk to ro costs 15 eurs via the same DHL, dunno why they enormous price difference for the same service. so would be a total of 85 eurs just for shipping + 5 x 2 = 10 days just shipping time + the time it spends in service which can be upto to 15 days . so im close to a month no phone time and 85 eur out of my own pocket.
Sure i can try to send it via normal postal office but then the shipping time would be 14 days just to get to uk, would cost about 25 eurs and i’m not even sure if they will handle carefully the fragile package. might arrive in pieces there or not arrive at all, thats how reliable they are. if i want faster or safer or with insurance i have to pay extra and im going close to DHL rates
2. i asked HTC UK to tell HTC RO to fix it, they replied they can’t interact with HTC RO in any way.
Now i have emailed : HTC RO, the crappy service on my warranty certificate and told them is not possible to wait for a service to return from vacation wtf, they have only one employee there, and also the official HTC service partner here.
While HTC responded to my 1st mail saying they will support me if i take my legal action, they choose to ignore my reply where i was proving my case with links and international press releases by HTC.
The others two didn’t even bothered to answer yet, but the legal term to receive an answer is 48 hrs. Unfortunately by the way managers work their shit in romania they will probably never answer.
Tomorrow will be 48hours since i sent those emails. if i wont receive a reply or if the reply isn’t a positive one like (yes we’ll fix the damn phone) i’ll contact ANPC which roughly translates to National Association of Customer Protection.
Problem with ANPC is that
1. may take up to 30 business day to investigate my claim ( this means almost 1 month and a half)
2. even after they complete the investigation and find my claims legit they CAN’T force any of the 3 above mentioned to fix my phone. They can only give them a fine because they didn’t respected the contract.
Also being in Romania is a known fact, that companies play hard ball when users complain because they know that most of the clients will not take any legal measures because of the bureaucracy jungle that is here.
Most companies only react to public humiliation, but in this case the online shop that sold it doesn’t seem to care, they care always make another site if the complains are too many, the official htc service doesn’t give a shit because they don’t sell anything, and HTC Romania is managed by idiots, who never understood that keeping your clients happy is good business
I received another reply from HTC which is telling me the same bullshit. “we appreciate your interest..” from the same Nick or Nicolai with whom i spoke since yesterday either via email or online chat. Although I specifically asked to speak to a manager, 6 times in chats or emails Nicolai choose to ignore. I replied to him again to answer me why
1. HTC UK offered to help while HTC Romania doesn’t do anything
2. Why I can’t speak to a superior and why he ignored my previous attempts to talk to a superior.
Update 2.
Got another reply from HTC Romania, telling me that the repair center said HTC Ro should decide what to do, they will investigate and will let me know. To this email I can’t answer because i have no option in HTC’s web app.
Update 3
While i have nothing better to do while I wait for HTC to escalate my problem and reply to me, I also found this HTC Repair attempting to charge me £169 to fix an assembly gap (BIG UPDATE POST #32) - xda-developers . Read and decide for yourself.
Yes as much as I loved HTC right now i hate them, and the more i search and find issues with HOX and how HTC is responding to its clients the more I hate them
serko54 schrieb:Was sollen die da auch noch weiter rausbringen? Erst wenn neue Base / Android Firmware draußen ist wird es wieder neue ROM`s geben.
quercus schrieb:Hi,
das einzige was tatsächlich die Akkuleistung verbessern würde (wird) ist
a) Ein austauschbarer Akku mit wesentlich mehr Leistung. (neidisch auf Motorola blicke)
b) Ändern des eigenen Verhaltens im Umgang mit den div. Apps.
Ich hoffe auf Punkt "a" - angeblich ist es ja bald soweit - fehlt dann nur noch der Mut das Gehäuse zu öffnen.
Alles andere ist Humbug und Voodoo-Zauber. (mal abgesehen vom fragwürdigen deaktivieren einiger Kerne)
nightsurfer465 schrieb:Etwas Neues von unserem Freund baad?
Dev-Host - InsertCoin_ONE_X_v7.3.0_NEW_RADIO.zip - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service
here is the new radio from 1.29.401.12 . flashable zip
SIZE=1]Gesendet von meinem HTC One X mit der Android-Hilfe.de App[/SIZE]
nightsurfer465 schrieb:Woran merkst Du das? Bzw. wie kommst Du darauf?
Gesendet von meinem HTC One X mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Dann brauche ich aber keinen Quadcore...Moonwalker1987 schrieb:also mit der core control app kann mann welche abschalten ob es was bringt kann man nicht so genau feststellen![]()
nightsurfer465 schrieb:der jemand war ich.
Bei mir steht im Bootloader bei Radio: none
Ich habe aber volle Funktion... Komisch?
Gesendet von meinem HTC One X mit der Android-Hilfe.de App