[ROM][CM11][KK 4.4.2] DroidKang

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★★★ Welcome To DroidKang ★★★

DroidKang ist eine pure CyanogenMod 11 Rom mit einigen zusätzlichen Tweaks und Mods. Tweaks und Mods werden jedem neuen Build hinzugefügt.


  • base is CyanogenMod 11
  • Dark UI
  • 3-Way Reboot Menu
  • Statusbar mods
  • Notification drawer mods
  • Notification LED mods
  • Screen mods
  • Animation mods
  • Battery Icon mods
  • System Animation tweaks
  • Navigation Bar mods
  • HALO from Paranoid Android
  • Active Display Notifications from MotoX
  • Listview Mods
  • Use ART Runtime without issues
  • and much more ...


  1. Im Recovery einen Wipe/Factory Reset durchführen (Pflicht wenn ihr von einer anderen Rom kommt)
  2. Flasht DroidKang.zip per recovery
  3. Flahst die gApps
  4. Reboot!

DroidKang v19 | Mirror




DroidKang v19
Add Donations
- Settings -> System Info -> Donations
Add "OmniROM Audio Theme"
- Settings -> Sound -> Sound packs
Add "Connection manager"
- Settings -> Wireless & Network (More...) -> Connection Manager
Add "Caption detection Toggle" - OmniROM
Add "Add Dialer suggestions and reverse lookup" - OmniROM
Add "OmniSwitch" by OmniROM
Add back quick unlock for pin/password security
Add updated "LocationTile" from SlimRom
Add "Handle navbar heights correct on dpi changes + more" - SlimRom
Add "Updates to QuickSettings : Quick Collapse"
Add "Super advanced Custom Toggle" - SlimROM
Add "Notification drawer - full swipe-to-switch detection"
Add "New drawables for nav bar" - kercinzer
Add "Custom Carrier Label"
Add "Pimp up Notification Labels Hide"
Add "Add option to always show battery status on lockscreen"
Add "Lockscreen Glowpad Torch"
frameworks/base: Lockscreen Notifications: rewrite add notification logic
frameworks/base: Vpn: Setup routes
frameworks/base: added national roaming for Noverca in Italia
frameworks/base: added national roaming for BSNL in India
frameworks/base: more fix Active Display (again)
frameworks/base: Prevent MediaScanner infinite loop with invalid path
frameworks/base: Revert "Fix error checking in MemoryFile."
frameworks/base: ActivityManager: Fix monkey tests
frameworks/base: fix on tablets notification drawer height on custom image background
frameworks/base: restore navbar compatibility with several xposed modules
frameworks/base: frameworks: Remove KeyguardTestActivity (Hope systemui improved battery life …)
frameworks/base: Restore ProfileGroup notification override functionality
frameworks/base: storage: Don't list removed volumes in storage list
frameworks/base: AppOps: fix allow/reject counting
frameworks/base: Quick Record Tile Save Location
frameworks/base: Fix NPE causing a hot reboot when pressing power button
frameworks/base: SUPL early data connection fix
frameworks/base: Increase overall scroll smoothness
frameworks/base: GlobalActions: Set the initial status of airplane mode toggle
frameworks/base: Add Fast Charge QS Tile
frameworks/base: Speedup kill app timeout delay
frameworks/base: Fix for the race in Wallpaperservice
frameworks/base: Bluetooth: Fix to avoid framework reboot during monkey
frameworks/base: ProcessCpuTracker: Fix ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException in tempSpeeds
frameworks/base: server: Treat non-default route as host route
frameworks/base: Fix dest == src bugs in Matrix.cpp
frameworks/base: GpsLocationProvider: look for config file in /etc/gps..conf
frameworks/base: fb: unbreak recents animations on thumbnail click or dismiss recents screen
frameworks/base: fix search textfield
frameworks/base: fix number picker blue line and highlight
frameworks/base: Fixed cancel() not working correctly
frameworks/base: Fix the issue that the top of fullscreen dialog is clipped away
frameworks/base: Added national roaming info for Jazztel Movil in Spain
frameworks/base: Fixed incorrect calculation of dirty invalidation area
frameworks/base: Fix error checking in MemoryFile
frameworks/base: Bluetooth: HID: Add support for HID Device Role
frameworks/base: Bluetooth: Changes for LPP and extended LE scan
frameworks/base: OBEX: Reduce Obex MTU size for A2DP or SCO concurrency
frameworks/base: Bluetooth: Cleaning up sap service object to avoid serviceRecord leaks
frameworks/base: Bluetooth: Fix to avoid framework reboot during monkey
frameworks/base: alarms: clean up duplicated sounds
frameworks/base: FIX LTE QS Toggle
frameworks/base: Keyguard: don't refresh ui when screen off
frameworks/base: ProcessList: use different polling interval when screen off
frameworks/base: UI not updated correctly in expanded statusbar
frameworks/base: onAccountsUpdated shouldn't be called back after listener unregistered
frameworks/base: Fix wrong IME state handlings on keyboard switches
frameworks/base: Keyguard: do not allow to delete the system widget if widgets are disabled
frameworks/base: Fix preference puts with "null" values
frameworks/base: MountService listeners can not be unregistered
frameworks/base: Add NULL check in updateProxyConfig
frameworks/base: Before requerying a cursor, check if it is closed
frameworks/base: Fix a variety of small publicly-reported bugs
frameworks/base: Make SurfaceView layers captured by screenshotApplications
frameworks/base: Re-initialize error after attach
frameworks/base: wlan: Do not disable the network on Assoc Reject/Authentication Failure
frameworks/base: Bluetooth: HID-C: Add support for error parameter for reportError
frameworks/base: Increases Gatt connection timeout value to be 30 secs
frameworks/base: Bluetooth: Validate input parameters of gatt characteristics
frameworks/base: Bluetooth: Fix PXP LPP app link loss reconnection
frameworks/base: [ActivityManager]: Fix the activity visibility state not sync between ActivityManager and WindowManager
Settings: Don't crash if we pause too quickly
Settings: Enable Back-key when go to Emergency call
Settings: PrivacyGuard: confirm permissions reset
Settings: Make Privacy Guard a first class citizen in the Settings app.
Settings: Fix up top level "Privacy" section
Settings: Fix Bug Tile Size
Settings: Fix NPE with null check on NFC adapter
Settings: Unbreak PIN/Password lockscreen options
Settings: Fix memory leak in ManageApplication ApplicationsAdapter
Settings: Bluetooth: disable scan icon when BT state is off
Settings: Bluetooth: Validate the device for A2dpSink
Settings: Add some more entries into 'SMS message limit' menu
Settings: Fix clock font style default setting
Updated latest CM11 sources
and much much more


CyanogenMod, entropy512, DJLaMontagneIII, David van Tonder, Temasek, TeamDouche, SlimROM, AOKP, CarbonROM, ChameleonOS ,ParanoidAndroid ,Yank555 ,AndreiLux ,AndiP71 ,DerTeufel



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Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi und Radagast
Gibt es ein paar Bilder ?
Ups, hab die Quelle vergessen.... Auf xda gibts keine Bilder und ich selbst hab die Rom noch gar nicht probiert. Werd ich die Tage aber nachholen und dann Bilder online stellen ;)
Kaum da, schon ein Update zur v2, auch neue Gapps dabei, über v1 reicht wipe cache und dalvik ...

Via Tapa, daher keine Links ;)

Changelog steht in Post 1 bei XDA ...
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi
Liest sich ja ziemlich gut. Vielleicht teste ich die heute Abend mal. Nur ist nicht das "Kang" im Namen und CM als Basis etwas widersprüchlich?
Sehr ich auch so, Bödi ... vielleicht kommen ja noch AOKP-Elemente dazu, später ...
Wieso? Cm bildet die Base und es werden eben Sachen die der Dev für gut empfindet gekanged
V2 ist raus
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi

DroidKang v2
synced with CM11 sources @ 08:00 CET
added custom battery icon mods
added custom system animations
new PA Gapps link added
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi
calamaris schrieb:
Gibt es ein paar Bilder ?
Habe gerade V2 geflasht und mal ein paar Screenshots gemacht.

Finde die Rom ganz ok, läuft flüssig und scheint stabil zu sein. Mir persönlich fehlen allerdings ein paar Sachen (z.B. die Stock Kamera mit HDR+). Die "Dark Nexus 5 UI" scheint noch nicht ganz ausgereift zu sein; zumindest blieb bei mir die Statusleiste schwarz, wo sie eigentlich transparent sein sollte.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Radagast und merhans
Kannst du die vielleicht in nen spoiler packen, sind ja doch paar mehr^^
DroidKang v3 ist draußen. Changelog habe ich bei XDA gerade nicht gesehen.

Full Wipe wird empfohlen!
Wie immer im op zu finden bei xda

DroidKang v3
synced with CM11 sources @ 10:30 CET
added QS & QS Ribbons - its still wip
navbar and navring customizations
Lockscreen maximized widgets
QuickSettings: Invert long click and click actions - Omni (xplodwild)
Quicksettings: swap the behaviour of the wifi tile.
- onClick on/off
- onLongClick open wifi settings
added "Clear all recents" - Bottom left corner
-clicking on the Time will open the alarm
-clicking on the Date will open the calendar

PS dein spoiler geht nicht, lass mal =screenshots weg
merhans schrieb:
PS dein spoiler geht nicht, lass mal =screenshots weg
Ich nehme an, dass du mit Tapatalk unterwegs bist? Der spoiler BBCode wird von Tapatalk nämlich nicht erkannt. Im Browser geht's bei mir.
Das siehst Du richtig, Bödi ;)

Ohne Spoiler :eek::D



  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi
Ist zwar OT aber ohne den Zusatz gehen Spoiler auch in Tapatalk ;)


  • uploadfromtaptalk1384682943150.jpg
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DroidKang v4-Changelog

Settings: Add lockscreen ring battery setting
Setting: Lockscreen maximized widgets
Settings: Bring back Maximize widgets
Settings: Bring back Volume dialog features
Settings: Bring back the new Quiet Hours UI
Lockscreen: Add timeout and instant lock option to slide lock
Settings: fetch navbar color from systemUI
Settings: statusbar reflect am/pm based on the global user settings 12h/24h format
synced with CyanogenMod sources

Download DroidKang Rom

Please make a FULL WIPE...
DroidKang v4

Nichts scheint so vergänglich zu sein, wie eine DroidKang-Version, hier schon die v5:



DroidKang v5

Settings: MediaScanner behavior on boot
Settings : Quick settings / Ribbons more fitting drawables
Merge Settings: Set some strings to translatable="false"" into cm-11.0 Merge "Add direct launcher prefs access to home settings fragment."
Settings: restore hardware tunable values on boot
Quick Settings: Swipe to switch
QuickSettings: Update all QS drawables to match KitKat style
Fix: external storage problem NavRing and NavBar applications thx kufikugel
Frameworks: speed up statubar/notification drawer thx IceColdJelly Improve scrolling cache
synced with latest CM11 sources PA Gapps updated link
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: tec007 und Bödi

DroidKang v6

Settings : Port lockscreen shortcut configuration
Settings: add summary to hide carrier label
Settings: add RAM bar option
Correct navbar landscape default value for reset
Settings: new dslv + Dialog handling
Settings: Slims new Custom Power Menu
Update TRDS with google UI changes for 4.4
QuickSettings: Ported from cm-10.2
Speed up orientation rotation
Move set of persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib to SystemServer only
Set persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib at system server startup
Color system icons on navring like the other by default
Add battery level around unlock ring
Update missing google UI changes for 4.4
MediaScanner behavior on boot
Fix: external storage problem NavRing and NavBar applications Frameworks: speed up statubar/notification drawer
Improve scrolling cache
Fix: video playback
Fix rounding issues and take density into account
Change alert dialog to new 4.4 UI guidelines
Synced with CM11 sources
Updated PA Gapps Package Link


DroidKang_v6_M3dD0g.zip | by M3dD0g for Nexus 5

PA-Gapps vom 19.11.:

My Files
Auch wenns scheinbar keinen interessiert :flapper:



DroidKang v7 System wide immersive mode aka expanded desktop added thx Slimroms - To enable expanded desktop ---> Navigation -> Global Menu fb: Fix FindBugs issues SystemUI: fix RecentPanel position in landscape mode fb: fix recents animation on new immersive mode Fix to NullPointerException when activity is relaunched Keyguard: Set WIDGET_CATEGORY_KEYGUARD when AppWidgetHostView is created fb: Remove possible leak when exception occurred Wifi: Fix for connection failure between third client and GC SystemUI: Add missing recycle calls Correctly set the animation flag of the ActionBar Update the layer's alpha value upon composition of the layer Memory leak in IInputMethodSessionWrapper executeMessage Fix NPE in ConnectivityService Fix a JNI local reference leak in JNIMediaPlayerListener SystemUI: update internal state right after hiding transient bars Keyguard: smooth background change Fix a programmatic smooth scroll bug Clear recents screen Synced with CM11 sources
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi und Peter Griffin
Bvt schrieb:
Auch wenns scheinbar keinen interessiert :flapper:



DroidKang v7 System wide immersive mode aka expanded desktop added thx Slimroms - To enable expanded desktop ---> Navigation -> Global Menu fb: Fix FindBugs issues SystemUI: fix RecentPanel position in landscape mode fb: fix recents animation on new immersive mode Fix to NullPointerException when activity is relaunched Keyguard: Set WIDGET_CATEGORY_KEYGUARD when AppWidgetHostView is created fb: Remove possible leak when exception occurred Wifi: Fix for connection failure between third client and GC SystemUI: Add missing recycle calls Correctly set the animation flag of the ActionBar Update the layer's alpha value upon composition of the layer Memory leak in IInputMethodSessionWrapper executeMessage Fix NPE in ConnectivityService Fix a JNI local reference leak in JNIMediaPlayerListener SystemUI: update internal state right after hiding transient bars Keyguard: smooth background change Fix a programmatic smooth scroll bug Clear recents screen Synced with CM11 sources

doch mich! ;)

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