- 852
-> XDA-Thread
-> Dev
Stock+: schnell & stabil mit aktuellsten Sicherheitspatch
Stock+ NBD91K features:
Stock+ NPF26F features.
entfernte APK's:
- Bootet ins Recovery (TWRP empfohlen)
- führt ein wipe durch (Dalvik/ART, System, Data & cache)
- flasht das Radio & den Bootloader
- flasht das Rom
-> falls verschlüsselt:
per ADB: fastboot format userdata (löscht eueren Speicher, vorher backup eurer Daten erstellen)
per ADB: fastboot flash recovery TWRP
In den Recovery-Modus und ein wipe durchführen
flasht die Rom
flasht das Raido & den Bootloader
-> Nougat 7.0 NBD91K
-> NBD91K vendor
-> NRD90M Radio & Bootloader flashable zip
MD5: 094e546b8d67e2b3d30a61c94228ad8b
Developer Preview 2
-> Nougat 7.1.1 NPF26F
-> NPF26F Vendor
-> NPF10C Radio & Bootloader flashable zip
-> Mods Sammlung (NBD91K)
-> Mods Sammlung (NPF26F)
Wenn du dem Dev ein Bier kaufen willst
You can donate HERE
-> Dev
Stock+: schnell & stabil mit aktuellsten Sicherheitspatch
Stock+ NBD91K features:
-Built from latest Factory Image for Nexus 6p.
-Layers native support.
-Only core Gapps included.
-Added root with SuperSU 2.78 R1 Credit Chainfire
-Added Busybox 1.25.1 Credit YashdSaraf
-Added su.d support.
-Added init.d support.
-Insecure boot image. (It is basically adb as root)
-Disabled forced encryption.
-Disabled dm-verity.
-Multi-Window native support.
-Enabled WiFi Tethering.
-Hidden adb notification icon.
-Added simple reboot app. (credit ffranco)
-Substratum legacy support.
-Layers native support.
-Only core Gapps included.
-Added root with SuperSU 2.78 R1 Credit Chainfire
-Added Busybox 1.25.1 Credit YashdSaraf
-Added su.d support.
-Added init.d support.
-Insecure boot image. (It is basically adb as root)
-Disabled forced encryption.
-Disabled dm-verity.
-Multi-Window native support.
-Enabled WiFi Tethering.
-Hidden adb notification icon.
-Added simple reboot app. (credit ffranco)
-Substratum legacy support.
Stock+ NPF26F features.
- Built from latest Factory Image for Nexus 6p.
- Layers native support.
- Only core Gapps included.
- Debloated.
- Odex.
- Zipaligned.
- Added root with SuperSU 2.78 SR4 Credit Chainfire
- Added Busybox 1.25.1 Credit YashdSaraf
- Added su.d support.
- Added init.d support.
- Insecure boot image. (It is basically adb as root)
- Disabled forced encryption.
- Disabled dm-verity.
- Multi-Window native support.
- Enabled WiFi Tethering.
- Hidden adb notification icon.
- Added simple reboot app. (credit ffranco)
- Substratum legacy support.
- Added pixel boot animation modded by me
entfernte APK's:
- Books
- CalendargooglePrebuilt
- Chrome
- CloudPrint2
- Drive
- EditorsDocsStub
- EditorsSheetsStub
- EditorsslidesStub
- FitnessPrebuilt
- GoogleEars
- GoogleHindiiME
- Google japaneseinput
- GooglePinyiniME
- Hangouts
- KoreaniME
- Maps
- Music2
- NewStandStub
- Photos
- Playgames
- PlusOne
- PrebuiltbugleStub
- PrebuiltGmail
- PrebuiltKeepStub
- PrebuiltNewsWeather
- talkback
- Videos
- Youtube
- Bootet ins Recovery (TWRP empfohlen)
- führt ein wipe durch (Dalvik/ART, System, Data & cache)
- flasht das Radio & den Bootloader
- flasht das Rom
-> falls verschlüsselt:
per ADB: fastboot format userdata (löscht eueren Speicher, vorher backup eurer Daten erstellen)
per ADB: fastboot flash recovery TWRP
In den Recovery-Modus und ein wipe durchführen
flasht die Rom
flasht das Raido & den Bootloader
-> Nougat 7.0 NBD91K
-> NBD91K vendor
-> NRD90M Radio & Bootloader flashable zip
MD5: 094e546b8d67e2b3d30a61c94228ad8b
Developer Preview 2
-> Nougat 7.1.1 NPF26F
-> NPF26F Vendor
-> NPF10C Radio & Bootloader flashable zip
-> Mods Sammlung (NBD91K)
-> Mods Sammlung (NPF26F)
Wenn du dem Dev ein Bier kaufen willst
You can donate HERE
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