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chillzz schrieb:cMIUI 1.8.5 HotFix #2
Behebt das Problem mit den Klingeltönen!
Download cMIUI 1.8.5 HotFix #2
Ohne Wipe im Recovery flashen!
funktioniert der auch mit der 7.29?
Folge dem Video um zu sehen, wie unsere Website als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm installiert werden kann.
Anmerkung: This feature currently requires accessing the site using the built-in Safari browser.
chillzz schrieb:cMIUI 1.8.5 HotFix #2
Behebt das Problem mit den Klingeltönen!
Download cMIUI 1.8.5 HotFix #2
Ohne Wipe im Recovery flashen!
domek schrieb:Komisch, wenn ich über die Einstellungen einen Klingelton für SMS einstellen will übernimmt er es nicht?
Der Klingelton bleibt immer auf Lautlos?
Hatte das Problem auch schon vor dem Hotfix.
chillzz schrieb:Der Fehler lag meines Wissens generell an 29er.
domek schrieb:also muss ich die neueste flashen?![]()
Hoffe da sind dann keine größeren Fehler drin.
Für was war der Hotfix#2 dann? Gab es noch weitere Probleme mit den Klingeltönen?
blackmail schrieb:der hotfix löst das problem....
domek schrieb:bei mir scheinbar nicht.
Habe nochmal geflasht, allerdings immernoch das Problem.
cmajetic schrieb:hey werd mir die neueste version nochmal flashen, hab nur noch ne frage:
du empfiehlst SWAP 128 mb, ich hab 0 (anleitung aus dem forum), is das ein problem? für was ist SWAP denn wichtig? bei der 1.7.22 version hats nichts ausgemacht
da.russe schrieb:wieso verwendet die A2SD+ keine Swap Partition? Nicht kompatibel?
wenn ich ne D2EXT version installiert habe, mit Swap, und danach doch ne A2SD+ Rom installier gibt das keine Probleme oder? ich hab 128Mb weniger von der Karte aber sonst keine Nachteile?
Recommended updates:
* Optimisation of text selection methods
* Send files via Bluetooth in any format
* Support for custom calls, messages notification LED color and further support of adjusting LED settings e.g setting flash interval.
* Send files via Bluetooth in any format
* Optimise the selection and action of text, numbers, passwords, e-mail, telephone, URL, and other special fields which can be double-clicked or selected by batch or individually.
* Fix rounding issue of CPU frequency showing 1000.0MB where it should be e.g. 1.0GHz
* Fixed system update problem, package not found after download completed
* Optimisation of add, delete and edit from call log
* Optimisation of unknown caller notification information
* Optimisation of hang up method and popup notifications
* Fix in some cases SIM card FC problems
* Fix after call is disconnected the screen remains blank for several seconds
* Fix setting network type does not save settings after restart
* Fix More settings are not automatically read immediately
* Fix in some cases viewing phone status information causes FC
* Fix in some cases devices which have wipe data get FC when opening dialer
* Optimisation of bulk message removal and progress
* Optimise support to send pictures via File Explorer
* Optimise message notification volume
* Optimisation of SMS center number and timeout settings
* Fix in some cases delivery report repeated pop ups continually
* Fixed no messages background appears while switching the SMS pages
* Fixed the recipient state of error while writing messages to strangers
* New, re-index data function, when contacts are not displayed, Settings > Fix data index
* New quick operation panel will pop-up on the click of strangers avatar, support for details viewing
* Optimise dial up switching optimisation
* Optimised tips of contact editing interface, no tip will be shown without editing
* Optimized when you add a new contact, if the input is empty, a prompt box will pop up to ask if you want to input or cancel
* Optimisation of progress meter when deleting contact
* Fixed false prompt while editing contacts
* Fixed In some cases after you remove the contact, the call record of this contact in the dial-up list doesnt change correspondingly.
* Fix exchange account contacts group contacts causes FC
* Fix inserting new named empty contact shows incorrectly in list
* Fixed wrong amount of group contacts when only contacts with phone numbers are displayed.
Lockscreen, status bar and notifications:
* Optimised lockscreen memory footprint by an average of 80%
* Lockscreen optimised to support audio
* Optimised to view programs currently in use through the new lock-screen
* Optimised slide down unlock region
* Fixed the interface might flash before locking when you light up the screen in some cases
* Fixed lockscreen preview cannot display missed calls or messages
* Optimise hiding of desktop shortcuts e.g. contacts if contacts application is hidden
* Fix time zone changes do not update the clock widget immediately
* Fixed problem in editing mode dragging items was inaccurately positioning
* Fix issue where folders sometimes disappear
* Fixed the size of some widgets of 4 * 1 change into 4 * 2
* Fix icons overlapping in some cases
* Optimisation of startup and browsing speed
* Default navigation page optimisation to directly enter favorites and history
* Fix for Google Voice search
* Fix pressing back key would not close / exit the application
* Fix quick links disappearing after they are edited
* Fix problems with download file names being corrupted
* Optimisation of information when new lockscreen is applied, prompt user about previews
* Optimised full page details, background changes to black
* Optimised failure of backing out from the details page to the page list
* Optimisation of online theme browsing and loading of previews
* Fix details page preview, exiting full screen preview does not show preview in center of interface
* Fix details page click on both sides of the preview into the full-screen preview mode causes errors
* Fixed in some cases the Currently used icon displays the wrong ringtone selected
* Fixed theme details did not show the number of downloads
* Fix response time selecting music functions on lockscreen
* Fix in some cases player exiting abnormally when loading
Access controls:
* Optimisation of hidden applications, hidden applications are listed at the top of the page for quicker selection and opening
* Added support for custom calls, message notification LED color and breathing / blinking frequency (Settings moved to Settings -> Personal)
File Explorer:
* Optimise access to files from other applications e.g. themes and music
* Optimise category listing interface when SD card is mounted or unmounted
* Fix copy, cut and paste for large number of files causes performance issue and FC
* Fix copy, cut and paste files in category browsing interface displays incorrect file counts (out of sync)
* Optimise backup and restore processing
* Check internal storage space before recovery
* Optimise local backup and restore performance
* Optimise local backup of third-party applications
* Optimise recovery speed and avoidance of duplicate data synchronisation
* Fix list style issues when applying theme backups
* Fix issues with backup of alarm settings, restoring invalid data
* Fix after successful backup does not automatically lock screen
* Fix cloud backup previous backup time displayed as 1970-1-1
Download manager:
* Added support to delete downloaded files history individually or by batch
* Fix problems with setting Wi-Fi only download still caused download over 3G / GPRS data connection
* Optimised base option adaptation model will not show when there is no base model
* Optimised security info adaptation model in About phone will not show if there is no corresponding model
blackmail schrieb:is ja doch n bissl was. die neue version wird sicher über n updater verfügbar sein,oder?!![]()
Der Punkt wäre sehr interessant aber macht auch nur Sinn wenn das Pro App beim Restore erfolgt. Kommt dann eine Meldung oder wie soll man das verstehen!Backup: * Check internal storage space before recovery
chillzz schrieb:Das gibt das A2SD+ Script einfach nicht her, wahrscheinlich weil die Systemdaten eh auf dem internen Speicher bleiben.
Genau ... gibt keine Probleme.
blackmail schrieb:und waaaaann is es soweit?!![]()
da.russe schrieb:verstehe. lohnt sich mit einer class6 sd karte auf d2ext zu wechseln?
und noch eine frage.. wenn ich die akutellste radio aufspiel, muss ich auch RIL dazu flashen? wenn ja welche?