- 6.515

ich habe mal für den CM 10.1 einen eigenen Thread erstellt.
Dev. Thread: HTC One X > [ROM][official] OneX CyanogenMod > XDA
GitHub: https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_htc_endeavoru
TeamNDVRu: https://github.com/TeamNDVRu/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/illespal
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/104117834086133689848/posts
aktuelles Rom: CyanogenMod Downloads
GoogleApps: gapps-jb-20130301-signed.zip
Mirror: gapps-jb-20130301-signed.zip (91,00 MB) - uploaded.net 91MB
MD5: b7e53e96e1c8b1a1c4865bf29418c8e0
Google Apps Changelog
!!Not recommended on Android 4.2.1!!
All apps updated to 4.2.2 versions
Google Play Store updated to 3.10.14
Google Play Services updated to 3.0.25
Gmail2.apk (Gmail) and GoogleEars.apk (Sound Search for Google Play) removed since they are available in the Google Play Store
--May require uninstalling and reinstalling Gmail and Sound Search after flashing.
All apps updated to 4.2.2 versions
Google Play Store updated to 3.10.14
Google Play Services updated to 3.0.25
Gmail2.apk (Gmail) and GoogleEars.apk (Sound Search for Google Play) removed since they are available in the Google Play Store
--May require uninstalling and reinstalling Gmail and Sound Search after flashing.
Kernel aus 04.03.2013: CM10.1_04.03.2013_Stock_Kernel.zip (ca. 12 MB) - uploaded.to
- CyanDelta Updater: http://goo.gl/En4Xo lädt und aktualisiert nur die Änderungen
- USB Speicher funktioniert nicht? Dann auf MTP umstellen: Einstellungen»Speicher»USB-Verbindung (Menü drücken)»Mediengerät (MTP) wählen.
- sollte ADB nicht funktionieren, probiert die neueste Version: ADB.zip (838,52 KB) - uploaded.to
- sollte euer PC das HTC plötzlich nicht mehr erkennen, probiert diesen Treiber: Win8_x86 / Win8_x64
- Synced to upstream (Mar-03)
- Added optional (by default disabled) button notification lights (slow_blink) by Thoemy
- Advanced Options: Added option to enable Button Notification Lights
- Synced to upstream (Mar-01)
- Fixed capacitive buttons backlight on/off not sticking after reboot (thx Chezbel)
- Advanced Settings: Added SmartDimmer on/off toggle
- More camera scene mode options (gorbi), clean Gallery2.apk cache/data in Manage apps to test
- Removing hw key configuration for Search key (thx Seadersn) - we don't have a search button
- Synced with upstream (feb-27)
- Advanced Settings: Set sweep2wake Number of buttons for wake/sleep (1/2/3 buttons)
- Advanced Settings: Set Capacitive button lights Off/On (thanks Chezbel for the patch)
- synced to upstream (feb-25)
- removed software HDR for now
- added EndeavoruParts app for device specific settings (sweep2wake on/off/direction and fastcharge on/off) - needs ramdisk change and kernel that supports these settings, so repack if you use custom kernel - credit goes to Thoemy and me for this new app
- Settings.apk fixed for Processor settings
- wifi hostpot regression fixed (again, doh)
- including FM radio fix in aic3008 sound driver (thx TripNRaveR)
- smartdim for lcd panel, should dim it better (thx TripNRaveR)
- updated GFX driver nvmap to use outer cache (an optimization, tho' i don't think it will add too much, it's worth a try, and doesn't hurt as far as i tested) (thx TripNRaveR)
- LP1 0.95V CoreV - should give better battery life when phone is using the low power core, so when you keep it standby (thx TripNRaveR)
- synced to upstream (Feb-23)
- added 1.31.000 hboot to supported installer zip hboots
- added Sweep2Wake functionality (sweep left-to-right across capacitive buttons to wake, and right-to-left to switch screen off) - thanks to maxwen,nik3r,showp-1984, n3ocort3x! - testing phase, only pushed to gerrit
- Synced to upstream (feb-22)
- Added HBOOT version check, so it won't install on bootloaders older than 1.28 now, avoiding confusion. It should say installation aborted if you're not on correct boot. If you happen to be on 1.28 or later, but it aborts installation, please report your HBOOT version so we can add it if it misses
- Added maxwen's usb fast_charge option (it will charge faster through USB, most probably without side-effects on your PC/laptop, aside that laptop battery might die quicker
- Synced to upstream (Feb-19)
- Wifi tethering really fixored now (sorry!)
- Thoemy's fix for Linux UMS (kernel fix, needs this rom's boot.img). Now USB mass storage works fine under Linux too
- Synced to upstream (Feb-18)
- Wifi Hotspot name/type regression fixed
- Half fixed bluetooth tether, but dhcp isnt working yet correctly
- Synced to upstream (Feb-17)
- Thoemy's fix for screen lag when capacitive button light turn on/off (kernel fix, Thoemy's using async task to fade the lights on/off)
- USB mass storage fixed Read-Write (in Windows 7 tested, works) - kernel fix
- Synced to upstream and with 4.2.2_r1 JDQ39 merged by CM seniors - AOSP changelog: JOP40D (4.2.1_r1) to JDQ39 (4.2.2_r1) AOSP changelog. Hosted by Funky Android Ltd.
- Based on gorbi's repository
- Synced to upstream (Feb-14)
- JB blobs fixes crash in video recording and taking snapshot
- another try on fixing init.d scripts, with init.cm.rc introduced
- Fixed max frequency capping with this under review gerrit patch and ramdisk changes (Gerrit Code Review)
- much faster camera app with JB blobs
- uses JB firmwares for radio too
- It doesnt crash now with GPS + Facebook (tested, please test)
- Regression: breaks hdmi mhl output
Alpha 7
- Synced to upstream (Feb-13)
- Added ROW io scheduler as default (gorbi cherry-picked and merged) - kernel (boot.img) change
- Fixed run parts for /system/etc/init.d scripts (sysinit) - ramdisk fix
- Added uhid.ko for userspace Human Interface Design using apps (gorbi cherry-picked and submitted) - kernel (boot.img) change
- Added backlight-HDR mode to camera scenes (gorbi's camerawrapper magic)
- synced to upstream (feb-11)
- USB tethering fixed (ramdisk fix, so boot.img included is needed, or repack your favorite kernel with this A6's boot.img's ramdik)
- Added Thömy's fix for proximity sensor getting false-alarmed in low light conditions (please test if you're phoning a lot in darker rooms , kernel fix, so boot.img included is needed for this to apply )
- Gorbi's USB-OTG merged, please test
- sdcard separated again, moving away from Fused internal storage concept. (Still needs MTP, but we try to resolve this so it could be used as usb mass storage later). You will need to migrate your sdcard/0 folder back if coming from A1 to A4 or any ROM that used /0 as emulated mountpoint, in recovery!! http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...ostcount=10175
- wifi fixed (wpa_supplicant.conf in place)
- still with Wifi direct (p2p)
- GPS conf updated to use international NTP pool (thanks Wiretap for pointing this out!)
- BT seems to be stable now, pls test
- Wifi-direct added (wifi p2p)
- Synced to upstream Feb-09
- Upgraded to HTC's JB kernel 3.1.10 (HBOOT 1.28 now is requirement to install A3)
- Wifi signal improvement with the new kernel
- Torch crash fixed (boot.img)
- Wifi tether fixed
- Bluetooth is not dodgy anymore.
-initial Release
- Synced to upstream (Mar-03)
- Added optional (by default disabled) button notification lights (slow_blink) by Thoemy
- Advanced Options: Added option to enable Button Notification Lights
- Synced to upstream (Mar-01)
- Fixed capacitive buttons backlight on/off not sticking after reboot (thx Chezbel)
- Advanced Settings: Added SmartDimmer on/off toggle
- More camera scene mode options (gorbi), clean Gallery2.apk cache/data in Manage apps to test
- Removing hw key configuration for Search key (thx Seadersn) - we don't have a search button
- Synced with upstream (feb-27)
- Advanced Settings: Set sweep2wake Number of buttons for wake/sleep (1/2/3 buttons)
- Advanced Settings: Set Capacitive button lights Off/On (thanks Chezbel for the patch)
- synced to upstream (feb-25)
- removed software HDR for now
- added EndeavoruParts app for device specific settings (sweep2wake on/off/direction and fastcharge on/off) - needs ramdisk change and kernel that supports these settings, so repack if you use custom kernel - credit goes to Thoemy and me for this new app
- Settings.apk fixed for Processor settings
- wifi hostpot regression fixed (again, doh)
- including FM radio fix in aic3008 sound driver (thx TripNRaveR)
- smartdim for lcd panel, should dim it better (thx TripNRaveR)
- updated GFX driver nvmap to use outer cache (an optimization, tho' i don't think it will add too much, it's worth a try, and doesn't hurt as far as i tested) (thx TripNRaveR)
- LP1 0.95V CoreV - should give better battery life when phone is using the low power core, so when you keep it standby (thx TripNRaveR)
- synced to upstream (Feb-23)
- added 1.31.000 hboot to supported installer zip hboots
- added Sweep2Wake functionality (sweep left-to-right across capacitive buttons to wake, and right-to-left to switch screen off) - thanks to maxwen,nik3r,showp-1984, n3ocort3x! - testing phase, only pushed to gerrit
- Synced to upstream (feb-22)
- Added HBOOT version check, so it won't install on bootloaders older than 1.28 now, avoiding confusion. It should say installation aborted if you're not on correct boot. If you happen to be on 1.28 or later, but it aborts installation, please report your HBOOT version so we can add it if it misses
- Added maxwen's usb fast_charge option (it will charge faster through USB, most probably without side-effects on your PC/laptop, aside that laptop battery might die quicker
- Synced to upstream (Feb-19)
- Wifi tethering really fixored now (sorry!)
- Thoemy's fix for Linux UMS (kernel fix, needs this rom's boot.img). Now USB mass storage works fine under Linux too
- Synced to upstream (Feb-18)
- Wifi Hotspot name/type regression fixed
- Half fixed bluetooth tether, but dhcp isnt working yet correctly
- Synced to upstream (Feb-17)
- Thoemy's fix for screen lag when capacitive button light turn on/off (kernel fix, Thoemy's using async task to fade the lights on/off)
- USB mass storage fixed Read-Write (in Windows 7 tested, works) - kernel fix
- Synced to upstream and with 4.2.2_r1 JDQ39 merged by CM seniors - AOSP changelog: JOP40D (4.2.1_r1) to JDQ39 (4.2.2_r1) AOSP changelog. Hosted by Funky Android Ltd.
- Based on gorbi's repository
- Synced to upstream (Feb-14)
- JB blobs fixes crash in video recording and taking snapshot
- another try on fixing init.d scripts, with init.cm.rc introduced
- Fixed max frequency capping with this under review gerrit patch and ramdisk changes (Gerrit Code Review)
- much faster camera app with JB blobs
- uses JB firmwares for radio too
- It doesnt crash now with GPS + Facebook (tested, please test)
- Regression: breaks hdmi mhl output
Alpha 7
- Synced to upstream (Feb-13)
- Added ROW io scheduler as default (gorbi cherry-picked and merged) - kernel (boot.img) change
- Fixed run parts for /system/etc/init.d scripts (sysinit) - ramdisk fix
- Added uhid.ko for userspace Human Interface Design using apps (gorbi cherry-picked and submitted) - kernel (boot.img) change
- Added backlight-HDR mode to camera scenes (gorbi's camerawrapper magic)
- synced to upstream (feb-11)
- USB tethering fixed (ramdisk fix, so boot.img included is needed, or repack your favorite kernel with this A6's boot.img's ramdik)
- Added Thömy's fix for proximity sensor getting false-alarmed in low light conditions (please test if you're phoning a lot in darker rooms , kernel fix, so boot.img included is needed for this to apply )
- Gorbi's USB-OTG merged, please test
- sdcard separated again, moving away from Fused internal storage concept. (Still needs MTP, but we try to resolve this so it could be used as usb mass storage later). You will need to migrate your sdcard/0 folder back if coming from A1 to A4 or any ROM that used /0 as emulated mountpoint, in recovery!! http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...ostcount=10175
- wifi fixed (wpa_supplicant.conf in place)
- still with Wifi direct (p2p)
- GPS conf updated to use international NTP pool (thanks Wiretap for pointing this out!)
- BT seems to be stable now, pls test
- Wifi-direct added (wifi p2p)
- Synced to upstream Feb-09
- Upgraded to HTC's JB kernel 3.1.10 (HBOOT 1.28 now is requirement to install A3)
- Wifi signal improvement with the new kernel
- Torch crash fixed (boot.img)
- Wifi tether fixed
- Bluetooth is not dodgy anymore.
-initial Release
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