- 17.627
Da nicht mehr vorhanden...
Die aktuellste Version ist vom 27.09. und die finale L Version: Cataclysm-Sep_27_2015-HAMMERHEAD-Lollipop-5.1.1_r14_Stable_Final.zip | Cataclysm-Sep_27_2015-HAMMERHEAD-Lollipop-5.1.1_r14_Stable_Final.zip | ROM by atl4ntis for Nexus 5
Die aktuellste Version ist vom 27.09. und die finale L Version: Cataclysm-Sep_27_2015-HAMMERHEAD-Lollipop-5.1.1_r14_Stable_Final.zip | Cataclysm-Sep_27_2015-HAMMERHEAD-Lollipop-5.1.1_r14_Stable_Final.zip | ROM by atl4ntis for Nexus 5
[DOUBLEPOST=1443699978,1443699830][/DOUBLEPOST]Ich habe den OP und Thread-Titel mal stellvertretend entsprechend aktualisiert...Cataclysm Sep 27, 2015 Stable Final LP
Hey all,
this is the final LP release.
Thanks everyone, the users, the donors, the translators, xda, the mods for this great year.
I've some new interesting ideas for MM so i'm looking forward to start the new development cycle!
Changelog since latest stable (in bold since latest beta):
Sep 25, 2015: Wake on notifications: removed global wake dependency on pocket detection.
Sep 24, 2015: Wake on notifications: don't wake if covered is now optional.
Sep 18, 2015: Clear notification button on statusbar: don't hide default one.
Sep 13, 2015: Slightly bigger circular battery.
Sep 13, 2015: Fixed crash on DPI below 290.