- 130
weberfulda schrieb:Hallo !!! Könnt ihr auch nicht die Funktion "Vibrieren beim Klingelton" einstellen ???
Haken gesetzt bleibt aber nicht drin ?????
Ist bei mir auch so, mal warten was noch kommt !
Folge dem Video um zu sehen, wie unsere Website als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm installiert werden kann.
Anmerkung: This feature currently requires accessing the site using the built-in Safari browser.
weberfulda schrieb:Hallo !!! Könnt ihr auch nicht die Funktion "Vibrieren beim Klingelton" einstellen ???
Haken gesetzt bleibt aber nicht drin ?????
Habe aus dem XDA folgende Antwort:weberfulda schrieb:Hallo !!! Könnt ihr auch nicht die Funktion "Vibrieren beim Klingelton" einstellen ???
Haken gesetzt bleibt aber nicht drin ?????
Klivarre schrieb:Laut Dev soll man am besten die 1200 MHz lassen, ich persönlich habs aber auf 1000 MHz runtergestellt.
Alles was über 1200 geht ist im Alltag nicht zu gebrauchen.
What's New
REFLASH boot.img for this version
Kernel update: ncx-217_v.5.5:
- freqs stick now on 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500 MHz
- bootup freq set to 102 - 1200
- fixed a bug where min freq showed up with 120MHz
- removed useless HTC idle resume stuff from HTC
- a few patches from Tegra reference git which i forgot to mention before
- removed a lot of useless HTC stuff (more than in alpha version)
- fixed music lag on JB builds with ondemand governor
- attempt to fix "crashing when changing to ondemand governor on JB builds"
- slightly undervolted and underclocked stuff wich is only accessible in source
- ondemand changes to make it a bit more responsive
- fixed multitouch gaming issues on AOSP ROMS (CM10, Domination), tested and working !
- fix: SoD on JB builds (already in changelog for v5 but forgot to mention it)
- modified fallback freqs
- sudden battery drop after resume should be gone (still testing, provide feedback, cant promise anything)
- battery status should be more accurate now (also, still testing, cant promise anything)
- another round of governor playing arounds
added a lot of patches for Mms, Email, Browser and Settings directly from AOSP upstream
Mms: QuickMessage: Cleanup, optimization and bug fixes - CM
Mms: QuickMessage: Add theme, Smiley, Emoji, Strip unicode and date support - CM (test patch for now)
Add Honeycomb and GummyBar battery styles
fix Navbar buttons quantity for German locale
Fix for phone rebooting when unlocking in landscape - AOKP
Fix for NavBar Hide for devices that don't have it by default - AOKP
Lockscreen Custom targets (WIP) - AOKP (If you have issues, try toggling stock theme)
Added Button Light Notification (Settings/Display)
Added more than 25 patches that I was missing from AOKP for frameworks_base - mea culpa
Added daily reboot option - AOKP
Camera: Add JPEG Quality settings - CM
Camera: Add Burst shot - CM (doesn't work as we want for OneX)
Added 20 patches to frameworks_base (fwb) from AOSP upstream master branch, all bugfixes
Phone: Forward porting CM7/CM9 Advanced Phone Settings - CM
Adds ability to answer call with hardware HOME button - AOKP
Added bootanim chooser with animation preview - AOKP
Merged A LOT of commits from AOKP regarding framewors_base, skia, webkit, browser etc etc
HTML5 support added with all it's functionality - AOKP
WebGL support added and enabled - AOKP
Camera: Add volume zoom - AOKP
DeskClock: Add option to set the color of the digital clock widget - AOKP
PhoneApp: New in call proximity sensor option - CM
PhoneApp: Option to not lock automatically when a call ends - CM
updated all repo sources to android-4.1.1_r4
forgot to add stock Music player, will be added in next release