- 1.188
- Themenstarter
- #141
Hatte bisher noch keine Zeit den Startbeitrag zu aktualisieren aber nach der OP am Mittwoch habe ich ja dann viel Zeit
Folge dem Video um zu sehen, wie unsere Website als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm installiert werden kann.
Anmerkung: This feature currently requires accessing the site using the built-in Safari browser.
Android File Host LinkRevert Heads up (there is now an app out, free for xda users here
expanded statusbar is now full black (bottom line was grey)
new rasta logo if there are no recent apps
Fixed (hopefully) Systemupdate wakelock after updating Play Services to 5.xx A huge thanks to @BaNkS and CyanogenMod
rascarlo schrieb:i am back from vacation
new build is up
- frameworks/base:
.fix volume panel traslucent after stream icon click
- packages/app/Settings:
.Revert "Move mobile settings to settings headers"
- vendor/rascarlo:
.disabled packages: Add new GMS updater activity name
This should address the new Google play service battery drain
Switched to Slim's version of headsup. Headsup is disabled by default, to enable it simply long press the notification in statusbar and click enable headsup , all other heads up setttings are located in Settings/Build Tweaks/Lichti addons/ ....
---Options are: Always expanded / Show update (ongoing notifications) / Snooze Timer (Snooze button in heads up window to disable heads up from 0 - 20 minutes / Time out (how long the notification is shown)
Dialer: CallUI in background as headsup notification enabled by default
Revert PEEK
Delated Power Menu Tile Quick Action Power menu is way faster, no need to keep them both (+ cleaner Quick Settings)
jarjar124 schrieb:New build is up! Not much difference in features lol sorry to disappoint
Anyways, the new build includes gcc optimizations with sabermod toolchain 4.8
Note: When booting up, it might seem slow or laggy. Give it a few minutes to completely set up. I'm still trying to figure out why. It is stable so don't worry!
- Sabermod GCC 4.8
- New build optimizations
- ART optimizations
- Themeable battery in quicksettings
- Fix for wifi fc in settings when holo is set to light
- A lot more, but just forgot!
Edit: Build pulled as something was left out! Sorry!
Edit2: Build back up!
Crostantin schrieb:Rastaboost online. Vers. boost-1.1 (20/07)
for who is following me, this should be a better V2 version...other opt. in a week
- some fixes
- moved
- increased led time on notification
- moved powermenu to build tweaks
- synced with last rastakat frameworks