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Endymion v3.3 ROM
Link zum Orginal-Thread bei xda:
[ROM][3 JAN 12][Endymion V3.3|Sense 3.5|GB 2.3.5][kernel V2.0|ControlCenter] - xda-developers
This is based on the official 1.05.401.4 WWE RUU for Runnymede (final version - release-keys) with several tweaks and optimizations, plus a modified UNITY kernel (credits for great base go to m-deejay). Actually, this kernel is based on the Hyperion kernel, with different settings. The V2.0 Endymion kernel includes:
- Working front facing camera
- Working stereo video recording
- No default undervolting
- deadline IO Scheduler
- CFS Scheduler
- Tiny RCU and other optimizations
- GPU tweaks
V3.4 is all about customization, choice, privacy and advanced features. V3.4 is to be installed over V3.1, V3.2 or V3.3, and introduces a new control center, also changing how it behaves.
Endymion Control Center was built by me from the ground up. The application is programed on top of the HTC opensense SDK, seamlessly integrating with other sense elements on the rom. The Control Center is installed by default, and it detects if the optional addons package was installed. If it was, the Theme Manager part will also work, if not, all other functionalities are still available to the user.
New Control Center Functionalities:
Theme manager:
- Theme: Stock, IceHD, HoneHD or GoldRush
- Fonts: Stock, Roboto, Segeo, Ubuntu
- Bootanimations: Stock, Speedo, Quietly Rooted, Pyral, Liquid Honeycomb, Htc Bkack, Flying Vs
All RCTeam tweaks
New Endy tweaks
- Change animations speed on the fly (with a slider)
- CPU Control: Control daemon controller, max an min frequencies for wake and sleep states, cpufreq governor, IO Scheduler, you name it. Taken from Reaper.
- AGPS Patcher: Apply/revert gps patches on the fly, taken from reaper. Credits to author on this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1442032
- Turn on/off GPU rendering (just for kicks, but leave it on, seriously)
- Change scrolling smoothness (tradeoff with speed)
- Change V6 Supercharger profiles on the fly (default, aggressive and insane)
- Change Dalvik VM Heap size (32, 48 or 64Mb)
- Bass boost: choose to give a bass boost on beats
- Disable Rosie Spinning: turn on/off the fast "caroussel" spinning of Rosie
PDroid - manage app permissions
- Optional install/uninstall PDroid
- Access PDroid from within Control Center
- Restrict what installed apps can and cannot know about you.
- The necessary patches to the system framework are included in the addons post #3
Droidwall - firewall, frontend to iptables
- Optional install/uninstall Droidwall
- Access Droidwall from within Control Center
- Restrict internet access on a per-UID base (some apps may share UID, so it's not strictly app-based restriction)
- Restrict 3G, WiFi or both
- Black list or white list modes
Danke an: lowveld xda-developers - View Profile: lowveld
v3.1 als Base (bitte als erstes flashen, wenn man nicht von v3.3 oder 3.2 kommt, dann v.3.4
Add-ons für Themes
- Full wipe if not coming from Endymion V3.0/V3.1/V3.2
- Install V3.1_base
- Optionally flash V3.1 addons package
- Install V3.4 Updater - do not flash addons package after this, the order is important!
- You're done
- BUT the first thing you should do after setting up your phone is go to "settings->tweaks->rosie options->enable quick scroll " and choose semi 2D/3D. Trust me on this.
V3.4 Changelog:
- New kernel: added Reaper governor, a modified smartassV2. Choose for performance.
- Added CPU control to Endy tweaks. Taken directly from Reaper, it allows complete control over OC daemon, OC values and governors for sleep and wake states, UV values (always relative to default), and cpu IO schedulers. Note that V3.4 will uninstall OC/UV Beater if you have it installed. It is no longer needed, and it will conflict with Endy builtin UV control!
- Added AGPS patcher to Endy tweaks. Choose between 4 possible patches (or no patch at all) on the fly. Credits to the author in thie thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1442032
V3.3 Changelog:
- Reverted libsqlite patch, as it caused issues with sense list sortings (e.g. people app filtering and etc)
- Reverted default framework from pdroid-mod to "stock endy". The necessary patches for PDroid to work are posted as addons, but be aware it breaks HTC Facebook Chat app (at least)
- Fixed (at last!!!) HTC Camera app: no more freezes on panorama mode
- Tweak to use volume keys as shutter button on camera now works
- Added new tweak in "Endy tweaks" inside Control Center to add a bass boost on beats (actually replaces beats), as beats doesn't sound so nice on "less good" earphones
- Added new tweak in "Endy tweaks" inside Control Center to enable/disable Rosie fast spinning (you know, when the homescreens start spinning like crazy on a fast swipe).
V3.2 Changelog:
- New control center, includes lots of stuff (see description)
- Patched framework to handle PDroid permission restriction system
- Patched libsqlite.so for faster IO (should also give you another 300 points in quadrant, for those who care)
V3.1 Changelog:
- Fixed HD playback in whatever orientation you want (not just the orientation you recorded the video on)
- Added Endymion Control Center, supporting on-the-fly change of themes, fonts and boot animations, and also changing RCTeam tweaks
Link zum Orginal-Thread bei xda:
[ROM][3 JAN 12][Endymion V3.3|Sense 3.5|GB 2.3.5][kernel V2.0|ControlCenter] - xda-developers
This is based on the official 1.05.401.4 WWE RUU for Runnymede (final version - release-keys) with several tweaks and optimizations, plus a modified UNITY kernel (credits for great base go to m-deejay). Actually, this kernel is based on the Hyperion kernel, with different settings. The V2.0 Endymion kernel includes:
- Working front facing camera
- Working stereo video recording
- No default undervolting
- deadline IO Scheduler
- CFS Scheduler
- Tiny RCU and other optimizations
- GPU tweaks
V3.4 is all about customization, choice, privacy and advanced features. V3.4 is to be installed over V3.1, V3.2 or V3.3, and introduces a new control center, also changing how it behaves.
Endymion Control Center was built by me from the ground up. The application is programed on top of the HTC opensense SDK, seamlessly integrating with other sense elements on the rom. The Control Center is installed by default, and it detects if the optional addons package was installed. If it was, the Theme Manager part will also work, if not, all other functionalities are still available to the user.
New Control Center Functionalities:
Theme manager:
- Theme: Stock, IceHD, HoneHD or GoldRush
- Fonts: Stock, Roboto, Segeo, Ubuntu
- Bootanimations: Stock, Speedo, Quietly Rooted, Pyral, Liquid Honeycomb, Htc Bkack, Flying Vs
All RCTeam tweaks
New Endy tweaks
- Change animations speed on the fly (with a slider)
- CPU Control: Control daemon controller, max an min frequencies for wake and sleep states, cpufreq governor, IO Scheduler, you name it. Taken from Reaper.
- AGPS Patcher: Apply/revert gps patches on the fly, taken from reaper. Credits to author on this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1442032
- Turn on/off GPU rendering (just for kicks, but leave it on, seriously)
- Change scrolling smoothness (tradeoff with speed)
- Change V6 Supercharger profiles on the fly (default, aggressive and insane)
- Change Dalvik VM Heap size (32, 48 or 64Mb)
- Bass boost: choose to give a bass boost on beats
- Disable Rosie Spinning: turn on/off the fast "caroussel" spinning of Rosie
PDroid - manage app permissions
- Optional install/uninstall PDroid
- Access PDroid from within Control Center
- Restrict what installed apps can and cannot know about you.
- The necessary patches to the system framework are included in the addons post #3
Droidwall - firewall, frontend to iptables
- Optional install/uninstall Droidwall
- Access Droidwall from within Control Center
- Restrict internet access on a per-UID base (some apps may share UID, so it's not strictly app-based restriction)
- Restrict 3G, WiFi or both
- Black list or white list modes
Danke an: lowveld xda-developers - View Profile: lowveld
v3.1 als Base (bitte als erstes flashen, wenn man nicht von v3.3 oder 3.2 kommt, dann v.3.4
Add-ons für Themes
- Full wipe if not coming from Endymion V3.0/V3.1/V3.2
- Install V3.1_base
- Optionally flash V3.1 addons package
- Install V3.4 Updater - do not flash addons package after this, the order is important!
- You're done
- BUT the first thing you should do after setting up your phone is go to "settings->tweaks->rosie options->enable quick scroll " and choose semi 2D/3D. Trust me on this.
V3.4 Changelog:
- New kernel: added Reaper governor, a modified smartassV2. Choose for performance.
- Added CPU control to Endy tweaks. Taken directly from Reaper, it allows complete control over OC daemon, OC values and governors for sleep and wake states, UV values (always relative to default), and cpu IO schedulers. Note that V3.4 will uninstall OC/UV Beater if you have it installed. It is no longer needed, and it will conflict with Endy builtin UV control!
- Added AGPS patcher to Endy tweaks. Choose between 4 possible patches (or no patch at all) on the fly. Credits to the author in thie thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1442032
V3.3 Changelog:
- Reverted libsqlite patch, as it caused issues with sense list sortings (e.g. people app filtering and etc)
- Reverted default framework from pdroid-mod to "stock endy". The necessary patches for PDroid to work are posted as addons, but be aware it breaks HTC Facebook Chat app (at least)
- Fixed (at last!!!) HTC Camera app: no more freezes on panorama mode
- Tweak to use volume keys as shutter button on camera now works
- Added new tweak in "Endy tweaks" inside Control Center to add a bass boost on beats (actually replaces beats), as beats doesn't sound so nice on "less good" earphones
- Added new tweak in "Endy tweaks" inside Control Center to enable/disable Rosie fast spinning (you know, when the homescreens start spinning like crazy on a fast swipe).
V3.2 Changelog:
- New control center, includes lots of stuff (see description)
- Patched framework to handle PDroid permission restriction system
- Patched libsqlite.so for faster IO (should also give you another 300 points in quadrant, for those who care)
V3.1 Changelog:
- Fixed HD playback in whatever orientation you want (not just the orientation you recorded the video on)
- Added Endymion Control Center, supporting on-the-fly change of themes, fonts and boot animations, and also changing RCTeam tweaks
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