[ROM/Diskussion] LeeDrOiD One Xtreme V6.4 - 31/05/12

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Quelle: [ROM]LeeDrOiD One Xtreme V6.4- |CIFS|APM|Tweaks| Aroma|EPIC!! - xda-developers

Presenting LeeDrOiDs One Xtreme

The fastest developing & most feature rich ROM for the HTC One X (Endeavour U)

Android 4.0.3 - Ice Cream Sandwich & Sense 4.0... No gimmick's, no bullshit..
Just One Xtreme Android experience from a very experienced developer
Pun intended!

With thanks to: Chainfire l snq- l Scar45 | Baadnwz | damo | Team RC | m-deejay | klquicksall | Alpharevx & Unrevoked | rmk40 | show-p1984 | hamdir | Breinholst | J4n87 | amarullz | blubbers | PaulObrien

Huge thanks to J4n87 - the creator of LeeDrOiD Tweaks

LeeDrOiD Tweaks is now being maintained by me

What you get
Based on HTC_Europe_1.29.401.11 RUU + OTA Android 4.0.3 ICS
Stock Kernel
LeeDrOiD Tweaks V1.4 (Huge thanks to j4n87 for all he has done!)
Deodexed, Recompressed & Zipaligned
Rooted with the latest Superuser & binary from Chainfire
Persistent ADB enabled
init.d runparts support
Busybox, bash & nano
Sysrw & Sysro binaries
Memory (RAM) App/Service Priority adjustments
Heavily tuned & Optimized
Multilingual - Full WWE locales list
Aroma installer touch UI (Options list below)
Advanced power menu (Thanks to J4n87) > FULL THREAD <
CIFS & nls_utf8 support
Enhanced I/O performance
Ensured Journalism is disabled
Partition mount tuneups
EXT4 filesystem tuneups
SQlite 3 DB vacum on boot
App cached cleaned on boot
Applications zipaligned on boot
Faster application loading times
Lots of bloat removed
System heavily cleaned
Tweaked network connectivity configurations
Fancy keyboard animations
Up to 15 tabs in the browser
Screen unlock (Spin in) Animation
Fine tuned & lowered autobrightness algorithm
Fully working HTC Sense account login/creation
Stock & battery display
Scrolling caches disabled
Overscroll animations
Sony Bravia engine
Masses of tuneups
Awsome Super LeeDrOiD SuperDroid Bootanimation & audio by me!
LeeDrOiD Wallpapers
LeeDrOiD Tweaks by thanks to J4n87 > FULL THREAD <
And much more....
Aroma install options

These option will be presented whilst flashing

Full wipe / No wipe install
Stock HTC bootanimation & audio

Enhanced GPS configuration

Stock Wifi icons and/or battery

Rosie with 5x6 app drawer

Enable fast dormacy
Restore button configurations
Remove HTC Sense (For an AOSP look with Nova launcher))
Remove HTC Watch
Remove HTC Stocks
Disable bootsounds
Remove Flickr
Remove Gmail
Remove Facebook
Remove Twitter
Remove Books
Remove Jetcet print

Choose cutom GPS locale config

Available in LeeDrOiD Tweaks by J4n87!

Center/hide clock

Choose clock color
Battery Tweaks with MIUI Battery bar!

Custom statusbar caption

Hide/re order Quick settings

Toggle CM Brightness mod


Enable landscape orientation

Enable unlock animations
Enable transparent nav bar


ICS AOSP Lockscreen

Custom carrier lockscreen text
Toggle to use menu key to unlock
Volume wake toggle
Media control
Media control option: choose pause/play or skip track backwards
Unlock with menu or back buttons

Long press home

Recent apps
HTC Speak

Toggle recent apps button
Toggle ICS 4 dot menu bar
Toggle backlight key brightness
Toggle backlight key light on/off


Access ICS power saver settings

Custom overscroll color
Toggle fast dormancy
Volume steps config
Autobacklight brightness array
MMS Screen on
Disable boot sound
APM Custom options
Advanced Tweaks:

Mount system rw/ro

Wipe cache/dalvik
Wipe Battery stats
Fix permissions
Zipalaign apks

Change Log
LeeDrOiD One Xtreme V6.4.0
  • Rebased on 1.29.401.11 Official RUU
  • Deodexed, recompressed & zipaligned
  • Fixed non boot due to full wipe
  • Removed Crypted gps config from aroma as no longer needed
  • Fixed sqlite3 database optimization & added re-index (Speed boost!)
  • Added clear settings to tweaks (Use with caution)
  • Removed Stock battery & wifi icon options from Aroma, see post 3
  • LeeDrOiD Tweaks V1.4 (Based on previous LeeDrOiD tweaks source from j4n87)
  • Added custom fonts tab (User font requests welcome)
  • Cleaned up & re-themed tweaks UI
  • Generic sysrw/sysro binaries now used for tweaks remounts
  • Added fast dormancy toggle
  • Added recent apps button toggle
  • 3 dot menu toggle moved to "buttons" tab
  • Button backlight times to "buttons"tab
  • Added button backlight on/off toggle
  • Added fonts tab to tweaks - Default, Droid, Courier & Comic Sans for now (Requests welcome)
  • Bravia service moved to aroma optional with latest Experia binaries
  • Updated to Aroma V2 (Thanks to amarilluz)
  • Scrolling in aroma fixed
  • Updated SU Binary
  • Tweaks script corrections
  • GPS Region selection in Aroma
  • Removed NvCPLSvc.apk
  • Bak to latest stock kernel as standard for now
  • Added S Voice from the Samsung Galaxy to Aroma
  • Added FlipBoard from the Samsung Galaxy to aroma
1. Download the rom, check the MD5# & drop it in the root of your SD
2. Boot to recovery
3. Nandroid backup
4. Boot to bootloader (hold vol down & power)
5. Ensure your device displays "fastboot usb"
6. Grab my boot.img flasher
7. Extract the zip anywhere on your PC & run the script relating to your OS (windows, linux or mac)
8. press the power button once, click vol down, highlight recovery & press power (This will take you to recovery)
9. Flash the downloaded ROM zip
10. Reboot
11. Enjoy your Ice Cream Sandwich

Now available via Rom Manager

(boot.img will still need to be flashed via fastboot)

MD5# 606eb8afecafc3d40b9fbc785bfb9656

1. Extract the zip

2. Plug in your device

3. Run the script

Please use the torrent to save the FTP bandwith

Hosting Thanks to

LeeDrOiD Extras/MODs

LeeDrOiD Extras consists of themeing mods, trying to take a little off Lee's back.

This flashable.zip uses the aroma installer, so it is a one zip flash for most of your LeeDrOiD themeing matters
  • Non-Transparent Notification Area
  • Non-Transparent Notification Area + Stock Sense WiFi Icons
  • Non-Transparent Notification Area + Stock Sense WiFi Icons + Stock Sense Battery (removes battery percentage mod)
  • Stock Battery (removes battery percentage mod)
  • Stock Sense WiFi Icons (removes the LeeDrOiD modded green icons)
  • Stock Sense WiFi Icons + Stock Sense Battery (removes the LeeDrOiD modded green icons + battery percentage mod)
  • Stock LeeDrOiD (The way Lee releases the rom, will put everything back to stock LeeDrOiD out of the box rom)
This also use the VillianRom VRTheme method for themeing, so it should be compatible with *all* LeeDrOiD One Xtreme releases, however, I may need to update it from time to time.

It could also be possible to be used with other themes, for instance, you could flash the non-transparent notification area + my Blue Status Bar mods in the theme section.

If you have anything to add/a request, please quote post/PM me and I will see if it is possible to add it.

(ad revenue helps pay for my time!

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: shomu, AlexWidow, chakuza80 und 4 andere
Gleich das passende THEME dazu

[THEME] SenseCream theme for LeeDroid One Xtreme

20120507211358.png 20120507211425.png

20120507211438.png 20120507211606.png

I'm a big fan of Sense generally and especially the toned down version HTC have delivered with Sense 4.0. However, I'm also a big fan of the stock Honeycomb/ICS looks. So I decided to combine the two, to give the best of both worlds. I have spent the last couple of weeks working on a theme to bring an ICs look to Sense. It has finally reached a stage where even my OCD is satisfied, so I thought I'd share my efforts with the community (and yes, I did start off with v0.1 - I am really picky!!).

So, I present to you.....SenseCream!!

For now, the theme is based on framework files from LeeDroid One Xtreme v5.x, which means it is built on the 1.29 base. As such, it contains all the framework tweaks that are included in LeeDroid. However, since each ROM dev implements their own tweaks, this theme is not compatible with other ROMs. Even if it does flash on other ROMs, you will lose any tweaks from that ROM.

I am looking into the VillainTheme method of doing things, but not sure if the extensive edits are compatible with that approach!

Let me know if there are any problems/issues/glitches. I am aware of a few rough edges but I need to take a break from this - they will be addressed shortly. I will keep a list of reported issues/glitches that need addressing in the second post, so if you notice a problem check if its on the list - if not, let me know! However, I will not be able to take requests or make variant.


Have been asked about donations in the past. All I ask - if you like what I've done, hit the Thanks button! If you really feel the need to donate money - pick a charity, send your money to them instead!



The download contains 4 apks:

  • framework-res.apk
  • SystemUI.apk
  • com.htc.resources.apk
  • SenseCream.apk

Just flash the zip through recovery. It will install all 4 apks to /system/

To get the full effect, you will also need to apply the SenseCream skin.

Settings > Personalise > Skins > SenseCream skin > apply
And you're done - have tried to make it as easy as possible, but let me know if there any problems.


  • Themed framework-res/SystemUI/com.htc.resources - blue/black theme throughout
  • Battery icons/charging icons
  • Other system icons
  • Shutdown menu etc
  • Signal strength indicators
  • ICS styling for non-ICS apps (see Titanium Backup screenshot)
  • Blue progress bars (see Titanium screenshot and volume slider)
  • Blue overscroll
  • Pop-up menu boxes / dialog boxes
  • Notification shade looks more ICS-style - you WILL lose the transparent notification shade mod
  • All stock HTC apps now have an ICS feel to them (calendar / HTC Music / Mail etc)
  • More things I forgot - seek and you shall find!

Most of the .pngs/.9.pngs have come from the stock ICS and HTC ROMs - I have countless hours resizing, recolouring and 9patching the contents of all 4 apks! That said, there are a couple of people who's hard work helped me along.

LeeDroid - for his awesome ROM and providing me with the latest apktools
Paul O'Brien / chainfire - for root & SU
j4n87 - Tweaks

fernando sor - for fixing the issues with framework-res.apk recompiling
Scabes24 - for giving additional pointers on how to get around decompile issues with com.htc.resources.apk
Dave Da illest 1 - for his Auto-sign.zip tool

Anyone else I may have collected icons from over my travels through the forum!



  • splash-bg-word.jpg
    77,9 KB · Aufrufe: 1.062
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: AlexWidow und klarmacker
Da LeeDroid ja gute ROMs gebastelt hat bisher werd ich das gleich mal ausprobieren :)
Bitte mal berichten, bin noch unsicher, ob ich das hier oder das von Mike1986 nehmen soll :confused:

- Sent from your Girlfriend's Mobile -
Funktioniert bisher unauffällig. Bin aber auch gerade erst dabei, alle Apps per Titanium Backup einzuspielen :)

Bin das nich gewohlt, das eine ZIP im Recovery Fragen per Touch beantworten lässt - sowas gibbes beim Desire HD nicht. Aber funzte alles super bis jetzt.


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  • Danke
Reaktionen: kolibree
Also ein Geheimtipp meinerseits ist die Virtuous ROM, falls ihr was Stabiles braucht..

Aber wenn ihr die flasht, solltet ihr auf jeden Fall die zusätzlichen Tweaks flashen..
Mir gefällt das ROM recht gut muss ich sagen, besser als ARHD. Vor allem gefällt mir, das der Recent Apps-Button zum Menübutton umfunktioniert wurde und der zusätzliche Menübutton unter den Apps verschwunden ist. Auch kann man schon bei der Installation festlegen, das einige stock Apps / Bloatware nicht installiert wird. Die Batterie hat eine Prozentanzeige bekommen und eine App mit Tweaks wie bei anderen LeeDroid-ROMs ist dabei.


  • Danke
Reaktionen: neandertaler19, boardmaster2009 und torxx
Okay, Du hast mich überzeugt, heute Abend haue ich mir das ROM hier drauf :smile:

Wen Du sagst, dass es auf jeden Fall besser ist als ARHD, dann klingt das doch super !

Vorhanden sind bei mir ein unlocked Bootloader, Recovery und Root, das reicht ja zum Installieren, oder ?

Muss doch jetzt nur die downgeloadete .zip, also das Rom auf den Speicher und über´s Recovery flashen, korrekt ?

Wipe ist nicht wirklich nötig..
  • Danke
Reaktionen: boardmaster2009
Okay, aber könnte ich denn, wenn ich wollen würde, das Super-Wipe-Script vom ARHD-Rom vor dem flashen des Leedroids bzw. eines anderen Roms nutzen ?

Also ist das Super-Wipe-Script universell ?
Nein, ich würde es nur für das ARHD ROM nutzen.

Wenn du vor dem Flashen wipe data/factory reset machst, ist das so zu sagen ein Fullwipe
  • Danke
Reaktionen: boardmaster2009
Wipe ist beim Wechsel zwischen LeeDroid und ARHD nicht nötig, da es die gleiche Basis hat (stock ROM 1.26). Hatte auch kurz ARHD drübergeflasht (ohne Wipe) und dann wieder ein Nandroid von LeeDroid restored.
Ihr verleitet einen zum HTCdev unlook :)
Im Post 1 ist das Rom, im Post 2 der Tweak oder?
Wie muss ich den Tweak installieren?

Vielen dank erstmal
ARHD finde ich besser als LeeDroid, hatte beide drauf^^ wie ist es bei euch?
Bekomme folgende Fehlermeldung:
Checking Model ID
assert failed: getprop...

Danach geht nichts mehr weiter
Edit: Hat sich erledigt. Geht nur mit Interim Recovery
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Sooo, nach langem neu einrichten und modden bin ich happy, LeeDroid läuft super, diese blöden 3 Punkte bei den Apps sind Vergangenheit, ebenso wie die Werbung bei allen möglichen Apps und die ganze Bloatware. Root sei Dank !

Habe erstmal ordentlich aufgeräumt :cool2:

Gerade noch die neue Aroma Mods 2.4.0 geflasht, jetzt kann ich beruhigt und glücklich schlafen gehen :smile:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: torxx
Gute Nacht :cool:

Ich flashe mir mal die ARHD ROM..
Ich auch, das Power Management des Tegra das da im Changelog auftaucht klingt zu verlockend. Werde aber dazu noch den 3-dot hack flashen.
Ich glaub TimeTurns postings hier und im ARDH-ROM-Thread dienen nur dazu um "haxorr" endgültig zu verwirren. :lol::D

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