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Das erste Gingerbread Final Custom-Rom ist soebend bei XDA erschienen. LeeDroid hat mal den Anfang gemacht:
Link zum original XDA Thread und Download: [ROM] LeeDrOiD HD V3.0.0 GB | 29th April | Official GingerBread w/Sense 2.1 - xda-developers
What you get:
- Base 100% Android 2.3.3 - RUU_Ace_Gingerbread_S_HTC_WWE_2.36.405.8
- m-deejays V7 custom kernel (LeeDrOiD soon)
- Tun, CIFS, Interactive CPU Governor, SLQB, CFS, 10% Audio Boost, V/R I/O scheduler
- You will NOT loose root or S-off...
- Unsecured boot.img with ADB Remount
- De-odexed & Zipaligned
- Rooted with Superuser permissions
- Busybox 1.18.1
- Nano command-line text editor support
- Bash command shell support
- /data/app/ zipaligned on boot (Improved RAM performance)
- Ram Optimizations
- Huge APN List
- Optional A2SD+ Support (requires ext3 partition on sdcard & additional patch from "addons")
- Custom LeeDrOiD Bios Boot animation
- Custom LeeDrOiD Locales & Language support
- Modified GPS server location
- CRT TV Screen on/off animations
- OpenVPN Support
- CIFS & CIFS Manager
- Sense 3.0 USB Selector
- Sense 3.0 Task Manager
- Titanium Backup & Rom manager
- HTC Notes, Coin & Sand timer widgets
- Voice Dialer (working with Bluetooth)
- AD-free & hosts (Updated & working)
- Spare parts (advanced configuration tool)
- Genie News & Weather widget
- Launcher2 (Optional Stock android launcher)
- Google Car Home
- Android market V2.3.4
- Voice Search V2.1.1
- Adobe Flash
- Google Maps 5.3.1
- FaceBook 1.5.4
- Gmail V2.3.4.1
- YouTube
- R2D2
- Supported Languages: English, Czech, German, Espanol, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Norwegian, Korean, Greek, Turkish, Swedish, Danish, Portuguese, Finnish, Thai, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Croatian & more! < All tested! (some locals may only be partial as they will not be coded into all applications)
Planned for future builds
To be flashed with CWM 2 or 3, If you are coming from a 2.2 FroYo ROM a full wipe is required..
- Advanced power menu - DONE!
- Translucent app drawer
- Translucent notif pull down
- Custom LeeDrOiD Kernel
- & Much more!!
Known Issues:
Change Log
LeeDrOiD Ace GB Kernel V3.0.1 - 4th May - Current kernel
My Source on GitHub
- Huge code cleanup's
- Heavily optimised
- Debugging info stripped
- O/C Up to 1.8GHz AKA "Nutter Mode"
- Fixed HW3D driver registration
- Modified & Optimised Interactive CPU Governor
- VR I/O Scheduler as default
- Smartass governor as default - 245MHz - 1036Mhz
- The only desire HD Kernel in history to build with 0 Compiler warnings/errors using a recent tool-chain. (GCC 4.5.1)
- Flash in browser fix included and 100% working!
LeeDrOiD GB Kernel V1.0.1 3rd May 1:46am
- Patched to linux upstream
- Default clock speeds set to 245Mhz - 1036MHz
- Adobe flash in browser fix included
LeeDrOiD GB Kernel V1.0.0 3rd May Initial release
- Base - m-deejays V8 source
- OpenVPN - CIFS - UTF8
- I/O Schedulers Deadline - Noop - V/R - sio -cfq
- O/C up to 1497MHz (1036Mhz default)
- CPU Governors - Smartass Interactive, Powersave, OnDemand, Performance & Conservative
- Heavily modified Smartass config
- LeeDrOiD Optimal CPU table & VDD Levels
- WiFi PM=FAST in standby
- Allocated un-cached video buffers as write combine
- Huge config cleanup's
- Removed lots of debugging info
- Built with the latest sourcery GCC tool chain
- Adobe flash in browser fix included
LeeDrOiD HD 3.0.1 GB - 1st May - CURRENT ROM
- Added m-deejays V7 custom kernel (LeeDrOiD soon)
- Tun, CIFS, Interactive CPU Governor, SLQB, CFS, 10% Audio Boost, V/R I/O scheduler
- Added Advanced power menu
- Fixed Auto rotate issue
- Fixed reboot issue
- Very slight auto brightness tweak
- Added Sense 3.0 USB connect menu
- Added Sense 3.0 Task Manager
- Updated 2.3.3 LeeDrOiD boot animation thanks to A5J4DX
- Added OpenVPN support
- Added CIFS Manager
LeeDrOiD HD 3.0.0 GB - INITIAL RELEASE 29th April
- Base - RUU_Ace_Gingerbread_S_HTC_WWE_2.36.405.8_R
- Rooted - Unsecured boot.img
- Fully De-odexed & ZipAligned
- BusyBox - Bash - Nano -sysrw/ro
- init.d busybox run-parts support
- ZipAlign on boot
- Patched CRT TV Animation
- Fixed overscroll glow animation
- LeeDrOiD Locales
- LeeDrOiD Boot animation - audio & wallpapers
- Patched build ID to allow all apps in market
- Removed Amazon MP3 & SoundHorn
- Added Voice Dialer
- Added ROM Manager
- Added Titanium Backup
- Added Ad Free
- Added Astro file explorer
- Added Google Car Home
- Updated Adobe Flash
- Updated Google Maps 5.3.1
- Updated FaceBook 1.5.4
- Updated Twitter 2.0.2
- Updated Talk Back 2.7.5
- Updated Ad Free hosts
Recommended Radio
to be flashed via fastboot "fastboot flash radio /radio.img"
MD5 Checksum 2dc4cfc01516d71c8d68ac2c5e2feda0
Link zum original XDA Thread und Download: [ROM] LeeDrOiD HD V3.0.0 GB | 29th April | Official GingerBread w/Sense 2.1 - xda-developers
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