[ROM/Diskussion] The One X is evolving...Charmeleon Rom v 5.0.0 - EQS - 15/06/12

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Quelle: XDA

[ROM] 03.06 - The best rom for you One X - Charmeleon Rom v5.0.0 - HUGE feature list

FYI: All that dont want to try that rom because of the pokemonish style: All pokemon related stuff (which is actually just the bootanimation, bootsound and wallpaper) can be removed directly before the rom installation in aroma.

The One X is evolving...


...presents you Charmeleon rom!


If you didn't flashed the rom yet...you will regret it. It's the most featured and best developed rom out here on the HTC One X forums.

Some user comments:

the best rom i had in my life til now..no way i m goin to other rom.........al i can say is ..thnx ..thnx..thnx....

The only custom rom I tried...never even bothered to try something else.

I have been pretty silent on the the 'ROM Scene' as of late, but I feel obligated to say that this ROM is BAD ASS!!!
If you are a doubter or have been faithful to any other chefs ROMs...
...This is the ROM that is worth jumping ship and worth giving a test drive. Since I flashed, I have not had a desire to flash back or the desire to flash another ROM!

The latest 4.1.0 version has been perfect to me and beyonds my expectations! Before ur rom I have tried ARHD LEEDROID and many other local roms, none has given me the “wow, it's amazing, how he did it” feelings.

But I told my self to read a little here in ONE X Section to see how the development and theming are going for this new device...
And I saw this Thread and I have to say one thing:
That is what I call REAL DEVELOPMENT...
Not just taking a stock rom and add/remove some things....
These guys here have made your life really easy and beautiful...
These guys Rock...
It's one the best development Thread in all xda...

WOW best rom I have ever had on any of my many devices!!

Sorry I don't have anything more constructive to say but I felt that I better say something.

the tweaks are unique, u will never find that on any other HOX Rom out there

You my friend have outdone yourself. I don't need nothing more. This Rom is amazing.

This rom takes customization to a different level! I am very much impressed!

Really big thanks to you guys, you all really push the HOX custom ROM to a whole new level. It shouldn't be just one step, but should be few steps ahead. Never imagine you can customize Sense in such a new way

Truly astounding work you've done chaps;

this rom and development is awesome!
fast response, great team, this is a killer!!!

Stunning job once again guys, your hard work makes the phone an absolute delight to use and show off

What an amazing ROM! Been using 2 days soon and I am very impressed.

The lineup:

j4n87 Team leader, lead HTC One X and creator of tweaks app
Joelz Lead dev Evo 3D, Evo 4g LTE and co lead dev rezound
lllboredlll Lead dev Rezound
richmondo Lead dev Sensation and co lead dev One X
m0narx Lead dev Sensation and tweaks developer
shnizlon Dev Sensation
jerrytan93 HTC Sensation Themer
sk806 Lead dev HTC AT&T One X
tattari Our photoshop guy
iximages Skilled graphic guy - doing awesome stuff!

Rom specs:

  • Based on HTC_Europe_1.29.401.11 RUU Android 4.0.3 ICS
  • Aroma v2.0
  • Deodexed & Zipaligned
  • SuperSU v0.88 - credits Chainfire
  • Persistent ADB enabled
  • init.d support
  • Busybox
  • Memory optimizations
  • sqlLite 3 enhancements
  • Extended Quicksettings - Yeah, we know you missed them!
  • APM
  • PkMn Tweaks - Always one step ahead! Features listed listed below
  • CM statusbar brightness mod
  • Disabled dtm and fast dormacy, possible battery drainers
  • added secure and blocklist folders to message app
  • Added longpress actions to back and recent key
  • All Market apps Updated to latest
  • Latest hosts file (Adaway)

  • Rearrange and hide Quicksettings
  • Quick quicksetting
  • Hide different notifications icons
  • Battery Tweaks with MIUI Battery bar!
  • Signal tweaks: choose differen colors for your icons: wifi/data/bars
  • Custom carrier logo in statusbar
  • center/hide clock
  • hide am/pm
  • choose clock color
  • Hide settings icon in the notification pulldown
  • Replace the HSDPA icon with one of you choice. H+/4G/LTE...
  • Different statusbar transparencys
  • CM brighntess control
  • Hide date from notifications pulldown
  • Customize your carrier label
  • choose transparancy or background for notifications pulldown
  • choose between AOSP and Sense Recent apps dialog

Rosie Launcher:
  • Enable unlock animation
  • Enable landscape rosie
  • Transparent navbar
  • Ultra/smooth Rosie toggles
  • Enable infinitive looping on Home
  • Hide apps from app drawer
  • Increase rows/colums in app drawer to 5x6 and 7x3
  • Use custom background image in the app drawer
  • Disable cube animation when swyping in app drawer from all over frequent to downloads tab

  • Custom 3 finger swype gestures! Remap 3 finger swype up/down right/left to 8 custom action or a custom app of your choice
  • Different capacitive backlight options to control when the leds shall turn off
  • Remap longpress home: Menu, Recent apps, HTC Speak, Custom app
  • Remap longpress menu: APM, Recent apps, HTC Speak, Custom app
  • Remap longpress back: Close app, recent apps, htc speak, Custom app
  • Longpress home on lockscreen toggles flashlight
  • Toggle for 3 dot soft menu

  • ICS AOSP Lockscreen
  • Toggle to immediatly unlock aosp lockscreen on incoming call
  • custom carrier lockscreen text
  • Hide time on lockscreen
  • Hide apm/pm on lockscreen
  • Hide date on lockscreen
  • Hide operator on lockscreen
  • menu key to unlock
  • back key to unlock
  • Slide 2 unlock: swype from back to menu key to unlock yor device
  • Volume wake toggle
  • Media control
  • Media control option: choose pause/play or skip track backwards
  • Map longpress home on lockscreen to toggle flashlight or call camera

  • Access hidden phone menu
    [*]10 Different overscroll colors
  • Different volume steps
  • Different Autobrightess arrays and manual setting of each sensor value
  • Define timeout when key button light goes off
  • Enable 3 dots menu
  • Mms screen on
  • Disable bootsound
  • Custom HTC Car app
  • Hide arrows on HTC IME
  • Hide different items on the APM
  • Fast dormacy toggle
  • Gameloft compatibility toggle
  • Sony Bravia toggle

Advanced Tweaks:
  • Mount system rw/ro
  • Wipe cache/dalvik
  • Fix permissions
  • zipalign apks

Visit us:


Donate, if you want to give us something in return.

Team One X

Donate to me, j4n87:

Donate to richmondo:

  • hd2neuling
  • stiffmast3r
  • inzaghi75
  • Breinholst
  • ptr_hamilton
  • Basil3
  • boshot
  • thierry94120
  • Neo XL

  • My teamm8 richmondo, who does all rom related stuff
  • My teamm8 m0narx - skilled as hell
  • Leedroid for beeing always a great m8 and offering help
  • Super awesome Breinholst...nothing to add =D
  • amarullz for his Aroma Installer
  • Romanbb for the original tweaks mod for the Sensation
  • lyapota for his media control mod on Desire HD
  • cyanogen for the brightness mod idea
  • Hamdir for his work on the Rosie mods - ultra/smooth rosie

Team leader of:


presents you:

Support for other phones:

Sensation - Rezound - Evo 3D - Evo 4g LTE - ATT One X - HTC One S - HTC One V

Visit and support us:

Bug Tracker for ONE X: Google Code issue tracker

If you like my work, donate for my marriage =D

...or just hit the "Thanks"-Button

Requirements-Installation & Faq

  • S-OFF or HTC Dev Unlock
  • Custom recovery
  • An HTC One X! =P

More detailed instructions in the F.A.Q

  • Download the rom from the download section.
  • Check if the md5 sums fit after download
  • Put the downloaded rom to your SD Card of your HTC One X
  • Boot to hboot - fastboot, then run this: Boot.img flasher for dummies
  • Boot to recovery after installing the kernel
  • Do a full wipe if you are coming from another rom
  • Install rom and follow Aroma instructions
  • HF using the rom

Q: Whats the md5 sum thing?
A: It ensures, that the rom is downloaded correctly and completly to avoid weird issues when installing/using the rom. Google for "md5 sum checker" and you should find what you need.
Q: My phone stucks on HTC splash screen
A: "fastboot erase cache" in fastboot and flash the boot.img or use the boot.img flasher provided here.
Q: Whats the boot.img. Why we need to flash it?
A: The boot.img is the kernel and have to be flashed if you want your rom running well. HTC Dev Unlock doesnt allow to install the kernel directly when installing the rom in recovery, thats why you need to install in manually.
Q: What means PkMn?
A: It stands for Pokemon and it's more a fun name....we will have fun here right? =D
Q: I found a theme or mod, will it work on this rom?
A: It's NOT recommended to use mod/themes that dont clearly state, that they are compatible with our rom. Thems/Mods always use framework files which will brake mods/stuff in our rom.
Q: My question is not listed here, what to do?
A: Ensure you used the xda search, google and your brain before asking a question in the thread. If you cant find an answer yourself we will answer your question for sure! (-:
Q: Whats that cm statusbar brighntess mod?
Q: Whats the Ultra/smooth rosie?

A: Your HTC Widgets got some kind of 3D effect which may make your Rosie laggy. You can see that 3D effect clearly on the HTC 4x4 Weather widget.
  • Smooth: Flattens all widgets besides the one you start scrolling
  • Ultra: Flattens all widgets for best performance
Q: Whatis that gsm auto prl thing?
A: Explanation to network modes:

WCDMA preferred - The GSM phone is capable of using both 2G and 3G data communication and when signal strength is low 3G is favored more.
GSM only - The GSM phone is capable of using only 2G data communication. When the 2G signal is too low you get nothing at all.
WCDMA only - The GSM phone is capable of using only 3G data communication. When the 3G signal is too low you get nothing at all.
GSM auto (PRL) - The GSM phone is capable of using both 2G and 3G data communication and when signal strength is low 2G is favored more.

WCDMA preferred is default on our phones. It was possible to choose gsm auto prl via the hidden phone menu...but somehow it doesnt stick after a reboot.

gsm auto prl settings can save you a lot of battery life, each time you are in a low signal area, 2g is favoured instead of 3G.
So it wont poll the the network for a better connection the whole time.
Q: Why does my swype2unlock doesn work?
A: Seems you mix up sweep2wake from shows bricked kernel with swype2unlock

sweep2wake is kernel related and makes it possibel to turn screen off and on by swyping your finger from back to menu key.

swype2unlock isnt a kernel feature. it makes it possible to unlock your lockscreen intead of moving the ring by sliding your finger from back to menu button and NOT to wake your device and put int into sleep.
Q: The cube effect isn't working on the app drawer
A: The cube effect just appears when you swype from the all over the frequent to the download tab.
Q: Volume wake isnt working after some time when the device is in deep sleep.
A: This is a kernel issue, no way I can fix it in the rom.
Q: I have problems ending a call, problems with lags when making a call.
A: Some users reported that its related to the fine/finest volume tweak. Set it to normal to fix your issue.
Q: I need someone repackaging a kernel
A: Kernels dont need to be repacked for our rom. We dont have ramdisk tweaks. So you are abel to flash teh kenrel straight from the kernel devs thread.
Q: I have problems ending a call, problems with lags when making a call, or low volume issues.
A: Some users reported that its related to the fine/finest volume tweak. Set it to normal to fix your issue.
Q: I have no data/phone connection after flashing the rom?
A: In the aroma installer please select custom installation and check the box which says: "Change to original GSM/WCDMA Mode for network"
Q: What are the correct sizes for the App drawer and notfication pulldown background?
A: Try 720x1280.
Q: What are the correct sizes for custom carrier logo?
A: Try 100x100
Q: Will there be CRT On/OFF support in the next release?
A: NOT possible, because HTC changes some required code in their libs, that makes it impossible.
Q: Several HTC Widgets are missing - can't add them to my homescreen.
A: Settings->apps->all apps: choose htc sense and clear data.


Team leader of:


presents you:

HTC One X Charmeleon Rom

Support for other phones:

Sensation - Rezound - Evo 3D - Evo 4g LTE - ATT One X - HTC One S - HTC One V

Visit and support us:

Bug Tracker for ONE X: Google Code issue tracker

If you like my work, donate for my marriage =D

...or just hit the "Thanks"-Button

Download und Installationsanleitung
MD5 Sum Boot.img flasher: a4327ce16aa77bc70e021c91a13a80b7

MD5 Sum Rom: ead7b208019215892ebe472a97efa6bb

If you come from another rom you HAVE to fullwipe and flash our boot.img
Pls "fastboot erase cache" and flash the boot.img from v.5.0.0 or use the boot.img flasher we provide here.

No fullwipe from v4.x.x to v5.0.0 required.

If you like the rom, rate the thread 5 stars, thanks!

Charmeleon v.5.0.0

Visit and support us:

Bug Tracker for ONE X: Google Code issue tracker

If you like my work, donate for my marriage =D

...or just hit the "Thanks"-Button

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: b4um, flaterik und phiomet
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Und xda-Thread wurde geclosed :/

Jan(j4n87) meinte, dass es wegen mike's ROM ist..
Habs gerade gelesen...da sind noch andere "Vermutungen" gefallen - eher übler Natur.

Orig.-Thread derzeit wegen "Unstimmigkeiten" der DEVs down..
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Wasn da los? Hab die Rom drauf und bin begeistert. Allein die Quicksettings sindn Traum

Gesendet von meinem HTC One X mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Jan hat Teile von Mike's ROM benutzt, ohne zu fragen..

HTC One X with tapatalk 2
  • Danke
Reaktionen: kolibree
Ja, und gleich mal geflasht - die läuft tatsächlich besser als die ARHD-ROM - TOP!

Die Tweaks sind sehr gut und optisch macht sie auch was her.


Venusaur Rom v3.0.0
  • Rebased on HTC_WWE_1.29.401.7 RUU Android 4.0.3 ICS
  • Fixed Nova launcher not installing
  • Remove twitter and facebook properly when choosed in aroma
  • Exchange mail mod in aroma
  • Sense tab will be removed in PkMn Tweaks if remove HTC Sense is choosed in aroma
  • Choose different timings to turn off capacitive button lights: off, earliest, ealier, early,
  • Change autobrightness level on the fly without rebooting
  • Mappings for longpress back: kill app, htc speak, custom app
  • Mappings for longpress menu: recent apps, htc speak, custom app
  • Transparent Navbar toggle
  • Toggle bootsound on/off: just works when you didnt disabled it in aroma.
Update wird morgen gleich installiert. Hab die Rom jetz auch seit paar Tagen am Laufen und find sie konkurrenzlos. Bin schwer begeistert

Gesendet von meinem HTC One X mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
ja, tolle Arbeit!
V 3.1 ist erschienen:

Venusaur 3.1.0 Rom
Fixed problems with boot.img
Remove twitter even more properly :s
DeSense option on first dialog
Included hotfix for not properly working longpress home
Removed Updater service - not working on rooted phones
..no idea, could be some more.

-> xda-developers.com
Siehe Seite 1

Oh, da waren wir wohl zeitgleich. :D
  • Danke
Reaktionen: quercus
Egal - Hauptsache aktualisiert! ;)

Danke dir!


ein paar Bilder nach dem Flashen:

Sense entfernt und einige APKs


Screenshot_2012-05-07-19-14-45.png Screenshot_2012-05-07-19-24-48.png
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: SLIKX
Ich hatte Version 2.x drauf - und wieder runtergeorfen!

Wenn ich per Headset telefoniert habe hat mein Gegenüber alle paar Sekunden ein Piepsen gehört.

a) ist das ziemlich nervig (dann hört man seinen Gesprächspartner nämlich auch nicht und dieser ist nach kurzer Zeit böse angepisst) und
b) kenne ich sowas nur von Call Recording Software.

Nachtigall, ik hör Dir trapsen!

Ich hab Headset Button Controller drauf, der funzt nun unter ARHD aber problemlos ohne Piepsen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
TimeTurn schrieb:
Wenn ich per Headset telefoniert habe hat mein Gegenüber alle paar Sekunden ein Piesen gehört.

a) ist das ziemlich nervig (dann hört man seinen Gesprächspartner nämlich auch nicht und dieser ist nach kurzer Zeit böse angepisst) und
b) kenne ich sowas nur von Call Recording Software.

Nachtigall, ik hör Dir trapsen!

Ich hab Headset Button Controller drauf, der funzt nun unter ARHD aber problemlos ohne Piepsen.

Ich kann nur hoffen, dass es sich dabei um übliche Rechtschreibfehler handelt - ansonsten würde ich dir einen Besuch beim Urologen (Prostata) empfehlen! :D
Hab ich das im xda Thread richtig gelesen das das Rom nen Mod für die Beleuchtung der kapazitiven Tasten hat?
(komplett aus und 3 zeitgesteuerte Einstellungen)

Wenn ja, gibt's den Mod auch zum nachträglich flashen oder sowas in der Art?

Gesendet mit Tapatalk 2
Ja hast, aber es funktioniert noch nicht so optimal. Wennst dein Handy in einer Tasche hast, kann es sein, dass sich die Lichter der Buttons einschalten und nicht mehr ausschalten. Da wird es noch kleine Nachbesserungen geben.
Ups, da hat sich das P verpieselt :flapper:

Gesendet von meinem HTC One X mit Tapatalk
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.

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