- 480
Deine Firmware ist zu alt.
Daher würde ich sagen, geerbtes so nicht bei dir.
Daher würde ich sagen, geerbtes so nicht bei dir.
Folge dem Video um zu sehen, wie unsere Website als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm installiert werden kann.
Anmerkung: This feature currently requires accessing the site using the built-in Safari browser.
: Need to flash either latest GPE L firmware in this post, or Latest Sense firmware 3.28.401.9 from here. If you are S-ON however you will have to wait until you get latest Official OTA for your device as you cannot flash a different firmware unless you are S-OFF. If you still don't have wifi after firmware flash you need to clean your system/data(Not sdcard)/cache and reflash the rom.
Other Stuff♦
Android L GPE Firmware - S-OFF is *required* to flash Firmware!
Note: If you are currently on Sense firmware: Flashing this(GPE) firmware *WILL* repartition your system partition to ~1.25GB and therefore making it not possible to see your internal sdcard without first formatting all partitions and internal storage before installing this rom. It will also not allow you to flash sense roms until you first flash Sense firmware back to your phone and reformat again.. If you are on latest Sense 4.4.4. firmware you should have no problems with this rom and not need this GPE firmware.
Note1a: If you are S-ON and not on the latest Sense 4.4.4 firmware already, Wifi will likely not work for you on this Rom.
Note2: If you are currently converted to 4.4.4 GPE with the RUU from Graffixnyc, this firmware is mandatory in order for everything to work properly.
Stock Android L 5.0 LRX22C.H5 GPE Firmware - without stock recovery/boot
*Made rom multicarrier compatible (Thanks to DigitalHigh)
*Updated all Gapps
*Fully Integrated Lyapota's modpack into the rom (Thanks to Lyapota)
*Added Project Era option (Thanks to ZeroInfinity)
*Updated Exchange Security Bypass (Works!)
*Cleaned up some misc apk's
*Updated Camera to latest Sense Release (4.16.1540.8)
*Updated SkyDragon kernel to v3.0.7
*Further optimized all init.d scripts for better performance
*Tweaked Aroma install script for better TWRP compatibility
*Added lyapota's S2S module for stock kernel only!
*Integrated Adobe Flash Player
*Added optional AOSP Browser V2 w/Material Design
*Added new services.jar with memory leak fix from 5.0.2
doller12194 schrieb:Hey.. denn hat die Skydragon also DUO-Cam-Support?
Hier noch der Changelog der 4.2.2:
Zitat: V4.2.2
*Made rom multicarrier compatible (Thanks to DigitalHigh)
*Updated all Gapps
*Fully Integrated Lyapota's modpack into the rom (Thanks to Lyapota)
*Added Project Era option (Thanks to ZeroInfinity)
*Updated Exchange Security Bypass (Works!)
*Cleaned up some misc apk's
*Updated Camera to latest Sense Release (4.16.1540.8)
*Updated SkyDragon kernel to v3.0.7
*Further optimized all init.d scripts for better performance
*Tweaked Aroma install script for better TWRP compatibility
*Added lyapota's S2S module for stock kernel only!
*Integrated Adobe Flash Player
*Added optional AOSP Browser V2 w/Material Design
*Added new services.jar with memory leak fix from 5.0.2