[ROM/Diskussion] RomAur One X v2.01 - 1.28.401.9

  • 38 Antworten
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UPDATE 27/05/12

[ROM]27/05 - RomAur One Xv4.2 - 1.29.401.11 [TRUE BATTERY LIFE] [MODS]
- About Rom

- Based on oficial ota 1.29.401.11

- Kernel -
- Very fast
- Ext4 tweak
- Kernel tweak
- Network and internet tweak
- Battery tweak
- I/O sdcard (3072)
- RAM optimizations
- GPU Acceleration
- Battery calibration
- Wifi tweak
- Dalvik to cache tweak
- Zipaligned with sdk r19
- Unsecured boot.img
- Data app enabled
- NANO text editor & sysro/sysrw commands support
- Busybox 1.20.0
- Init.d busybox run-parts
- Tweaked build.prop
- SQLlite3
- Zipaligns apk's at boot
- Bravia engine
- And more

Download :

- RomAur One Xv4.2 :

- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?1tcos69sqj8m13c


Mods 1.29.401.11 :

- Battery stock percent compiled for 1.29.401.11

- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?u9ws07tfd761quk

- Lower Autobrighntess values- advanced power menu - remove 3-dot menu compiled for 1.29.401.11 (thanks to j4n87 and jotha )

- http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?7swtf9l2tdc3wgq


1 - Make full wipe - (optional)
2 - Extract the boot.img of the rom
3 - Restart bootloader
4 - From the directory where you have the fastboot started the following commands:
5 - Fastboot erase cache
6 - Fastboot flash boot boot.img
7 - Restart in recovery
8 - Install rom
9 - Enjoy

How to Flash this ROM:

- Unlock bootloader with htcdev - http://htcdev.com/bootloader
- Flash Official Clockworkmod Touch Recovery
- Make sure to do a Factory Reset(3 times) / Wipe data(3times) / system/cache(3times) before installing ROM

- Changelog

HTML Code:
- 14/04 : UPDATE- Base 1.28.1400.5- Fixed random reboots- Zipaligned with sdk r19- Fixed battery drain thanks to mike1986- Tegra 3 render- Optimized all apks- All thd games works- 16/04: UPDATE- No more kernel flash via fastboot- Resigned all rom- Other tweaks - Updater script cleaned- And more- 18/04: UPDATE- Based on 1.28.401.9 OTA- Added and updated apps on data- app (adobe flash player ,adobe reader ,adfree ,spareparts ,dropbox ,es file explorer ,facebook ,maps ,google+ ,youtube ,smarttags ,twitter ,whatsapp )- Updated updater script- Tweaked build prop- NvCPLSvc works correctly (batery life is very very good)- Kernel tweak- And much more- 20 /04: UPDATE- Resigned power nvidia management now works correctly- Statusbar dropdown image fix thanks to schoolsux- Added missing gpu render ui on build prop- More save baterry life- Updated data apps- More ram - 380 mb on first boot- Other fixes- 21/04: UPDATE v1.6- More free ram- Tweak wifi - 3g signal- Add more permission on updater script- Put NvCPLSvc.apk on system -bin (this app its not for baterry life its works for some thd games with libnvcontrol_jni.so)- Other fixes- 24/04: UPDATE v2.1- Updated all system and data app- Updated supersu and su to 0.88- Improved battery life- More stable- Other minor changes- 24/04: UPDATE v2.2- Fixed script zipaling- Fixed heating in web browsing- Improved stability- Improved performance on the gpu- Improved battery life- Improved the ram- The best build so far- Full wipe optional- 28/04: UPDATE v2.3- Rom optimized from 0- Added retouch binari in updater script to optimize all the drivers- Added debug xbin- Fixed the push gmail- Updated all installed applications- Ready to supercharger- Optimized ext4 alingnment- And other improvementsUpdate 02/05: v3.0- Based on official 1.29.401.7 ota- UPGRADES THAT BRINGS THIS BUILD:- Fixed htc calendar widget- Fixed reset htc sense- Fixed 2d rendering gpu- Enhancements integrates drivers for tegra 3 games - Improved playback of photo album- Improved audio beats- New kernel.- Updated pre-installed applications- And other improvements- For this version I recommend to make full wipeUpdate 04/ 05: v3.1- Improved the 3g signal, wifi- Improved the battery life - thanks to PureMotive the idea- Improved the management of the ram (more fluid, etc.).- More smooth, faster- Other non-visual improvementsUpdate 06/05: v3.2- Swappiness - 30 - what this : by default the kernel comes with a value of 100 means that the kernel has a tendency to use more memory swap and lowering this value is more preferably the ram, with this we get that is more fluid system .- Min Free KBytes - 39936 - so we force have more free RAM- Cache Pressure - 95 - this is the most important - with this we use more ram instead of cache- Tweaked also wifi with kernel tweaks- The true duration of battery life- Tweak I/O scheduler - change noop to sio- And many improvements- COMING FROM THE ROMAUR V3.1 IS NOT NECESSARY FULL WIPE OR FLASH KERNEL , BUT NEED TO WIPE CACHE.Update 09/05: v3.3- Updated Supersu to 0.89- Updated busybox to 1.20.0- Bricked kernel 0.21- Remount each file system with noatime and nodiratime flags - Added barrier=0 only for cache and data- Another small changesFOR THIS BUILD IF NECESSARY FULL WIPEUpdate 15/05: v4.0- Based on oficial ota 1.29.401.11- Updated kernel- Updated radio- Updated all pre-installed apps- All my previous tweaks- Another small changesFOR THIS BUILD IF NECESSARY FULL WIPEUpdate 20/05: v4.1- Updated to 10.2.1 adobe reader- Updated to 1.9.3 facebook- Updated to google +- Updated to 3.2.2 twitter- Improved ram - Added S-voice galaxy s3- Other changesUpdate 27/05: v4.2 :- Updated Playstore to 3.5.19 - New - autobattery calibration when battery if charged to 100%- New- network and internet tweak- New - read ahead to 3072 kb- New - kernel tweak- New - RAM optimizer- New - move dalvik to cache partition- New - tweak wiFi sleep screen- Another small changes- COMING FROM THE ROMAUR V4.1 IS NOT NECESSARY FULL WIPE , BUT NEED TO WIPE CACHE.
- If you appreciate my work qualifies with 5 stars

- If you appreciate my work and dedication


Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
UPDATE 20/06/12

[ROM]20/06 - RomAur One Xv5.0 - 2.05.401.2 [XLOUD ] [GOOD BATTERY LIFE] [MODS]

- About Rom

- Based on 2.05.401.2 / 4.0.4 thanks to Football

- Fully de-odexed
- Fully Optimized
- Speed optimizations
- Ext4 File System Optimizations
- Good battery life
- I/O sdcard (3072)
- RAM optimizations
- Enabled GPU UI rendering
- Zipaligned with sdk r19
- Zipalign on boot
- Unsecured boot.img
- Busybox 1.20.0
- Init.d scripts
- BusyBox run-parts support
- Tweaked build.prop
- SQLlite3
- Bravia engine
- Supersu 0.91 by chainfire
- And more

Download :

- RomAur One Xv5.0 :

- https://hotfile.com/dl/160414227/221...Xv5.0.zip.html

- MD5 - B92B8D220C8E5DA345BEA7924FA5AC57

Mods 2.05.401.2 :

- - Battery%

- http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1588789

- Advanced Power Menu

- http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1645142

- RomAur One Xv4.3 :

- http://hotfile.com/dl/159879210/3040...Xv4.3.zip.html

- Kernel stock 1.29.401.11 :

- Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire


1 - Make full wipe - (optional)
2 - Extract the boot.img of the rom
3 - Restart bootloader
4 - From the directory where you have the fastboot started the following commands:
5 - Fastboot erase cache
6 - Fastboot flash boot boot.img
7 - Restart in recovery
8 - Install rom
9 - Enjoy

How to Flash this ROM:

- Unlock bootloader with htcdev - HTCdev - Unlock Bootloader
- Flash Official Clockworkmod Touch Recovery
- Make sure to do a Factory Reset/ Wipe data / system/cache before installing ROM​
endlich fertig geladen,.... schade dass hotfile nur so langsam ist..

sehr geiles rom... vor allem was performance angeht....

antutu: 11231
Quadrant: 5009

franco #11 fetzt auch ab.... mal schauen was man mit dem unberührten stock kernel noch reißen kann!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hallo !!!
Kann das mal einer wo anders hochladen ??? Bitte !!!!
Hotfile is echt lahm.
Geiles Teil stabil schnell mit der faux kernel 5705 in Quadrant bin begeistert :)
hab jetzt den neuen faux 003b8 aufgespielt und kann es bestätigen...


quadrant: 5861
antutu: 10634
antutu schmiert bei mir leider ab
aber im cf bench hab ich mit knapp 14k grad mal das S3 versägt haha

hox rocks
so also nach umfangreichen tests kann ich die rom nur empfehlen mit der neuen faux9b rennt das ding wie speedy gonzales und roadrunner in einer person
mit ein wenig feintuning kann mann noch was rausholen

Quadrant: 6000
Cf Bench knapp 24000

antutu schmiert bei mir leider ab wenn er die 3d testet
mit dem neuen 003b9 von faux

quadrant: 5890
antutu: 10664
cf bench: insgesamt 12400 ..native waren es 23.490
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Schade, bei mir will es nicht so richtig. Diverse Programme, darunter Android Phone wird ständig beendet. Es ruckelt zudem wie verrückt....
Natürlich habe ich vorher nen Fullwipe etc. gemacht.... :bored:
flash mal super wipe von mike und mache vorher nen factory reset.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: sgniesi
Super, hat funktioniert.... :scared:
siehste ;)
Ist die Akkulaufzeit wirklich so gut?
Kommt jemand auf 6 Stunden Display On Zeit bei auto. Helligkeit??

Und hat die Rom auch die Unlock Animation vom ViperX.
Wenn nein kann man die nachträglich installieren?

[ROM] 11/08- RomAur One Xv6.0 - 2.17.401.2 [GOOD BATTERY LIFE] [ONLINE] - About Rom

- Based on 2.17.401.2 Final Realease

- Fully de-odexed
- Fully Optimized
- Speed optimizations
- Ext4 File System Optimizations
- Good battery life
- I/O sdcard
- RAM optimizations
- Enabled GPU UI rendering
- Zipaligned with sdk r20
- Zipalign on boot
- Unsecured boot.img
- Busybox 1.20.2
- Init.d scripts
- BusyBox run-parts support
- Tweaked build.prop
- SQLlite3
- Bravia engine
- Supersu 0.94 by chainfire
- And more
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Schaeferreiner
quercus schrieb:

Was ist damit gemeint?!
Hat man nicht immer einen input und output auf der SD-Karte? Oder ist damit nicht beschreiben und lesen gemeint?
Super, gleich mal Probleme mit Root
SU scheint rumzuzicken und bricht immer wieder ab
neandertaler19 schrieb:
Was ist damit gemeint?!
Hat man nicht immer einen input und output auf der SD-Karte? Oder ist damit nicht beschreiben und lesen gemeint?

Ich hab mal "drüben" angefragt, aber noch keine Antwort bekommen. Logisch wäre es , dass er die Lese/Schreibgeschwindigkeit der virt. Card (Software-Puffer, wie andere Roms auch) erhöht hat. Ansonsten fällt mir nichts ein - mal abwarten ob noch ne Antwort kommt.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: neandertaler19
Stimmt bei den xdas hätte ich ja auch fragen können... :blushing:

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