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- 28
Hey Gemeide ich dachte mir da ich mit der Rom sehr zufrieden bin und ich die hier noch nicht gesehen habe poste ich sie mal 
Screens im Originalpost von xda
Change log:
ICE DS v 5.2
ICS 4.0.4 Sense 3.6 Stock
Based in official RUU ICS_35_S_HTC_WWE_14.01.401.2
Screens im Originalpost von xda
How to install:
v 5.1
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
v 5.1
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
FullWipe DS
v 4.4
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
md5: 73a572f878ef042c34afd6d767ee5e91
Alle Files übers Recovery flashen (Backup vorher nicht vergessen!)
Circle Battery (JB animations)
Honeycomb battery (JB animations)
- Based on RUU ICS_35_S_HTC_WWE_14.01.401.2 release-keys HTC Desire S
- Tweaked kernel v 7.1 - 3.0.43-amidabudha
- AOSP Lockscreen (optional)
- Bravia Engine Service (optional)
- HTC IME with arrows (optional)
- HTC Notes
- This is improved version of stock ROM - no visual changes!
- Very fast, clean & stable!
- Full HTC Sense 3.6 Interface
- Multi-language (WWE)
- ROOT (su + SuperSu Permissions - Thanks to chainfire)
- JB animations
- HTC IME without arrows
- Super Full Beats Audio (optional)
- RAM optimizations
- init.d scripts (BusyBox run-parts) support
- Excellent battery life!
- Improved EXT4 performance
- more...
How to install:
1.Download "Full_wipe_DS.zip"
2.Install "Full_wip_DS.zip"
3.Wipe Cache + Dalvik cache
4.Install Zip
v 5.1
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
v 5.1
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
FullWipe DS
v 4.4
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
md5: 73a572f878ef042c34afd6d767ee5e91
Alle Files übers Recovery flashen (Backup vorher nicht vergessen!)
Circle Battery (JB animations)

Honeycomb battery (JB animations)

version 5.2:
- cleared for the best productivity and speed (with the first start of system Antutu benchmark shows 3200)
- removed some useless bloatware to fit on our system partition
- fixed init.d (removed all superfluous)
- added AOSP Lockscreen (optional)
- removed: andrev oc, OC/UV Beater, Leedroid tweaks etc...
- now ROM really FAST, STABLE, CLEAN and Excellent battery life!
version 5.1:
- added tweaked kernel v 7.1
- fixed vdd_levels (-50 for all & -100 for up to 1GHz)
- added andrev oc instead of virtuous oc
- added A-GPS patch Google build v 3.1
- fixed links issue
- fixed sweep2wake function (work correct)
- Camera quality tweaks
- build.prop tweaks for increased performance - link
- added sense 4 clock widget (optional)
- added HTC Sense Advanced Power Menu - shortcuts, recovery etc.
- added Overscroll Glow (white)
- fixed autobrightness
- Battery life is better now
- more..
version 5.0:
- re-based to official RUU ICS_35_S_HTC_WWE_14.01.401.2 release-keys HTC Desire S
- added tweaked kernel v 5.0
- added OC/UV Beater 2 v 1.5 + virtuous oc
- Aroma installer
- build.prop tweaks
- more...
version 4.4:
- added LeeDroid Tweaks v 4.3 (thanks m0narX)
- Enable GPU rendering for 2D operations (thanks mike1986)
- new Modified Stock 3.0.16 kernel 1.5 GHz - optional (amidabuddha)
- HTC stock Camera
- fixed wifi
- beats audio skins for Music player
- added Hosts file
- Some init.d script changes and tweaks
- Lots more I have forgotten
version 4.3:
- build.prop tweaks
- Activated HW acceleration - smoother scrolling
- added Full Beats Audio
- added HTC Notes with widget
- Small framework tweaks
- changed bootanimation (HTC with beats audio)
- Antutu benchmark - 3056 !!! (SD 16Gb class4)
- Don't forget to Donate something if you like the work
version 4.2:
- HQ Camera Ultra v 1.5 40mpbs - updated Camera to model with HQ picture compression and high bitrate videos - http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1533238
- JB animations
- fixed mobile data connection
- Quick Boot from Play store
- Extended quick settings
- HTC IME without arrows
- Car Home
- Custom wallpaper
- Updated all apps - SuperSu 0.94, Dropbox 2.1.7, Facebook 1.9.7, Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader 10.3.0, ES File Explorer, Twitter 3.3.1.
- fixed sounds
- more...
version 4.1:
- no visual changes!
- more free system memory
- SuperSU instead SuperUser
- RAM optimizations
- init.d scripts (BusyBox run-parts) support
- Excellent battery life!
- Improved EXT4 performance
- Sony Bravia Engine - HQ Image and Movie improvement (Optional)
- fixed FaceLock
- added more Multi-language (WWE)
- Very fast, clean & stable!
- build.prop tweaks
- more..
version 4.0
- Rebased to RUU 4.10.405.1 release-keys HTC Incredible S (VIVO)
- HTC 3.0.16 Stock Kernel
version 3.0
- Rebased to RUU 3.04.401.1 test-keys HTC Desire S (SAGA)
- HTC 3.0.16 Kernel
- looks the description
version 2.0
-without aroma
-new LeeDroid tweaks (full work after install patch fix)
-stock battery with %
-add wifi tether
-wifi wake up issue fix
-add MX Video Player
-full Sense 3.6
version 1.1.1
-fix call sounds
-fix bluetooth sounds
-full beats audio
version 1.0.2
- some tweaks build.prop
- fix battery mod with %
- add new bootanimation
- clean and optimized rom
- some more...
version 1.0.1
- fix bootanimations
- fix playing video (use gallery)
- some more..
version 1.0
-initial release
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