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Alles zum Rom > IceColdJelly - AOKP - JellyBean - XDA Developers
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Folge dem Video um zu sehen, wie unsere Website als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm installiert werden kann.
Anmerkung: This feature currently requires accessing the site using the built-in Safari browser.
Pütz;3788101 schrieb:Ich teste es jetzt auch gerade. Auf den ersten Blick bin von der Geschwindigkeit nicht begeistert. Schon in den normalen Einstellungen reagiert es mitunter langsam.
Latest Stable Release
Version: IceColdJelly V0.8.2 - 11-08-2012
What's New
- REFLASH boot.img for this version
- updated Ncx kernel to 0.73
- RC (ROMControl): added Share to Clipboard option - AOKP
- RC: re-add ability to create shortcuts to RC sections (in launcher) - AOKP
- Add safe headset volume check - CyanogenMod
- tweaked Ondemand governor
- added Camera ISO-mod - CM
- camcorder fix after ISO-mod - TeamNDVRu
- Toggles: Add color selection for enabled, disabled, alpha (only button toggle style) - AOKP
- Support GSM AT commands for SMS over bluetooth
- Email: Add Meeting Time to Invitation Tab - CM
- frameworks_av fixes
- FlipService: updates for quicker off time & phone off - AOKP
- webkit: use Cpu Upload path (Use Cpu Upload mode since the Gpu mode is not working
- and expected to be slower) - AOKP
- Add ability to change Lockscreen Wallpaper - AOKP
- Add "Disable boot animation" option to ROM Control > General UI - AOKP
- FIXED Multitouch in games! - thanks to tbalden and TeamNDVRu
- Bring back nav bar color, glow color, and glow duration from ICS (not for our device) - AOKP
- added Volume rocker wake - AOKP
- Add notification shade wallpapers setting - AOKP
- updates to frameworks_native
- added Bluewall - AOKP (At this point it seems to only block every other notification during the given time)
- frameworks/base: Increase Zygote preload GC threshold.
- ActivityTrigger: New class to invoke when activity starts/resumes
Latest Stable Release
Version: IceColdJelly V1.2 - 21-08-2012
What's New
REFLASH boot.img for this version
new kernel with all the goodies minus smartass2 - make sure you set proper MIN freq in ROMControl
added back Powermodule for better battry life:
added Custom Carrier Label - AOKP
phone: Add option for setting device phone number - AOKP/CM
added new AOKP app SwagPapers (V2) for manipulating AOKP wallpapers - lowered rom size dramatically
framework: add lockscreen text color - AOKP
Services: custom app led colors - AOKP (not for our device)
Messaging: Fix pixelated xhdpi emoticons - AOKP
Camera: Animate snapshot in later stages fix - CM
Camera: Allow configure touch to focus timeout - CM
updates to frameworks_native and frameworks_av
increased SystemUI animations speed
Lockscreen: Fix centered layout for unlock ring - AOKP
Phone: Fix centered layout for inbound call ring - AOKP
Add an option to change the device hostname - AOKP
Added Adb over network (reworked and enabled after reboot) - CM/AOKP
Added Hide Adb Notification icon option - CM/AOKP
fixed Touch sounds??
based on AOKP build-1 + ADB options in settings (not yet merged to AOKP official)