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Korny89 schrieb:Gibts nen link zum mitlesen?hört sich interessant an ^^
guck die letzten 2-3 seiten im orginalthread auf xda
Folge dem Video um zu sehen, wie unsere Website als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm installiert werden kann.
Anmerkung: This feature currently requires accessing the site using the built-in Safari browser.
Korny89 schrieb:Gibts nen link zum mitlesen?hört sich interessant an ^^
Falles es jemand noch nicht kenntPresenting LeeDrOiD Mod for the HTC Desire HD....Expect future updates
With thanks to: PaulObrien l RaiderX303 l ChainsDD l snq-
If you dont know who I am, why not take a Look at my ever popular HTC Desire ROM Here on XDA or Here on the LeeDrOiD Mini-Site
Basic requirements
- A HTC Desire HD
- Root Access
- A custom recovery
What you get:
- Base Android 2.2.1 - Official HTC RUU 1.72.405
- Clean, De-odexed & Zipaligned
- Kernel - Official HTC
- Rooted with Superuser permissions (thanks to ChainsDD)
- Busybox, Nano & Bash support
- Ram Optimisations
- Fully optomized framework
- Titanium Backup & Rom manager
- HTC Notes, Coin & Sand timer widgets
- Voice Dialer (working with Bluetooth)
- AD-free & hosts
- Spare parts (advanced configuration tool)
- Genie News & Weather widget
- Launcher2 (Optional Stock android launcher)
- Browser Optimisations
- Huge APN List
- Fully optomized framework & Rosie (png's)
- Adjusted auto brightness values
- Android market V2.2.7
- Voice Search V2.1.1
- Adobe Flash Player
- Google Maps V5.0.0
- Facebook V1.5.0
- Gmail V 2.3.2
- YouTube 2.1.6
- Rom Manager & Titanium backup
- R2D2
- Custom LeeDrOiD Bios Boot animation
- Minor UI Tweaks
- Patched services.jar to enble transparency
- Added Launcher2 (default android home option)
- Added Clear default home app
- Custom bootanimation (drop yours in /data/local)
- Clean, Fast & Stable!
- Open VPN Support
Change Log:
- Re-Based on Official HTC RUU 1.72.405.3
- Android 2.2.1!
- Speed, Performance & Battery & Audio improvments
- Cleaned, Deodexed, Zipaligned, Rooted
- Patched services.jar (enable transparency in themes)
- Added Translucent notifacation pulldown
- Minor UI Mods (Status bar icons
- Added OpenVPN Support (Untested)
- New LeeDrOiD BIOS Bootanimation (Thanks Scar45)
- Fixed AdFree Hosts, symlinked from /data/etc/ (Needs Testing)
- Fully optomized framework & Rosie (png's)
- Adjusted auto brightness values
- Updated Android market V2.2.7
- Updated Voice Search V2.1.1
- Updated Flash Player
- Updated Google Maps V5.0.0
- Updated Facebook V1.5.0
- Updated Gmail V 2.3.2
- Updated YouTube 2.1.6
- Updaed Rom Manager & Titanium backup
- Added R2D2 to notifacations (as requested)
- Added Launcher2 (default android home option)
- Added Clear default home app
- Removed Jbed
- Extended power menu temporarily removed due to re-base
- And a few other minor things I cant remember
Change log history in post #2
Follow the instructions >> HERE << to gain access to the clockwork recovery image
Drop the ROM zip on your SD
Boot into recovery (volume down + Power)
Run a NANDROID backup
A full wipe/factory reset is optional at this point.
Select "Install zip from sdcard"
Select "choose zip fom sdcard"
Select "LeeDrOiD_HD_VX.X.zip
Wait for flashing to complete
Reboot (1st boot may take a mins)
If you experience issues after flashing follow the above process again following a Wipe data/Factory reset
Recommended Radio version
Flashing instructions included in the zip
S-Off Required more info Here
Radio zip MD5# 35a5d60556d82eb9267098a9c1ce0556
I have recommended the above radio as it is the version shipped in the RUU with the base ROM, Although a radio update is not 100% required, I always recommend you match your radio with your ROM as each ROM contains specific ril's (Radio Interface Layer's), using a "non matched" radio could have a negative effect on.. Performance, Battery performance & signal
Downloads (Drop Box or Torrent)
Download LeeDrOiD HD V1.3 (Direct Drop box)
Download LeeDrOiD HD V1.3 (Torrent)
If you use the torrent link, PLEASE SEED!!
MD5 Checksum = 61ec1164f9655e097c498392c800914f
Please remember people... You flash your device at your own risk.
All of my roms are fully tested, If you experience issues > try a full wipe
Korny89 schrieb:Ist von revoHD auf leedroid ein data wipe pflicht? Er schreibt was von optional...
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
SD#15 schrieb:Ja, man sollte immer wipen, wenn man zu einem anderen ROM wechselt!
Korny89 schrieb:Ja das weiß ich schon...
ich habe auch gewiped von 1.9.3 auf 2.0.1.
Die frage ist MUSS man unbedingt wipen?
Ich will Leedroid ja eig nur testen.
Kann auch kurz wer sagen was der unterschied zum RevoHD ist?
Korny89 schrieb:Edit: Schaut aber stark nach Sense aus... ???
Frohes NeuesLeeDrOiD HD V1.3a This is an update Patch to be applied "No Wipe" over LeeDrOiD HD V1.3 Download Link below
- Fixed Superuser fc
- Updated Busybox 1.18.1
- Fixed AdFree
- Re-Added Advanced Power Menu
- Amended auto brightness values