- 405
Celebrating 1 year of LeeDrOiD ROM's
Android 2.3.3 - GingerBread & Sense... No Gimmick's, No Bullshit..
Android 2.3.3 - GingerBread & Sense... No Gimmick's, No Bullshit..
Just an EPIC HD Experience from a very experienced developer
Now available via ROM Manager
Based on the Latest HTC AceS 2.50.405.2 WWE RUU
This is a direct port of my Desire HD Rom

Now available via ROM Manager
Based on the Latest HTC AceS 2.50.405.2 WWE RUU
This is a direct port of my Desire HD Rom

With thanks to: Paul Obrien l RaiderX303 l ChainsDD l snq- l Scar45 | Team RC | Apache14 | m-deejay | Irvysan | Mike1986 | Spyr0s | SupremeBeaver | A5J4DX | Leith51
Official Support Links:
What you get:
- Base 100% Android 2.3.3 - HTC WWE 2.50.405.2 - AceS (LeeDrOiD HD V3.3.1)
- Snq-'s Modified closed source kernel - V6
- CIFS & Cifs manager
- Open VPN support (requires openvpn settings)
- Smartass, Power Save & Interactive CPU Governors (Selectable in Set CPU)
- Modified wifi driver
- Heavily optimized
- You will NOT loose root or S-off...
- Unsecured boot.img with ADB Remount
- De-odexed & Zipaligned
- Rooted with the latest Superuser permissions
- Busybox 1.19.0
- Nano command-line text editor support
- Bash command shell support
- /data/app/ zipaligned on boot (Improved RAM performance)
- Ram Optimizations
- Lots of speed tweaks
- Huge APN List
- Custom LeeDrOiD Bios Boot animation
- Custom LeeDrOiD Locales & Language support
- Modified GPS server location
- CRT TV Screen on/off animations
- Translucent app drawer & Notif pulldown
- Super advanced quick settings pulldown
- FlyIn transition animations
- OpenVPN Support
- CIFS & CIFS Manager
- Sense 3.0 USB Selector
- Sense 3.0 Task Manager
- Titanium Backup & Rom manager
- HTC Notes, Coin & Sand timer widgets
- Voice Dialer (working with Bluetooth)
- AD-free & hosts (Updated & working)
- Spare parts (advanced configuration tool)
- Genie News & Weather widget
- Launcher2 (Optional Stock android launcher)
- Google Car Home
- Android market V3
- Voice Search
- Google Maps
- Adobe flash player
- Gmail
- YouTube
- Removed "HTC Feedback"
- Removed "Tips for home"
- R2D2
- Supported Languages: English, Czech, German, Espanol, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Norwegian, Korean, Greek, Turkish, Swedish, Danish, Portuguese, Finnish, Thai, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Croatian - Arabic - Perisian - Hebrew (patch supplied)
Rom Change Log
LeeDrOiD_HD_V3.3.3_GB - R5 - 11th August
- All apk's & Jars recompressed
- Key resources excluded from compression
- Re-Zipaligned
- Smoothest build yet!
- Enabled 20 tabs in browser
- Enabled custom UA string in browser
- Enabled text reflow toggle in browser
- enabled flash version selection in browser
- Lots of default config changes & cleanups
- Battery life improvments
- More RAM freindly
- Enabled larger MMS sizes
- FlyIn Animations are back as default
- Updated Youtube
- Updated Adobe flash player
- Dalvik back on Nand for Data++
- Updated to SNQ-'s V6 closed source kernel (Official Desire GB)
- Framework compression fixes
- Faster UI animation speeds
- Home app given a higher lowmem killer priority
- Lags fixed
- Disabled usb debugging notif icon
- Added sense 3.0 weather audio
- Fixed device ID's
- Now compatable with EXT3 & EXT4
- Updated to superuser 3.0 (beta) & binary
- Updated Android Market
- Updated Facebook
- Updated Gmail
- Updated Google Maps
- Updated VoiceSearch
- Updated Adfree
- Updated Titanium backup
- Updated Rom Manager
- Updated astro
- Several more script & config tweaks
- Removed Adobereader (install from market)
- Moved ebooks to sdext
- Fixed sense 3.0 incoming call screen
- Moved module load script back to init.d (modules10)
- Added "Check partition alignment" script thanks to aticatac
- Wifi signal indicator fixed
- Smartass CPU Governor now set as defaul 245-1036MHz
- Battery life improved due to SmartAss
- RTL Language support patch 100% working!!
- And a few other bits
- All apk's & Jars recompressed
- Key resources excluded from compression
- Re-Zipaligned
- Smoothest build yet!
- Enabled 20 tabs in browser
- Enabled custom UA string in browser
- Enabled text reflow toggle in browser
- enabled flash version selection in browser
- Lots of default config changes & cleanups
- Battery life improvments
- More RAM freindly
- Enabled larger MMS sizes
- FlyIn Animations are back as default
- Updated Youtube
- Updated Adobe flash player
- Dalvik back on Nand for Data++
- Smartass CPU Governor now as default (245 - 1036MHz)
- Several script cleanups
- Memory & Speed tweaks
- Improved battery consumption
- Video Capture fixed
- Default Desire IME (No Arrows)
- Removed "Tell HTC"
- Removed Talkback
- Updated Market - V3.0.26
- Updated Titanium backup
- Updated Facebook
- Arabic - Perisian - Hebrew RTL Support patch now availalbe!
- Added Transparency removal addon
- Now available via ROM Manager
- And lots more
- Initial test release
Recommended radio
MD5 # 03cd7972412bec4b4ed6f2699e4c9af0
MD5 # 03cd7972412bec4b4ed6f2699e4c9af0
ROM Download links
Now available via ROM Manager
Now available via ROM Manager
User apps, System apps & dalvik-cache moved to sd-ext in both builds
1GB EXT3 SD Ext partition & full wipe required.
Your SD card should be Partitioned as follows - | Fat32 | EXT3 (1GB) | I would recommend using the GParted live CD found HERE
LeeDrOiD A2SD++ Edition
System size 206mb - compatable with Bravo Stock Hboot, see the AlphaRev home page
LeeDrOiD HD V3.3.3 - Port - R5 A2SD++ (Torrent)
MD5# 8c10dde0add792e83ed3780f73936ec4
MD5 Checksum file
LeeDrOiD Data++ Edition
System size 138mb, compatable with CM7 r2, Bravo N1 Table, Bravo Data++ & Bravo Sense Hboot's, see the AlphaRev home page
LeeDrOiD HD V3.3.3 - Port - R5 Data++ (FTP)System size 138mb, compatable with CM7 r2, Bravo N1 Table, Bravo Data++ & Bravo Sense Hboot's, see the AlphaRev home page
LeeDrOiD HD V3.3.3 - Port - R5 Data++ (Torrent)

MD5# 85b2e8a83f84887c34665a811156a5c3
MD5 Checksum file
Dalvik-Cache to /sdext
Modifies Data++ & A2SD++ Scripts to allow Dalvik-cache on /sdext
>> Please note, 1st boot may take up to 10 minutes as every application in /data will be Zip Aligned, the time it takes depends on how many applications you have installed.. DO NOT PULL THE BATTERY <<
Sense 3.0 addons
11th August - Fixed lockscreen icons, recompressed & zipaligned (this will have a positive affect on other things)
- V4

11th August - Fixed lockscreen icons, recompressed & zipaligned (this will have a positive affect on other things)

Now available via ROM Manager!
Sense 3.0 pack V4 A2SD++
Lockscreen, SMS & Weather
Sense 3.0 pack V4 Data++
Lockscreen, SMS & Weather
Swype like keyboard with arrows
"Pick your ring" section coming soon!
Other addons
Arabic - Perisian & Hebrew language support
Thanks to Spike_M for the updated libs
RTL Language support - Data++
Arabic - Perisian & Hebrew language support
Thanks to Spike_M for the updated libs
Enable AdHoc Networking
Remove Transparency - Both builds
Removes transparent app drawer & pulldown
Remove FlyIn Animations - A2SD++
Remove FlyIn Animations - Data++
Screen Captures

I will finish the post when I have more time