- 1.626
In the beginning I would like to thank:
OneX IceCold Team:
Now we can move on...
Latest Stable Release
ONLY FOR ONE X INTERNATIONAL, TEGRA 3 VERSION - I don't want any more bricked devices!!
F.A.Q. has been moved to 5th post and frequently updated, so before posting, please read if your issue has a soultion!
Download folder (zips and always fresh changelog): IceColdJelly AOKP | Downloads
Actual version: IceColdJelly422 V2.6 - 14-03-2013
MIRROR from RomHut! IceColdJelly421 | HTC One X (S720e) | ROMhut
What's New
HBOOT update tutorial by jkulr
IceColdJelly IRC channel
ICJ.helpful.stuff: this link for help+tools - bymattoffshore
You want to see a normal night at the DEV office, click here!!
What's Broken:
ROMS should contain everything you need to enjoy JB. You are not required to install any Add Ons, simply download the latest ROM, gapps, flash it, and go!
You are STRONGLY recommended to fully wipe your device before flashing, and if possible avoid restoring system apps and system data with Titanium Backup - these can cause stability issues that are very hard to debug. If you believe you know what you're doing - then fine, go ahead, but please don't complain if you experience strange behavior.
Boot.img repacker by xcesco89
How to flash:
Either follow this BEST flashing tutorial especially made for ICJ by JKURL or follow these short steps:
If you have any other question and want more INFO look into F.A.Q. in 3rd post!!!
kernel git
rom git

In the beginning I would like to thank:
- AOKP team
- pabx for echo fix and other fixes
- rogro82 - for fixes
- TripNraVeR
- CM team
- richardtrip for audio fix
- maxwen
- Tbalden and his CM team
- SlimBean rom team
- Community
OneX IceCold Team:
- LorD ClockaN - don't ask
- TUN_SD - themer - pretty as his themes/mods
- n3ocort3x - kernel boy - clumsy as his kernels
- semdoc - tester - thorough as his line of work (ask him what's his job!!)
- icke - main thread helper and tester
Now we can move on...
I'm not writing this because of lack of donations, but to get the priorities straight..
AOKP team deserves it more then IceColdTeam, so go to ROMControl/about and open your wallet
If you would like to make a donation for this ROM, don't do it only for me!!!
Consider whole IceCold Team, not only the individual.
I'm not writing this because of lack of donations, but to get the priorities straight..
AOKP team deserves it more then IceColdTeam, so go to ROMControl/about and open your wallet
If you would like to make a donation for this ROM, don't do it only for me!!!
Consider whole IceCold Team, not only the individual.
Latest Stable Release
ONLY FOR ONE X INTERNATIONAL, TEGRA 3 VERSION - I don't want any more bricked devices!!
F.A.Q. has been moved to 5th post and frequently updated, so before posting, please read if your issue has a soultion!
Download folder (zips and always fresh changelog): IceColdJelly AOKP | Downloads
Actual version: IceColdJelly422 V2.6 - 14-03-2013
MIRROR from RomHut! IceColdJelly421 | HTC One X (S720e) | ROMhut
What's New
- Flash boot.img
- Kernel updated to NCX 3.17FW V26
- Revert "Button Light Notification (settings part 1/2)" - it's in EndeavoruParts
- Switch to open source superuser - Koush
- LockScreen: allow long-press actions from hardware keys - ported from CM - for Goku80
- RC: Add option to show connected wifi network in notif pulldown - ported from old AOKP base
- ICJ: Increase freq while playing audio Switch
- ICJ: Add ZRAM switch
- maxwen's fixes for BLN in Endeavoru parts merged
- Added new legendary Kill All button - by TUN_SD
- endeavoru bluedroid buildcfg: add freq boost for a2dp - Tbalden
- Use 100% image quality for Highest setting, we had it set to 99% (Camera)
- Breathing SMS Notification - AOKP (Don't know if it works yet, I have a feeling that PopUp screwes it)
- fixed FC for empty user toogles and layout derp - maxwen
- RC: Advanced low battery indicator options - SlimBean port
- RC: Add Dotted batt icon without percentage - SlimBean port
- RC: Remove Hold to Kill
- Settings: More options added to hardware key rebinding - SlimBean port - for nimrodity
- Settings: Auto Keyboard Rotation timeout - SlimBean port
- RC: Lockscreen see through - ParanoidAndroid port
- Settings: InputMethodService: Auto Keyboard Rotation - SlimBean
- Settings: Add Xposed Framework and Settings - Carbon ROM - especially for nimrodity (STFU)
- Settings: Toggle to disable fullscreen keyboard - CarbonRom
- Settings: WiFi : Add Forget all networks - CM
- RC: Option to set NOTIFICATION (only) icon opacity - Picked/ported/fixed from CarbonRom
- Added 2 new battery styles - thanks to Rootbox and CarbonRom (enough of batteries for now I think
- Pimped up wlan, signal and stock battery icons (http://goo.gl/PHmcF) - TUN_SD
HBOOT update tutorial by jkulr
IceColdJelly IRC channel
ICJ.helpful.stuff: this link for help+tools - bymattoffshore
You want to see a normal night at the DEV office, click here!!
What's Broken:
- In call volume adjustment works, but not fully well in Speaker mode
- MHL output is rotated incorrectly to portrait in horizontal mode (but workaround added since alpha 8 for hw decoded videos/youtube. Use bsplayer from playstore, almost all videos play with it in correct rotation in hwoverlay)
- No FM radio app in ROM. But Spirit FM works (free version) - will be fixed in V2.2
ROMS should contain everything you need to enjoy JB. You are not required to install any Add Ons, simply download the latest ROM, gapps, flash it, and go!
You are STRONGLY recommended to fully wipe your device before flashing, and if possible avoid restoring system apps and system data with Titanium Backup - these can cause stability issues that are very hard to debug. If you believe you know what you're doing - then fine, go ahead, but please don't complain if you experience strange behavior.
Boot.img repacker by xcesco89
How to flash:
Either follow this BEST flashing tutorial especially made for ICJ by JKURL or follow these short steps:
- turn OFF your phone
- BACKUP your data using recovery (and SD on first flash just in case)
- boot in bootloader
- select fastboot mod
- flash boot.img via fastboot that is located in the rom.zip: fastboot flash boot boot.img
- run this command now: fastboot erase cache
- go back to hboot screen
- select recovery
- full wipe is needed IF you aren't coming from other AOSP 4.2 rom and the best is to use this script!!
- flash the rom
- flash newest gapps (Google applications) from here -they NEED to be flashed after every ROM flash
- boot
If you have any other question and want more INFO look into F.A.Q. in 3rd post!!!
kernel git
rom git
IceColdJelly422 V2.5.1 - 05-03-2013
- Flash boot.img
- Kernel updated to NCX 3.17FW V23b
- Fixed Vol buttons FC - AOKP
- Removed PerformanceControl from the build - battery drainer
- Navring Rework - AOKP
- EndeavoruParts: add option for button light notification - CM - We have different implementation of this already in Settings/Display, this is kernel based setting
- endeavoru: ums dirty ratio for normal usb mass storage speed - Tbalden
- F.A.Q. moved to 5th post and heavily updated
- Flash boot.img
- Full wipe is recommended but not required
- Kernel updated to NCX 3.17FW V21b
- Completely reworked source
- Used Tbalden's device and vendor folder - adapted for AOKP and ICJ
- We got:
- - JB HTC blobs
- - less logcat errors
- - CRT ON option now works, but looks ****ty
- - Photosphere can be used with appropriate zip flashed
- - EndeavoruParts setting app with some kernel settings
- - proper USB mount
- - etc etc
- Reverted ALL Linaro stuff and optimizations - I hope better stability
- Used a lot of CM repos to get it working
- Toggle rewrite - AOKP
- RC: Hide statusbar information on lockscreen - maxwen
- GC triggering performance optimizations - CM
- Removed S2W and Smartdimmer for ICJ settings - now in EndeavoruParts
- RC: Cyanogen Circle Battery - CM
- We are using CM's torch app now
- Vibrations: add more stock custom vibrations - AOKP
- Phone turns ON by default when un/plugging charger so there is an option in RC to override
- DeskClock: Add option to toggle unlock on dismissal of alarm - AOKP
- RC: QuietHours Toggle - AOKP
- Camera: add exposure and JPEG quality settings to video camera - CM
- Remember fast charge state during reboots - maxwen
- RC: ElectronBeam (CRT) get some love - ported from SlimBean, don't know's the original author
- RC: Dotted Circle Battery - port from SlimBean rom
- RC: Add custom circle battery options - port from SlimBean rom
- Updated SuperSU to V1.25, Trebuchet, etc etc
- Flash boot.img
- Kernel updated to NCX 3.17FW V19
- Rebased Camera app from scratch - I hope no more FCs
- and HDR option is nice - it's not the same as CM's HDR option
- Fixes/updates to Contacts, Mms, Email, DeskClock, FWB, FW_av, FW_native...
- SwaggerTile: Added Swagger - SundaysFTW - AOKP
- Fix longpress action for tether toggles - AOKP
- Fix Transparency Value not sticked with autohide - AOKP
- SystemUI: unregister ContentObserver, fixed memory leak - AOKP
- Settings: PowerUsage: show more apps in battery statistics - CM
- Email: Enabling the saving of attachments - CM
- Rebased Phone App - searching for networks manually now works at least for me
- Don't use PerformanceControl for UV!!!
- Fixed Browser zoom bug - Nimrodity please test
- MTP mounting hopefully fixed for everyone
- Fixed ADB
- added volume restore based on headset state - maxwen
- Quicksettings: fix updating 2G,LTE and WifiTether tiles - AOKP
- Apollo: Make sure the playing notification is only shown when playing is actually started - CM
- RC: ICJ settings: Swipe2Wake option
- RC: ICJ settings: GPU OC option (OFF=416Mhz, ON=520MHz max)
- Camera: port additional settings from jellybean 4.1 (Round 2) - CM
- Sound Toggle: Improve logic with new icons - AOKP
- Lockscreen : Hide clock for DeskClock - CM
- Mms: Add "Insert contact info" back - CM
- Fixed incorrect GPS data reporting (speed, location)
- Fixed SwiftKey Flow trail to be more visible
- Rom checks on flash which hboot version you have, min 1.28 - Tbalden
- RC: CRT screen on/off animations user defined (CRT ON not working yet) - TeamEOS
- SystemUI: Bugfix : Quick pulldown sometimes flips when it should not - CM
- Flash boot.img
- Kernel updated to NCX 3.17FW V13c
- Now with Swipe2Wake - swipe your finger ower HW buttons to turn ON/OFF the device
- Source updated to android-4.2.2_r1 - full changelog: JOP40D (4.2.1_r1) to JDQ39 (4.2.2_r1) AOSP changelog. Hosted by Funky Android Ltd.
- Lockscreen : Hide clock for DeskClock - CM
- Tweaked ondemand governor to fix micro lags
- Added back PerformanceControl to the build - for testing purposes
- Settings: Sound: Add default alarm tone setting - maxwen
- Reverted_ Swipe to Switch (Notif/Toggles) - BIG 4.2.2 merge issues
- RC: QuickRecord Tile - AOKP
- You need to update your hboot to the newest possible version (I think min is 1.28)
- PLEASE READ THIS FOR NEW BUILD: xda-developers - View Single Post - [ROM][official] HTC OneX CyanogenMod 10.1(4.2.2) Nightlies | STAGING build 3 [Mar-10]
- Best to manually MOVE files/folder from sdcard/0 to sdcard while mounted in recovery
- Full wipe is highly recommended but not required
- Flash boot.img
- New NCX 3.17FW V12b kernel 3.1.10 based included
- Removed graphite optimizations during build
- Added a lot of patches from AOSP master branch (bugfixes, NPE, maybe battery savers
- Updates and bugfix to Call Stats - AOKP/CM colaboration
- Updated Skia with optimizations, bionic, Settings
- USB tethering fixed - tbalden
- RC: Add recent apps GB style action to navbar buttons - AOKP
- /data encryption working - pbax
- BT on boot fixed for new kernel and range distance - talden
- wifi direct added and working - tbalden
- Increase themeability of Clock, Signal, Wifi in statusbar - AOKP
- RC: Allow Custom Icon Tinting Option - AOKP
- RC: Hiding NavBar - AOKP
- Bring Back CarHome *Removed in AOSP* - AOKP
- RC: PowerMenu: Security Feature (Toggle) to Hide Reboot (reboot recovery) - AOKP
- Removed multiuser support
- Updated media_profiles.xml
- Updated gps.conf - tbalden
- App2SD is working now
- Added Apollo and DSPManager from CM (Enable it in Settings/Music/Effects)
- Settings: Launch music player on headset connect - CM
- Updated radio from HTC's JB RUU - if you have issues (old / new flashable zip)
- Changed SDCARD manipulation according to gordi - tbalden's patch (free space now shows correctly in the Settings dialog)
- IRC channel open, look for link under the changelog
- I must have forgotten something!!
- Fixed radio issues introduced with V1.7.1
- Fixed Wifi issues for old and new kernel
- Fixed Plague game issue that was introduced by 1.7
- Read changelog from V1.7 for more detailed changelog since V1.6
- Sorry again guys for this mess!!
- New versions will come with new kernel that is already pushed to git for source builders (Ncx V5)
- Flash boot.img
- Full wipe highly recommended!!
- NotificationManagerService: Fix notification led bug when clearing SMS from notif - ported from CM9
- Rom compiled with Linaro gcc 4.6, -O3, -strict and graphite optimizations - Fast, smooth, wet and rotating!! Just how we like it
- Settings: Enabled Cell Broadcast menu
- Mms: Add privacy mode notifications - CM
- Camera: Add shortcut to Gallery in CameraSwitcher - AOKP
- DeskClock: the first day of the week depends on a locale - CM
- Updated to android 4.2.1_r1.2 tag - 95% of the packages for now
- QuickSettings: fix GPS graphic state logic - AOKP
- RC: Status Bar Hide toggle - AOKP
- RC: Quick unlock (Unlock password/pin lockscreen without pressing enter button) - AOKP - this might not work
- Added back Quick Settings: Swipe to switch - CM
- Fixed Contact sharing over BT - don't know when was this introduced, but it's fixed now
- Settings: Add setting in security for sms message rate alerts - CM
- Add ICJ version umber to DeviceInfoSettings
- Phone: Flip to mute/dismiss call - CM
- RC: Adds the ability to force dual panel at any dpi - AOKP
- SystemUI: transparency control overhaul - AOKP
- Custom bootanimation fixes - AOKP
- Removed PerformanceControl from the build - causes high battery drain
- Used APN list from CM build
- Almost forgot, default notification led colour is now green
- This version broke Plague game, will be fixed I hope very soon
- Flash boot.img
- Settings: Security: Add timeout and instant lock option to slide lock - AOKP
- SystemUI: Add lock icon - by kurniawan77
- Mms: Mms auto-retrieval option - CM
- Lockscreen: provide haptic feedback on longpress unlock - AOKP
- RC: Custom bootanimation improvements - AOKP
- Heavily updated skia and webkit (WebGL support)
- Heavy updates to Bluetooth MAP (Message Access Profile) - CM (a bitch to port)
- Bluetooth: Always follow the user's preferred contact display name format - CM
- Bluetooth: Accept all mimetypes for inbound bluetooth file transfers - CM
- SystemUI: Fix NFC Tile not showing actual state after reboot - AOKP
- Powermodule: removed screen off freq, not supported - cleaner log
- DeskClock: Add increasing volume option for alarm clocks - ported by maxwen and LorD ClockaN
- DeskClock: Added flip and shake to snooze - CM
- DeskClock: Keep the display on while stopwatch or timer is running - CM
- Added some patches to Settings, Mms, Phone and FWB from AOSP master branch
- Updaed Tablet UI patch - AOKP
- Recents: Updates - AOKP
- Added Fast Charge support to kernel (maxwen) and added back toggle - charge your phone on USB/Car charger with the same power as on AC adapter
- QuickSettings: fix missing GPS state - AOKP
- Updated dalvik
- RC: LastApp Toggle for Navbar/NavRing - AOKP
- RC: Don't wake up device when charger is plugged/unplugged - AOKP
- SystemUI: QuickSettings: fix missing GPS state - AOKP
- SystemUI: respect global vibrate settings in the statusbar - AOKP
- Add PerformanceControl from AOKP and Quick Link in Settings
- Removed Launcher2 and added CM's Trebuchet with Quick Link in Settings
- Browser: Runtime enablement of WebGL - CM
- Browser: Added 2 new buttons to navigation bar - CM:
- - New Incognito Tab
- - Goto home screen
- And a lot of other patches worth and not worth mentioning - CM, AOKP, AOSP
- Flash boot.img - no need is you are 1.3.1 boot.img
- fixed Camera exposure missmatch
- Camera: port additional settings from jellybean 4.1 (Round 2) - CM
- - add touch-to-focus timeout duration settings
- - add volume button zoom controls to camera and camcorder
- (Panorama does not support zooming)
- RomControl: NavBarColor - AOKP
- SystemUI: fix GPS toggle not changing states properly - AOKP
- RC: Add LockClock (Chronus) to the build
- RC: Alternate Signal Layout - AOKP
- RC: Allow User select Tablet Mode - AOKP
- RC: Add back lockscreen wallpaper - AOKP
- Development: Added governor and temp info in CPU info overlay - maxwen
- new toggle: sound state (ring/vib/silent) - AOKP
- Quick Settings: Swipe to switch - AOKP
- Phone: implement noise suppression for phone calls - AOKP
- Mms: Fix "Previous slideshow preview can't be cleaned" - AOSP master branch
- RC: Added Lockscreen targets (hardcoded to 5) - BIG thanks to maxwen for porting this
- Settings: Port "Option to control cursor in text fields using volume keys - AOKP
- Mms: From now using CM's Mms app source with all it's modifications
- RC: Enable longpress on expand challenge handle - AOKP
- Settings: wifi: Allow configuration of country code for wifi - CM
- Flash boot.img
- Settings: added CPUInfoService to show online cpus and frequencies
- DeviceInfo: Add chipset to supplement cpu display in device info - AOKP
- Settings: Volume adjust sound preference - AOKP
- RC: LockScreen: Option to hide initial page hints - AOKP
- RC: Added fast toggle preference - AOKP
- RC: LockScreen: add option to minimize challenge when showing the lockscreen - AOKP
- RC: Comment Back Lockscreen Rotation - AOKP
- RC: Lockscreen: option to use carousel animation when switching widgets - AOKP
- Phone: Fix center layout on manually lowered DPI - AOKP
- Camera: more exposure controls, hdr, hox scene modes, 6mp wide pic size
- Revert "Patch Set 1/2: Add an "Automatically Connect" option for WiFi networks"
- Support for encrypted /data partition. (see this post) - by pbax (not tested, no time)
- Added a lot of patches in FWB
- Thanks to all the testers and the team for merging and testing while I was gone!
- Flash boot.img
- A2DP fixed by pbax
- Phone: Port CM Advanced Phone Settings AOKP
- Phone: Increase ring volume option AOKP
- Possible fixed 2g/3g network toggle CM
- Port "Strip Unicode" feature from ICS branch into JB-MR1 AOKP
- Added patches from AOSP master branch to Mms, FWB, Browser
- Added ability to answer call with hardware HOME button (Settings/Accessibility) AOKP
- Added statusbar and navbar transparency slider - AOKP
- Mms: add new QuickReply buttons Delete & Mark Read - AOKP
- Add option to hide AlarmClock Icon in StatusBar AOKP
- Settings: Allow users to disable safe headset volume warning AOKP
- Fixes and updates to FWB, FW_AV, Mms etc...
- Mms: added quickmessage popup preference maxwen ported from CM
- Special surprise option added thanks to maxwen for porting it (testing still needed)
- Read V1.3 Secret option tutorial beneath change log. If for any reason 1.3 doesn't work properly, use 1.3_IfInTrouble version
- Thanks to core720 for providing Spanish translation for some packages
- Stock live wallpapers fixed
- Lot's of patches throughout the source
- Oh and.... TUN_SD is back
- Flash boot.img
- Random reboots fixed!!! Wlan reboots fixed!!!
- Wlan tether now has working security network mode
- Added Hardware keys mapping (Settings/Display) thanks to maxwen for porting the fwb part
- Removed AOKP PerformanceControl from the build
- Enabled back LED settings in ROMControl - almost all not working for our device, but they were demanded
- Fixed Taking photos while video recording (1080p has some issues) maxwen
- Added MenuUI overflow button AOKP
- Fixed Long Press Back button functionality maxwen again
- Using prebuilt camera lib, not building it from HAL anymore
- Added back Powermodule HAL to the build needs testing
- Added Button Notification Light option (Settings/Display)
- Interactive set as default governor don't change it if you love your phone
- Used Calculator app repo from CM
- Added a bunch of new options to Camera from CM (lost 2 days to get it working)
- updated kernel with BT drivers to 3.1.10 ; integrate some tegra references patches for BT
- Added CPU boosting modifications from CM
- Fixed some bugs under the hood - AOKP and CM
- Battery should be improved in this version, expect 2h of screen ON while browsing for sure!
- This rom still isn't where I want it to be - will start to add more options to the rom soon
- Flash boot.img!!
- Fixed BT (A2DP still has some issues) - thanks to rogro82 and pbax
- Fixed WLAN tethering - thanks to rogro82
- Merged all new stuff from AOKP till now (check ROMControl for new stuff)
- Add an "Automatically Connect" option for WiFi networks (Settings) - CM
- Button backlight is now always ON while screen is ON until better soltion is found that follows light sensor - rogro82 and pbax
- Add National data roaming and make it optional (for those who need it)
- Hide Adb Notification icon option - CM
- Added more LCD backlight values to try to smoother the light change transition
- Increased WLAN scan interval from 100 to 240 seconds
- Updated Emal app with patches from CM and AOSP master branch
- And a lot more under the hood
- Battery still isn't at the 4.1 base level...
- Initial release
- Not all AOKP 4.1.2 features has been yet ported/merged to 4.2.1 base
- All hboot ready
- I named it beta until at least wlan tether is fixed
- Expect the unexpected
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