LeeDrOiD_HD_V3.3.1_GB - 9th July
- Moved to CFS Kernel (V3.2.0) as default once again (cleaner logs)
- Updated & Fixed Advanced power menu
- Fixed framework compression
- Fixed Weather widget/wallpaper force close & audio
- Re-added Sense 3.0 USB Conection interface
- Fixed wifi signal indicator
- Re-added extended quick settings
- "Clear" button is now centered
- "cat" symlinked to "/bin" & "/xbin" (plex fix)
- Updated Rom Manager
- Updated Flash Player
- Updated Titanium backup
- Updated Google Maps 5.1.7 (resign - Worldwide Nav)
- Several other tweaks
- Updated "Remove transparency" patch
- Updated DHD to Inspire4G patch
gibt ne neue Version ^^