[ROM][Lollipop 5.1.1][HAMMERHEAD]Cataclysm for Nexus 5[Sep 27- Stable Final]

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Bei mir erscheint das update 4.4.3. Geht das problemlos auf Cataclysm?

Gesendet von meinem Nexus 5 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Nein, du kannst nicht das Stock Update auf eine Custom installieren.
Wie vermutet. Aber da es auf scheint ist es sehr verlockend.

Gesendet von meinem Nexus 5 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Wenn du eine 4.4.3 Rom möchtest, wirst du wohl erstmal eine andere nutzen müssen.. Siehe letzte Seite.
Sachen gibt's... Der Dev ist wieder zurück, der Thread auf xda ist wieder geöffnet... Eine Rom mit Android L ist wahrscheinlich :)
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Reaktionen: BorussenTobi, nonames64, spacetaxi und eine weitere Person
Das ist ja krass!
Wahnsinn. Das wäre ja Top
Ein Release mit KK 4.4.4 ist erschienen, und zwar hier: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?a=show&w=files&flid=9312

Das gesamte Posting:
atl4ntis schrieb:
Hey guys, little update.
Still adding features on 5.0 daily, i'm waiting an external tool not yet updated so can merge my AOSP build with Stock.
Then i can release small update pack daily as i'm not merging my code all at once due to massive changes but every feature at once.

As some of you requested i've upped a 4.4.4 build on androidfilehost. https://www.androidfilehost.com/?a=show&w=files&flid=9312
MD5 is 636f8fdec626e12691bc2c5a97c51fde.
Dev-host is currently down, but expect a mirror there.

I'm going to drop goo.im support as they've been too amateur for my taste. They are always moving, dev login is broken so is shell access, since ages. They've also unhide hidden files.

Unlike all Cata features the fast runtime switch thingie is buried into dev settings and it' won't check the available space cause this wasn't intended to go public so do your maths and use at your own risks.
The cursor control on keyb is only for qwerty layout atm, Lollipop build will have support for every layout.
I've prefered the layout approach instead of modifying the navbar as i find it less intrusive.
Und die erste beta :)
atl4ntis schrieb:
Hey everyone,
sorry for being few hours late but spent some time to add a basic QuickToggles customization.
I've not yet added new but you can disable/rearrange existing ones. Of course new toggles will come shortly.
This release comes with all the features i could add in few days as the big part was the merge, more will come.
Here's the changelog:

Nov 22, 2014: Delete button on screenshots notifications.
Nov 21, 2014: QuickToggles haptic feedback.
Nov 21, 2014: QuickToggles quick pulldown (six modes).
Nov 21, 2014: QuickToggles rearrange for default toggles.
Nov 21, 2014: QuickToggles choose for default toggles.
Nov 21, 2014: Expanded date clickable go to calendar.
Nov 21, 2014: Exposed AppOps. Fixed Google derp.
Nov 20, 2014: Disabled system update.
Nov 20, 2014: Volume key cursor control.
Nov 20, 2014: Disable full screen keyboard.
Nov 20, 2014: Disable power menu on secure lockscreen.
Nov 20, 2014: Smart Radio.
Nov 19, 2014: Sleep button on statusbar. Longpress for power menu.
Nov 18, 2014: Clear all recents button on navbar. Won't kill the task from which is invoked and go back to it.
Nov 17, 2014: Disable low battery warning.
Nov 17, 2014: Disable wake when (un)plugged.
Nov 17, 2014: Allow 180° rotation.
Nov 17, 2014: Longpress recent to last task. Move task to front or reopen.
Nov 17, 2014: Led notification light shortened to 3 sec (down from 7).
Nov 17, 2014: Longpress back to kill app. Also remove it from recents.
Nov 16, 2014: Disable GoogleNow gesture.
Nov 16, 2014: Disable volume adjust beep.
Nov 16, 2014: Added proper resource for ime key land.
Nov 16, 2014: Disable adb notification.
Nov 16, 2014: Resize navbar. Icons scale down only below 75%. Optional portrait only.
Nov 16, 2014: Extended power menu - Reboot.
Nov 16, 2014: Modified AOSP android-5.0.0.r3 to output lrx21o stock firmware.

Zips are on the usual folders on homepage.

MD5 : 1c0ffdb2fc497cef9f36dc78db5f07de
SHA1: a7967037ad0ca3a1a751c8b85fcf526e59f1e0e1

Installation and first boot will take a bit (like 10 min) as firmware is fully deodexed (cheers).
Fresh installation is recommended.
If installation fail, make sure you don't have /system mounted, just reboot again in recovery and install again.
Would be nice if you could keep suggestions only about existing features, to improve them as i've already planned new features and my roadmap so your ideas may already be there.
Cataclysm is already rooted and with gapps and busybox. Changing kernel "may" break root.

Any modification, like improved Cataclysm with undocumented tweaks, and redistribution is not allowed.
You're not allowed to use Cataclysm as "base".

Be nice, post constructively and report bugs, if any, with more infos as possible.
Let the games... begin (cit.)


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Reaktionen: OnkelDan, BorussenTobi, sakerhetz und eine weitere Person
Hatte eben mal geflasht, aber meine ganzen Daten waren nicht mehr da.Sd Karte war leer? Bin erst mal wieder auf mein Nandroid zurück.
Also bei mir sind alle Daten da, nur für den Flash und das erste Booten braucht man sehr viel Geduld, deutlich mehr als bei anderen.
Dafür endlich wieder SmartRadio und ein paar gute Tweaks.
Bis jetzt für mich die beste Lollipop Rom.
Bei mir wird die SD karte nicht gefunden :confused2:
Bei mir hat auch was nicht so ganz geklappt...
Hatte n nandroid Backup gemacht, Rom installiert...
Nach dem starten war das Backup weg... Aber läuft jetzt, bis auf die Tatsache, dass ein paar Daten fehlen
Hab die Rom mit dem hellscore am laufen und bin zufrieden, was die Performance betrifft, zur Laufzeit kann ich erst morgen was sagen, wenn ich einen Zyklus im "Normalbetrieb" durch habe :)
In naher Zukunft kommt ein kleines update

Und schon da

atl4ntis schrieb:
Hello everyone,
this little update (it's actually 10mb, was 23 before zippin) will fix some issue you reported and will add few highly requested features.
This update must be flashed on top of Nov 22 release, no wipes needed.
Remeber, do not mount /system or flash will fail, just boot into recovery and flash it.
If you didn't install anything yet you can flash the big zip and then the update without rebooting.
Overnight will slowly upload a full zip cause my internet sux.

Thanks for your feedbacks.

The update zip is on usual directories, here's the changelog:

Nov 24, 2014: Aggressively disable Play Services System Update causing wakelocks for some users.
Nov 24, 2014: Fixed sleep button overlap with QS Header switch.
Nov 24, 2014: Shortened longpress to kill to 1s (down from 2s).
Nov 24, 2014: Disable statusbar clock.
Nov 24, 2014: Disabled dun required for Wifi tethering.
Nov 24, 2014: Volume rocker wake. Press both volUp and volDown to wake if music is playing.
Nov 24, 2014: Moved clear recent button up for pie users. Faster/smoother animation. Fix showing when not needed.
Nov 24, 2014: Vibrate on call remote pickup/hangup.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: schurgan, BorussenTobi, Bödi und eine weitere Person
Der Dev legt ein hohes Tempo vor :D

atl4ntis schrieb:
This zip will update any of your Lollipop Cataclysm installation to latest.

- No wipes needed
- Do not mount /system.
- Just boot into recovery and flash it.
- First boot may take a lot of time.

A full 27 Nov release will appear sometimes in the future.
If you don't have any Lollipop Cataclysm installation you can grab an older full release and apply this zip over it without rebooting.

The update zip is on usual directories on first post

MD5: 9aeaea30fe8b2cbb5ad77667a72791c1
SHA1: 2a1577657643233168f1b25f1a30df6ab4ebab92

Here's the changelog:

(In bold the very latest changes, but zip contains all of them.)

Nov 27, 2014: Fixed switches in appops detail being out of the view sometimes (aosp bug).
Nov 27, 2014: Temporarily fixed animation when pulling directly QS without notifications and while not on lockscreen (aosp bug).
Nov 26, 2014: Lockscreen rotation.
Nov 26, 2014: AM/PM on statusbar clock.
Nov 26, 2014: Center statusbar clock.
Nov 26, 2014: Quick PIN unlock.
Nov 25, 2014: Volume rocker wake: correctly eat the volKey after waken.
Nov 25, 2014: Fixed sleep button overlap with QS Header switch when closing QS with showdetails.

Nov 24, 2014: Aggressively disable Play Services System Update causing wakelocks for some users.
Nov 24, 2014: Fixed sleep button overlap with QS Header switch.
Nov 24, 2014: Shortened longpress to kill to 1s (down from 2s).
Nov 24, 2014: Disable statusbar clock.
Nov 24, 2014: Disabled dun required for Wifi tethering.
Nov 24, 2014: Volume rocker wake. Press both volUp and volDown to wake if music is playing.
Nov 24, 2014: Moved clear recent button up for pie users. Faster/smoother animation. Fix showing when not needed.
Nov 24, 2014: Vibrate on call remote pickup/hangup.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: sakerhetz, Bödi und schurgan
Das Ding läuft absolut weich wie Butter. Unglaublich.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: schurgan und Bödi
Und total stabil... Vor allem, wenn man bedenkt, dass die Rom erst im beta Stadium ist :)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi
Die Version vom 24.11. ist die aktuelle, oder? Und kann jemand was zum eingebauten Kernel sagen?
Vom 27. Gibt's ein kleines update, drei posts über deinem :)

Ich hab den hellscore b6.3 am laufen und bin zufrieden vom Tempo und Laufzeit :)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi

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