Erfahrenes Mitglied
- 35

Für alle bei denen YouTube/Videos nicht läuft:
Unter entwicklickeroptionen HW overlays aktivieren und GPU rendering erzwingen und schon funktioniert YouTube/Video wieder
This is a port from CDMA EVO 3D Paranoid by Lens_flare so all credits to him Here, of course the base is Disarmed toaster by Agrabren, so also credits for him. This port was made for my own use, but some users asked me to publich it on a thread so they can have a place to discuss the bugs and the ROM stuff.
Note: I don´t have much free time to dedicate to this thread so please don´t expect much support or fast bug fixes.
PER-APP-COLOR, Paranoidandroid´s newest invention. Define apps in your regular hybrid panel (same that allows you to scale apps individually and choose their interface). See your phone fade into the color definition of your current app, press home or go elsewhere and it fades back. Create as many combinations you like, you can even dabble with opacity. This feature is made possible by our hybrid engine, which is unique to this rom.
Chose your statusbar style, regular PhoneUI, Nexus7-PhabletUI or a combined TabletUI systembar. Choose from a variety of toggles and toggle layouts, switches, holo-buttons, toggles or icon-text-toggle rows.
Get a ton of features on top of Cyanogenmods catalogue. Dabble with opacity, see-through options, eventualy colors, etc.
Our images and graphics are made by a dedicated artist, KREBSMILK
Hybrid mode is the heart and soul of paranoidandroid. Forget tablet mode or build.prop changes! Hybrid mode will not break your phone, your apps, your market, nothing will shrink or become unusable. Entire parts of AOSP have been rewritten to make this possible, you will not get anything like it anywhere, this is the only rom on Android capable of these things.
Hybrid mode means you can control the size and the actual layout of any app individually. Keep in mind, apps bring their own layouts, they will display according to your device. Thats why apps like gmail, settings, youtube, camera, chrome, etc., transform completely when you run them on a tablet. This rom allows you to choose whatever layout you like best, we dont fool around with DPI, we extract the actual layouts from your apks and you select them with a tap. Apply and youre done. No reboot necessary. You can target anything: apps, system components, widgets, launchers, keyboards, statusbars, lockscreen, etc.
Finetune your workspace or apply hybrid settings to all your apps if you dont like to set them up individually. Individual settings will still override this so you can still get the look you want.
For ease of use you can access hybrid properties in your recents view, this will allow you to quickly review changes. Basic things like recents, toggles, etc. have been made usable across all UI modes.
I am trying a new OTA system to update the ROM automatically using this APP: https://otaupdatecenter.pro/
This OTA Updater also notify you when a new update is available.
So please help me on testing this new feature by flashing this zip OTA-Updater.zip over 2.50.2 to update to 2.50.3.
You may get md5 error, just retry again.
Yo can also download the ota manually from my goo.im folder.
01/11/12: v2.52.1 this version is the same as 2.52.0 but with new base from Lens_flare to avoid problems with credits.
*Updated base to Paranoid 2.52, thanks to Lens_flare for the apps base
*Updated kernel to RLS12
*Added Android 4.2 Gallery, Camera with sphere (Disable hw overlays to avoid problems) mode and Keyboard with gesture typing
*Added Awesome Beats EQ
*Fixed bootloops when changing UI type under Paranoid Preferences
*Fixed root problems with superuser
*Enabled sweep2wake by default, use kernel tuner to disable or customize
*Some bug fixes
29/10/12: v2.50.3
Added OTA Updater for Auto-updates and Update notification (main reason for the update)
Added Walkman music player
Fixed DSP manager
28/10/12: v2.50.2
Fixed Paranoid Settings not changing UI correctly, was broken on last update ( be careful, it may give you a bootloop when changing user interface settings)
Worked on data and operator detection problem.
28/10/12: v2.50.1
Fixed USB mass storage
Fixed headsets sound output
-Initial release

Download the ROM : Goo.im Downloads - Browsing BiParanoid
Make a full wipe
Install Rom from recovery
Install Gapps: http://bit.ly/UZgZTh
Reboot and enjoy

Paranoid web page: Paranoid Android - Home
Complete guide to ParanoidPreferences: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1927208
Get PA synced to your dropbox folder automatically, apply here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1820276
Themes and other goodies you can find here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1646034

Maybe somme minor bugs more

Lens_flare For Paranoid apps base
Agrabren For the CM Base
Molesarecoming and the rest of the PA team
BigWillyg for the buttered Kernel
Cyanogenmod Team
Quelle: [JB 4.1.2] BiParanoid 2.50.1 EVO-3D-GSM [28/10/2012] - xda-developers
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