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Based on RUU 3.28.401.1 OTA HTC Evo 3D GSM X515m (SHOOTER_U)
Android 4.0.3 (Ice Cream Sandwich)
Kernel: HTC Stock
xda Link: ICS NonSense
Erklärung "Senseless": Was unterscheidet diese ROM von einer AOSP ROM? Ganz einfach: Diese ROM verwendet Sense als Basis, da es die benötigten (leider mit geschlossenem Code) Treiber für Kamera, 3D und Co. liefert. Allerdings wurden diverse .apk-Dateien im System ersetzt, so z.B. der HTC-"Rosie"-Launcher durch Apex/Nova-Launcher und viele weitere Framework-Modifizierungen etc.
Erklärung "AOSP":: Was ist denn eigentlich AOSP? Woschdi hat bereits erklärt, dass die Abkürzung AOSP für "Android Open Source Project" steht. Das heißt, dass in solchen ROMs keine veränderten User Interfaces der Hersteller vorhanden sind. (Beispiele: Samsungs "Touchwiz", HTCs "Sense", Sonys "Timeline", ...) Verständlicherweise gefällt diese Art von ROMs den meisten Nutzern, da es einfach das "schlichte" Stock Android ist, so wie es eigentlich gedacht ist. Bei dieser ROM handelt es sich wie oben erklärt nicht um eine AOSP ROM.
-Removed bloatware
-Replaced HTC apps with AOSP counterparts (phone, contacts, messaging, dialer, and more)
-Framework themed to look like AOSP Android
-AOSP System, UI, Ringtone, and Notification sounds
-Remaining HTC Sense apps themed to look like AOSP
-init.d support
-Deodexed, zipaligned
-Advanced power menu
-Battery calibration script
-Improved performance over stock ROM
-Awesome battery life
-Includes modded camera by anryl for more features
-V6 supercharger
OTA Firmware:
Virtuous Server: http://files.virtuousrom.com/shooteru/firmware/PG86IMG_3.28.401.1.zip
e3d-Server [DOWN!]: http://evolution3d.co.cc/NonSense_400.zip
putlocker: NonSense_400.zip | PutLocker
[0.] Sofern noch nicht getan, das Firmware Package runterladen, auf das root Verzeichnis der SD Karte packen und im Bootloader installieren. Danach erhält man neue Inhalte wie z.B. ein neues Baseband, was auch die Akkulaufzeit unter GingerBread verbessert.
1. SuperWipe durchführen bzw. Data / Cache / Dalvik Wipe im Recovery
2. ROM installieren
-> android.phone FC (tritt nur bei einigen Usern auf)
-Initial Release
-Added stock ICS keyboard and removed HTC Keyboard.
-Fixed screenshots
-Based on HTC 3.08.401.1 RUU
-Fixed SU
-Fixed SBS videos in gallery
-Added music apps to system/app
-Themed more items
-Added Advanced Power Menu
-Added modded camera by pwnyourace
-Added AOSP ringtones, notification, and alarm sounds
-Added AOSP phone, contacts, and SMS/MMS
-some other minor fixes
-Removed HTC keyboard and added AOSP keyboard
-Removed annoying sound when adjusting ringer volume
-Removed some unnecessary libs
-Fixed music controls on lockscreen
-Added Exchange.apk
-Brought size down to 289 MB
-Flashing AOSP statusbar and settings also adds AOSP USB mount
-Some other changes
-Themed some more HTC framework
-Deleted more unused files (HTC weather animations, HTC Sense lockscreen JAR, etc.)
-AOSP statusbar now included without need for addon (AOSP settings still have to be flashed separately)
-Performance improvements
-Added 4.0.4 Face Unlock
-Call drop fix merged into ROM
-Added battery calibration script
-Size now 254mb
-and more than I can remember
-Removed more conflicting HTC applications
-Added V6 supercharger
-Performance enhancements
-Updated framework theme
-Added AOSP phone (previously had AOSP dialer and HTC phone)
-Added AOSP settings without addon (To disable fastboot, pocket mode and quiet ring on pickup, flash HTC settings, disable unwanted HTC options, and then flash the AOSP settings again)
-Added AGPS patch for faster GPS lock
-Added SQlite
-Size is now 244mb
-Fastboot, pocket mode, quiet ring on pick-up, and flip-for-speaker (HTC-specific options) disabled by default (thanks to Turge for modded settings provider)
-Added modded MMS.apk by Difusal
-Added AOSP volume sound
-Call drop for some fixed (I think)
-Some build.prop tweaks for better performance and battery life
-Added AOSP-style icons to power menu
-Updated base to 3.28.401.1 OTA
-Added Google Now
-Reverted back to stock SMS app as the inverted one doesn't look as good with an LCD display
-Added anryl's kernel
-Added anryl's camera mod
-Added bravia engine
-Added Dolby Mobile
-Added Beats Audio Mod
-Dim LED tweak and other init.d scripts
-Replaced Nova launcher with Apex Launcher
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