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Android Revolution HD 2.0.0 [24.12.2010]
- New base - Android 2.2.1 based on HTC ROM 1.72.405.3
- Full ROOT access
- Fully deodexed, zipaligned and optimized
- Extended apn's list
- Cleaned up and tweaked
- New su symlinks
- Fixed messages widget issue
- Fixed problems with RockPlayer and some other players
- Fixed languages selection
- Fixed YouTube issue
- ES File Explorer updated to latest
- Removed Google Partner Setup
- Fixed Ad-Free issue (thx to LeeDroid for that)
- Default ad-free hosts updated
- Some minor changes
1. This version comes with default kernel. I will add custom kernel with 1.22GHz OC soon!
2. You don't need to be radio s-off to flash this ROM. But if you want to flash new radio, YOU NEED TO BE RADIO S-OFF!
3. Don't use any extras listed in the second post with this ROM. I have to change them to work with 2.x.x versions!
4. I suggest doing FULL WIPE before upgrading to 2.0.0 (data, boot, cache and system + wiping tool)
5. Thank you for your attention, all beers, drinks, vodkas etc.. and Marry Christmas to you ALL!!!
Lesen BILDET! Lest euch doch wenigstens den Ursprungsthread durch wenn ich schon irgendwas rumflashed ohne peil... !!!